614 research outputs found

    Desempenhos produtivos de cruzamentos de ovinos das raças Santa Inês, Somalis Brasileira, Dorper e Poll Dorset no Brasil.

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    Resumo: A partir de registros de peso ao nascer (PN), peso ao desmame (PD) e ganho de peso entre nascimento e desmame (GP), foram estimados os efeitos de diferença genética aditiva entre as raças Santa Inês (SI), Somalis Brasileira (So), Dorper (Do) e Poll Dorset (Po), de dominância e de recombinação. Foram utilizados 3.573 registros de PN e 2.797 registros de PD e GP. Análises com modelo animal foram realizadas considerando os efeitos de diferença genética aditiva entre as raças, de dominância e de recombinação como covariáveis. Observou-se diferença significativa para a genética individual das raças Poll Dorset e Somalis Brasileira para PN, PD e GP. Para PD, também foi encontrada significância para a heterose direta Do x So e SI x So e para a heterose materna Do x SI, Do x So, Po x SI, Po x So e SI x So. Para GP, também foi encontrada significância para a recombinação e para as heteroses maternas Do x Po, Do x SI, Do x So, Po x SI, Po x So e SI x So. A manutenção de elevados níveis de heterozigose individual e materna tem grande importância, proporcionando animais com melhores desempenhos. [Productive Performance of Crossbreeding of Santa Inês, Somalis Brasileira, Dorper and Poll Dorset breeds sheep in Brazil]. Abstract: From records of birth weight (PN), weaning weight (PD) and pre-weaning weight gain (GP), effects of additive genetic difference among Santa Ines (SI), Somalis Brasileira (So), Dorper (Do) and Poll Dorset (Po) breeds, effects of dominance and recombination were estimated. 3,573 records of PN and 2,797 records of PD and GP were utilized. Animal models analyses were performed considering the effects of additive genetic difference between the breeds and the effects of dominance and of recombination as covariates. There was a significant individual genetic difference for Poll Dorset and Somalis Brasileira breeds for PN, PD and GP. For PD, the direct heterosis of Do x So and SI x So and the maternal heterosis for Do x SI, Do x So, Po x SI, Po x So and SI x So were significant. For GP, the recombination and the maternal heterosis for Do x Po, Do x SI, Do x So, Po x SI, Po x So and SI x So were significant. The maintenance of high levels of individual and maternal heterozygosis has great importance, providing animals with better performance

    Compression Stockings Used During Two Soccer Matches Improve Perceived Muscle Soreness and High-Intensity Performance.

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    Gimenes, SV, Marocolo, M, Pavin, LN, Pagoto Spigolon, LM, Neto, OB, Côrrea da Silva, BV, Duffield, R, and Ribeiro da Mota, G. Compression stockings used during two soccer matches improve perceived muscle soreness and high-intensity performance. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2018-Evidence on the use of compression stockings (CS) during soccer matches is limited. Thus, we evaluated the acute effects of CS on match-based physical performance indicators and perceptual responses during 2 consecutive soccer matches with 72-hour recovery. Twenty outfield players were randomly allocated to the CS group (20-30 mm Hg) or control group (non-CS) and performed 2 matches (5 players using CS or regular socks per team/match). Match loads {rating of perceived exertion × minutes; CS ∼830 vs. control 843 (arbitrary units [AU])} and heart rate (HR) responses (both CS and control ∼86% HRpeak) did not differ (p > 0.05) between CS and control groups. Although total distance covered did not differ (p > 0.05) between groups, CS increased distances (effect size [ES] = 0.9-1.32) in higher-speed zones (>19 km·h CS ∼550 m vs. control ∼373 m) alongside an increased number of accelerations (-50.0 to -3.0 m·s) than control (CS: 33.7 ± 11.2 vs. control: 23.8 ± 7.9; p = 0.003; ES = 1.04). Perceived recovery did not differ (p > 0.05) between groups for either match but was worse in the second match for both groups. Perceived muscle soreness increased in control after match 2 (from 3.1 ± 1.9 to 6.3 ± 1.6 AU; p < 0.0010) but did not in CS (from 2.8 ± 1.4 to 4.1 ± 1.9 AU; p = 0.6275; ES = 1.24 CS vs. control after match). Accordingly, CS use during 2 soccer matches with 72-hour recovery reduces perceived muscle soreness in the second match and increases higher-speed match running performance

    Search for bioindicators of pollution in the Guanabara Bay: integrations of ecologic patterns

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    Guanabara Bay, since its discovery, has largely changed with the human occupation causing large amounts of deposited sediment and waste, as well as domestic and industry sewage. Surface sediment was analysed for foraminifera and ostracoda distribution, diversity and dominance studies. These results were compared with TOC analyses aiming the determination of pollution bioindicators. In general, foraminifera dominant species were Ammonia tepida, Buliminella elegantissima and Quinqueloculina seminulum. The foraminifera assemblages presented distinct abundance and diversity values in different regions of the bay. The diversity was higher in the entrance (south) and in the central region than in the north region of the bay. The dominant species, that are characteristic of stressed environments, presented higher values of abundance in the north region. The TOC values increased from south to north regions, and were inversely proportional to foraminifera diversity. The very high TOC values in very polluted areas suggest sediment deposition in anoxic-dysoxic environment. The ostracoda Gen. Cyprideis was dominant and its occurrence increased from south to north region. Occurrence of Callistocythere sigmocostata, Xestoleberis sp., Aurila sp., and Paracypris sp. were restricted to the entrance and central area, indicating a preference for less restricted conditions, like marine conditions. Foraminifera and ostracoda characteristic responses to the environment conditions related high TOC values showed their importance as bioindicators of stressed environments caused by anthropogenic pollution, in the Guanabara Bay.A Baía de Guanabara, desde o seu descobrimento, tem sido bastante modificada pela ocupação humana, causando o acúmulo de grande quantidade de sedimento depositado e lixo, bem como lançamento de esgotos domésticos e industriais. Sedimentos superficiais foram analisados visando o estudo da distribuição, diversidade e dominância de foraminíferos e ostracodes. Estes estudos foram comparados com análises de COT objetivando a determinação de bioindicadores de poluição. Em geral as espécies dominantes de foraminíferos foram Ammonia tepida,Buliminella elegantissima and Quinqueloculina seminulum. As associações de foraminíferos apresentam distintos valores de abundância e diversidade em diferentes regiões da Baía. A diversidade foi mais elevada na entrada (sul) e na região central do que na região norte da Baía. As espécies dominantes, que são características de ambientes sob estresse, apresentaram valores altos de abundância na região norte. Os valores de COT aumentaram da região sul para o norte e foram inversamente proporcionais à diversidade de foraminíferos. O elevados valores de COT em áreas muito poluídas sugerem deposição sedimentar em ambiente anóxico-desóxico. O Gen. Cyprideis, de ostracode, foi dominante e sua ocorrência aumentou da região sul para o norte. A ocorrência de Callistocythere sigmocostata, Xestoleberis sp., Aurila sp. e Paracypris sp. foi estrita à entrada e região central, indicando uma preferência por condições menos restritas, como condições marinhas. As respostas características dos foraminíferos e ostracodes às condições ambientais relacionadas aos elevados valores de COT mostraram sua importância como bioindicadores de ambientes sob estresse causado por poluição antropogênica na Baía de Guanabara

    Anatomia foliar de passifloras (Passifloraceae L.) infectadas com o Cowpea Aphid-Borne Mosaic Virus (CABMV).

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    Avaliou-se anatomicamente folhas cinco espécies de maracujazeiro: Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg., P. cincinnata Mast., P. gibertii N.E.Br., P. maliformis Vell. e P. setacea DC., do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, para identificar qual espécie sofre menos alterações histológicas quando infectada com o CABMV. Comparou-se plantas infectadas com sadias de cada espécie, obtidas em casa de vegetação. Fragmentos das folhas foram emblocados em historesina e cortados em micrótomo. As seções foram coradas em azul de toluidina 0,5%. Fez-se avaliações por espécie, com observações e mensurações das espessuras dos tecidos, comparadas através de teste T. As folhas infectadas de P. edulis foram as que apresentaram maiores alterações. P. setacea foi a espécie que apresentou menos alterações nas folhas inoculadas sendo considerada como a espécie mais resistente dentre as avaliadas

    Schizophrenia and work: aspects related to job acquisition in a follow-up study

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    Objective: Work is considered one of the main forms of social organizationhowever, few individuals with schizophrenia find work opportunities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between schizophrenia symptoms and job acquisition. Method: Fifty-three individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia from an outpatient treatment facility were included in an 18-month follow-up study. After enrollment, they participated in a prevocational training group. At the end of training (baseline) and 18 months later, sociodemographic, clinical data and occupational history were collected. Positive and negative symptoms (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale - PANSS), depression (Calgary Depression Scale), disease severity (Clinical Global Impression - CGI), functionality (Global Assessment of Functioning - GAF), personal and social performance (Personal and Social Performance - PSP) and cognitive functions (Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia - MATRICS battery) were applied at baseline and at the end of the study. Results: Those with some previous work experience (n = 19) presented lower scores on the PANSS, Calgary, GAF, CGI and PSP scales (p < 0.05) than those who did not work. Among those who worked, there was a slight worsening in positive symptoms (positive PANSS). Conclusions: Individuals with less severe symptoms were more able to find employment. Positive symptom changes do not seem to affect participation at workhowever, this calls for discussion about the importance of employment support.Programa de Esquizofrenia (PROESQ)Centro de Atencao Integrada a Saude Mental (CAISM)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2011/50740-5]Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)FAPESPConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)CAPESUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Carlos UFSCar, Dept Med, Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Carlos, Dept Terapia Ocupac, Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilFac Ciencias Med Santa Casa Sao Paulo, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP [2011/50740-5]Web of Scienc

    Improving physical activity behaviors, physical fitness, cardiometabolic and mental health in adolescents - ActTeens program : a protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    This trial aims to investigate the effects of the ActTeens physical activity program, on adolescents' physical activity level, health-related fitness, cardiometabolic and mental health. The trial will aim to recruit ∼140 adolescents (aged 13-14 years). Participants will be randomized into either intervention or control groups. The intervention will be guided by social cognitive theory and self-determination theory and implemented over one school term (24- weeks). The ActTeens Program will include: (1) structured physical activity sessions delivered within physical education, including movement-based games and dynamic stretching warm-ups; resistance training skill development; high-intensity training workouts; and cooldowns; (2) self-monitoring plus goal setting for physical activity by pedometer-smart wearable; and (3) healthy lifestyle guidance (social support) by WhatsApp® messages about healthy eating and regular physical activity for the intervention and parents groups. Study outcomes will be assessed at baseline, 24-weeks from baseline, and 12-months from baseline. Physical activity (accelerometer) is the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes include muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness, cardiometabolic profile, and mental health. A process evaluation will be conducted (i.e., recruitment, retention, attendance, and program satisfaction). This project will have the potential to address many questions and debates regarding the implementation of physical activity interventions in low-and- middle-income countries