7 research outputs found
Motivações e satisfação dos consumidores: o caso das Células de Consumidores Responsáveis (CCR) em Florianópolis-SC
Existe uma crescente preocupação por parte dos consumidores com a busca por alimentos bons, limpos e justos, além do interesse emergente em construir relações de proximidade aqueles que os produzem. Nesse contexto, este trabalho buscou identificar as motivações dos consumidores ao integrar uma iniciativa de compra direta de alimentos em Florianópolis-SC e avaliar a satisfação dos mesmos após um ano de participação, através de questionários online aplicados em diferentes etapas. Observou-se que a iniciativa possibilitou aos consumidores uma maior valorização da agricultura familiar, havendo um alto índice de satisfação para com a iniciativa principalmente no que se refere à relação preço-qualidade dos produtos. Conclui-se que há necessidade de uma maior aproximação entre produtores e consumidores e de estreitamento das relações, fato que pode vir a despertar um consumo mais ético e responsável
Cidadania agroalimentar e a promoção da agricultura familiar agroecológica: dois casos de cooperativas de consumo no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecossistemas, Florianópolis, 2022.Pesquisamos as cooperativas de consumo (CC) de alimentos orgânicos a partir do lugar das ciências agrárias, com olhar para a agricultura familiar agroecológica e as redes que estão envolvidas nesse contexto. Buscamos compreender esses espaços coletivos de comercialização a partir dos mercados agroalimentares, baseados na construção social e nas relações que se estabelecem entre os atores sociais e os territórios em que estão inseridos. A partir daí, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é analisar a contribuição das CC estudadas para a geração de mercados e fortalecimento do sistema agroalimentar (ou RCA) que valorizem a agricultura familiar agroecológica. São elas a Coopet ? Cooperativa de Consumidores de Produtos Ecológicos de Três Cachoeiras e a GiraSol ? Cooperativa de Comércio Justo e Consciente de Porto Alegre, ambas localizadas no Rio Grande do Sul. Fazemos isso por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, análise de documentos e entrevistas com os atores envolvidos no abastecimento. Mobilizamos as noções de circuitos curtos de comercialização (CCC) e redes de cidadania agroalimentar (RCA), com enfoque na participação da sociedade civil na organização do abastecimento alimentar. No primeiro capítulo, aprofundamos na análise das proximidades geradas pelos circuitos curtos de comercialização que chegam às CC estudadas. Ambas as CC promoveram os três tipos de proximidades associados aos CCC (geográfica, relacional e informacional). A Coopet destacou-se por articular forte proximidade geográfica e relacional entre famílias de agricultores e consumidores sócios, devido aos vínculos comunitários que são fortalecidos no contexto de ruralidade em que se insere. A GiraSol, por outro lado, destacou-se por articular principalmente a proximidade informacional em um contexto urbano e metropolitano, de forma compensatória a menor proximidade geográfica e relacional. As CC estudadas mostraram-se como espaços de comercialização importantes para os produtores, pois geram renda relevante para a maioria dos grupos, valorizam a sazonalidade e a agrobiodiversidade da produção e constroem preços coletivamente. No segundo capítulo, identificamos que as CC estudadas estão imersas em RCAs, formadas por organizações cooperativas e associativas de produção, redes da agricultura familiar e economia solidária, ONGs em cada território, além de movimentos sociais, sindicatos e universidades, onde são constituídas trajetórias e interações entre os atores que geram práticas cidadãs de comercialização no abastecimento dos alimentos orgânicos. Por meio das práticas cidadãs de comercialização criadas a partir das CC, os agricultores ampliam a apropriação e a participação democrática nos processos em torno do abastecimento alimentar, envolvendo e potencializando as redes vinculadas à agricultura familiar, agroecologia e economia solidária nos territórios rurais e urbanos. Os resultados dessa pesquisa demonstram que por meio da conformação de CCCs e da apropriação cidadã pelos agricultores de dinâmicas comerciais em RCAs, as CC têm cumprido com a finalidade de organizar o abastecimento dos orgânicos a preços acessíveis e valorizar a agricultura familiar agroecológica nos territórios ? aproximando produtores e consumidores, articulando trocas mercantis e reciprocidades, gerando mecanismos de credibilidade e confiança pela organização social e participação coletiva e construindo noções de qualidade que refletem na valorização da agrobiodiversidade e localidade dos alimentos produzidos pela agricultura familiar agroecológica.Abstract: We studied organic food consumer cooperatives (CC) from the agrarian sciences perspective, looking at agroecological family farming and their related networks. We seek to understand these collective food supply initiatives based on agrifood markets, their social construction and the established relationships between social actors and territories in which they operate. This research aims to analyze the contribution of two organic food CC for generating markets that value agroecological family farming. The CC studied are Coopet ? Cooperativa de Consumidores de Produtos Ecológicos de Três Cachoeiras andGiraSol ? Cooperativa de Comércio Justo e Consciente de Porto Alegre. We use qualitative methods, document analysis and interviews with actors engaged in CC food supply. We discuss short food supply chains (SFSC) and civic food networks (CFN), focusing on civil society participation in organizing food supply. In the first part, we deepen the analysis of the proximities generated by the SFSC of the studied CC. Both CC promoted all types of proximity associated with SFSC (geographic or spatial, informational and relational). Coopet articulates mainly geographic and relational proximity between families of farmers and consumers members, mostly due to communitary bonds built in its rurality context. GiraSol, on the other hand, articulates mostly informational proximity in a urban and metropolitan context, compensating reduced geographic and relational proximity. The CC studied proved to be important food supply initiatives for producers, as they generate relevant income, value production seasonality and agrobiodiversity, and build prices collectively between producers and managers. In the second part, we identify that CC studied are embedded in CFNs, including production cooperatives and associations, family farming and solidarity economy networks, NGOs in each territory, as well as social movements, unions and universities, where actors trajectories and interactions generate civic practices around organic food supply. Through CC civic practices, farmers expand citzen ownership and democratic participation around food supply, enhancing family farming, agroecology and solidarity economy networks in rural and urban territories. The research results demonstrate that through SFSC and by farmers? citizen ownership of comercial dynamics in CFNs, the CC studied have met the purpose of organizing organic food supply at fair prices and valuing agroecological family farming in the territories ? they bring closer producers and consumers, create trust and credibility mechanisms by social organization and collective participation, and build quality notions that value food locality and agrobiodiversity produced by agroecological family farmers
Soy consumidor(a)! [recurso eletrônico] : ¿cómo crear y gestionar una celula de consumidores responsables (CCR) de alimentos orgánicos y agroecologicos?
Esta guía presenta la experiencia de las CCR, modelo
que cuenta con varias iniciativas en la región de la
Gran Florianópolis, SC. Todas las iniciativas articulan
agricultores(as) y consumidores(as), generando dinámicas
organizacionales propias e innovadoras. Este material
busca orientar a los consumidores(as) interesados
en crear y autogestionar una Célula de Consumidores
Responsables cerca de su casa o trabajo
Sou consumidor(a)! [recurso eletrônico]: como criar e gerir uma célula de consumidores responsáveis (CCR) de alimentos orgânicos/ agroecológicos?
Esta cartilha apresenta a experiência das CCR, modelo
que conta com várias iniciativas na região da Grande
Florianópolis/SC. Todas essas iniciativas articulam
agricultores(as) e consumidores(as) gerando dinâmicas
organizacionais próprias e inovadoras. Este material
objetiva orientar os consumidores(as) interessados(as)
em criar e autogerir uma Célula de Consumidores
Responsáveis perto de sua casa ou trabalho
Enhancement of conservation knowledge through increased access to botanical information
Herbarium specimens are increasingly recognized as an important resource for conservation science and virtual herbaria are making specimens freely available to a wider range of users than ever before. Few virtual herbaria are designed with conservation use as a primary driver. Exceptionally, Brazil's Reflora Virtual Herbarium (RVH) was created to increase knowledge and conservation of the Brazilian flora. The RVH is closely integrated with the Flora of Brazil 2020 platform on which Brazil's new national Flora is under construction. Both resources are accessible via the Reflora home page and thousands of users move seamlessly between these Reflora resources. To understand how the Reflora resources are currently used and their impact on conservation science, we conducted a literature review and an online survey. We searched for publications of studies in which Reflora resources were used and publications resulting from Brazilian researchers who were part of Reflora's research and mobility program. The survey contained multiple choice questions and questions that required a written response. We targeted Reflora webpage visitors with the survey to capture a wider range of Reflora users than the literature review. Reflora resources were used for a variety of conservation-relevant purposes. Half the 806 scientific publications in which Reflora was cited and 81% of the 1069 survey respondents accessing Reflora resources mentioned conservation-relevant research outputs. Most conservation-relevant uses of the Reflora resources in scientific publications were research rather than implementation focused. The survey of Reflora users showed conservation uses and impacts of virtual herbaria were more numerous and diverse than the uses captured in the literature review. Virtual herbaria are vital resources for conservation science, but they must document use and impacts more comprehensively to ensure sustainability
Using online databases to produce comprehensive accounts of the vascular plants from the Brazilian protected areas: The Parque Nacional do Itatiaia as a case study
Brazil is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, with about 37,000 species of land plants. Part of this biodiversity is within protected areas. The development of online databases in the last years greatly improved the available biodiversity data. However, the existing databases do not provide information about the protected areas in which individual plant species occur. The lack of such information is a crucial gap for conservation actions. This study aimed to show how the information captured from online databases, cleaned by a protocol and verified by taxonomists allowed us to obtain a comprehensive list of the vascular plant species from the "Parque Nacional do Itatiaia", the first national park founded in Brazil. All existing records in the online database JABOT (15,100 vouchers) were downloaded, resulting in 11,783 vouchers identified at the species level. Overall, we documented 2,316 species belonging to 176 families and 837 genera of vascular plants in the "Parque Nacional do Itatiaia". Considering the whole vascular flora, 2,238 species are native and 78 are non-native.The "Parque Nacional do Itatiaia" houses 13% of the angiosperm and 37% of the fern species known from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Amongst these species, 82 have been cited as threatened, following IUCN categories (CR, EN or VU), seven are data deficient (DD) and 15 have been classified as a conservation priority, because they are only known from a single specimen collected before 1969
Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network
International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora