20 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: descrever a experiência de um grupo com usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) II, com a utilização do guia da Gestão Autônoma da Medicação como ferramenta de empoderamento e promoção da autonomia. Metodologia: Constitui-se recorte de um estudo de pesquisa e intervenção, consistindo a pesquisa ação qualitativa de cunho descritiva e compreensiva. Foram selecionados dez usuários, com nível mínimo de organização psíquica, vinculados ao CAPS II, indicados por profissionais de referência. Resultados: A partir da utilização do guia da Gestão Autônoma da Medicação identificou-se a relevância do grupo terapêutico, do vínculo, do território, da gestão do cuidado e autonomia dos sujeitos ao longo do tratamento, com vistas à melhoria da qualidade de vida e humanização das relações para usuários da saúde mental. Conclusão: o grupo pode permitir aos usuários do CAPS II tornarem-se mais críticos e autônomos em relação ao seu tratamento.Descritores: Saúde Mental; Autonomia Pessoal; Grupo

    Reconstruction of phrenic neuron identity in embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons

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    Air breathing is an essential motor function for vertebrates living on land. The rhythm that drives breathing is generated within the central nervous system and relayed via specialised subsets of spinal motor neurons to muscles that regulate lung volume. In mammals, a key respiratory muscle is the diaphragm, which is innervated by motor neurons in the phrenic nucleus. Remarkably, relatively little is known about how this crucial subtype of motor neuron is generated during embryogenesis. Here, we used direct differentiation of motor neurons from mouse embryonic stem cells as a tool to identify genes that direct phrenic neuron identity. We find that three determinants, Pou3f1, Hoxa5 and Notch, act in combination to promote a phrenic neuron molecular identity. We show that Notch signalling induces Pou3f1 in developing motor neurons in vitro and in vivo. This suggests that the phrenic neuron lineage is established through a local source of Notch ligand at mid-cervical levels. Furthermore, we find that the cadherins Pcdh10, which is regulated by Pou3f1 and Hoxa5, and Cdh10, which is controlled by Pou3f1, are both mediators of like-like clustering of motor neuron cell bodies. This specific Pcdh10/Cdh10 activity might provide the means by which phrenic neurons are assembled into a distinct nucleus. Our study provides a framework for understanding how phrenic neuron identity is conferred and will help to generate this rare and inaccessible yet vital neuronal subtype directly from pluripotent stem cells, thus facilitating subsequent functional investigations

    Modelling renal defects in Bardet-Biedl syndrome patients using human iPS cells

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    Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a ciliopathy with pleiotropic effects on multiple tissues, including the kidney. Here we have compared renal differentiation of iPS cells from healthy and BBS donors. High content image analysis of WT1-expressing kidney progenitors showed that cell proliferation, differentiation and cell shape were similar in healthy, BBS1, BBS2, and BBS10 mutant lines. We then examined three patient lines with BBS10 mutations in a 3D kidney organoid system. The line with the most deleterious mutation, with low BBS10 expression, expressed kidney marker genes but failed to generate 3D organoids. The other two patient lines expressed near normal levels of BBS10 mRNA and generated multiple kidney lineages within organoids when examined at day 20 of organoid differentiation. However, on prolonged culture (day 27) the proximal tubule compartment degenerated. Introducing wild type BBS10 into the most severely affected patient line restored organoid formation, whereas CRISPR-mediated generation of a truncating BBS10 mutation in a healthy line resulted in failure to generate organoids. Our findings provide a basis for further mechanistic studies of the role of BBS10 in the kidney

    Fitotoxicidade de herbicidas aplicados em pós transplantio de mudas de maracujá amarelo

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    Brazil is the world’s leading producer of passion fruit. However, for this crop, there are no records of herbicides for weed control. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of herbicide application after transplanting of yellow passion fruit seedlings during growth and phytotoxicity of the crop. Twenty-one herbicides with different mechanisms of action were tested by application at 35 days after transplanting (DAT). Phytotoxicity of the crop by the herbicides was evaluated at 63 DAT, and assessments of damage to seedlings were held at 70 days DAT. No herbicide caused damage to the root system of the passion fruit plants. The herbicides glyphosate, imazapic, metsulfuron-methyl and glufosinate-ammonium reduced plant height gain. The herbicides atrazine, linuron, metribuzin, diuron, tebuthiuron and bentazon reduced leaf dry matter, stem dry matter and total dry matter of the plants. Fluazifop-p-butyl reduced height gain and leaf dry matter. Herbicides that caused the greatest damage to seedling growth also caused the greatest phytotoxicity. The herbicides oxadiazon, fenoxaprop-ethyl, tembotrione, chlorimuron-ethyl and isoxaflutole did not hinder growth and did not intoxicate the seedlings; they were the most promising for use in the total area.O Brasil é o principal produtor de maracujá do mundo, todavia, para esta cultura não existe registro de herbicidas no controle de plantas daninhas. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de herbicidas após o transplantio de mudas de maracujá amarelo no crescimento e intoxicação da cultura. Foram testados 21 herbicidas de diferentes mecanismos de ação aplicados aos 35 dias após transplantio (DAT). Aos 63 dias DAT foram avaliadas as intoxicações causadas pelos herbicidas na cultura, e aos 70 dias DAT foram realizadas as avaliações dos danos causados às mudas. Nenhum herbicida causou danos ao sistema radicular das plantas de maracujá. Os herbicidas glifosate, imazapic, metsulfuron-methyl e amonio-glufosinate, causaram reduções no ganho em altura das plantas. Os herbicidas atrazine, linuron, metribuzin, diuron, tebuthiuron e bentazon reduziram a matéria seca da folha, caule e total das plantas. O fluazifop-p-butil reduziu o ganho em altura e a matéria seca de folhas. Os herbicidas que causaram os maiores danos no crescimento das mudas, também causaram maiores intoxicações. Os herbicidas oxadiazon, fenoxaprop-ethyl, tembotrione, chlorimuron-ethyl e isoxaflutole não prejudicaram o crescimento e não intoxicaram as mudas, sendo os mais promissores para aplicação em área total

    Modelling renal defects in Bardet-Biedl syndrome patients using human iPS cells

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    Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a ciliopathy with pleiotropic effects on multiple tissues, including the kidney. Here we have compared renal differentiation of iPS cells from healthy and BBS donors. High content image analysis of WT1-expressing kidney progenitors showed that cell proliferation, differentiation and cell shape were similar in healthy, BBS1, BBS2, and BBS10 mutant lines. We then examined three patient lines with BBS10 mutations in a 3D kidney organoid system. The line with the most deleterious mutation, with low BBS10 expression, expressed kidney marker genes but failed to generate 3D organoids. The other two patient lines expressed near normal levels of BBS10 mRNA and generated multiple kidney lineages within organoids when examined at day 20 of organoid differentiation. However, on prolonged culture (day 27) the proximal tubule compartment degenerated. Introducing wild type BBS10 into the most severely affected patient line restored organoid formation, whereas CRISPR-mediated generation of a truncating BBS10 mutation in a healthy line resulted in failure to generate organoids. Our findings provide a basis for further mechanistic studies of the role of BBS10 in the kidney

    Anais do V Encontro Brasileiro de Educomunicação: Educação midiática e políticas públicas

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    A presente coletânea, que chega ao público através de um suporte digital, tem como objetivo disponibilizar os papers, bem como os relatos de experiências educomunicativas apresentados durante o V ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO DE EDUCOMUNICAÇÃO, que teve como tema central: “Educação Midiática e Políticas Públicas”. O evento foi realizado em São Paulo, entre 19 e 21 de setembro de 2013, a partir de uma parceria entre o NCE/USP - Núcleo de Comunicação e Educação da USP, a Licenciatura em Educomunicação da ECA/USP, a ABPEducom – Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores e Profissionais da Educomunicação e a FAPCOM – Faculdade Paulus de Tecnologia e Comunicação, que ofereceu seu campus, na Vila Mariana, para os atos do evento. Os presentes anais disponibilizam o texto de abertura, de autoria do coordenador geral do evento, denominado “Educação midiática e políticas públicas: vertentes históricas da emergência da Educomunicação na América Latina”. Na sequência, apresentam 61 papers sobre aspectos específicos da temática geral, resultantes de pesquisas na área, seguidos de 27 relatos de práticas educomunicativas, em nível nacional

    Restoring motor function using optogenetics and neural engraftment:Tissue, cell & pathway engineering (2016)

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    Controlling muscle function is essential for human behaviour and survival, thus, impairment of motor function and muscle paralysis can severely impact quality of life and may be immediately life-threatening, as occurs in many cases of traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) and in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Repairing damaged spinal motor circuits, in either SCI or ALS, currently remains an elusive goal. Therefore alternative strategies are needed to artificially control muscle function and thereby enable essential motor tasks. This review focuses on recent advances towards restoring motor function, with a particular focus on stem cell-derived neuronal engraftment strategies, optogenetic control of motor function and the potential future translational application of these approaches

    Enrichment of human embryonic stem cell-derived V3 interneurons using an Nkx2-2 gene-specific reporter.

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    V3 spinal interneurons are a key element of the spinal circuits, which control motor function. However, to date, there are no effective ways of deriving a pure V3 population from human pluripotent stem cells. Here, we report a method for differentiation and isolation of spinal V3 interneurons, combining extrinsic factor-mediated differentiation and magnetic activated cell sorting. We found that differentiation of V3 progenitors can be enhanced with a higher concentration of Sonic Hedgehog agonist, as well as culturing cells in 3D format. To enable V3 progenitor purification from mixed differentiation cultures, we developed a transgene reporter, with a part of the regulatory region of V3-specific gene Nkx2-2 driving the expression of a membrane marker CD14. We found that in human cells, NKX2-2 initially exhibited co-labelling with motor neuron progenitor marker, but V3 specificity emerged as the differentiation culture progressed. At these later differentiation timepoints, we were able to enrich V3 progenitors labelled with CD14 to ~ 95% purity, and mature them to postmitotic V3 interneurons. This purification tool for V3 interneurons will be useful for in vitro disease modeling, studies of normal human neural development and potential cell therapies for disorders of the spinal cord

    Optical Control of Muscle Function by Transplantation of Stem Cell–Derived Motor Neurons in Mice

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    Damage to the central nervous system caused by traumatic injury or neurological disorders can lead to permanent loss of voluntary motor function and muscle paralysis. Here, we describe an approach that circumvents central motor circuit pathology to restore specific skeletal muscle function. We generated murine embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons that express the light-sensitive ion channel channelrhodopsin-2, which we then engrafted into partially denervated branches of the sciatic nerve of adult mice. These engrafted motor neurons not only reinnervated lower hind-limb muscles but also enabled their function to be restored in a controllable manner using optogenetic stimulation. This synthesis of regenerative medicine and optogenetics may be a successful strategy to restore muscle function after traumatic injury or disease