330 research outputs found

    A new method for ultrasonographic measurement of kidney size in healthy dogs

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    Introduction: The authors propose a simple method for assessment of canine kidney size derived from the radiological technique described by Finco et al in 1971. Methods: In 26 healthy dogs ultrasonography was used to measure the length, height, and thickness of each kidney. These measurements were correlated with the lengths of the fifth and sixth lumbar vertebrae (L5 and L6), also measured by ultrasound. The resulting values were compared with the linear correlation method and the ratios defined using descriptive statistics. Results: No significant differences were observed between the dimensions of the right and left kidneys. The length of both kidneys displayed significant correlation with both the length of L5 and that of L6. In both cases, the renal:vertebral length ratios ranged from 1.3 to 2.7. Discussion: The ratio of kidney length to the length of L5 or L6 can be considered a useful parameter for assessing the size of the kidneys in healthy dogs. The normal range we iden- tified in this study (from 1.3 to 2.7) is sufficiently narrow to allow sonographic detection of even limited changes in renal length

    Two cases of canine gallbladder carcinoid: clinical and ultrasonographic findings

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    Gallbladder carcinoid is a rare neoplasia that arise from the dispersed cells of the neuroendocrine system of the biliary three. This tumour have been described in humans and dogs. In the few reports we can nd in literature, canine patients a ected by this neoplasia present a combination of symptoms such as: vomiting, weight loss, lethargy, fever, melena, anaemia, hematemesis and jaundice. Haemobilia, hemocholecyst and common bile duct dila- tion have been found in few dogs presenting gallbladder car- cinoid. Clinical-ultrasonographic ndings and long term follow up of two asymptomatic dogs a ected by gallbladder carcinoid are described. Dog 1: Mixed breed, 10 years old, 28 kg, underwent ultrasonographic examination for a routine follow up control because previously a ected by low grade splenic lymphoma. Liver was sonographically normal and a 4 cm, round shaped, inhomogeneous mass was found into the gallbladder arising absence of airway disease and of clinical signs as cough, exercise intolerance, anorexia, syncope, ascites and dysp- nea, were collected from a total of 477 medical records. All dogs included in the study underwent a complete physical and echocardiographic examination. In dogs in stage B1 or B2 that presented with cough, cough was con rmed to be due to concomitant airway disease by radiographic and echocardiographic examination in conjunction with informa- tion regarding follow-up and response to therapy. From the 477 medical records, 235 had complete infor- mation regarding clinical signs. In these 235 records, 139 symptomatic dogs were identi ed. At baseline examination, 90 (64.7%) dogs presented with cough, 48 (34.5%) with exercise intolerance, 36 (25.9%) with dyspnea, 36 (25.9%) with syncope, 25 (18%) with anorexia and 8 (5.8%) with ascites. Out of the 90 dogs that had cough, 44 (48.9%) were in stage B1 or B2, which means that in these cough was caused by concomitant airway disease. Of the 177 dogs with information regarding cardiac auscultation and murmur intensity, 156 (88.1%) had a left apical systolic murmur. Mur- mur grades were mainly between 2 and 5 (95.6%). The mean SBP was 149.5 \ub1 26.51 mmHg (n= 63), and the mean HR was 135 \ub1 37.9 bpm (n= 477). The ndings of this study regarding clinical signs reported are in agreement with the results from previous studies. The concomitant presence of airway disease seems to represent the higher risk factor for coughing in dogs with MMVD. There- fore, this should be taken into account when considering diagnosis and clinical management of these dogs. from its wall. This mass presented a massive Doppler vascu- lar signal. Bile was hypoechoic and inhomogeneous with a small amount of biliary sludge. Common bile duct (CBD) diameter was normal (< 3 mm). Visceral lymphadenopathy was not reported Dog 2: English Bulldog, 9 years old, 30 kg, underwent ultrasonographic examination because of a routine control of urate cystolithiasis. Liver was sonographically normal and a 1,5 cm, round shaped, inhomogeneous mass with regular margins was found into the gallbladder. This mass pre- sented a massive Doppler vascular signal. Fluid content of gallbladder was anechoic. CBD diameter was normal (< 3 mm). Visceral lymphadenopathy was not reported. Dogs underwent laparotomic cholecystectomy and hepatic biopsy. Any abdominal lesion was found during sur- gery, the patency of CBD was veri ed with a retrograde catheterization and no blood or clots were found into the gallbladder or biliary three. Histology and immunohistochemistry con rmed the diagnosis of gallbladder carcinoid. Hepatic biopsy did not reveal any alteration except from a mild portal hepatitis. Dogs recovered well and they remained asymptomatic; they were sonographically evaluated 3 and 12 months after surgery and no abnormalities attributable to metastasis were found. However both dogs presented a CBD dilation (almost 1 cm) without any sign of post-hepatic jaundice. CBD dilation have been described in humans with an history of cholecystectomy and it seems to be related to senior age

    Octreotide as medical therapy of idiopatic chylothorax in 3 cats after surgery

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    Idiopathic chylothorax is a rare disease that a ects cats. Dif- ferent therapeutical options both surgical and medical have been described without a clear standard protocol and posi- tive outcome. The use of Octreotide in cats have been described previ- ously (for the medical therapy of hyperinsulinemia in cats a ected by insulinomas, gastrinomas, acromegaly and acute pancreatitis) but its usefulness as de nitive treatment to cure chylothorax its unclear. This preliminary data describe the clinical features of three cats treated with Octreotide after a partial surgical resolution of idiopathic chylothorax. Three cats presenting a moderate amount of chylous e usion one week after surgical closure of thoracic duct with transdiaphragmatic approach were selected for our study. The Octreotide started seven days after surgery at the dose of 20 ug/kg/sc/tid (dose proposed in literature 10\u201320 ug/kg/ sc/tid for maximum 2\u20133 weeks). Standard clinical, radio- graphic and ultrasonographic evaluations were performed twice a month and together blood cell count, seroum bio- chemistry, cytological,chemical-physical evaluation of tho- racic e usion were performed at each control. Clinical, imaging and laboratory abnormalities were reported. The Octreotide administration was interrupted one month later by the end of the pleural collection and each patients was re-evaluated one year after surgery. Cat one: (DSH, 5 years old, neutered male) presented pleural e usion from day one to day 146 of therapy. Octreotide was interrupted at day 176. Cat two: (DSH, 6 years old, neutered male) presented pleural effusion from day one to day 143 of therapy. Octreotide was interrupted at day 173. Both cats were discharged with- out clinical symptoms and they were rechecked six month later without any clinical problems, except the di use pleural thickening observed at the ultrasonographic examination. Cat three: (DSH, 9 years old, neutered male) presented pleural effusion from day one to day 182 of octreotide ther- apy. At day 182 the cat was euthanised according to the owners due to respiratory insu ciency. Necropsy confirmed a severe constrictive pleuririts. In all the subject thoracentesis were performed during controls if necessary. No adverse e ects were observed even considering that this drug was used for 6 months therapy. In our experi- ence on three cats the use of Octreotide turned out useful and safe as complementary therapy of the idiopathic chylothorax

    Mechanical and tribo-metallurgical behavior of 17-4 precipitation hardening stainless steel affected by severe cold plastic deformation: a comprehensive review article

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    This article comprehensively reviews the mechanical properties and tribo-metallurgical behavior of 17-4 precipitation hardening stainless steel (17-4PH SS) during and after cold plastic deformation. Referring to the scientific literature, stainless steels are one of the few types of ferrous alloys which could be appropriately set up through cold working processes in the forms of sheets or other shapes. Likewise, some other metal alloys such as mild low-carbon-based steels, copper and its alloys, aluminum alloys, and some others are the few types of metal alloys which have this capability. On the other hand, in engineering applications, there are several types of mechanical failures, which must be taken into account to investigate the mechanical behavior and tribo-metallurgical properties of any targeted materials. For example, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and fatigue failure are investigated according to the microstructural studies, comprising of the grain size, grain boundaries, orientations, dislocations, and so on. Based on the published results, focusing on 17-4PH SS, one of the most main effective factors on mechanical and tribo-metallurgical performance is the grain size. Also, the favorable balance of two mechanical properties of strength and ductility has been reported as a dilemma in the materials science, and the problem delineates upon the limitations of numerous structural materials potentials. Following the failure analysis of the materials, in order to diminish the damages caused by fretting fatigue some methods such as ultrasonic processes are applied for the treatment of 17-4PH SS via changing the microstructure, residual stress, and other parameters. Also, through the other cold deformation technologies, the nanostructured surface layer with highly upgraded mechanical properties of several ultrasonic surface rolling process-treated 17-4PH SS has been obtained. To this end, such cold working processes on 17-4PH SS and their subsequent results are elaborated in this review paper. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.


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    Although the great importance covered by the heat treatment and the thermo-mechanical process in the evolution of the history of metallurgy, the role of these processes has not been correctly considered even by some famous and recognized archeo-metallurgists. Moreover, it is difficult to agree with the prevalent opinion that the beginning of the metallurgical activity corresponds with the birth of the extractive processes which permit to obtain the metals starting from their ores. The most reliable hypothesis supposes that the first metallurgical activity is to be found the plastic working and heat treatment of the metals found in nature under their reduced form and this statement seems to be strongly confirmed by the fact that the first objects are constituted by gold, silver and copper, which are the metals which can be frequently found in the reduced form

    Investigation about the stress corrosion cracking of TI-6AL-4V

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    Although the titanium alloys represent an optimal solution for several applications, they suffer from the detrimental effect related to the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) which can take place also in the most used Ti-6Al-4V. This study is focused on the characterization of the SCC on this alloy and it has been performed through the mechanical fracture tests realized within an environment of synthetic sea water featured by two levels of NaCl concentration. The identification of the Ti-6Al-4V behaviour in these situations is very significant because it can be often used for the substitution of more expensive alloys (i.e. cupronickel, monel etc.). The toughness tests realized in air and in the sea water solutions have been performed through the use of CT type specimens taken from a hot rolled plate. The fatigue crack propagation has been performed in air along the direction perpendicular to the rolling one (L-T specimens). The macroscopic analysis of the fracture phenomenon revealed the change of the propagation direction as a function of the NaCl concentration and the applied deformation rate. The unstable crack becomes parallel to the rolling direction as the deformation rate lowers and as the NaCl concentration increases. The same environmental and chemical condition produces a significant decrease of the KISCC value. The SEM-EBSD observation has pointed out a clear dependence of the crack propagation pattern on the crystallographic orientations induced in the alloy by the former plastic deformation process

    Startup di un impianto ESR e modello di simulazione

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    Il processo ESR (rifusione sotto scoria elettroconduttrice) sta diventando sempre più importante nellaproduzione di manufatti forgiati usati soprattutto nel campo della produzione di energia. Oggetto di questolavoro è l’analisi della qualità di un lingotto di acciaio alto legato rifuso tramite ESR su un impianto di nuovagenerazione e lo sviluppo di un modello di simulazione atto all’ottenimento delle correnti circolanti, delle forzeche rimescolano il bagno e dei profili di temperatura che regolano la crescita dendritica. Il lingotto oggettodello studio è stato rifuso da un impianto di grosse dimensioni, tutt’ora in fase di collaudo, che producelingotti del peso massimo di 150 t, 6 m di lunghezza e 2000 mm di diametro. L’analisi è volta alla verifica deglistandard metallurgici raggiunti, necessari a giustificare lo sforzo economico intrapreso per l’acquisizione dellatecnologia. Il modello di simulazione si pone come punto di partenza per lo sviluppo di un efficace strumento diprogettazione che riduca i costi connessi con la campagna sperimentale

    Effect of cold drawing reduction rate on edge-to-center-characterized microstructure and orientation alongside residual stresses in conjunction with magnetic properties of low-carbon high-alloy ferromagnetic steel

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    In the current research, the effect of cold drawing reduction rate (CDRR) of 15% and 45% and the required subsequent isothermal static recrystallization annealing heat treatment (ISRAHT) on the microstructures, textures, residual stresses, and magnetic properties of ferritic/ferromagnetic stainless steel (FSS), EN 1.4106, are investigated by a series of experimental analyses. The study is carried out by the theoretical well-known model of Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) in conjunction with aforesaid properties. According to the results, by increasing the CDRR, the recrystallization fractions (RF) become faster in accordance with the JMAK theory. Such an increment also affects more fragmented and elongated grains, which leads to provide smaller grains in size. However, by the effect of slow cooling process (SCP), the grain growth is another noticeable part of study. Likewise, the effects of CDRR and the subsequent ISRAHT find to be beneficial for the evolution of microstructures, textures, and relief of residual stresses, and better performance of magnetic behavior. For instance, higher relative magnetic permeabilities approximately above 1000 causes to reach residual stresses closer to zero. The cold-drawn FSSs are consisted of the α-fibre texture, which is close to {2 2 3} 〈1 1 0〉 and {1 1 1} 〈1 1 0〉, with higher intensity while by gradual higher recrystallization, the orientation tendency to {1 1 1} 〈0 1 1〉 of γ-fibre are formed following to the more distributed texture with lesser intensity. The findings display that while the recrystallization process addresses the formation of new grains, resulting in the more equiaxed grains, more well-aligned textures are also achieved in respect to the lower misorientation uniformity density and even with more distributed clusters

    Mechanical-metallurgical-corrosion behavior of Cr-Si-S-C ferritic/ferromagnetic stainless steel, known as AISI 430F, before and after isothermal recrystallization annealing

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    The research investigates the mechanical and corrosion behavior of Cr-Si-S-C ferritic stainless steel (FSS), known as EN1.4105, which is equivalent to AISI430F. The static isothermal recrystallization annealing is applied to the cold-drawn (CD) materials with two different reduction rates (RRs) of 20 and 35%, under various conditions of soaking temperature and incubation time, which provide 42 unique specimens. The microstructures of CD and annealed materials are characterized by using the electron backscatter diffraction method. X-Ray diffraction analysis alongside scanning electron microscopy linked with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy are also employed to scrutinize the precipitation of any secondary phases, morphologies, and the related chemical compositions. Two different corrosive chlorinated and acidic electrolyte solutions are used for the potentiostatic-based corrosion tests to investigate the passivation kinetics. The results show that the higher RR, which provides faster recrystallization, results in a higher scale of non-hardenable materials. In addition, the effects of RR and annealing conditions are found to have an impact on the corrosion resistance. Moreover, the material exhibits varied behavior in terms of both passivation layer formation as the immersion in the sulfuric acid electrolyte solution (SAES) and active electrochemical behavior immersing in sodium chloride electrolyte solution (SCES). However, this material shows lower corrosion current density and higher corrosion potential in the SCES compared to the SAES medium. The comprehensive findings underscore the intricate relationship between reduction rates, annealing conditions, microstructural evolution, and corrosion behavior in this FSS. The observed trends provide valuable insights for optimizing material performance and corrosion resistance in practical applications. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
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