2 research outputs found
Tourist\u27s Perception of Safety in the Republic of Croatia in 2019
This research has examined the attitudes and perceptions of tourists that visited the Republic of Croatia (RH) during the summer of 2019 about the perception of safety in RH, especially on general security, as well as food safety, personal safety, epidemic safety, and natural disasters. Also, we have examined the confidence in Croatian services, such as the police, rescue services, medical emergency, etc. Almost all the safety components were above 4, which indicates that the tourists in Croatia feel safe and trust the services. This research could be a significant tool for improving the policies for attracting the tourists during and after the pandemic
Security - intelligence services in the Republic of Croatia (1946. - 2020.)
Tema ovog rada su sigurnosno-obavještajne službe u Republici Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1946. do 2020. godine. Rad i djelovanje sigurnosno-obavještajnih službi zasigurno su uvijek zanimljivi, nikada dovoljno istraženi i zauvijek obavijeni velom tajni. Cilj rada bio je približiti i laički objasniti djelokrug rada sigurnosno-obavještajnih službi počevši od osnovnih pojmova poput obavještajnog djelovanja, obavještajne informacije, obavještajnog ciklusa i protuobavijesti te uloge obavještajnih službi u sustavu nacionalne sigurnosti, ali i njihovoj zlouporabi. Najvažniji dio rada je onaj zbog kojeg je rad i pisan, a to je djelovanje sigurnosno-obavještajnih službi na području RH, prvenstveno je objašnjen nastanak tih službi, a zatim i svaka služba pojedinačno od svog osnivanja, razvitka i ustroja sve do prestanka djelovanja. Posljednje poglavlje rada govori o nadzoru nad tim službama, njihovoj transparentnosti i tajnosti te posebice o uspostavi aktualnog nadzora nad sigurnosno-obavještajnim službama u Republici Hrvatskoj.The topic of this paper is the security and intelligence services in the Republic of Croatia in the period from 1946 to 2020. The work and activities of the security intelligence services are certainly always interesting, never sufficiently researched and forever shrouded in a veil of secrecy. The aim of the paper was to approximate and explain the scope of work of security intelligence services, starting with basic concepts such as intelligence action, intelligence, intelligence cycle and counterintelligence, and the role of intelligence services in the national security system, but also their abuse. The most important part of the work is the one for which the work was written, and that is the activities of security and intelligence services in the Republic of Croatia, primarily the formation of these services is explained, and then each service individually from its establishment, development and organization until cessation. The last chapter of the paper discusses the supervision of these services, their transparency and secrecy, and in particular the establishment of current supervision of security and intelligence services in the Republic of Croatia