315 research outputs found

    Pan-European forest biodiversity monitoring through the ICP-level I network. First results from the BIOSOIL-BIODIVERSITY project

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    The Sustainable Development Goal 15 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims at "protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss". The EU Biodiversity Strategy contributes to the Goal 15 of the SDGs as its objective is to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe. Forest ecosystems are some of the most biodiverse habitats. For this reason, it is very important to specifically monitor temporal and spatial trends of biodiversity in order to find those areas more affected by biodiversity loss and to guide land management and conservation actions. A vast monitoring program covering the comprehensive concept of biodiversity would be impossible or at least financially prohibitive. Thus a successful and statistically rigorous monitoring program able to track changes over time and space must be based on indicators. Even if scientists have investigated a large number of compositional and structural biodiversity indicators, a clear consensus on the definition of the best set of indicators was not yet reached. In the framework of the two-years long BioSoil Forest Biodiversity Demonstration Project a large set of field data and information was acquired. The database includes data and information on living trees, deadwood and a complete vegetation survey. On the basis of raw data we calculated several forest biodiversity indicators and analysed their inter-relationships, and their variation in different forest types and environmental conditions. The analysis contributes to advance our knowledge towards the selection of an adequate set of forest biodiversity indicators to support the characterization of European Forest Types. The results provide a fundamental and consistent support for the future implementation of multi-scale assessments of forest biodiversity

    Developing biodiversity assessment on a stand forest type management level in north-eastern Italy

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    This paper discusses a simple operative proposal, elaborated by a team of advisers to the Forestry Service of the Veneto administrative region (north-eastern Italy), concerning the definition of stand-level forest type biodiversity indicators and biodiversity oriented management provisions. Such tools are conceived to transfer biodiversity conservation understanding in current forest stand management practices. The developed assessment system is targeted to: maintenance and increase of the variability of forest landscape mosaic; conservation of species variability; creation of resource reservoirs. The following criteria and indicators are taken into consideration: spatial pattern (widespreadness, connectedness, species contagion potential), forest structure (uneven aged stands: percent of trees in three broad diameter classes; even aged stands: number of development stages and surface of each development stage), herbs/shrubs species (average, minimum and maximum number of species; average number of short-lived herb/ shrub species recorded in minimal anthropic disturbance conditions; dynamic trend in the number of herb/shrub species), bird species (average, minimum and maximum number of species); overall naturalistic quality (flora; vegetation; fauna). Such indicators are proposed as biodiversity reference standards for each forest type in the considered region: they provide practical baseline information with which forest stand management efficiency in achieving biodiversity targets can be compared

    In vivo antimicrobial activity of 0.6% povidone-iodine eye drops in patients undergoing intravitreal injections: a prospective study

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    To investigate the antimicrobial activity of a preservative-free 0.6% povidone-iodine eye drop as an antiseptic procedure in decreasing the conjunctival bacterial load in eyes scheduled for intravitreal treatment and to compare its efficacy to the untreated fellow eye used as the control group. Prospective cohort analysis in which 208 patients received preservative-free 0.6% povidone-iodine eye drops three times a day for three days before intravitreal injection. Before and after the prophylactic treatment, a conjunctival swab was collected from both the study eye and the untreated contralateral eye, used as control. The swab was inoculated on different culture media and the colony-forming units were counted. Bacteria and fungi were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Treatment with 0.6% povidone-iodine eye drops significantly reduced the conjunctival bacterial load from baseline (p < 0.001 for blood agar and p < 0.001 for chocolate agar) with an eradication rate of 80%. The most commonly isolated pathogen at each time-point and in both groups was coagulase-negative Staphylococci, isolated in 84% of the positive cultures. The study provides evidence about the effectiveness of 0.6% povidone-iodine eye drops treatment in reducing the conjunctival bacterial load in eyes scheduled for intravitreal treatment

    Calibration assessment of forest flammability potential in Italy

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    Vitamin B12 Deficiency and the Nervous System: Beyond Metabolic Decompensation—Comparing Biological Models and Gaining New Insights into Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms

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    Vitamin B12 (VitB12) is a micronutrient and acts as a cofactor for fundamental biochemical reactions: the synthesis of succinyl-CoA from methylmalonyl-CoA and biotin, and the synthesis of methionine from folic acid and homocysteine. VitB12 deficiency can determine a wide range of diseases, including nervous system impairments. Although clinical evidence shows a direct role of VitB12 in neuronal homeostasis, the molecular mechanisms are yet to be characterized in depth. Earlier investigations focused on exploring the biochemical shifts resulting from a deficiency in the function of VitB12 as a coenzyme, while more recent studies propose a broader mechanism, encompassing changes at the molecular/cellular levels. Here, we explore existing study models employed to investigate the role of VitB12 in the nervous system, including the challenges inherent in replicating deficiency/supplementation in experimental settings. Moreover, we discuss the potential biochemical alterations and ensuing mechanisms that might be modified at the molecular/cellular level (such as epigenetic modifications or changes in lysosomal activity). We also address the role of VitB12 deficiency in initiating processes that contribute to nervous system deterioration, including ROS accumulation, inflammation, and demyelination. Consequently, a complex biological landscape emerges, requiring further investigative efforts to grasp the intricacies involved and identify potential therapeutic targets

    Sviluppo di modelli innovativi per il monitoraggio multiscala degli indicatori di servizi ecosistemici nelle foreste Mediterranee (Progetto MIMOSE).

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    Gli ecosistemi, attraverso le loro funzioni, forniscono un ampio range di beni e servizi, che risultano fondamentali per il benessere dell’uomo. Questi vengono complessivamente definiti Servizi Ecosistemici (SE). I SE possono essere intesi come un flusso di valori verso la società, quale risultato dello stato e della quantità del capitale naturale disponibile. Il mantenimento degli stocks del capitale naturale può permettere di prevedere i flussi futuri dei SE, assicurando quindi il benessere dell’uomo per le generazioni future. Il progetto FIRB 2012 MIMOSE è finalizzato allo sviluppo di un approccio multiscala innovativo e all’implementazione di strumenti previsionali volti al monitoraggio dei SE in habitat forestali Mediterranei. Un set di indicatori viene considerato per stimare i SE forniti dalle foreste, sviluppando strumenti integrati per il loro monitoraggio multiscala. Le attività di ricerca vertono allo sviluppo di un metodo statistico innovativo per la stima spaziale degli indicatori di SE, sulla base di dati disponibili a diversi livelli di scala spaziale. Sono realizzate mappe wall-to-wall per la fornitura dei SE, derivate da diversi domini spaziali, dal livello di scala locale sino ad aree forestali di grande estensione. I dati sugli indicatori dei SE sono forniti nel contesto di attività di campionamento già stabilite (raccolta dati a livello di aree di saggio e di popolamento), per poi applicare tecniche di spazializzazione per aggregare i dati raccolti su scala locale a livelli di scala più ampia (paesaggio, scala regionale); l’approccio utilizzato viene valutato attraverso l’applicazione di strumenti di monitoraggio in un set di aree test. Si procede quindi alla valutazione dei cambiamenti spazio-temporali nella previsione dei SE, considerando indicatori sensibili alla gestione forestale, ovvero capaci di evidenziare cambiamenti nella previsione di fornitura di beni e servizi ad opera dei sistemi forestali, in relazione a differenti scenari gestionali, con l’obiettivo di fornire indicazioni ai gestori forestali ed alle comunità locali per l’applicazione di pratiche di gestione che possano mantenere o incrementare la fornitura dei SE in un preciso contesto territoriale. Questo progetto permette di realizzare un’attenta analisi dei gaps esistenti negli attuali schemi di inventariazione in relazione alla fornitura dei SE, con l’obiettivo di dare indicazioni utili all’implementazione ed integrazione degli stessi mediante individuazione di nuovi indicatori, nell’ottica di una gestione forestale sostenibile. Le attività di ricerca in corso possono concretamente contribuire all’incorporazione dei SE nei processi decisionali connessi alla gestione dei paesaggi forestali, fornendo un’opportunità per comprendere la congruenza tra i diversi SE negli ambienti forestali

    A forest typology for monitoring sustainable forest management: The case of European Forest Types

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    Sustainable forest management (SFM) is presently widely accepted as the overriding objective for forest policy and practice. Regional processes are in progress all over the world to develop and implement criteria and indicators of SFM. In continental Europe, a set of 35 Pan-European indicators has been endorsed under the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) to measure progress towards SFM in the 44 countries of the region. The formulation of seven indicators (forest area, growing stock, age structure/diameter distribution, deadwood, tree species composition, damaging agents, naturalness) requires national data to be reported by forest types. Within the vast European forest area the values taken by these indicators show a considerable range of variation, due to variable natural conditions and anthropogenic influences. Given this variability, it is very difficult to grasp the meaning of these indicators when taken out of their ecological background. The paper discusses the concepts behind, and the requirements of, a classification more soundly ecologically framed and suitable for MCPFE reporting than the three (un-informative) classes adopted so far: broadleaved forest, coniferous forest, mixed broadleaved and coniferous forest. We propose a European Forest Types scheme structured into a reasonably higher number of classes, that would improve the specificity of the indicators reported under the MCPFE process and its understanding.L'articolo è disponibile sul sito dell'editore www.tandf.co.uk/journals

    Integrated forest management to prevent wildfi res under mediterranean environments

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    This review presents a multidisciplinary framework for integrating the ecological, regulatory, procedural and technical aspects of forest management for fi res prevention under Mediterranean environments. The aims are to: i) provide a foreground of wildfi re scenario; ii) illustrate the theoretical background of forest fuel management; iii) describe the available fuel management techniques and mechanical operations for fi re prevention in forest and wildland-urban interfaces, with exemplifi cation of case-studies; iv) allocate fi re prevention activities under the hierarchy of forest planning. The review is conceived as an outline commentary discussion targeted to professionals, technicians and government personnel involved in forestry and environmental managemen
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