5 research outputs found


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    Field observations and consecutive modelling of soil erosion events proved to be essential for understanding and predicting erosion and sediment transport. An experimental approach often utilizes a large variety of rainfall simulators. In this technical note a complex methodology is introduced, using a mobile rainfall simulator developed at the Czech Technical University in Prague. An experimental setup with two watered plots (16 + 1 m2) was established, which enables simultaneous measurements in two scales and monitoring of surface runoff, flow velocity, infiltration, sediment subsurface flow, vegetation cover effect suspended solids and phosphorus transport, surface roughness and surface evolution under rainfall and other variables. The simulator is built on a trailer transportable by car with folding arm carrying four FullJet WSQ nozzles operating independently. The configuration and water pressure 0.7 bar leads to the total watered area 2.4 x 9.6 m. Average drop size (d50) reaches 1.75 mm for 0.7 bar pressure. Christiansen uniformity index CU reaches 85%. A selection of experimental results highlights both the advantages and the weaknesses of the presented experimental setup

    Can Lumped Characteristics of a Contributing Area Provide Risk Definition of Sediment Flux?

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    Accelerated soil erosion by water has many offsite impacts on the municipal infrastructure. This paper discusses how to easily detect potential risk points around municipalities by simple spatial analysis using GIS. In the Czech Republic, the WaTEM/SEDEM model is verified and used in large scale studies to assess sediment transports. Instead of computing actual sediment transports in river systems, WaTEM/SEDEM has been innovatively used in high spatial detail to define indices of sediment flux from small contributing areas. Such an approach has allowed for the modeling of sediment fluxes in contributing areas with above 127,484 risk points, covering the entire Czech Republic territory. Risk points are defined as outlets of contributing areas larger than 1 ha, wherein the surface runoff goes into residential areas or vulnerable bodies of water. Sediment flux indices were calibrated by conducting terrain surveys in 4 large watersheds and splitting the risk points into 5 groups defined by the intensity of sediment transport threat. The best sediment flux index resulted from the correlation between the modeled total sediment input in a 100 m buffer zone of the risk point and the field survey data (R2 from 0.57 to 0.91 for the calibration watersheds). Correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) of the modeled indices and their relation to 11 lumped characteristics of the contributing areas were computed (average K-factor; average R-factor; average slope; area of arable land; area of forest; area of grassland; total watershed area; average planar curvature; average profile curvature; specific width; stream power index). The comparison showed that for risk definition the most important is a combination of morphometric characteristics (specific width and stream power index), followed by watershed area, proportion of grassland, soil erodibility, and rain erosivity (described by PC2)

    Vlastnosti povodí z hlediska jejich významu pro riziko vzniku intenzivního erozního odtoku

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    Prostřednictvím modelu WaTEM/SEDEM byla modelována erozní ohroženost obcí České republiky. V okolí ohrožených obcí bylo vyhledáno 130 000 kritických mikropovodí, která byla následně rozdělena do pěti kategorií podle míry hrozby vzniku intenzivního erozního odtoku. Modelování poskytlo rozsáhlou databázi téměř 130 tisíc mikropovodí s rizikovými uzávěrovými profily z hlediska produkce sedimentu, klasifikovanými do tříd jednak podle míry hrozby transportu sedimentu, jednak podle rizika vzniku škod v intravilánu obcí. Unikátní datová sada byla poté využita k analýze, jejímž cílem je odpovědět na následující otázky. Jak vypadá průměrné povodí produkující nebezpečné hodnoty smyvu? Které jsou klíčové parametry pro produkci splavenin a jejich transport plošným a soustředěným odtokem? Je možno spolehlivě identifikovat rizikový bod a zdrojovou plochu (dílčí povodí) pomocí jednoduchých metod na základě všeobecně dostupných parametrů? Analýza byla zaměřená na význam 11 faktorů popisujících využití území, morfologické a morfometrické charakteristiky povodí a půdní a srážkové charakteristiky z hlediska jejich vlivu na míru rizika vzniku erozního odtoku. Jako riziková se ukazují velká povodí konvergentního tvaru s výrazným sklonem v místech v okolí uzávěrového profilu.172

    Can Lumped Characteristics of a Contributing Area Provide Risk Definition of Sediment Flux?

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    Trabajo desarrollado bajo la financiación del proyecto “Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping Systems” (773903), coordinado por José Alfonso Gómez Calero, investigador del Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IAS).Accelerated soil erosion by water has many offsite impacts on the municipal infrastructure. This paper discusses how to easily detect potential risk points around municipalities by simple spatial analysis using GIS. In the Czech Republic, the WaTEM/SEDEM model is verified and used in large scale studies to assess sediment transports. Instead of computing actual sediment transports in river systems, WaTEM/SEDEM has been innovatively used in high spatial detail to define indices of sediment flux from small contributing areas. Such an approach has allowed for the modeling of sediment fluxes in contributing areas with above 127,484 risk points, covering the entire Czech Republic territory. Risk points are defined as outlets of contributing areas larger than 1 ha, wherein the surface runoff goes into residential areas or vulnerable bodies of water. Sediment flux indices were calibrated by conducting terrain surveys in 4 large watersheds and splitting the risk points into 5 groups defined by the intensity of sediment transport threat. The best sediment flux index resulted from the correlation between the modeled total sediment input in a 100 m buffer zone of the risk point and the field survey data (R2 from 0.57 to 0.91 for the calibration watersheds). Correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) of the modeled indices and their relation to 11 lumped characteristics of the contributing areas were computed (average K-factor; average R-factor; average slope; area of arable land; area of forest; area of grassland; total watershed area; average planar curvature; average profile curvature; specific width; stream power index). The comparison showed that for risk definition the most important is a combination of morphometric characteristics (specific width and stream power index), followed by watershed area, proportion of grassland, soil erodibility, and rain erosivity (described by PC2).This research was supported by grant VG20122015092: “Erosion Runoff—Increased Risk of the Residents and the Water Quality Exposure in the Context of the Expected Climate Change” and by grants QK1920224, LTC18030, and H2020 SHui, No. 773903.Peer reviewe

    <i>FADS</i> Polymorphisms Affect the Clinical and Biochemical Phenotypes of Metabolic Syndrome

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    Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) play important roles in human health, from controlling inflammation to lipid and glucose homeostasis. In our previous study, which employed a cluster analysis of a plasma fatty acid (FA) pattern, we identified two clusters of metabolic syndrome (MetS) independent of clinical and biochemical parameters within the whole study group (controls together with metabolic syndrome (MetS) patients). FA desaturase (FADS) genes are the key regulators of LC-PUFA metabolism. The aim of this study was to analyze associations between FADS polymorphisms and clusters of MetS. The study group consisted of 188 controls and 166 patients with MetS. The first cluster contained 71 controls (CON1) and 109 MetS patients (MetS1). The second cluster consisted of 117 controls (CON2) and 57 MetS patients (MetS2). In comparison with MetS2, cluster MetS1 displayed a more adverse risk profile. Cluster CON1 had, in comparison with CON2, higher body weight and increased triacylglycerol levels (p FADS rs174537 (p p p FADS polymorphisms between MetS and CON subjects, or between CON1 and CON2. These associations between FADS polymorphisms and two clusters of MetS (differing in waist circumference, HOMA-IR, lipolysis, and oxidative stress) implicate the important influence of genetic factors on the phenotypic manifestation of MetS