43 research outputs found

    Body Processing in Children and Adolescents with Traumatic Brain Injury: An Exploratory Study

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    Dysfunctions in body processing have been documented in adults with brain damage, while limited information is available for children. This study aimed to investigate body processing in children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury (TBI) (N = 33), compared to peers with typical development. Two well‐known computerized body‐representation paradigms, namely Visual Body Recognition and Visuo‐spatial Imagery, were administered. Through the first paradigm, the body inversion and composite illusion effects were tested with a matching to sample task as measures of configural and holistic processing of others’ bodies, respectively. The second paradigm investigated with a laterality judgement task the ability to perform first‐person and object‐based mental spatial transformations of own body and external objects, respectively. Body stimuli did not convey any emotional contents or symbolic meanings. Patients with TBI had difficulties with mental transformations of both body and object stimuli, displaying deficits in motor and visual imagery abilities, not limited to body processing. Therefore, cognitive rehabilitation of body processing in TBI might benefit from the inclusion of both general training on visuo‐spatial abilities and specific exercises aimed at boosting visual body perception and motor imagery

    Feasibility of a home-based computerized cognitive training for pediatric patients with congenital or acquired brain damage: An explorative study

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    Pediatric brain damage is associated with various cognitive deficits. Cognitive rehabilitation may prevent and reduce cognitive impairment. In recent years, home-based computerized cognitive training (CCT) has been introduced in clinical practice to increase treatment opportunities for patients (telerehabilitation). However, limited research has been conducted thus far on investigating the effects of remote CCT for the juvenile population in contexts other than English-speaking countries. The aim of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of a home-based CCT in a group of Italian adolescents with brain damage. A commercially available CCT (Lumosity) developed in the English language was used due to the lack of telerehabilitation programs in the Italian language that allow stimulation of multiple cognitive domains and, at the same time, remote automatic collection of data. Thus, this investigation provides information on the possibility of introducing CCT programs available in foreign languages in countries with limited investment in the telerehabilitation field

    Remote Technology-Based Training Programs for Children with Acquired Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analytic Exploration

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    Introduction. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation interventions are considered to be a need for children with acquired brain injury (ABI), in order to remediate the important sequelae and promote adjustment. Technology-based treatments represent a promising field inside the rehabilitation area, as they allow delivering interventions in ecological settings and creating amusing exercises that may favor engagement. In this work, we present an overview of remote technology-based training programs (TP) addressing cognitive and behavioral issues delivered to children with ABI and complement it with the results of a meta-analytic exploration. Evidence Acquisition. We performed the review process between January and February 2019. 32 studies were included in the review, of which 14 were further selected to be included in the meta-analysis on TP efficacy. Evidence Synthesis. Based on the review process, the majority of TP addressing cognitive issues and all TP focusing on behavioral issues were found to be effective. Two meta-analytic models examining the means of either cognitive TP outcomes or behavioral TP outcomes as input outcome yielded a nonsignificant effect size for cognitive TP and a low-moderate effect size for behavioral TP. Additional models on outcomes reflecting the greatest beneficial effects of TP yielded significant moderate effect sizes for both types of TP. Nevertheless, consistent methodological heterogeneity was observed, pointing to cautious interpretation of findings. A subgroup analysis on visuospatial skill outcomes showed a smaller yet significant effect size of cognitive TP, with low heterogeneity, providing a more reliable estimation of overall cognitive TP effects. Conclusions. Promising results on remote cognitive and behavioral TP efficacy emerged both at the review process and at the meta-analytic investigation. Nevertheless, the high heterogeneity that emerged across studies prevents us from drawing definite conclusions. Further research is needed to identify whether specific training characteristics and population subgroups are more likely to be associated with greater training efficacy

    Feasibility and Acceptability of a Real-Time Telerehabilitation Intervention for Children and Young Adults with Acquired Brain Injury During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Experience Report

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    This study examined the feasibility and acceptability of a telerehabilitation intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of children and young adults with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). Thirteen patients and/or their families agreed to participate in the speech and neuropsychological telerehabilitation sessions. The treatment was synchronous, patient centered and aimed at improving specific abilities. Sessions were held twice a week over a 10-week period. Two questionnaires were completed both by parents and therapists to assess feasibility and acceptability. Neither technical issues nor clinical obstacles were found. The quality of the therapeutic relationship played a key role in the intervention. Synchronous telerehabilitation provided several advantages both for patients and therapists. Moreover, the patient centered intervention eased the burden of the caregivers at a time of high stress. The real-time telerehabilitation treatments were deemed suitable for children and young adults with ABI. Further studies are needed to support the use of telerehabilitation as an integral part of their standard care

    Defects in AMPAR trafficking and microglia activation underlie socio-cognitive deficits associated to decreased expression of Phosphodiesterase 2A

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    Phosphodiesterase 2 A (PDE2A) is an enzyme involved in the homeostasis of cAMP and cGMP and is the most highly expressed PDE in human brain regions critical for socio-cognitive behavior. In cerebral cortex and hippocampus, PDE2A expression level is upregulated in Fmr1-KO mice, a model of the Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), the most common form of inherited intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Indeed, PDE2A translation is negatively modulated by FMRP, whose functional absence causes FXS. While the pharmacological inhibition of PDE2A has been associated to its pro-cognitive role in normal animals and in models of ID and ASD, homozygous PDE2A mutations have been identified in patients affected by ID, ASD and epilepsy. To clarify this apparent paradox about the role of PDE2A in brain development, we characterized here Pde2a+/− mice (homozygote animals being not viable) at the behavioral, cellular, molecular and electrophysiological levels. Pde2a+/− females display a milder form of the disorder with reduced cognitive performance in adulthood, conversely males show severe socio-cognitive deficits throughout their life. In males, these phenotypes are associated with microglia activation, elevated glutathione levels and increased externalization of Glutamate receptor (GluR1) in CA1, producing reduced mGluR-dependent Long-term Depression. Overall, our results reveal molecular targets of the PDE2A-dependent pathway underlying socio-cognitive performance. These results clarify the mechanism of action of pro-cognitive drugs based on PDE2A inactivation, which have been shown to be promising therapeutic approaches for Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, FXS as well as other forms of ASD

    Combining Near Infrared Spectroscopy and functional MRI during Continuous Performance Test in healthy subjects

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    Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'06: pp. 1944-1947.The study of cognitive functions is a major challenge of the modern functional imaging. Activation of specific cerebral area is obtained from the observation of physic characteristic affected by changes occurring in the blood flow resulting from an increased metabolic consumption. In this work two imaging techniques are used, the functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) and the Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS), in order to assess cerebral performance during the execution of a well known sustained attention task, the Conners’ Continuous Performance Test (CPT). With fMRI analysis were found activations in the frontal, parietal and supplementary motor areas, whereas NIRS system showed a region-wise difference in the variations of parameters and different activation trend localized in the middle-right frontal area. The combined analysis of the two techniques allows to obtain more detailed information and places itself as a first step toward a result of multimodal image integration

    New Insights Into the Role of Cav2 Protein Family in Calcium Flux Deregulation in Fmr1-KO Neurons

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common form of inherited intellectual disability (ID) and a leading cause of autism, results from the loss of expression of the Fmr1 gene which encodes the RNA-binding protein Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP). Among the thousands mRNA targets of FMRP, numerous encode regulators of ion homeostasis. It has also been described that FMRP directly interacts with Ca2+ channels modulating their activity. Collectively these findings suggest that FMRP plays critical roles in Ca2+ homeostasis during nervous system development. We carried out a functional analysis of Ca2+ regulation using a calcium imaging approach in Fmr1-KO cultured neurons and we show that these cells display impaired steady state Ca2+ concentration and an altered entry of Ca2+ after KCl-triggered depolarization. Consistent with these data, we show that the protein product of the Cacna1a gene, the pore-forming subunit of the Cav2.1 channel, is less expressed at the plasma membrane of Fmr1-KO neurons compared to wild-type (WT). Thus, our findings point out the critical role that Cav2.1 plays in the altered Ca2+ flux in Fmr1-KO neurons, impacting Ca2+ homeostasis of these cells. Remarkably, we highlight a new phenotype of cultured Fmr1-KO neurons that can be considered a novel cellular biomarker and is amenable to small molecule screening and identification of new drugs to treat FXS

    Phosphorylation of SRSF1 is modulated by replicational stress

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    DNA ligase I-deficient 46BR.1G1 cells show a delay in the maturation of replicative intermediates resulting in the accumulation of single- and double-stranded DNA breaks. As a consequence the ataxia telangiectasia mutated protein kinase (ATM) is constitutively phosphorylated at a basal level. Here, we use 46BR.1G1 cells as a model system to study the cell response to chronic replication-dependent DNA damage. Starting from a proteomic approach, we demonstrate that the phosphorylation level of factors controlling constitutive and alternative splicing is affected by the damage elicited by DNA ligase I deficiency. In particular, we show that SRSF1 is hyperphosphorylated in 46BR.1G1 cells compared to control fibroblasts. This hyperphosphorylation can be partially prevented by inhibiting ATM activity with caffeine. Notably, hyperphosphorylation of SRSF1 affects the subnuclear distribution of the protein and the alternative splicing pattern of target genes. We also unveil a modulation of SRSF1 phosphorylation after exposure of MRC-5V1 control fibroblasts to different exogenous sources of DNA damage. Altogether, our observations indicate that a relevant aspect of the cell response to DNA damage involves the post-translational regulation of splicing factor SRSF1 which is associated with a shift in the alternative splicing program of target genes to control cell survival or cell death

    The wide world of technological telerehabilitation for pediatric neurologic and neurodevelopmental disorders – a systematic review

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    IntroductionThe use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for assessing and treating cognitive and motor disorders is promoting home-based telerehabilitation. This approach involves ongoing monitoring within a motivating context to help patients generalize their skills. It can also reduce healthcare costs and geographic barriers by minimizing hospitalization. This systematic review focuses on investigating key aspects of telerehabilitation protocols for children with neurodevelopmental or neurological disorders, including technology used, outcomes, caregiver involvement, and dosage, to guide clinical practice and future research.MethodThis systematic review adhered to PRISMA guidelines and was registered in PROSPERO. The PICO framework was followed to define the search strategy for technology-based telerehabilitation interventions targeting the pediatric population (aged 0–18) with neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders. The search encompassed Medline/PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science databases. Independent reviewers were responsible for selecting relevant papers and extracting data, while data harmonization and analysis were conducted centrally.ResultsA heterogeneous and evolving situation emerged from our data. Our findings reported that most of the technologies adopted for telerehabilitation are commercial devices; however, research prototypes and clinical software were also employed with a high potential for personalization and treatment efficacy. The efficacy of these protocols on health or health-related domains was also explored by categorizing the outcome measures according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). Most studies targeted motor and neuropsychological functions, while only a minority of papers explored language or multi-domain protocols. Finally, although caregivers were rarely the direct target of intervention, their role was diffusely highlighted as a critical element of the home-based rehabilitation setting.DiscussionThis systematic review offers insights into the integration of technological devices into telerehabilitation programs for pediatric neurologic and neurodevelopmental disorders. It highlights factors contributing to the effectiveness of these interventions and suggests the need for further development, particularly in creating dynamic and multi-domain rehabilitation protocols. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of promoting home-based and family-centered care, which could involve caregivers more actively in the treatment, potentially leading to improved clinical outcomes for children with neurological or neurodevelopmental conditions.Systematic review registrationPROSPERO (CRD42020210663)

    Dataset from: Development of implicit and explicit attentional modulation of the processing of social cues conveyed by faces and bodies in children and adolescents

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    <p>Emotions and sex of other people shape the way we interact in the social environment. Indeed, the influence of these dimensions on cognitive processing is recognized as a highly conditional phenomenon. While much of the research on the topic focused on adults, less evidence is available for the pediatric population. The present study aimed at examining the development of the modulation of attention control on emotion and sex processing using facial and body expressions in children and adolescents (age range 8-16 years old). In Experiment 1a, participants performed a Flanker task (probing space-based attention) in which they had to indicate either the emotion (happy/fearful) or the sex of the target stimulus while ignoring the distracting stimuli at the side. We found evidence for intrusion of the sex, but not the emotion, of the stimuli during both sex and emotion recognition tasks, thus both at an explicit (i.e., task relevant) and implicit (i.e., task irrelevant) level. A control experiment consisting of an emotional Flanker task confirmed that, in contrast with previous findings in adults, emotion did not modulate attention control in children and adolescents even when task relevant (Experiment 1b). In Experiment 2 participants performed a same-or-different judgment task (probing feature-based attention) in which they were asked to indicate whether the central stimulus matched the lateral for emotion or sex. Results showed that emotional features exerted an implicit influence during sex judgements; likewise, sex features intruded on the processing of both faces and bodies during emotion judgments. Finally, Experiment 3 was conducted to explore the development of the explicit attention modulation exerted by the sex dimension on the processing of faces and bodies. To this aim, participants performed a Flanker task in which they were asked to recognize the sex of faces and bodies. The results indicated that, while younger participants showed a task-relevant influence of sexual features when processing faces, older participants showed such influence in processing bodies. These findings point to a greater attentional modulation exerted by sex, as compared to emotion, during social processing in children and adolescents and suggest a developmental trend of the saliency of facial and bodily cues for the perception of others’ sex.</p&gt