14 research outputs found

    Hypertriglyceridaemia: contemporary management of a neglected cardiovascular risk factor

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    Hypertriglyceridaemia represents one of the most prevalent lipid abnormalities, however it is often eclipsed by focus on LDL cholesterol and is frequently overlooked by clinicians, despite it being an important cardiovascular risk factor. For most patients, hypertriglyceridaemia arises from a combination of environmental factors and multiple genetic variations with small effects. Even in cases with apparent familial clustering of hypertriglyceridaemia, a monogenetic cause is rarely identified. Common secondary causes include obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, alcohol, and various commonly used drugs. Correction of these factors, along with lifestyle optimisation, should be prioritised prior to commencing medication. The goal of drug treatment is to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in those with moderate hypertriglyceridaemia and the risk of pancreatitis in those with severe hypertriglyceridaemia. Recent and ongoing trials demonstrate the important role of triglycerides (TG) in determining residual risk in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) already established on statin therapy. Novel and emerging data on omega-3 fatty acids (high-dose icosapent ethyl) and the selective PPAR modulator pemafibrate are eagerly awaited and may provide further clarity for clinicians in determining which patients will benefit from TG lowering and help inform clinical guidelines. There are numerous novel therapies on the horizon that reduce TG by decreasing the activity of proteins that inhibit lipoprotein lipase such as apolipoprotein C-III (including Volanesorsen which was recently approved in Germany) and ANGPTL 3/4 which may offer promise for the future

    Clinical improvement of Long-COVID is associated with reduction in autoantibodies, lipids, and inflammation following therapeutic apheresis

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    In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are witnessing an unprecedented wave of post-infectious complications. Most prominently, millions of patients with Long-Covid complain about chronic fatigue and severe post-exertional malaise. Therapeutic apheresis has been suggested as an efficient treatment option for alleviating and mitigating symptoms in this desperate group of patients. However, little is known about the mechanisms and biomarkers correlating with treatment outcomes. Here, we have analyzed in different cohorts of Long-Covid patients specific biomarkers before and after therapeutic apheresis. In patients that reported a significant improvement following two cycles of therapeutic apheresis, there was a significant reduction in neurotransmitter autoantibodies, lipids, and inflammatory markers. Furthermore, we observed a 70% reduction in fibrinogen, and following apheresis, erythrocyte rouleaux formation and fibrin fibers largely disappeared as demonstrated by dark field microscopy. This is the first study demonstrating a pattern of specific biomarkers with clinical symptoms in this patient group. It may therefore form the basis for a more objective monitoring and a clinical score for the treatment of Long-Covid and other postinfectious syndromes

    HEART UK statement on the management of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in the United Kingdom

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    This consensus statement addresses the current three main modalities of treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (HoFH): pharmacotherapy, lipoprotein (Lp) apheresis and liver transplantation. HoFH may cause very premature atheromatous arterial disease and death, despite treatment with Lp apheresis combined with statin, ezetimibe and bile acid sequestrants. Two new classes of drug, effective in lowering cholesterol in HoFH, are now licensed in the United Kingdom. Lomitapide is restricted to use in HoFH but, may cause fatty liver and is very expensive. PCSK9 inhibitors are quite effective in receptor defective HoFH, are safe and are less expensive. Lower treatment targets for lipid lowering in HoFH, in line with those for the general FH population, have been proposed to improve cardiovascular outcomes. HEART UK presents a strategy combining Lp apheresis with pharmacological treatment to achieve these targets in the United Kingdom (UK). Improved provision of Lp apheresis by use of existing infrastructure for extracorporeal treatments such as renal dialysis is promoted. The clinical management of adults and children with HoFH including advice on pregnancy and contraception are addressed. A premise of the HEART UK strategy is that the risk of early use of drug treatments beyond their licensed age restriction may be balanced against risks of liver transplantation or ineffective treatment in severely affected patients. This may be of interest beyond the UK

    Role of computed tomography in risk assessment for coronary heart disease

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    Coronary heart disease is the most common cause of death in Western countries, with a rising incidence in developing countries. It is part of the spectrum of cardiovascular diseases that have common end points of myocardial infarction, stroke and death. As these end points often occur suddenly and often in those with no known disease, identification of those people at high risk is important. Besides the known traditional risk factors, direct imaging of the calcified plaque as a marker for atherosclerotic disease has been extensively studied with electron beam computed tomography and now with multislice computed tomography. This review discusses the role of computed tomography in assessment of cardiovascular risk in both people with or without symptoms

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    sive Shuttle Walk level attainment (p = 0.005) and total distance covered (p = 0.015). Angina frequency and severity remained unchanged in both groups, with the control demonstrating worsening SF-36 pain scale (63.43 8 22.28 vs. 55.46 8 23.98, p = 0.025). Cardiac rehabilitation participants showed improved Health Anxiety Questionnaire reassurance (1.71 8 1.72 vs. 1.14 8 1.23, p = 0.026) and York Beliefs anginal threat perception (12.42 8 4.58 vs. 14.35 8 4.73, p = 0.05) after cardiac rehabilitation. Physical measures were broadly unaffected. Conclusions: Cardiac rehabilitation can be prescribed to improve physical ability without affecting angina frequency or severity among patients with refractory angina

    Lipid Profiles in Lyme Borreliosis:A Potential Role for Apheresis?

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    Dyslipidemia and dyslipoproteinemia are common causes of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, intracellular bacteria, such as Borrelia burgdorferi, utilize host lipids to survive and disseminate within the host. Recent data suggest that elevated lipids are a contributing factor to the maintenance and severity of Lyme disease and its complications. Here we review and discuss the role of lipids in Borreliosis and report on a pilot trial to examine the potential roles of circulating lipids and lipoproteins in patients with Borrelia infection. In this analysis we assessed the clinical and lipid profiles of 519 patients (319 women, 200 men) with a proven history of Lyme disease, before and after an extracorporeal double membrane filtration. Lipid profiles pre- and post-apheresis were analyzed in conjunction with clinical symptoms and parameters of inflammation. Circulating cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, LP(a), and other inflammatory lipids were significantly reduced after the apheresis, while symptoms of the disorder and bioindexes of inflammation such as CRP improved. Further studies should be initiated to investigate the possibly causal relation between Lyme disease and circulating lipids and to design appropriate therapeutic strategies

    Correction: Lipid Profiles in Lyme Borreliosis: A Potential Role for Apheresis?

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    In the above-mentioned article, the representation of the graphs in Fig. 1, 2 and 3 and the matching captions were incorrect. The correct illustrations with the correct captions are below. (Figure Presented)

    Diabetes and COVID-19:Short- and Long-Term Consequences

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    When the corona pandemic commenced more than two years ago, it was quickly recognized that people with metabolic diseases show an augmented risk of severe COVID-19 and an increased mortality compared to people without these comorbidities. Furthermore, an infection with SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to lead to an aggravation of metabolic diseases and in single cases to new-onset metabolic disorders. In addition to the increased risk for people with diabetes in the acute phase of COVID-19, this patient group also seems to be more often affected by long-COVID and to experience more long-term consequences than people without diabetes. The mechanisms behind these discrepancies between people with and without diabetes in relation to COVID-19 are not completely understood yet and will require further research and follow-up studies during the following years. In the current review, we discuss why patients with diabetes have this higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms not only in the acute phase of the disease but also in relation to long-COVID, vaccine breakthrough infections and re-infections. Furthermore, we discuss the effects of lockdown on glycemic control

    Obesity and COVID-19:What are the Consequences?

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    Obesity is an increasing health problem all over the world. In combination with the current COVID-19 pandemic, this has turned into a massive challenge as individuals with overweight and obesity at all ages show a significant increase in their risk of getting severe COVID-19. Around 20% of all patients that were hospitalized for COVID-19 suffered from obesity alone, whereas obesity in combination with other metabolic comorbidities, such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, account for up to 60% of all hospitalizations in relation to COVID-19. Therefore, it is of immense importance to put the spotlight on the high incidence of obesity present already in childhood both by changing the individual minds and by encouraging politicians and the whole society to commence preventive interventions for achieving a better nutrition for all social classes all over the world. In the current review, we aim to explain the different pathways and mechanisms that are responsible for the increased risk of severe COVID-19 in people with overweight and obesity. Furthermore, we discuss how the pandemic has led to weight gains in many people during lockdown. At the end, we discuss the importance of preventing such an interface between a non-communicable disease like obesity and a communicable disease like COVID-19 in the future