1,870 research outputs found


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    The immune status against polioviruses was investigated in a population of 545 students aged 11-20 years residing in the Neapolitan area, who had completed the vaccination cycle with four doses of OPV 5 to over 15 years before. Assuming as unprotected those individuals without detectable neutralizing antibodies at the dilution 1:2, nobody resulted without protection against all types of poliovirus; 0.7% lacked antibodies only against type 1, 0.6% only against type 3 and none against type 2. A very slight decreasing trend was observed for GMT values in function of the distance from the last dose of OPV for polio 1 and 2, but not for polio 3. As expected, GMT values for polio 2 resulted higher than those for polio 1 and both were higher than those for polio 3, when calculated by age groups as well as by distance groups. The last four Italian cases of autochthonous paralytic poliomyelitis, occurred in the period 1981/83, regarded unvaccinated children aged 6 months-2 years, residing in the same geographical area to which the study population belong. In the same area a delay of immunization practices was also ascertained in the recent past. Results of this study confirm that a priority for public health services is to devote their human and economic resources to reduce the vaccination delay more than administrate a further fifth dose of OPV at the age of twelve

    Towards the mechanical characterization of abdominal wall by inverse analysis

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    The aim of this study is to characterize the passive mechanical behaviour of abdominal wall in vivo in an animal model using only external cameras and numerical analysis. The main objective lies in defining a methodology that provides in vivo information of a specific patient without altering mechanical properties. It is demonstrated in the mechanical study of abdomen for hernia purposes. Mechanical tests consisted on pneumoperitoneum tests performed on New Zealand rabbits, where inner pressure was varied from 0 mmHg to 12 mmHg. Changes in the external abdominal surface were recorded and several points were tracked. Based on their coordinates we reconstructed a 3D finite element model of the abdominal wall, considering an incompressible hyperelastic material model defined by two parameters. The spatial distributions of these parameters (shear modulus and non linear parameter) were calculated by inverse analysis, using two different types of regularization: Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) and Tikhonov (H1). After solving the inverse problem, the distribution of the material parameters were obtained along the abdominal surface. Accuracy of the results was evaluated for the last level of pressure. Results revealed a higher value of the shear modulus in a wide stripe along the craneo-caudal direction, associated with the presence of linea alba in conjunction with fascias and rectus abdominis. Non linear parameter distribution was smoother and the location of higher values varied with the regularization type. Both regularizations proved to yield in an accurate predicted displacement field, but H1 obtained a smoother material parameter distribution while TVD included some discontinuities. The methodology here presented was able to characterize in vivo the passive non linear mechanical response of the abdominal wall

    Demonstration of FPGA acceleration of Monte Carlo simulation

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    We present results from a stand-alone simulation of electron single Coulomb scattering as implemented completely on an Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architecture and compared with an identical simulation on a standard CPU. FPGA architectures offer unprecedented speed-up capability for Monte Carlo simulations, however with the caveats of lengthy development cycles and resource limitation, particularly in terms of on-chip memory and DSP blocks. As a proof of principle of acceleration on an FPGA, we chose a single scattering process of electrons in water at an energy of 6 MeV. The initial code-base was implemented in C++ and optimised for CPU processing. To measure the potential performance gains of FPGAs compared to modern multi-core CPUs we computed 100M histories of a 6 MeV electron interacting in water. Without performing any hardware-specific optimisation, the results show that the FPGA implementation is over 110 times faster than an optimised parallel implementation running on 12 CPU-cores, and over 270 times faster than a sequential single-core CPU implementation. The results on both architectures were statistically equivalent. The successful implementation and acceleration results are very encouraging for the future exploitation of more sophisticated Monte Carlo simulation on FPGAs for High Energy Physics applications

    A municipality-level analysis of excess mortality in Italy in the period January-April 2020

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    BACKGROUND: the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in WHO European Region was reported at the end of January 2020 and, from that moment, the epidemic has been speeding up and rapidly spreading across Europe. The health, social, and economic consequences of the pandemic are difficult to evaluate, since there are many scientific uncertainties and unknowns. OBJECTIVES: the main focus of this paper is on statistical methods for profiling municipalities by excess mortality, directly or indirectly caused by COVID-19. METHODS: the use of excess mortality for all causes has been advocated as a measure of impact less vulnerable to biases. In this paper, observed mortality for all causes at municipality level in Italy in the period January-April 2020 was compared to the mortality observed in the corresponding period in the previous 5 years (2015-2019). Mortality data were made available by the Ministry of Internal Affairs Italian National Resident Population Demographic Archive and the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat). For each municipality, the posterior predictive distribution under a hierarchical null model was obtained. From the posterior predictive distribution, we obtained excess death counts, attributable community rates and q-values. Full Bayesian models implemented via MCMC simulations were used. RESULTS: absolute number of excess deaths highlights the burden paid by major cities to the pandemic. The Attributable Community Rate provides a detailed picture of the spread of the pandemic among the municipalities of Lombardy, Piedmont, and Emilia-Romagna Regions. Using Q-values, it is clearly recognizable evidence of an excess of mortality from late February to April 2020 in a very geographically scattered number of municipalities. A trade-off between false discoveries and false non-discoveries shows the different values of public health actions. CONCLUSIONS: despite the variety of approaches to calculate excess mortality, this study provides an original methodological approach to profile municipalities with excess deaths accounting for spatial and temporal uncertainty

    Caesarean Section in the World: a new ecological approach

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    Introduction. This study aimed to estimate the most recent caesarean section rates in the world and examine the association between these rates and old and new indicators of health care. Methods. Authors analyzed the Caesarean Section (CS) rates, also in geo-economic and economic groups, and correlated them to maternal and neonatal mortality, to births attended by skilled health personnel and to births among adolescents. Analysis of covariance and piecewise regressions were used for the statistical analysis. Results. In 47.2% of the countries, the CS rate exceeded 15%. Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean along with Europe, North America and Oceania had the highest values. The analysis showed an inverse association between CS rates and Maternal Mortality (MMR) and Neonatal Mortality (NMR) for all geographical areas except for Europe. The greatest association was observed in lower-middle-income countries. In developing countries only 50% of cases, occur in medical facilities and only half of these are seen by medical, nursing and obstetrical staff. Age of the mother appears to influence the outcome and choice of delivery type. Countries where an high ABR rate is present have low CS use. Conclusions. To best evaluate the consequences of the increasing rate of CS, it would be useful to identify the most sensitive outcome indicators

    Realisation of an optical pressure standard by a multi-reflection interferometric technique

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    A novel realization of an optical pressure standard, alternative to Fabry-Perot cavity-based techniques, is presented. It is based on the measurement of the refractive index of a gas through an unbalanced homodyne interferometer, designed to have one of its two arms formed by a multi reflection double mirror assembly to establish an unbalance length larger than 6 m in a compact setup. The paper illustrates the most important steps concerning its realization: the estimate of the pressure-induced deformation of the interferometer, the temperature control at millikelvin level and the measurement in vacuum of the unbalance of the interferometer. The evaluation of the uncertainty of the realized optical pressure standard currently demonstrated to fulfill the main goal of having the ability to measure pressure with a relative uncertainty of 10 ppm at 100 kPa
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