2,076 research outputs found

    Family therapy in Poland : development and current perspectives

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    The authors of the present article describe the historical context of family therapy in Poland and current issues in the field. They highlight the fact that Polish therapists first began to develop the field after coming into contact with family therapy leaders from the United States and Western Europe. With the political breakthrough of 1989, there were new opportunities for multilateral cooperation, attendance at international conferences, and the exchange of experiences. Currently, the work of Polish family therapists, the place of family therapy among other forms of psychotherapy, and the related problems and challenges do not differ from other European nations

    Commentary: The histone demethylase Phf2 acts as a molecular checkpoint to prevent NAFLD progression during obesity

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    A Commentary on The histone demethylase Phf2 acts as a molecular checkpoint to prevent NAFLD progression during obesit

    Human Pancreatic Islet Isolation: Part II: Purification and Culture of Human Islets

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    Management of Type 1 diabetes is burdensome, both to the individual and society, costing over 100 billion dollars annually. Despite the widespread use of glucose monitoring and new insulin formulations, many individuals still develop devastating secondary complications. Pancreatic islet transplantation can restore near normal glucose control in diabetic patients 1, without the risk of serious hypoglycemic episodes that are associated with intensive insulin therapy. Providing sufficient islet mass is important for successful islet transplantation. However, donor characteristics, organ procurement and preservation affect the isolation outcome 2. At University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) we developed a successful isolation protocol with an improved purification gradient 3. The program started in January 2004 and more than 300 isolations were performed up to November 2008. The pancreata were sent in cold preservation solutions (UW, University of Wisconsin or HTK, Histidine-Tryptophan Ketoglutarate) 4-7 to the Cell Isolation Laboratory at UIC for islet isolation. Pancreatic islets were isolated using the UIC method, which is a modified version of the method originally described by Ricordi et al8. As described in Part I: Digestion and Collection of Pancreatic Tissue, human pancreas was trimmed, cannulated, perfused, and digested. After collection and at least 30 minutes of incubation in UW solution, the tissue was loaded in the cell separator (COBE 2991, Cobe, Lakewood, CO) for purification 3. Following purification, islet yield (expressed as islet equivalents, IEQ), tissue volume, and purity was determined according to standard methods 9. Isolated islets were cultured in CMRL-1066 media (Mediatech, Herndon, VA), supplemented with 1.5% human albumin, 0.1% insulin-transferrin-selenium (ITS), 1 ml of Ciprofloxacin, 5 ml o f 1M HEPES, and 14.5 ml of 7.5% Sodium Bicarbonate in T175 flasks at 37°C overnight culture before islets were transplanted or used for research

    A Jewish problem? A Polish problem? : some reflections on the group process of psychotherapists in Kraków

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    Autorzy przedstawiają przebieg procesu spotkań nieformalnej grupy terapeutów, która spotykając się od 2002 roku dyskutuje problematykę polsko-żydowską na comiesięcznych spotkaniach w Krakowie. Inspiracją spotkań stały się konferencje odbywające się naprzemiennie w Izraelu i w Polsce. Przebieg spotkań określony był zarówno przez osobiste refleksje ich uczestników, jak i poprzez dynamikę grupy.The below mentioned reflections deal with a group process that took place among the participants of the meeting organized by the Polish-Israeli Mental Health Association. The group was formed in the end of 2002. It was inspired by the conferences organized in Israel and Poland. The process is worth mentioning since it was not only emotionally and cognitively important for the participants but it was also a reflection, maybe a metaphor, of the phenomena which take place on a larger scale

    Terapia rodzin w zaburzeniach osobowości : wątpliwości i możliwości

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    Autorzy przedstawiają perspektywę terapeutów rodzinnych w terapii zaburzeń osobowości ukazując specyfikę podejścia systemowego i związanych z tą perspektywą uwarunkowań epistemologicznych. Nakreślając możliwości i ograniczenia terapii rodzin odwołują się do modelu strategicznego. W oparciu o własne doświadczenia w terapii rodzin z udziałem osób z zaburzoną osobowością, a także przesłanki teoretyczne, autorzy przedstawiają praktyczne trudności i możliwości ich przezwyciężenia.There are many reasons for family therapy of personality disorders to be controversial. The individual diagnosis may be - as seen from the systemic therapist point of view - a non-justified de-contextualization. On the other hand, the interest of systemic therapists in other approaches, including these which have their sources in individual diagnosis, is being observed. This phenomenon enables to include into the systemic model, not only the narrative approach but also others based on the social constructionism, and these, which appeal to the intrapsychic dimension. The authors present the practical difficulties and the possibilities of overcoming them, basing on their own experience in family therapy with patients with personality disorders

    Non-celiac gluten sensitivity in the context of functional gastrointestinal disorders

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    Gluten-free diets are increasingly chosen in the Western world, even in the absence of a diagnosis of celiac disease. Around 10% of people worldwide self-report gluten-related complaints, including intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms. In most cases, these subjects would be labeled as patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who place themselves on a gluten-free diet even in the absence of celiac disease. In some instances, patients report a clear benefit by avoiding gluten from their diet and/or symptom worsening upon gluten reintroduction. This clinical entity has been termed non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). The symptoms referred by these patients are both intestinal and extra-intestinal, suggesting that similarly to functional gastrointestinal disorders, NCGS is a disorder of gut–brain interaction. It remains unclear if gluten is the only wheat component involved in NCGS. The mechanisms underlying symptom generation in NCGS remain to be fully clarified, although in the past few years, the research has significantly moved forward with new data linking NCGS to changes in gut motility, permeability and innate immunity. The diagnosis is largely based on the self-reported reaction to gluten by the patient, as there are no available biomarkers, and confirmatory double-blind challenge protocols are unfeasible in daily clinical practice. Some studies suggest that a small proportion of patients with IBS have an intolerance to gluten. However, the benefits of gluten-free or low-gluten diets in non-celiac disease-related conditions are limited, and the long-term consequences of this practice may include nutritional and gut microbiota unbalance. Here, we summarize the role of gluten in the clinical features, pathophysiology, and management of NCGS and disorders of gut–brain interaction

    Inflammatory and Microbiota-Related Regulation of the Intestinal Epithelial Barrier

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    The intestinal epithelial barrier (IEB) is one of the largest interfaces between the environment and the internal milieu of the body. It is essential to limit the passage of harmful antigens and microorganisms and, on the other side, to assure the absorption of nutrients and water. The maintenance of this delicate equilibrium is tightly regulated as it is essential for human homeostasis. Luminal solutes and ions can pass across the IEB via two main routes: the transcellular pathway or the paracellular pathway. Tight junctions (TJs) are a multi-protein complex responsible for the regulation of paracellular permeability. TJs control the passage of antigens through the IEB and have a key role in maintaining barrier integrity. Several factors, including cytokines, gut microbiota, and dietary components are known to regulate intestinal TJs. Gut microbiota participates in several human functions including the modulation of epithelial cells and immune system through the release of several metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Mediators released by immune cells can induce epithelial cell damage and TJs dysfunction. The subsequent disruption of the IEB allows the passage of antigens into the mucosa leading to further inflammation. Growing evidence indicates that dysbiosis, immune activation, and IEB dysfunction have a role in several diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and gluten-related conditions. Here we summarize the interplay between the IEB and gut microbiota and mucosal immune system and their involvement in IBS, IBD, and gluten-related disorders

    Millets and Cereal Meals from the Early Iron Age Underwater Settlement of “Gran Carro” (Bolsena Lake, Central Italy)

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    Archeobotanical materials recovered from pottery vessels originating from the underwater archeological site of “Gran Carro”, located in Central Italy on the shore of Bolsena Lake, were analyzed to obtain new insight into the agricultural habits present in this Iron Age settlement. The archeobotanical study of cereal remains was combined with analytical data obtained from an amorphous organic residue using optical microscopy, SEM-EDS, ATR/FT-IR and Py-GC/MS. The cereal remains of emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), and foxtail millet (Setaria italica) were identified as the preferred crops used for food and/or fodder at the site. The presence of charred millets, which have been directly dated by AMS, confirms consumption at the site and adds to the little-known background of millet use in central Italy. The find of millets in a perilacustrine pile-dwelling during a period when the water level of the Bolsena Lake was several meters lower than at present, attesting to a general dry period, suggests that the cultivation of millets, complementing more productive crops of wheat and barley, may have been favored by the availability of a large seasonally dry coastal plain, characterized by poor and sandy soils unsuitable for more demanding cereals