133 research outputs found

    Carcinoma of the parathyroid gland: a case report

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    Carcinoma of the parathyroid gland causes 0.005% of all malignancies. Although the etiology remains unknown, possible contributing factors include neck radiation, chronic secondary hyperparathyroidism due to kidney failure, and vitamin D deficiencies. It occurs in syndromes such ahyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome, multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 and 2A, and familial isolated hyperparathyroidism

    Begriff und Funktionen des Nichtvermögensschadens nach dem neuen Obligationengesetz

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    U radu autor analizira novo uređenje instituta odgovornosti za neimovinsku štetu, uspostavljeno Zakonom o obveznim odnosima iz 2005. godine. Služeći se dominantno poredbenopravnom analizom, autor analizira rasprostranjenost novoprihvaćenog objektivnog koncepta neimovinske štete u razvijenim pravnim poredcima Europe radi pronalaženja odgovora na pitanje je li koncepcijska promjena instituta odgovornosti za štetu bila opravdana i potrebna. Analizirajući francuski, njemački, švicarski, talijanski, engleski, poljski i ruski te manjim dijelom belgijski, grčki i slovenski pravni poredak, autor zaključuje da je novoprihvaćeni objektivistički koncept neimovinske štete poredbenopravno utemeljen te dogmatski i pravno-politički opravdan. Osim toga, autor analizira stavove domaće i strane pravne znanosti i sudske prakse o problemu definiranja funkcija kojima bi pravična novčana naknada neimovinske štete trebala služiti. U tom kontekstu autor zaključuje da je, za razliku od naše pravne književnosti koja jednoglasno zastupa stajalište da pravična novčana naknada ima isključivo satisfakcijsku funkciju, u razvijenim pravnim poredcima Europe većinski prisutno stajalište da ta naknada ima dominantno kompenzacijsku i prevencijsku, a tek sporedno satisfakcijsku funkciju.The author analyses the new regulation of the institute of liability for non-property damage as defined by the Law on Obligatory Relations (2005). Based on predominantly comparative law analysis, the author analyses the diffusion of the recently adopted objective concept of non-proprietary damage in developed European legal systems in order to find an answer to the question of whether the conceptual alteration of the institute of liability for damage was justified and necessary. By analysing the French, German, Swiss, Italian, English, Polish and Russian legal systems in the first place and, to a lesser extent, the Belgian, Greek and Slovakian legal systems, the author concludes that the recently adopted objectivist concept of non-proprietary damage is both well-founded from the viewpoint of comparative law and justified from the dogmatic and legal-political point of view. In addition, the author analyses the views of Croatian and foreign legal science and court practice regarding the problem of defining the functions which a just monetary compensation of non-proprietary damage should serve. In this context, the author concludes that, as opposed to the Croatian legal literature which unanimously supports the view that a just monetary compensation has an exclusively satisfactory function, developed European legal systems share the commonly accepted view according to which compensation has a prevalently compensatory and prevention function, while the satisfactory function is of minor importance.In der vorliegenden Arbeit analysiert der Autor die neue Gestaltung des Instituts der Haftung für Nichtvermögensschäden, die im Obligationengesetz von 2005 eingeführt wurde. In einer dominant rechtsvergleichenden Analyse wird die Verbreitung des neu eingeführten objektiven Konzepts des Nichtsvermögensschadens in hochentwickelten Rechtsordnungen Europas hinsichtlich der Fragestellung untersucht, ob die Konzeptveränderung des Instituts der Schadenshaftung gerechtfertigt und erfoderlich war. Auf Grund einer Analyse der französischen, deutschen, schweizerischen, italienischen, englischen, polnischen und russischen und in geringerem Umfang der belgischen, griechischen und slowenischen Rechtsordnung kommt der Autor zu dem Schluss, dass das neu eingeführte objektivistische Konzept des Nichtvermögensschadens in der Rechtsvergleichung begründet und dogmatisch wie auch rechtspolitisch gerechtfertigt ist. Darüber hinaus erörtert der Autor die Standpunkte der in- und ausländischen Rechtswissenschaft und der Rechtsprechung zu dem Problem, wie die Funktionen, denen ein billiger immaterieller Schadensersatz in Geld dienen soll, zu bestimmen sind. In diesem Zusammenhang schließt der Autor, dass im Gegensatz zur kroatischen Rechtsliteratur, die einhellig die Position vertritt, eine billige Entschädigung in Geld diene ausschließlich der Genugtuung, in den hochentwickelten Rechtsordnungen Europas mehrheitlich der Standpunkt bezogen wird, der Ersatz habe in erster Linie eine ausgleichende und vorbeugende Funktion und diene erst nachranging der Genugtuung

    Information Retrieval and Terminology Extraction In Online Resources for Patients with Diabetes

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    Terminology use, as a mean for information retrieval or document indexing, plays an important role in health literacy. Specific types of users, i.e. patients with diabetes need access to various online resources (on foreign and/or native language) searching for information on self-education of basic diabetic knowledge, on self-care activities regarding importance of dietetic food, medications, physical exercises and on self-management of insulin pumps. Automatic extraction of corpus-based terminology from online texts, manuals or professional papers, can help in building terminology lists or list of “browsing phrases” useful in information retrieval or in document indexing. Specific terminology lists represent an intermediate step between free text search and controlled vocabulary, between user’s demands and existing online resources in native and foreign language. The research aiming to detect the role of terminology in online resources, is conducted on English and Croatian manuals and Croatian online texts, and divided into three interrelated parts: i) comparison of professional and popular terminology use ii) evaluation of automatic statistically-based terminology extraction on English and Croatian texts iii) comparison and evaluation of extracted terminology performed on English manual using statistical and hybrid approaches. Extracted terminology candidates are evaluated by comparison with three types of reference lists: list created by professional medical person, list of highly professional vocabulary contained in MeSH and list created by non-medical persons, made as intersection of 15 lists. Results report on use of popular and professional terminology in online diabetes resources, on evaluation of automatically extracted terminology candidates in English and Croatian texts and on comparison of statistical and hybrid extraction methods in English text. Evaluation of automatic and semi-automatic terminology extraction methods is performed by recall, precision and f-measure


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    Sve veća učestalost šećerne bolesti povezuje se s prihvaćanjem netradicionalnih načina prehrane i prakticiranjem „sjedilačkog načina života“. Liječenje šećerne bolesti sastoji se od promjene životnog stila što uključuje promjenu fizičke aktivnosti, tipa i učestalosti prehrane te uzimanje specifi čne terapije. Fizička aktivnost je dio temeljnog liječenja dijabetesa; ima dokazane koristi u smanjenju inzulinske rezistencije, poboljšanju glikemijske kontrole, lipidnog profi la, u normalizaciji tjelesne mase i povećanju kardiorespiracijske sposobnosti. Vježbanje može smanjiti potrebu za lijekovima i usporiti razvoj nekih dijabetičkih komplikacija. U osoba koje se liječe od šećerne bolesti postoje i određena ograničenja, što se uglavnom odnosi na one s prisutnim komplikacijama. Prije započinjanja programa fizičke aktivnosti preporučuje se učiniti medicinsku evaluaciju te dati adekvatne upute. Tjelovježba se prakticira uz spoznaju da za vrijeme i poslije intenzivnih vježbi glukoza u plazmi pada zbog njene povećane potrošnje, ali i povećane inzulinske osjetljivosti. Bolesnici koji su liječeni inzulinom ili inzulinskim sekretagozima imaju veći rizik od hipoglikemije pa se količina unesenih kalorija prilagođava tipu i intenzitetu fzičke aktivnosti, daju se jasne upute glede prilagodbe terapije prije i/ili nakon tjelovježbe. Šećerna bolest nije prepreka za bavljenje sportom, no zahtijeva angažiranost i znanje, kako medicinskog tima koji prati bolesnika, tako i bolesnika s šećernom bolešću samog.The increasing incidence of diabetes is associated with constant lifestyle changes including non-traditional dietary patterns and lack of physical activity, i.e. sedentary lifestyle. Basic treatment of diabetes involves healthy eating (modification of type and frequency of meals), regular exercise and, in some cases, diabetes medication or insulin therapy. Physical activity is always part of the basic treatment of diabetes. It is also important as a specific aspect of health promotion and disease prevention. There are many proven benefits of exercise in diabetes, e.g., reduction of insulin resistance, improvement of glycemic control and lipid profile. Exercise also reduces body weight and increases cardiorespiratory capacity. The benefi ts of physical activity improve most of the metabolic abnormalities in type 2 diabetes. Exercise can even reduce the demand for drugs and slow development of some diabetic complications. One of the easiest and most appropriate types of physical activity is walking. It is recommended that individuals perform moderate physical activity for 30 minutes daily, i.e. moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic exercise at least 5 days a week, or a total of 150 minutes per week. Even small increases in physical activity show benefit. Prior to starting an exercise program, diabetic patients should be screened for the presence of macro- and microvascular complications. Some chronic complications may worsen with exercise and these patients have some limitations regarding duration and type of physical activity. There is specific activity limitation in diabetic retinopathy, ischemic heart disease and for diabetic patients with loss of protective sensation. Patients should be instructed to wear proper footwear and examine their feet daily for lesions. During and after intense exercise, plasma glucose falls due to the increased glucose utilization and increased insulin sensitivity. Hypoglycemia can occur during, immediately after, or hours after exercise. With proper instructions, hypoglycemia can be avoided. Patients treated with insulin or insulin secretagogues have a risk of hypoglycemia. Such patients should be instructed to modify the amount of calories according to the type of activity and body weight. It is necessary to give instructions about customization of therapy before and/or after exercise. For people with type 1 diabetes willing to exercise (especially those planning professional sports or extreme exercise), it is important to balance insulin doses with food and activity. Blood glucose must be self-monitored and response to physical activity evaluated; if blood glucose is initially too low or too high, exercise must be delayed. For such patents, insulin pump therapy is a good solution; a number of professional athletes are treated with insulin pumps. The majority of people with diabetes can exercise safely as long as certain precautions are taken. Patients with diabetes should be able to enjoy sports and many benefits of physical activities. Finally, diabetes is not an obstacle to participation in sports, although it requires commitment and knowledge of both the medical team and the patient. When choosing the type of physical activity, personal preference must be also taken in consideration

    Interior and Exterior School Design form Architectural and Pedagogical Perspective

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    Škola kao odgojno-obrazovna ustanova u središte svog djelovanja stavlja nastavu i nastavne procese. U suvremenoj školi se često naglasak daje na kognitivne pristupe učenju, no da bi se stvorilo okruženje poticajno za cjelokupnost procesa učenja i poučavanja u školi, nužno je osvrnuti se na ukupnost elemenata odgojno-obrazovne ekologije. Pod njom se podrazumijeva i pedagoško ozračje ili odgojno-obrazovna klima koja se temelji na osjećaju ugode ili neugode u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. Stvaranje i održavanje poticajne klime za učenje sastoji se od više aspekata, od kojih se izdvaja i fizičko okruženje. Više stranih istraživanja (Schneider, 2002; Higgins, 2005; Lippman, 2010; Gremmen i sur., 2016) pokazalo je da je upravo fizičko, odnosno prostorno uređenje škole važna stavka koja utječe na obrazovne ishode učenika. Elementi uređenja školskog prostora mogu djelovati na proces učenja i učenička postignuća, bilo da ometaju procese učenja ili ih potiču. Glavni cilj ovog rada je produbljivanje i proširivanje spoznaja o školskom prostoru iz građevinsko-arhitektonske i školske (pedagoške) perspektive. U teorijskom dijelu rada predstavljeni su povijesni pregled razvoja školskog prostora i elementi uređenja školskog prostora. Školski prostor može se promatrati na temelju njegovih arhitektonskih obilježja te uređenja vanjskih i unutarnjih školskih prostora. Školski prostor prije svega treba biti funkcionalan te antropometrijski prilagođen, dok je poželjno i estetsko uređenje u svrhu senzorne stimulacije i motivacije za odgojno-obrazovni rad. U empirijskom dijelu rada predstavljaju se rezultati istraživanja provedenog na primjeru Osnovne škole „Srdoči“ u Rijeci. Glavno istraživačko pitanje bilo je Koje su ključne pretpostavke uređenja školskog prostora?. Zaključci istraživanja ukazuju da se uređenje školskog prostora smatra bitnim za odgojno-obrazovni rad, a za njegovo uređenje važna je suradnja mnogobrojnih aktera povezanih sa školskom sredinom. Jedan od ključnih faktora su materijalno-tehnički uvjeti, među kojima se ističu financijski resursi, ujedno i najograničavajući faktor. Doprinos rada ogleda se u malobrojnosti domaćih radova na temu prostornog uređenja škole. S ciljem da se u odgoju i obrazovanju primjene interdisciplinarna ergonomska načela uređenja školskog prostora, radom se želi razviti ideja da je upravljajući školskim prostorom moguće pozitivno djelovati na pedagoško ozračje škole te humanizirati odgojno-obrazovni proces.The school as an institution places the teaching and teaching processes at the center of its activity. Contemporary school often emphasizes cognitive approaches to learning, but to create a stimulating environment for the overall learning and teaching processes at school, it is necessary to look at the totality of the elements of educational ecology. It also implies a pedagogical or educational climate. Creating and maintaining a stimulating climate for learning consists of several aspects, of which the physical environment is also distinguished. More foreign researches (Schneider, 2002; Higgins, 2005; Lippman, 2010; Gremmen et al., 2016) have shown that school space arrangment is an important item. The elements of school space can affect the learning process, whether they interfere or encourage the process. The main aim of this paper is to deepen and expand the understanding of the school space from architectural and pedagogical perspective. The theoretical part of the paper presents a historical overview of the development of the school space and the elements of school space planning. School space can be observed on the basis of its architectural features and the design of outdoor and indoor school spaces. The school space must first of all be functional and anthropometrically adapted, while the aesthetic arrangement is desirable for the purpose of sensory stimulation and motivation for the educational work. The empirical part of the paper presents the results of the research carried out on the example of Primary School "Srdoči" in Rijeka. The main research question was What are the key assumptions about school space arrangment?. Conclusions of the research indicate that school space arrangment is considered essential for educational work, and for the purpose of arranging the stimulating school space, cooperation of many participants connected with the school environment is highly important. One of the key factors are the material and technical conditions, among which the financial resources are at the same time the most limiting factor. The contribution of work is reflected in the small number of domestic works on the spatial arrangement of the school, exclusively from the pedagogical point of view. With the apply of the interdisciplinary ergonomical principles in education, the work aims to develop the idea that the arrangment of the school space can positively influence the pedagogical atmosphere of the school and can humanize the educational process

    Unlawfulness as a Condition for Tort Liability in Croatian Law

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    U radu se, kroz prizmu sudske prakse, analiziraju neka temeljna pitanja vezana uz protupravnost u hrvatskom odštetnom pravu kao što su: je li protupravnost pretpostavka odgovornosti za štetu, u čemu se protupravnost sastoji, na što se protupravnost odnosi, u kakvom je odnosu s krivnjom kao pretpostavkom odgovornosti te na temelju kojih kriterija se protupravnost utvrđuje. Analiza hrvatske sudske prakse, koja je provedena u ovom radu, nedvosmisleno upućuje na to kako je protupravnost puno složeniji i dinamičniji institut od onoga što sugerira hrvatska pravna književnost. U tom smislu provedena analiza sugerira kako prilikom utvrđivanja protupravnosti štetnikova ponašanja sudovi često prosuđuju neke subjektivne elemente koji se u pravnoj književnosti vežu uz krivnju. Nadalje, analiza također pokazuje da prilikom procjene protupravnosti štetnikova ponašanja sudovi često vode računa o nizu elemenata poput naravi i važnosti prava i interesa na koje se odnosi konkretan slučaj, stupnja opasnosti vezane uz određenu aktivnost, stupnja povrede zaštitnih propisa, dostupnosti alternativnih metoda zaštite, o predvidljivosti nastupanja štetnog događaja, ali i o međudjelovanju različitih elemenata konkretnog slučaja. Sve to navodi autora na zaključak da je pojam protupravnosti, kako se on tumači u domaćoj sudskoj praksi, iznimno blizak francuskom institutu faute.The paper analyses, through the lens of case-law, some basic questions relating to unlawfulness in Croatian tort law, such as: Is unlawfulness a condition for liability? What are the elements of unlawfulness? What does unlawfulness relate to? What is the relationship between unlawfulness and fault? Based on what criteria should unlawfulness be assessed? The analysis conducted in this paper undoubtedly demonstrates that unlawfulness is a much more complex and dynamic notion than suggested in Croatian legal literature. In this respect, the analysis suggests that, when assessing unlawfulness of a tortfeasor’s actions, courts in Croatia often rely on some subjective elements legal literature commonly associates with fault. Furthermore, the analysis also demonstrates that, in the course of assessing unlawfulness of a tortfeasor\u27s actions, courts in Croatia often take into consideration a number of elements, such as the nature and importance of the rights and interests involved, the level of peril involved in a particular activity, the level of violation of protective norms, availability of alternative protection measures, foreseeability of damage, but also the interplay between these elements. All this leads the author to the conclusion that the notion of unlawfulness, as understood in Croatian case-law, closely resembles the French notion of faute