4 research outputs found

    Morphological Changes due to Anthropogenic Interferences in Gendol River Valley, Merapi Volcano

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    This research aims to identify the morphological changes in Gendol river, Merapi volcano. After the eruption 2010, Gendol river filled up by pyroclastic materials, then utilized as mining area. As the volcanic materials are abundance in Gendol river, sand mining activities are dominant, causing antrophogenic interferences that changes the morphology of Gendol valley. In this study, the morphological changes is measured by terrestrial survey, aerial mapping, and materials analysis through petrographic and granulometric analysis. Aerial mapping was conducted in February and August 2019 in order to identify the dynamic changes during 6 months observation. Vertical changes is found in the active mining zone, in western-side of research area, while horizontal changes was found in eastern-side. The comparison of widening and narrowing valley is 13:1 due to horizontal changes. Result of petrographic analysis showes that three different sampling locations originated from similar provenance, which is undissected arc provenance but may differ in period of sedimentation. Grain material found in research are categorized as suitable material for mining with the 0,733 mm grain size. However, the mining activities should be aware of material availability to minimize the riverbank failure

    MPGIS: Map of Potential Geotourism Based on GIS sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Pandang di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    Indonesia memiliki karateristik alam dan lingkungan yang sangat beragam terutama dalam hal keindahan pemandangan alam. Objek wisata yang berbasis keindahan alam karena proses geologi dan geomorfologi yang terjadi atau dikenal dengan geotourism semakin diminati. Kondisi tersebut membuka peluang kepada ahli kebumian dalam pengembangan sumber daya geologi kepariwisataan. Kecamatan Kokap merupakan salah satu daerah di Kabupaten Kulon Progo yang memiliki 19 objek wisata. Sebagian besar objek wisata merupakan objek wisata pandang, yaitu objek wisata yang memanfaatkan keindahan alam dari ketinggian, terutama bukit dan pegunungan. Lebih dari 50% objek wisata termasuk dalam bentuklahan pegunungan dan perbukitan denudasional. Permasalahan yang timbul yaitu tingginya tingkat kerentanan terhadap longsor. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui distribusi spasial objek wisata di Kecamatan Kokap dan memberikan rekomendasi pengembangan wisata pandang melalui Map of Potential Geotourism based on GIS (MPGIS). Metode yang digunakan meliputi penilaian kesesuaian lahan untuk wisata pandang dengan prinsip weight scoring dan penilaian kerentanan fisik longsor di Kecamatan Kokap. Hasil dari peta kesesuaian lahan untuk lokasi wisata pandang diolah dengan peta kerentanan fisik tanah longsor melalui proses intersect. Berdasarkan analisis dan sintesis yang dilakukan, intersect menunjukkan lebih dari 50% objek wisata berada pada lokasi dengan tingkat kerentanan fisik longsor yang tinggi dan lokasi yang kurang sesuai untuk dijadikan tempat wisata. Kondisi tersebut membutuhkan upaya penanganan, diantaranya dengan metode struktural dan non struktural (edukasi). Metode struktural yang dapat diaplikasikan yaitu menyediakan fasilitas yang aman, titik kumpul, dan jalur evakuasi. Metode non struktural (edukasi) kepada pengelola dan wisatawan juga dapat dilakukan untuk menambah pengetahuan mengenai potensi longsor dan cara evakuasi yang dilakukan apabila terjadi bencana. Kata Kunci : geotourism, wisata Pandang, kesesuaian lahan wisata, kerentanan fisik longso

    Nett Present Value (NPV) analysis for projection of feasibility of Coastal Sand Dune Tourism in Parangtritis Village

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    Sand dune in Parangtritis Village has a speciality of being formed in humid climates (tropical). The initiation of Barchan Sand Dune as a new tourism based on eco-tourism has to consider many aspects to maintain sustainability of sand dune. It needs some information on economic valuation to determine the capacity of tourism objects as a consideration of sand dune's sustainability. The purpose of this research is to know the projection of Barchan sand tourism's feasibility until 2045. The research method is the economic valuation approach by calculating Nett Present Value (NPV) as the analysis (cost) and the benefit earned by Barchan Sand Dune Tourism. The method of economic valuation is chosen because it is able to convert ecosystem services into currency value (IDR) so that it can be a valid comparator. The hypothesis in this study states that the feasibility of Barchan Sand Dune Tourism will increase until certain year, but the increased feasibility will cease in a certain year and decrease in the following year. The results are obtained based on the calculation of Nett Present Value (NPV), it shows positive value so that Barchan Sand Dune Tourism is feasible to continue until 2045 with estimated profit reached IDR648,000,000. The calculation results show a decrease in the level of tourism efficiency in 2017. The level of efficiency can be increased again through management optimization based on the characteristics of the tour, which are something to do, something to see and something to buy at Sand Dune Barchan

    Nett Present Value (NPV) analysis for projection of feasibility of Coastal Sand Dune Tourism in Parangtritis Village

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    Sand dune in Parangtritis Village has a speciality of being formed in humid climates (tropical). The initiation of Barchan Sand Dune as a new tourism based on eco-tourism has to consider many aspects to maintain sustainability of sand dune. It needs some information on economic valuation to determine the capacity of tourism objects as a consideration of sand dune's sustainability. The purpose of this research is to know the projection of Barchan sand tourism's feasibility until 2045. The research method is the economic valuation approach by calculating Nett Present Value (NPV) as the analysis (cost) and the benefit earned by Barchan Sand Dune Tourism. The method of economic valuation is chosen because it is able to convert ecosystem services into currency value (IDR) so that it can be a valid comparator. The hypothesis in this study states that the feasibility of Barchan Sand Dune Tourism will increase until certain year, but the increased feasibility will cease in a certain year and decrease in the following year. The results are obtained based on the calculation of Nett Present Value (NPV), it shows positive value so that Barchan Sand Dune Tourism is feasible to continue until 2045 with estimated profit reached IDR648,000,000. The calculation results show a decrease in the level of tourism efficiency in 2017. The level of efficiency can be increased again through management optimization based on the characteristics of the tour, which are something to do, something to see and something to buy at Sand Dune Barchan