106 research outputs found

    Vacuum oscillations of quasi degenerate solar neutrinos

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    The atmospheric neutrino oscillations and the vacuum oscillation solution of the solar neutrino problem can be consistently described by a doubly or triply degenerate neutrino spectrum as long as the high level of degeneracy required is not spoiled by radiative corrections. We show that this is the case for neutrino mass matrices generated by symmetries. This imposes a strong constraint on the mixing angles and requires the mixing should be close to bi-maximal. We briefly discuss the relevance of our results for the measurability of the neutrino spectrum.Comment: 6 pages. Final version, more clear presentatio

    Epsilon' from supersymmetry with non universal A terms?

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    In supersymmetric theories with a motivated flavour structure, we investigate the possibility that an epsilon' parameter as large as the measured value be generated without conflicting with the bounds from electron and neutron electric dipoles and mu --> e gamma.Comment: 8 pages. v2: we have cancelled hep-ph/9510303 as a motivation for non universal A terms, because it is wrong. v3,4: A significant sign error corrected. Conclusions unchange

    Oscillations of solar and atmospheric neutrinos

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    Motivated by recent results from SuperKamiokande, we study both solar and atmospheric neutrino fluxes in the context of oscillations of the three known neutrinos. We aim at a global view which identifies the various possibilities, rather than attempting the most accurate determination of the parameters of each scenario. For solar neutrinos we emphasise the importance of performing a general analysis, independent of any particular solar model and we consider the possibility that any one of the techniques --- chlorine, gallium or water Cerenkov --- has a large unknown systematic error, so that its results should be discarded. The atmospheric neutrino anomaly is studied by paying special attention to the ratios of upward and downward going nu_e and nu_mu fluxes. Both anomalies can be described in a minimal scheme where the respective oscillation frequencies are widely separated or in non-minimal schemes with two comparable oscillation frequencies. We discuss explicit forms of neutrino mass matrices in which both atmospheric and solar neutrino fluxes are explained. In the minimal scheme we identify only two `zeroth order' textures that can result from unbroken symmetries. Finally we discuss experimental strategies for the determination of the various oscillation parameters.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. Final version: one reference added; fit of atmospheric neutrinos improve

    Anthropic solution to the magnetic muon anomaly: the charged see-saw

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    We present models of new physics that can explain the muon g-2 anomaly in accord with with the assumption that the only scalar existing at the weak scale is the Higgs, as suggested by anthropic selection. Such models are dubbed "charged see-saw" because the muon mass term is mediated by heavy leptons. The electroweak contribution to the g-2 gets modified by order one factors, giving an anomaly of the same order as the observed hint, which is strongly correlated with a modification of the Higgs coupling to the muon.Comment: 21 pages, many equations despite the first word in the title. v3: loop function G_WN corrected, conclusions unchange

    Phenomenology of a Fluxed MSSM

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    We analyze the phenomenology of a set of minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) soft terms inspired by flux-induced supersymmetry (SUSY)-breaking in Type IIB string orientifolds. The scheme is extremely constrained with essentially only two free mass parameters: a parameter M, which sets the scale of soft terms, and the mu parameter. After imposing consistent radiative electro-weak symmetry breaking (EWSB) the model depends upon one mass parameter (say, M). In spite of being so constrained one finds consistency with EWSB conditions. We demonstrate that those conditions have two solutions for mu<0, and none for mu>0. The parameter tan beta results as a prediction and is approximately 3-5 for one solution, and 25-40 for the other, depending upon M and the top mass. We examine further constraints on the model coming from b->s gamma, the muon g-2, Higgs mass limits and WMAP constraints on dark matter. The MSSM spectrum is predicted in terms of the single free parameter M. The low tan beta branch is consistent with a relatively light spectrum although it is compatible with standard cosmology only if the lightest neutralino is unstable. The high tan beta branch is compatible with all phenomenological constraints, but has quite a heavy spectrum. We argue that the fine-tuning associated to this heavy spectrum would be substantially ameliorated if an additional relationship mu=-2M were present in the underlying theory.Comment: 18 pages, minor revision

    Static Configurations of Dark Energy and Dark Matter

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    We study static configurations of dark matter coupled to a scalar field responsible for the dark energy of the Universe. The dark matter is modelled as a Fermi gas within the Thomas-Fermi approximation. The mass of the dark matter particles is a function of the scalar field. We analyze the profile of the dark matter halos in galaxies. In this case our framework is equivalent to the model of the isothermal sphere. In the presence of a scalar field, the velocity of a massive object orbiting the galaxy is not of the order of the typical velocity of the dark matter particles, as in the conventional picture. Instead, it is reduced by a factor that quantifies the dependence of the dark matter mass on the scalar field. This has implications for dark matter searches. We derive new solutions of the Einstein equations which describe compact objects composed of dark matter. Depending on the scale of the dark matter mass, the size of these objects can vary between microscopic scales and cosmological distances. We determine the mass to radius relation and discuss the similarities with conventional neutron stars and exotic astrophysical objects.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, minor additions to the tex

    Three-flavor solar neutrino oscillations with terrestrial neutrino constraints

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    We present an updated analysis of the current solar neutrino data in terms of three-flavor oscillations, including the additional constraints coming from terrestrial neutrino oscillation searches at the CHOOZ (reactor), Super-Kamiokande (atmospheric), and KEK-to-Kamioka (accelerator) experiments. The best fit is reached for the subcase of two-family mixing, and the additional admixture with the third neutrino is severely limited. We discuss the relevant features of the globally allowed regions in the oscillation parameter space, as well as their impact on the amplitude of possible CP-violation effects at future accelerator experiments and on the reconstruction accuracy of the mass-mixing oscillation parameters at the KamLAND reactor experiment.Comment: 10 pages + 8 figure

    Strong tree level unitarity violations in the extra dimensional Standard Model with scalars in the bulk

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    We show how the tree level unitarity violations of compactified extra dimensional extensions of the Standard Model become much stronger when the scalar sector is included in the bulk. This effect occurs when the couplings are not suppressed for larger Kaluza-Klein levels, and could have relevant consequences for the phenomenology of the next generation of colliders. We also introduce a simple and generic formalism to obtain unitarity bounds for finite energies, taking into account coupled channels including the towers of Kaluza-Klein excitations.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D Typos corrected and remarks added to clarify figure

    Bounds on Universal Extra Dimensions

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    We show that the bound from the electroweak data on the size of extra dimensions accessible to all the standard model fields is rather loose. These "universal" extra dimensions could have a compactification scale as low as 300 GeV for one extra dimension. This is because the Kaluza-Klein number is conserved and thus the contributions to the electroweak observables arise only from loops. The main constraint comes from weak-isospin violation effects. We also compute the contributions to the S parameter and the ZbbˉZb\bar{b} vertex. The direct bound on the compactification scale is set by CDF and D0 in the few hundred GeV range, and the Run II of the Tevatron will either discover extra dimensions or else it could significantly raise the bound on the compactification scale. In the case of two universal extra dimensions, the current lower bound on the compactification scale depends logarithmically on the ultra-violet cutoff of the higher dimensional theory, but can be estimated to lie between 400 and 800 GeV. With three or more extra dimensions, the cutoff dependence may be too strong to allow an estimate.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 1 eps figure. Published version; minor correction in the Kaluza-Klein decompositio

    Naturalness and Fine Tuning in the NMSSM: Implications of Early LHC Results

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    We study the fine tuning in the parameter space of the semi-constrained NMSSM, where most soft Susy breaking parameters are universal at the GUT scale. We discuss the dependence of the fine tuning on the soft Susy breaking parameters M_1/2 and m0, and on the Higgs masses in NMSSM specific scenarios involving large singlet-doublet Higgs mixing or dominant Higgs-to-Higgs decays. Whereas these latter scenarios allow a priori for considerably less fine tuning than the constrained MSSM, the early LHC results rule out a large part of the parameter space of the semi-constrained NMSSM corresponding to low values of the fine tuning.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, bounds from Susy searches with ~1/fb include
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