317 research outputs found

    Attitudinal Responses to Mixed Evidence: The Role of Attitude Extremity and Political Ideology in Effecting Change versus Resistance

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    Four studies investigated the effects of attitude extremity and political ideology on the degree and direction of changes in issue attitudes following the presentation of mixed evidence. Based upon previous work, it was predicted that those holding relatively more extreme attitudes would resist changing those views when presented with a mixture of supporting and opposing statements and would potentially adopt more extreme evaluative positions – a phenomenon known as attitude polarization (Lord, Ross, & Lepper, 1979). Evaluative entrenchment or intensification was also expected among more politically conservative participants, based upon prior work describing cognitive rigidity and resistance to change as more characteristic of the political right than left (e.g., Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003). An interaction of attitude extremity and political ideology was also hypothesized, such that liberal individuals with moderate attitudes were expected to demonstrate the least propensity to polarize. Participants’ attitudes regarding abortion rights (Study 1), gun control (Study 2), tax increases (Study 3), and environmental preservation (Study 4) were assessed before and after reading statements that both opposed and supported the issue. Political ideology was also assessed, along with several individual difference factors. Across all four studies, attitude extremity significantly predicted evaluative change, although the pattern of that effect varied. Political ideology did not emerge consistently as a predictor of attitude change; however, significant interactive effects of extremity and ideology were found. In addition, several individual difference factors (i.e., gender, need for cognition, issue importance) were found to moderate the effects of the primary predictors on attitude change, and some divergent result patterns were found when comparing data from a college and non-college sample in Study 4. Taken together, these studies provide evidence that attitude extremity and political ideology influence the degree and direction of evaluative change following the presentation of mixed evidence. In addition, they identify other factors at work in effecting change versus resistance, thereby highlighting the multi-faceted and complex nature of persuasion in a political context

    Swaying the masses: The effect of argument strength and linguistic abstractness on attitudes

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    Two studies were conducted to investigate how the use of different types of language affects attitudes. Participants scrutinized arguments supporting a hypothetical toothpaste that differed in terms of argument strength (strong versus weak) and linguistic abstractness (abstract versus concrete) and subsequently evaluated the toothpaste. In addition, half of the participants in the second study were subjected to a cognitive load manipulation (i.e., rehearsing a ten-digit number) in order to limit their level of cognitive elaboration. Results indicated that strong arguments and those containing concrete descriptions led to more positive attitudes about the toothpaste, whereas weak messages comprised of abstract terms gave rise to the least favorable evaluations. These findings represent the first demonstration of the effect of language type on attitudes and suggest that future research into the functions of differential linguistic abstractness in a persuasive context will broaden our understanding of attitude change

    Community Health Centers and Medicaid Payment Reform: Emerging Lessons from Medicaid Expansion States

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    Community health centers represent a major source of primary health care for the nation’s Medicaid beneficiaries. Because the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) payment system is encounter-based, health centers and Medicaid agencies in ACA expansion states are actively pursuing payment reforms that will enable health centers to adopt strategies that can more effectively respond to the considerable and complex health and social needs of people served by health centers, and more efficiently address the surging volume of patient care. In five expansion states whose alternative payment experiments are underway, health centers and Medicaid agencies are testing payment alternatives, such as global payments, that link payment to performance while ensuring that the FQHC hold-harmless standard is met and that total revenues do not fall below the FQHC floor. These alternative payment approaches enable health centers to test new strategies to address the needs of their patients, while enabling state agencies to align these strategies more closely with broader payment reform efforts

    Illinois Oil and Gas Update

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    In addition to legislative reform, Illinois oil and gas law has been further defined by two cases decided in the past year: Tri-Power Resources, Inc. v. City of Carlyle, which allows non-home-rule unit municipalities to prevent oil and gas drilling through zoning ordinances, and Nye v. Leavell, which confirms Illinois\u27 position on what constitutes production under a lease. The Tri-Power Resources decision leaves the industry in a rather precarious position moving forward

    Community Health Centers: A 2013 Profile and Prospects as ACA Implementation Proceeds

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    In 2013, more than 1,200 federally funded community health centers provided access to care for low-income populations living in medically underserved communities throughout the country. The Affordable Care Act made expansion of health centers a key part of its strategy for ensuring that these communities would realize the benefits of increased health insurance coverage for their residents. As health insurance coverage expands under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the demand for primary care increases, the role of health centers is likely to increase. A key question going forward is whether health centers’ expanded capacity, developed over the past five years, will be sustained going forward

    Facteurs influençant le choix du futur lieu d’exercice chez les résidents en rhumatologie

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    Background: There are regional disparities in the distribution of Canadian rheumatologists. The objective of this study was to identify factors impacting rheumatology residents’ postgraduate practice decisions to inform Canadian Rheumatology Association workforce recommendations. Methods: An online survey was developed, and invitations were sent to all current Canadian rheumatology residents in 2019 (n = 67). Differences between subgroups of respondents were examined using the Pearson χ2 test. Results: A total of 34 of 67 residents completed the survey. Seventy-three percent of residents planned to practice in the same province as their rheumatology training. The majority of residents (80%) ranked proximity to friends and family as the most important factor in planning. Half of participants had exposure to alternative modes of care delivery (e.g. telehealth) during their rheumatology training with fifteen completing a community rheumatology elective (44%). Conclusions: The majority of rheumatology residents report plans to practice in the same province as they trained, and close to home. Gaps in training include limited exposure to community electives in smaller centers, and training in telehealth and travelling clinics for underserviced populations. Our findings highlight the need for strategies to increase exposure of rheumatology trainees to underserved areas to help address the maldistribution of rheumatologists. Contexte : Au Canada, il existe des disparitĂ©s rĂ©gionales dans la rĂ©partition des rhumatologues. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude recense les facteurs qui influencent les choix des rĂ©sidents en rhumatologie concernant leur lieu d’exercice futur afin de guider les recommandations de SociĂ©tĂ© canadienne de rhumatologie relatives aux effectifs. MĂ©thodes : Après l’élaboration d’un sondage en ligne, une invitation a Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ©e Ă  tous les rĂ©sidents en rhumatologie au Canada en 2019 (n = 67). Les diffĂ©rences entre les groupes ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©es Ă  l’aide du test Pearson χ2. RĂ©sultats : Trente-quatre des 67 rĂ©sidents contactĂ©s ont rĂ©pondu au sondage. Soixante-treize pour cent des rĂ©pondants prĂ©voyaient d’exercer dans la province oĂą ils avaient fait leur formation en rhumatologie. La majoritĂ© des rĂ©sidents (80 %) ont classĂ© la proximitĂ© des amis et de la famille comme le facteur le plus important dans leur choix de lieu d’exercice. La moitiĂ© des participants s’étaient familiarisĂ©s avec d’autres modes de prestation de soins (par exemple, la tĂ©lĂ©santĂ©) pendant leur formation en rhumatologie et 15 d’entre eux (44 %) avaient fait un stage en rhumatologie communautaire. Conclusions : La majoritĂ© des rĂ©sidents en rhumatologie dĂ©clarent avoir l’intention d’exercer près de chez eux, dans la province oĂą ils ont fait leurs Ă©tudes. Les lacunes dans la formation comportent l’exposition limitĂ©e Ă  des stages dans les petits centres en milieu communautaire, en tĂ©lĂ©santĂ© et dans les cliniques mobiles ciblant les populations mal desservies. Nos conclusions soulignent le besoin de stratĂ©gies visant Ă  augmenter l’exposition des rĂ©sidents en rhumatologie Ă  des zones mal desservies afin de remĂ©dier Ă  la mauvaise rĂ©partition gĂ©ographique des rhumatologues

    Decoding the Equine Genome: Lessons from ENCODE

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    The horse reference genome assemblies, EquCab2.0 and EquCab3.0, have enabled great advancements in the equine genomics field, from tools to novel discoveries. However, significant gaps of knowledge regarding genome function remain, hindering the study of complex traits in horses. In an effort to address these gaps and with inspiration from the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, the equine Functional Annotation of Animal Genome (FAANG) initiative was proposed to bridge the gap between genome and gene expression, providing further insights into functional regulation within the horse genome. Three years after launching the initiative, the equine FAANG group has generated data from more than 400 experiments using over 50 tissues, targeting a variety of regulatory features of the equine genome. In this review, we examine how valuable lessons learned from the ENCODE project informed our decisions in the equine FAANG project. We report the current state of the equine FAANG project and discuss how FAANG can serve as a template for future expansion of functional annotation in the equine genome and be used as a reference for studies of complex traits in horse. A well-annotated reference functional atlas will also help advance equine genetics in the pan-genome and precision medicine era

    University for the Creative Arts staff research 2011

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    This publication brings together a selection of the University’s current research. The contributions foreground areas of research strength including still and moving image research, applied arts and crafts, as well as emerging fields of investigations such as design and architecture. It also maps thematic concerns across disciplinary areas that focus on models and processes of creative practice, value formations and processes of identification through art and artefacts as well as cross-cultural connectivity. Dr. Seymour Roworth-Stoke
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