246 research outputs found

    Espécies de moscas-branca associadas à cultura da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) e parasitoides de Bemisia tuberculata (Bondar, 1923) nos Estados do Mato Grosso do Sul e Paraná.

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    Entre as diversas espécies de insetos pragas que atacam a mandioca na região Centro-Sul do Brasil, causando danos à produção, destaca-se a mosca-branca, que tem apresentado surtos populacionais elevados nos últimos anos. A mosca-branca causa danos na mandioca através da sucção direta da seiva (floema) provocando clorose e queda foliar, fumagina e algumas espécies são transmissoras de viroses (BELLOTTI et al., 2012). Para essa região há poucas informações sobre as espécies de mosca-branca que estão presentes nas áreas produtoras de mandioca e seus controladores naturais. Poucos taxonomistas têm se dedicado à identificação das espécies de ocorrência nessa cultura. Considerando que há diferenças em relação à biologia, dinâmica populacional e potencial de dano entre as espécies (CABALLERO, 1994), a correta identificação é de grande importância para o manejo e controle deste inseto. Fato este importante, principalmente por não haver no Brasil produtos químicos registrados para controle de mosca-branca em mandioca, sendo, portanto, de fundamental importância a ação dos agentes de controle biológico associados à cultura e para tal o conhecimento das espécies de ocorrência natural. Dentre os agentes de controle biológico de mosca-branca, os parasitoides tem relevante importância no controle natural dessas espécies. No Brasil são citadas as espécies Encarsia aleurothrixi Evans & Polaszek, 1998 (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), Encarsia hispida De Santis, 1948 e Eretmocerus sp., associadas a mosca-branca na cultura da mandioca na região nordeste (HERNÁNDEZ et al., 2009), no entanto, para a região Centro- Sul não se tem informações a esse respeito. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as espécies de mosca-branca associadas à cultura da mandioca e os parasitoides de Bemisia tuberculata (BONDAR, 1923) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) de ocorrência nos estados do Mato Grosso do Sul e do Paraná

    Endothelial cell activation by SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein: A crosstalk between endothelium and innate immune cells

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    Background. Emerging evidences suggest that in severe COVID-19, multi-organ failure is associated with a hyperinflammatory state (the so-called “cytokine storm”) in combination with the development of a prothrombotic state. The central role of endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of the disease is to date accepted, but the precise mechanisms underlying the associated coagulopathy remain unclear. Whether the alterations in vascular homeostasis directly depend upon the SARS-CoV-2 infection of endothelial cells or, rather, occur secondarily to the activation of the inflammatory response is still a matter of debate. Here, we address the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein on the activation of human lung microvascular endothelial cells (HLMVEC). In particular, the existence of an endothelium-macrophage crosstalk in the response to the spike protein has been explored. Methods and Results. The effect of the spike protein is addressed in human lung microvascular endothelial cells (HLMVEC), either directly or after incubation with a conditioned medium (CM) of human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) previously activated by the spike S1 protein (CM-MDM). Both MDM and HLMVEC are activated in response to the S1 protein, with an increased expression of pro-inflammatory mediators. However, when HLMVEC are exposed to CM-MDM, an enhanced cell activation occurs in terms of the expression of adhesion molecules, pro-coagulant markers, and chemokines. Under this experimental condition, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, the chemokines CXCL8/IL-8, CCL2/MCP1, and CXCL10/IP-10 as well as the protein tissue factor (TF) are markedly induced. Instead, a decrease of thrombomodulin (THBD) is observed. Conclusion. Our data suggest that pro-inflammatory mediators released by spike-activated macrophages amplify the activation of endothelial cells, likely contributing to the impairment of vascular integrity and to the development of a pro-coagulative endothelium

    Evaluation of quality of drinking water from Baghdad, Iraq

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    This is a joint work between the Italian Red Cross and the Environmental Laboratories, Baghdad. The drinking water (DW) samples from 16 residential districts in Baghdad were chemically evaluated with reference to the raw water samples and water directly taken from the purification plants. In addition to the routinely measured parameters, 17 metals and 11 trihalomathane (THM) were measured. Generally, the samples of water analysed can be considered of good quality. The relatively high sulphate and aluminium contents results from the use of aluminium sulphate as flocculent. The ammonia and Nitrite concentrations were lower than the detectable limit, because ammonia is converted into chloramines and nitrite is converted into Nitrate during chlorination. This indicates no sewage contamination of the drinking water. The high chloride contents can be referred to the use of partially degraded hypo for the disinfection. The presence of THM's in the samples analysed is indicative of good disinfection process. The presence of these compounds is preferred better than bacterial contamination. The relatively high levels of zinc and iron have no impact on the quality of DW. Iron, however, was efficiently removed during the treatment, together with Manganese. Reference was done to the EU specification of drinking water regarding total hardness, chloride contents, sulphate, iron and THM's. As for the iron content, the original pH of the river water (7.5 and 8.0) ensures that Iron should not be present in soluble form at a detectable level. Corrosion of the pipes could be one of the reasons for the presence of iron. Key Words: Drinking water quality, heavy metals, sulphate, Aluminium, Trihalomethans, hardness

    Biologia da mosca branca Bemisia tuberculata (BONDAR, 1923) (HEMIPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE) em mandioca (Manihot esculenta).

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    A mosca branca, Bemisia tuberculata é um dos grandes problemas para a produção de mandioca na região Centro-Sul do Brasil por apresentar alto potencial de dano a essa cultura. Apesar de sua importância, poucas são as informações sobre seu controle

    Tools to tie: Flower characteristics, voc emission profile, and glandular trichomes of two mexican salvia species to attract bees

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    A plant can combine physical and chemical tools to interact with other organisms. Some are designed for pollinator attraction (i.e., colors and volatile organic compounds-VOCs); others can act to discourage herbivores (i.e., non-glandular trichomes). Few studies fully address available tools in a single species; notwithstanding, this information can be pivotal in understanding new interactions out of the home range. We characterized flower traits, emission profiles of constitutive compounds from flowers and leaves, micro-morphology of the glandular trichomes, and listed flower visitors of two Mexican bird-pollinated Salvia species (S. blepharophylla and S. greggii), growing in an Italian botanical garden. Flowers were highly variable in their morphometric characteristics. In both species, four trichome morphotypes with similar histochemistry and distribution were documented for leaves and flowers except the calyx abaxial side. The vegetative emission profiles were qualitatively more complex than the floral ones; however, common compounds occurring in high relative percentages were β-caryophyllene and germacrene D. Floral bouquets were dominated by limonene and β-pinene in S. greggii and by 1,8-cineole in S. blepharophylla. Two potential (non-bird) pollinators were especially abundant: small bees belonging to the genus Lasioglossum and large bees belonging to the species Xylocopa violacea. Our study highlights the plasticity of these plants, as well as tools that can be conveniently used to establish novel interactions

    Desmopressin Stimulates Nitric Oxide Production in Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells

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    Desmopressin (dDAVP) is the best characterized analogue of vasopressin, the endocrine regulator of water balance endowed with potent vasoconstrictive effects. Despite the use of dDAVP in clinical practice, ranging from the treatment of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus to bleeding disorders, much remains to be understood about the impact of the drug on endothelial phenotype. The aim of this study was, thus, to evaluate the effects of desmopressin on the viability and function of human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (HLMVECs). The results obtained demonstrate that the vasopressor had no cytotoxic effect on the endothelium; similarly, no sign of endothelial activation was induced by dDAVP, indicated by the lack of effect on the expression of inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules. Conversely, the drug significantly stimulated the production of nitric oxide (NO) and the expression of the inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase, NOS2/iNOS. Since the intracellular level of cAMP also increased, we can hypothesize that NO release is consequent to the activation of the vasopressin receptor 2 (V2R)/guanylate cyclase (Gs)/cAMP axis. Given the multifaceted role of NOS2-deriving NO for many physio-pathological conditions, the meanings of these findings in HLMVECs appears intriguing and deserves to be further addressed

    Monocytes from infliximab-resistant patients with Crohn's disease exhibit a disordered cytokine profile

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    Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by immune response dysregulation. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) is a key cytokine in the pathogenesis of CD, as indicated by the efficacy of anti-TNF-alpha therapy with infliximab (IFX). However, approximately 30-40% of CD patients fail to respond to IFX with still unclear underlying mechanisms. This study compares the inflammatory phenotype of monocytes from CD patients, who respond or non-respond to IFX. Under basal conditions, the mRNA for the cytokines TNF alpha, IL-23, IL-1 beta and the chemokines CXCL8/IL-8, CCL5/RANTES and CCL2/MCP-1 was up-regulated in monocytes from non-responders than responders. The expression of the same cytokines and CCL2/MCP-1 was higher in non-responders also upon LPS treatment. Moreover, higher secretion of TNF alpha, IL-1 beta, IFN gamma and IL-2 proteins occurred in the supernatants of LPS-treated non-responders cells. Resistance to IFX in CD may result from a transcriptional dysregulation of circulating monocytes, leading to hyperactivation of pro-inflammatory pathways. Monocytes' cytokine profile may thus represent a predictive marker of response to IFX. Monocytes were isolated from blood samples of 19 CD patients (11 responders, 8 non-responders) and incubated with or without LPS. Cytokine profiles were assessed by RT-qPCR and, in the supernatants, by ELISA assay

    Efeito de produto a base de azadiractinano controle de Sitophilus zeamais Mots.1855 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    O milho, ao ser armazenado, fica vulnerável a diferentes intempéries, dentre elas, o ataque de pragas como o Sitophilus zeamais, que causa grande perda de peso e qualidade dos grãos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo, avaliar o potencial de utilização do produto a base de azadiractina (Azamax®) no controle de S. zeamais. O produto foi aplicado em cinco diferentes doses (0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; 0,5%) mais a testemunha (água destilada), utilizando cinza como veículo. Os tratamentos foram aplicados em cinza, 1:1 (p:v) e deixado secar, sendo posteriormente aplicação em 100g de grãos. Adicionaram-se a esses grãos 10 adultos de S. zeamais. A avaliação de mortalidade foi realizada aos 10 dias após aplicação. Foi observado eficiência de controle de 60% na dose de 0,5%.Edição dos resumos do I Congresso Paranaense de Agroecologia ?Pinhais/PR?29 e 30/05/2014

    Desenvolvimento de ninfas de mosca branca, Bemisia tuberculata (BONDAR, 1923) em diferentes variedades de mandioca, Manihot esculenta.

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    No Brasil, ainda não há produtos químicos registrados para o controle de mosca branca na cultura da mandioca, e poucos são os trabalhos referentes a outras formas de controle deste inseto-praga. A nível mundial a utilização da resistência varietal tem ganhado grande destaque para esta praga na cultura, havendo uma variedade comercial resistente à mosca branca na Colômbia. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a biologia de B. tuberculata em diferentes variedades de mandioca, visando identificar materiais com potencial de resistência às ninfas de mosca branca. A biologia de B. tuberculata foi realizada fixando-se gaiolas em folhas de plantas de mandioca cultivadas em vasos. Foram testadas as variedades IAC-14, IAC-90 e Col 22 (Temperatura: 24±3°C; fotofase: 14 horas). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: duração e viabilidade de cada ínstar e do período ninfal. As ninfas criadas nas variedades Col 22 e IAC-90 apresentaram menor duração do período ninfal e maior viabilidade, respectivamente. Já a variedade IAC-14 influenciou negativamente o desenvolvimento destas, aumentando a duração e mortalidades das ninfas. Dessa forma, a variedade IAC-14 apresenta maior resistência às ninfas de B. tuberculata quando comparadas às variedades IAC-90 e Col 22

    Inter-layer Adhesion Performance of Steel Packaging Materials for Food Cans Under Retort Conditions

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    The steel packaging industry faces the dual challenge imposed by legislation to eradicate the use of Chrome(VI) from sub- strate manufacture and the removal of Bisphenol-A (BPA) from the organic lacquer at the point of food contact. The paper reports on an experimental investigation into the quality of adhesion between the coatings and substrates as a result of the retort process, typically the harshest conditions to which the materials will be exposed. In terms of adhesion, the novel Chrome(III) substrates show promise when compared with current Chrome(VI) substrate. There is a significant reduction in the adhesion of the polyester-based Bisphenol-A non-intent lacquers compared to the incumbent epoxy-phenolic lacquers. Adhesion performance is lower with an increase in retort temperature and time of exposure. The adhesion further reduces in mild acidic and saline conditions. The reduction in adhesion post-retort is attributed to the sensitivity of the polyester-based BPANI lacquers to water vapour absorption. The process reversible nature of the adhesion loss indicates that, at short time- scales, the adhesion loss is a result of polyester hydrolysis. Acidic and saline solutions also lead to a reduction in adhesion as a result of metal surface corrosion. The paper has impact on producers, fillers and consumers of steel packaging foodstuff