5,080 research outputs found

    Attitude stability of spinning flexible spacecraft

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    The stability of spinning flexible satellites in a force-free environment was analyzed. The satellite was modeled as a rigid core having attached to it a flexible appendage idealized as a collection of particles (point masses) interconnected by springs. Both Liapunov and Routh-Hurwitz stability procedures are used. In the former, the Hamiltonian of the system, constrained through the angular momentum integral so as to admit complete damping, is used as a testing function. Equations of motion are written using the hybrid coordinate formulation, which readily accepts a modal coordinate transformation ultimately allowing truncation to a level amenable to literal stability analysis. Closed form stability criteria are generated for the first mode of a restricted appendage model lying in a plane containing the system center of mass and orthogonal to the spin axis. The effects of spin on flexible bodies are discussed by considering a very elementary particle model. Control of passively unstable spacecraft is briefly considered

    Dark Matter and IMF normalization in Virgo dwarf early-type galaxies

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    In this work we analyze the dark matter (DM) fraction, fDMf_{DM}, and mass-to-light ratio mismatch parameter, δIMF\delta_{IMF} (computed with respect to a Milky-Way-like IMF), for a sample of 39 dwarf early-type galaxies (dEs) in the Virgo cluster. Both fDMf_{DM} and δIMF\delta_{IMF} are estimated within the central (one effective radius) galaxy regions, with a Jeans dynamical analysis that relies on galaxy velocity dispersions, structural parameters, and stellar M/L ratios from the SMAKCED survey. In this first attempt to constrain, simultaneously, the IMF normalization and the DM content, we explore the impact of different assumptions on the DM model profile. On average, for a NFW profile, the δIMF\delta_{IMF} is consistent with a Chabrier-like normalization (δIMF∼1\delta_{IMF} \sim 1), with fDM∼0.35f_{DM} \sim 0.35. One of the main results of the present work is that for at least a few systems the δIMF\delta_{IMF} is heavier than the MW-like value (i.e. either top- or bottom-heavy). When introducing tangential anisotropy, larger δIMF\delta_{IMF} and smaller fDMf_{DM} are derived. Adopting a steeper concentration-mass relation than that from simulations, we find lower δIMF\delta_{IMF} (<1< 1) and larger fDMf_{DM}. A constant M/L profile with null fDMf_{DM} gives the heaviest δIMF\delta_{IMF} (∼2\sim 2). In the MONDian framework, we find consistent results to those for our reference NFW model. If confirmed, the large scatter of δIMF\delta_{IMF} for dEs would provide (further) evidence for a non-universal IMF in early-type systems. On average, our reference fDMf_{DM} estimates are consistent with those found for low-σe\sigma_{e} (∼100 kms−1\rm \sim 100 \, \rm km s^{-1}) early-type galaxies (ETGs). Furthermore, we find fDMf_{DM} consistent with values from the SMAKCED survey, and find a double-value behavior of fDMf_{DM} with stellar mass, which mirrors the trend of dynamical M/L and global star formation efficiency with mass.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, published on MNRAS. Figure 1 has been updated with respect to version 1, including the range of values found if the S\'ersic index, n, is varied from 0.5 to 2 (dark-green curves

    Age, metallicity and star formation history of spheroidal galaxies in cluster at z~1.2

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    We present the analysis, based on spectra collected at the Large Binocular Telescope, of the stellar populations in seven spheroidal galaxies in the cluster XLSSJ0223 at zz∼\sim1.22. The aim is to constrain the epoch of their formation and their star formation history. Using absorption line strenghts and full spectral fitting, we derive for the stellar populations of the seven spheroids a median age =2.4±\pm0.6 Gyr, corresponding to a median formation redshift $\sim2.6_{-0.5}^{+0.7}$ (lookback time = 11$_{-1.0}^{+0.6}$ Gyr). We find a significant scatter in age, showing that massive spheroids, at least in our targeted cluster, are not coeval. The median metallicity is [Z/H]=0.09$\pm$0.16, as for early-types in clusters at 0$<z<0.9.Thislackofevolutionof[Z/H]overtherange0<0.9. This lack of evolution of [Z/H] over the range 0<zz<1.3,correspondingtothelast9billionsyears,suggeststhatnosignificantadditionalstarformationandchemicalenrichmentarerequiredforclusterspheroidstoreachthepresent−daypopulation.Wedonotdetectsignificantcorrelationbetweenageandvelocitydispersion1.3, corresponding to the last 9 billions years, suggests that no significant additional star formation and chemical enrichment are required for cluster spheroids to reach the present-day population. We do not detect significant correlation between age and velocity dispersion \sigma_e,ordynamicalmassM, or dynamical mass M_{dyn},oreffectivestellarmassdensity, or effective stellar mass density \Sigma_e.Onthecontrary,themetallicity[Z/H]ofthesevenspheroidsiscorrelatedtotheirdynamicalmassM. On the contrary, the metallicity [Z/H] of the seven spheroids is correlated to their dynamical mass M_{dyn},accordingtoarelationsimilartotheoneforlocalspheroids.[Z/H]isalsoanticorrelatedtostellarmassdensity, according to a relation similar to the one for local spheroids. [Z/H] is also anticorrelated to stellar mass density \Sigma_ebecauseoftheanticorrelationbetweenM because of the anticorrelation between M_{dyn}and and \Sigma_e.Therefore,thebasictrendsobservedinthelocaluniversewerealreadyestablishedat. Therefore, the basic trends observed in the local universe were already established at z\sim1.3$, i.e. more massive spheroids are more metal rich, have lower stellar mass density and tend to be older than lower-mass galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, published on MNRA

    Characterizing the nature of Fossil Groups with XMM

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    We present an X-ray follow-up, based on XMM plus Chandra, of six Fossil Group (FG) candidates identified in our previous work using SDSS and RASS data. Four candidates (out of six) exhibit extended X-ray emission, confirming them as true FGs. For the other two groups, the RASS emission has its origin as either an optically dull/X-ray bright AGN, or the blending of distinct X-ray sources. Using SDSS-DR7 data, we confirm, for all groups, the presence of an r-band magnitude gap between the seed elliptical and the second-rank galaxy. However, the gap value depends, up to 0.5mag, on how one estimates the seed galaxy total flux, which is greatly underestimated when using SDSS (relative to Sersic) magnitudes. This implies that many FGs may be actually missed when using SDSS data, a fact that should be carefully taken into account when comparing the observed number densities of FGs to the expectations from cosmological simulations. The similarity in the properties of seed--FG and non-fossil ellipticals, found in our previous study, extends to the sample of X-ray confirmed FGs, indicating that bright ellipticals in FGs do not represent a distinct population of galaxies. For one system, we also find that the velocity distribution of faint galaxies is bimodal, possibly showing that the system formed through the merging of two groups. This undermines the idea that all selected FGs form a population of true fossils.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Submitted 01/12/2011 to MNRAS, referee report received 21/02/2012, accepted 22/02/201

    Invariant NKT cells and rheumatic disease: Focus on primary sjogren syndrome

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    Primary Sjogren syndrome (pSS) is a complex autoimmune disease mainly affecting salivary and lacrimal glands. Several factors contribute to pSS pathogenesis; in particular, innate immunity seems to play a key role in disease etiology. Invariant natural killer (NK) T cells (iNKT) are a T-cell subset able to recognize glycolipid antigens. Their function remains unclear, but studies have pointed out their ability to modulate the immune system through the promotion of specific cytokine milieu. In this review, we discussed the possible role of iNKT in pSS development, as well as their implications as future markers of disease activity
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