14 research outputs found

    Vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos: Pedogénesis comparada entre sitios de una plantación de Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. y de vegetación herbácea naturalizad

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    The purpose of this work was compared different levels of pedogenetics process between sites with Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation and naturalized grass. The trial was installed on landfill soil cover in Villa Domínico, Buenos Aires Province, Argentine, CEAMSE, 34°40’S,50’’; 58°18’45’’W; 4m osl. At five age of trees and forteen of the Landfill was realized the following determination: 1- Physical and Chemicals caracterization of own microsite tree and analogical microsite without trees influence. 2- Biomass root system of trees and naturalized herbaceus vegetation; 3- Microrganims qualitative evaluation in trees rhizosphere and 4- Survival trees and its developpmen as too patologycal and physiological damage. The results showing the antropyc evolution soil with ability to support life on differents espression. It was registred the culturals horizon in the cover landfill generated through the time. Exits the advantage about this process in the microsites tree more than the microsites grass.El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar distintos niveles de procesos pedogenéticos entre sitios con una plantación de Eucalyptus camaldulensis y otros con vegetación herbácea naturalizada. El experimento se ubicó en la cubierta del vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos de Villa Domínico, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (34 o 40’ 50’’ S; 58º 18’ 45’’W; 4 m snm). A las edades de seis años de la plantación y 14 del vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos, fueron realizadas las siguientes determinaciones: 1- Caracterización físico química de micrositios análogos con influencia del árbol y del pastizal naturalizado; 2- Biomasa radicular de árboles y tapiz herbáceo naturalizado; 3- Evaluación cualitativa de microorganismos rizosféricos y 4- Desarrollo y estado sanitario de los árboles. Los resultados mostraron capacidad de soporte biológico producido por una marcada evolución pedogenética antrópica. Se registraron horizontes culturales dentro de la cubierta del vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos a través del tiempo. Existió una ventaja de estos procesos en los micrositios con árboles respecto de los pastizales

    Vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos: pedogénesis comparada entre sitios de una plantación de "Eucaliptus camaldulensis" Dehnh. y de vegetación herbácea naturalizada

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar distintos niveles de procesos pedogenéticos entre sitios con una plantación de Eucalyptus camaldulensis y otros con vegetación herbácea naturalizada. El experimento se ubicó en la cubierta del vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos de Villa Domínico, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (34 o 40'50''S ; 58 grados 18'45''W ; 4m snm). A las edades de seis años de la plantación y 14 del vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos, fueron realizadas las siguientes determinaciones: 1- Caracterización físico química de micrositios análogos con influencia del árbol y del pastizal naturalizado ; 2- Biomasa radicular de árboles y tapiz herbáceo naturalizado ; 3- Evaluación cualitativa de microorganismos rizosféricos y 4- Desarrollo y estado sanitario de los árboles. Los resultados mostraron capacidad de soporte biológico producido por una marcada evolución pedogenética antrópica. Se registraron horizontes culturales dentro de la cubierta del vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos a través del tiempo. Existió una ventaja de estos procesos en los micrositios con árboles respecto de los pastizales

    A lacZ

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    Expression of the bacterial beta-galactosidase reporter gene (lacZ) in the vector used for the Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP) is driven by the endogenous promoter of the target gene. In tissues from KOMP mice, histochemical staining for LacZ enzyme activity can be used to determine gene expression patterns. With this technique, we have produced a comprehensive resource of gene expression using both whole mount (WM) and frozen section (FS) LacZ staining in 313 unique KOMP mutant mouse lines. Of these, ∼80% of mutants showed specific staining in one or more tissues, while ∼20% showed no specific staining, ∼13% had staining in only one tissue, and ∼25% had staining in >6 tissues. The highest frequency of specific staining occurred in the brain (∼50%), male gonads (42%), and kidney (39%). The WM method was useful for rapidly identifying whole organ and some substructure staining, while the FS method often revealed substructure and cellular staining specificity. Both staining methods had >90% repeatability in biological replicates. Nonspecific LacZ staining occurs in some tissues due to the presence of bacteria or endogenous enzyme activity. However, this can be effectively distinguished from reporter gene activity by the combination of the WM and FS methods. After careful annotation, LacZ staining patterns in a high percentage of mutants revealed a unique structure-function not previously reported for many of these genes. The validation of methods for LacZ staining, annotation, and expression analysis reported here provides unique insights into the function of genes for which little is currently known

    A lacZ reporter gene expression atlas for 313 adult KOMP mutant mouse lines

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    Expression of the bacterial beta-galactosidase reporter gene (lacZ) in the vector used for the Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP) is driven by the endogenous promoter of the target gene. In tissues from KOMP mice, histochemical staining for LacZ enzyme activity can be used to determine gene expression patterns. With this technique, we have produced a comprehensive resource of gene expression using both whole mount (WM) and frozen section (FS) LacZ staining in 313 unique KOMP mutant mouse lines. Of these, ∼ 80% of mutants showed specific staining in one or more tissues, while ∼ 20% showed no specific staining, ∼ 13% had staining in only one tissue, and ∼ 25% had staining in >6 tissues. The highest frequency of specific staining occurred in the brain (∼ 50%), male gonads (42%), and kidney (39%). The WM method was useful for rapidly identifying whole organ and some substructure staining, while the FS method often revealed substructure and cellular staining specificity. Both staining methods had >90% repeatability in biological replicates. Nonspecific LacZ staining occurs in some tissues due to the presence of bacteria or endogenous enzyme activity. However, this can be effectively distinguished from reporter gene activity by the combination of the WM and FS methods. After careful annotation, LacZ staining patterns in a high percentage of mutants revealed a unique structure-function not previously reported for many of these genes. The validation of methods for LacZ staining, annotation, and expression analysis reported here provides unique insights into the function of genes for which little is currently known