9 research outputs found

    Skuteczna chemioterapia indukująco-konsolidująca u 20-letniej chorej na ostrą białaczkę promielocytową niewyrażającej zgody na przetoczenia preparatów krwiopochodnych z powodu przekonań religijnych

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    This paper describes a case of 20 years old woman with acute promyelocytic leukemia who refused to accept blood transfusion because of religious beliefs. Individualized induction chemotherapy with daunorubicin, cladribine, cytarabine and all-trans retinoic acid was administered and complete remission was achieved. Grade 4 leukopenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia was observed during induction chemotherapy. Then three consecutive consolidation cycles were given without important complications. In control molecular analysis after induction-consolidation therapy there was no PML-RARA fusion gene detected.W pracy opisano przypadek 20-letniej chorej na ostrą białaczkę promielocytową, która z powodu przekonań religijnych nie wyrażała zgody na przetaczanie preparatów krwiopochodnych. U pacjentki zastosowano zindywidualizowane leczenie indukujące daunorubicyną, cytarabiną, kladrybiną i kwasem all-trans retinowym, uzyskując całkowitą remisję (CR). W trakcie chemioterapii indukującej obserwowano jedynie toksyczność hematologiczną pod postacią leukopenii, niedokrwistości i małopłytkowości 4. stopnia. Po uzyskaniu CR chora otrzymała kolejno trzy kursy chemioterapii konsolidującej bez istotnych powikłań. W kontrolnym badaniu molekularnym po zakończeniu chemioterapii indukująco-konsolidującej nie stwierdzono obecności genu fuzyjnego PML-RARA

    Similar survival outcomes in patients with biclonal versus monoclonal myeloma: a multi-institutional matched case-control study

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    Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell malignancy characterized by clonal proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow and associated organ damage. Usually, patients with myeloma present with a single monoclonal protein in serum and/or urine constituted by one heavy chain and one light chain. In less than 5% of the patients, more than one monoclonal protein can be identified. The aim of our retrospective multicenter matched case-control study was to describe the characteristics of cases with biclonal myeloma and compare them against a control group of monoclonal myeloma patients matched by age, sex, and year of diagnosis. A total of 50 previously untreated cases with biclonal myeloma and 50 matched controls with monoclonal myeloma were included in this study. The controls were matched (1:1) for age, sex, year of diagnosis, and participating center. There were no differences in the rates of anemia (52 vs. 59%; p = 0.52), renal dysfunction (36 vs. 34%; p = 0.83), hypercalcemia (9 vs. 16%; p = 0.28), or presence of lytic lesions (23 vs. 16%; p = 0.38) between groups. Similarly, there was no difference in the rates of overall response to therapy (85 vs. 90%; p = 0.88) or survival rates of cases with biclonal myeloma and controls with monoclonal myeloma (4-year survival 72 vs. 76%; p = 0.23). Results of our study suggest that patients with biclonal myeloma have similar response and survival rates than patients with monoclonal myeloma

    Prognostic indicators in primary plasma cell leukaemia: a multicentre retrospective study of 117 patients

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    We report a multicentre retrospective study that analysed clinical characteristics and outcomes in 117 patients with primary plasma cell leukaemia (pPCL) treated at the participating institutions between January 2006 and December 2016. The median age at the time of pPCL diagnosis was 61 years. Ninety-eight patients were treated with novel agents, with an overall response rate of 78%. Fifty-five patients (64%) patients underwent upfront autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). The median follow-up time was 50 months (95% confidence interval [CI] 33; 76), with a median overall survival (OS) for the entire group of 23 months (95% CI 15; 34). The median OS time in patients who underwent upfront ASCT was 35 months (95% CI 24·3; 46) as compared to 13 months (95% CI 6·3; 35·8) in patients who did not receive ASCT (P = 0·001). Multivariate analyses identified age ≥60 years, platelet count ≤100 × 109 /l and peripheral blood plasma cell count ≥20 × 109 /l as independent predictors of worse survival. The median OS in patients with 0, 1 or 2-3 of these risk factors was 46, 27 and 12 months, respectively (P < 0·001). Our findings support the use of novel agents and ASCT as frontline treatment in patients with pPCL. The constructed prognostic score should be independently validated. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Lt