143 research outputs found

    Topological and Universal Aspects of Bosonized Interacting Fermionic Systems in (2+1)d

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    General results on the structure of the bosonization of fermionic systems in (2+1)(2+1)d are obtained. In particular, the universal character of the bosonized topological current is established and applied to generic fermionic current interactions. The final form of the bosonized action is shown to be given by the sum of two terms. The first one corresponds to the bosonization of the free fermionic action and turns out to be cast in the form of a pure Chern-Simons term, up to a suitable nonlinear field redefinition. We show that the second term, following from the bosonization of the interactions, can be obtained by simply replacing the fermionic current by the corresponding bosonized expression.Comment: 29 pages, RevTe

    Non-perturbative approach to backscattering off a dynamical impurity in 1D Fermi systems

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    We investigate the problem of backscattering off a time-dependent impurity in a one-dimensional electron gas. By combining the Schwinger-Keldysh method with an adiabatic approximation in order to deal with the corresponding out of equilibrium Dirac equation, we compute the total energy density (TED) of the system. We show how the free fermion TED is distorted by the backscattering amplitude and the geometry of the impurity.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTex4. Appendix and some text added. Results and conclusions did not change. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    On the Electromagnetic Response of Charged Bosons Coupled to a Chern-Simons Gauge Field: A Path Integral Approach

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    We analyze the electromagnetic response of a system of charged bosons coupled to a Chern-Simons gauge field. Path integral techniques are used to obtain an effective action for the particle density of the system dressed with quantum fluctuations of the CS gauge field. From the action thus obtained we compute the U(1) current of the theory for an arbitrary electromagnetic external field. For the particular case of a homogeneous external magnetic field, we show that the quantization of the transverse conductivity is exact, even in the presence of an arbitrary impurity distribution. The relevance of edge states in this context is analyzed. The propagator of density fluctuations is computed, and an effective action for the matter density in the presence of a vortex excitation is suggested.Comment: LaTex file, 27 pages, no figure

    A gauge invariant and string independent fermion correlator in the Schwinger model

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    We introduce a gauge invariant and string independent two-point fermion correlator which is analyzed in the context of the Schwinger model (QED_2). We also derive an effective infrared worldline action for this correlator, thus enabling the computation of its infrared behavior. Finally, we briefly discuss possible perspectives for the string independent correlator in the QED_3 effective models for the normal state of HTc superconductors.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Single Superfield Representation for Mixed Retarded and Advanced Correlators in Disordered Systems

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    We propose a new single superfield representation for mixed retarded and advanced correlators for noninteracting disordered systems. The method is tested in the simpler context of Random Matrix theory, by comparing with well known universal behavior for level spacing correlations. Our method is general and could be especially interesting to study localization properties encoded in the mixed correlators of Quantum Hall systems.Comment: 13 pages including two figures, RevTex4. Improved version. Figures changed. To appear in Journal of Physics

    Non-perturbative behavior of the quantum phase transition to a nematic Fermi fluid

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    We discuss shape (Pomeranchuk) instabilities of the Fermi surface of a two-dimensional Fermi system using bosonization. We consider in detail the quantum critical behavior of the transition of a two dimensional Fermi fluid to a nematic state which breaks spontaneously the rotational invariance of the Fermi liquid. We show that higher dimensional bosonization reproduces the quantum critical behavior expected from the Hertz-Millis analysis, and verify that this theory has dynamic critical exponent z=3z=3. Going beyond this framework, we study the behavior of the fermion degrees of freedom directly, and show that at quantum criticality as well as in the the quantum nematic phase (except along a set of measure zero of symmetry-dictated directions) the quasi-particles of the normal Fermi liquid are generally wiped out. Instead, they exhibit short ranged spatial correlations that decay faster than any power-law, with the law x1exp(const.x1/3)|x|^{-1} \exp(-\textrm{const.} |x|^{1/3}) and we verify explicitely the vanishing of the fermion residue utilizing this expression. In contrast, the fermion auto-correlation function has the behavior t1exp(const.t2/3)|t|^{-1} \exp(-{\rm const}. |t|^{-2/3}). In this regime we also find that, at low frequency, the single-particle fermion density-of-states behaves as N(ω)=N(0)+Bω2/3logω+...N^*(\omega)=N^*(0)+ B \omega^{2/3} \log\omega +..., where N(0)N^*(0) is larger than the free Fermi value, N(0), and BB is a constant. These results confirm the non-Fermi liquid nature of both the quantum critical theory and of the nematic phase.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, 1 table; new version with minor changes; new subsection 3C2 added with an explicit calculation of the quasiparticle residue at the nematic transition; minor typos corrected, new references; general beautification of the text and figure

    Generalized sine-Gordon/massive Thirring models and soliton/particle correspondences

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    We consider a real Lagrangian off-critical submodel describing the soliton sector of the so-called conformal affine sl(3)(1)sl(3)^{(1)} Toda model coupled to matter fields (CATM). The theory is treated as a constrained system in the context of Faddeev-Jackiw and the symplectic schemes. We exhibit the parent Lagrangian nature of the model from which generalizations of the sine-Gordon (GSG) or the massive Thirring (GMT) models are derivable. The dual description of the model is further emphasized by providing the relationships between bilinears of GMT spinors and relevant expressions of the GSG fields. In this way we exhibit the strong/weak coupling phases and the (generalized) soliton/particle correspondences of the model. The sl(n)(1)sl(n)^{(1)} case is also outlined.Comment: 22 pages, LaTex, some comments and references added, conclusions unchanged, to appear in J. Math. Phy