25 research outputs found

    El Pleistoceno del Torrente Son Granada (Baleares)

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    Las formaciones cuaternarias marinas de Cala Pí (Mallorca)

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    Nuevos yacimientos del Pleistoceno marino de Mallorca

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    Interventions of computerized psychotherapies for depression in Primary Care in Spain

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    Currently, depression is a global health problem recognized by the WHO. The prevalence of this pathology in Primary Care is estimated at 19.5% worldwide, and 20.2% in Spain. In addition, the current intervention policies and protocols involve significant costs, both personal and economic, for people suffering from this disorder, as well as for society in general. On the other hand, the relapse rates after pharmacological interventions that are currently applied and the lack of effective specialized attention in mental health services reflect the need to develop new therapeutic strategies that are more accessible and profitable. Therefore, one of the proposals that are being investigated in different parts of the world is the design and evaluation of therapeutic protocols applied through Information and Communication Technologies, especially through the Internet and computer programs. The objective of this work was to present the current situation in Spain regarding the use of these interventions for the treatment of depression in Primary Care. The main conclusion is that although there is scientific evidence on the effectiveness of these programs, there are still important barriers that hinder their application in the public system, and also the need to develop implementation studies that facilitate the transition from research to clinical practice

    Mindfulness aplicado a la atención primaria

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    Puntos clave - Mindfulness se entiende como atención y conciencia plena, como un esfuerzo por centrarse en el momento presente, en el aquí y ahora, de modo activo y reflexivo con carácter no valorativo. - Los componentes fundamentales del mindfulness son: centrarse en el presente, apertura a la experiencia, aceptación radical, elección de experiencias y renuncia al control. - Las principales cualidades del mindfulness son: no conceptual, centrado en el presente, no valorativo, intencional, observación participante, no verbal, exploratorio y liberador. - Los principales programas son: como Programa de Reducción del Estrés basado en Mindfulness, Terapia Cognitiva basada en el Mindfulness y Prevención de recaídas basado en Mindfulness. - Las intervenciones basadas en mindfulness destacan por ser sencillas, breves y adaptables al tipo de paciente y su patología. - Los programas de mindfulness pueden aplicarse tanto con carácter interventivo como preventivo. - El minfulness ha mostrado eficacia en atención primaria sobre distintas afecciones tanto físicas como mentales, como ansiedad, depresión, suicidio, estrés, hipertensión, enfermedad coronaria, diabetes, cefaleas, adicciones, dolor crónico y fibromialgia. - Los profesionales de la salud son un sector sometido a importantes niveles de estrés laboral debido a las características psicológicas, emocionales y organizacionales inherentes al propio puesto de trabajo. - En relación con los profesionales de la salud en atención primaria, el mindfulness se muestra eficaz en la reducción del estrés y la mejora en la calidad de vida. - A pesar de la eficacia demostrada, todavía es un reto su implementación sistemática en los centros de salud de atención primaria

    Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on biomarkers and low-grade inflammation in patients with psychiatric disorders: A meta-analytic review

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    Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) present positive effects on mental health in diverse populations. However, the detailed associations between MBIs and biomarkers in patients with psychiatric disorders remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of MBIs on biomarkers in psychiatric illness used to summarise the effects of low-grade inflammation. A systematic review of PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Library was conducted. Effect sizes (ESs) were determined by Hedges’ g and the number needed to treat (NNT). Heterogeneity was evaluated. A total of 10 trials with 998 participants were included. MBIs showed significant improvements in the event-related potential amplitudes in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, the methylation of serotonin transporter genes in post-traumatic stress disorder, the salivary levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) in depression, and the blood levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), IL-6, and TNF-a in generalised anxiety disorder. MBIs showed low but significant effects on health status related to biomarkers of low-grade inflammation (g = -0.21; 95% confidence interval (CI) –0.41 to -0.01; NNT = 8.47), with no heterogeneity (I2 = 0; 95% CI 0 to 79). More trials are needed to establish the impact of MBIs on biomarkers in psychiatric illness

    A systematic review of the adherence to home-practice meditation exercises in patients with chronic pain

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    Mindfulness-, compassion-, and acceptance-based (i.e., “third wave”) psychotherapies are effective for treating chronic pain conditions. Many of these programs require that patients engage in the systematic home practice of meditation experiences so they can develop meditation skills. This systematic review aimed at evaluating the frequency, duration, and effects of home practice in patients with chronic pain undergoing a “third wave” psychotherapy. A comprehensive database search for quantitative studies was conducted in PubMed, Embase, and Web of Sciences Core Collection; 31 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The reviewed studies tended to indicate a pattern of moderately frequent practice (around four days/week), with very high variability in terms of time invested; most studies observed significant associations between the amount of practice and positive health outcomes. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy were the most common interventions and presented low levels of adherence to home practice (39.6% of the recommended time). Some studies were conducted on samples of adolescents, who practiced very few minutes, and a few tested eHealth interventions with heterogeneous adherence levels. In conclusion, some adaptations may be required so that patients with chronic pain can engage more easily and, thus, effectively in home meditation practices

    Protective role of mindfulness, self-compassion and psychological flexibility on the burnout subtypes among psychology and nursing undergraduate students

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    Aims: To explore the relationship between mindfulness, self-compassion and psychological flexibility, and the burnout subtypes in university students of the Psychology and Nursing degrees, and to analyse possible risk factors for developing burnout among socio-demographic and studies-related characteristics. Design: Cross-sectional study conducted on a sample of 644 undergraduate students of Nursing and Psychology from two Spanish universities. Methods: The study was conducted between December 2015 and May 2016. Bivariate Pearson''s correlations were computed to analyse the association between mindfulness facets, self-compassion and psychological flexibility, and levels of burnout. Multivariate linear regression models and bivariate and multivariate binary logistic regressions were also computed. Results: The three subtypes of burnout presented significant correlations with psychological flexibility, self-compassion and some mindfulness facets. Psychological flexibility, self-compassion and the mindfulness facets of observing and acting with awareness were significantly associated to burnout. Among the risk factors, ‘year of study’ was the only variable to show significantly higher risk for every burnout subtype. Conclusion: The significant associations found between mindfulness, self-compassion, psychological flexibility and burnout levels underline the need of including these variables as therapeutic targets when addressing the burnout syndrome in university students. Impact. Undergraduate students, especially those of health sciences, often experience burnout. This study delves into the protective role of some psychological variables: mindfulness, self-compassion and psychological flexibility. These should be considered as potentially protective skills for developing burnout, and therefore, undergraduate students could be trained on these abilities to face their studies and their future profession to prevent experiencing burnout syndrome. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Lt