7,735 research outputs found

    Causas de variação de pesos e ganhos de peso em fêmeas da Raça Canchim

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    Causas de variação e estimativas dos coeficientes de herdabilidade e correlações genética relativos aos pesos ao nascer, aos 205 aos 12, 18 e 24 meses

    Composição química, energética e proteina discutível de alguns alimentos para suínos.

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    21 alimentos utilizados na alimentação de suínos foram determinados, a analise proximal, os minerais, aminoacidos, a matéria seca digestivel o coeficiente de digestibilidade da proteina bruta a energia digestivel e a energia metabolizavel.Resumo

    Time-evolution of the Rule 150 cellular automaton activity from a Fibonacci iteration

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    The total activity of the single-seeded cellular rule 150 automaton does not follow a one-step iteration like other elementary cellular automata, but can be solved as a two-step vectorial, or string, iteration, which can be viewed as a generalization of Fibonacci iteration generating the time series from a sequence of vectors of increasing length. This allows to compute the total activity time series more efficiently than by simulating the whole spatio-temporal process, or even by using the closed expression.Comment: 4 pages (3 figs included

    Complete loop quantization of a dimension 1+2 Lorentzian gravity theory

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    De Sitter Chern-Simons gravity in D = 1 + 2 spacetime is known to possess an extension with a Barbero-Immirzi like parameter. We find a partial gauge fixing which leaves a compact residual gauge group, namely SU(2). The compacticity of the residual gauge group opens the way to the usual LQG quantization techniques. We recall the exemple of the LQG quantization of SU(2) CS theory with cylindrical space topology, which thus provides a complete LQG of a Lorentzian gravity model in 3-dimensional space-time.Comment: Loops11 - Madrid - 2011 (4 pages, Latex

    Viabilidade econômica do Adlay na alimentação de suínos em crescimento e terminação.

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    Indexação de plantas básicas de citros da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura para a presença de viróides.

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    Os citros são hospedeiros naturais de espécies de viróides: viróide da exocorte dos citros (Citrus exocortis viroid, CEVd), viróide do nanismo do lúpulo (Hop stunt viroid, HSVd), Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd), viróide da folha curvada dos citros (Citrus bent leaf viroid, CBLVd), viróide do nanismo dos citros (Citrus dwarfing viroid, CDVd) e, mais recentemente, também foi descrita a ocorrência do Citrus Viroid V (CVd-V) e Citrus viroid VI (CVd-VI). Somente o CEVd e variantes do HSVd são agentes causais de doenças, exocorte e xiloporose, respectivamente. No Brasil já foram identificados as espécies CEVd, HSVd e o CDVd

    Monitoring drought conditions and their uncertainties in Africa using TRMM data

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    The main objective of this study is to evaluate the uncertainties due to sample size associated with the estimation of the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and their impact on the level of confidence in drought monitoring in Africa using high-spatial-resolution data from short time series. To do this, two different rainfall datasets, each available on a monthly basis, were analyzed over four river basins in Africa-Oum er-Rbia, Limpopo, Niger, and eastern Nile-as well as at the continental level. The two precipitation datasets used were the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite monthly rainfall product 3B43 and the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre full-reanalysis gridded precipitation dataset. A nonparametric resampling bootstrap approach was used to compute the confidence bands associated with the SPI estimation, which are essential for making a qualified assessment of drought events. The comparative analysis of different datasets suggests that for reliable drought monitoring over Africa it is feasible to use short time series of remote sensing precipitation data, such as those from TRMM, that have a higher spatial resolution than other gridded precipitation data. The proposed approach for drought monitoring has the potential to be used in support of decision making at both continental and subcontinental scales over Africa or over other regions that have a sparse distribution of rainfall measurement instruments.Fil: Naumann, Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria; Argentina. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability; ItaliaFil: Barbosa, P.. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability; ItaliaFil: Carrao, H.. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability; ItaliaFil: Singleton, A.. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability; ItaliaFil: Vogt, J.. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability; Itali