23 research outputs found

    Oleuropein in olive leaf, branch, and stem extracts: stability and biological activity in human cervical carcinoma and melanoma cells

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    Olive leaves as a main byproduct of olive oil and fruit industry are a valuable source of phytochemicals such as polyphenols, with multiple biomedical effects. Apart from leaves, olive branches and stems make up a significant amount of olive waste. It is well known that the drying process and long-term storage affect the stability and concentration of polyphenols present in raw materials. For that matter, two different means of storing olive waste, at room temperature and +4 Ā°C, were compared by determining the content of the polyphenol oleuropein (OLE) in olive leaf, branch, and stem extracts (LE, BE, and SE) by HPLC-DAD method. Total phenols (TPC), o-diphenols (o-DPC), and total flavonoids (TFC) content in extracts were assessed by UV-Vis measurements. LE prepared from leaves stored at +4 Ā°C had the highest OLE content, 30.7 mg gā€“1 of dry extract (DE). SE from stems stored at +4 Ā°C was the richest in TPC and TFC (193 mg GAE/g DE and 82.9 mg CE/g DE, respectively), due to the higher purity of the extract. The biological activity of extracts was determined on cervical cancer (HeLa), melanoma (A375), metastatic melanoma (A375M) tumor cell lines, and on spontaneously immortalized cell line of keratinocytes (HaCaT), using the MTT assay. The data show that all extracts had a similar dose-dependent effect on cell viability in HeLa cells, while the effect of LE on melanoma A375 and A375M, and HaCaT cells was cell-line dependent

    Biological Activity of Phenolic Compounds in Extra Virgin Olive Oils through Their Phenolic Profile and Their Combination with Anticancer Drugs Observed in Human Cervical Carcinoma and Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells

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    The roles of phenolics from olive oils as effective anticancer agents have been documented in various in vitro studies of different cancer cells lines, but the relationship between the phenolic profile of olive oil and its biological activity needs more elucidation. In this study, we analysed phenolic profiles of extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) from different autochthonous cultivars from Croatia (Oblica, Bjelica, Buža, Žižolera) and investigated the biological effect of EVOO phenolic extracts (EVOO-PEs) on human cervical (HeLa) and human colon (SW48) cancer cell lines alone and in combination with cisplatin (cDDP), carboplatin (CBP), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and irinotecan. The quantitative evaluation of olive oil polyphenols was performed by HPLC-DAD and spectrophotometric analysis. The biological effect of EVOO-PEs alone and in combination with anticancer drugs was measured by MTT assay. Analysed EVOO-PEs differ in phenolic profile and inhibited HeLa and SW48 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Further, it is shown that EVOO-PEs (Oblica-Sea, Buža and Žižolera), in combination with anticancer drugs, increase the metabolic activity of HeLa and SW48 cells and have a protective role. These data imply careful consummation of olive oil during chemotherapy of cancer patients

    Analysis of the effect of vehicle overload on the read structure lifetime

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    Prometno opterećenje ima značajan utjecaj na brzinu procesa degradacije kolničke konstrukcije. Zbog toga je prilikom dimenzioniranja kolničke konstrukcije, pored podataka o broju vozila, nužno poznavanje njihovih masa ili osovinskih opterećenja. Analizom prometnog opterećenja dolazi se do broja ekvivalentnih osovina kojima se izražava projektno prometno opterećenje. Postupak analize prometnog opterećenja za asfaltne kolnike u Republici Hrvatskoj provodi se prema normi HRN U.C4.010. Analiza utjecaja preopterećenja vozila na životni vijek kolničke konstrukcije je vrlo važna u pogledu osiguranja sigurnosti i trajnosti cesta. Preopterećenje vozila odnosi se na situaciju kada vozilo prelazi dopuÅ”tenu nosivost ceste, Å”to može uzrokovati oÅ”tećenja na kolniku. Ključni faktori koji se moraju razmotriti u analizi utjecaja preopterećenja vozila na životni vijek kolničke konstrukcije su: nosivost kolnika, materijali od kojih je kolnik izgrađen, deformacije i pukotine, rutinsko održavanje, učestalost preopterećenja te pravila i propisi. Kako bi se smanjio utjecaj preopterećenja vozila na životni vijek kolničke konstrukcije, važno je sustavno pratiti stanje cesta, educirati vozače o važnosti poÅ”tivanja ograničenja nosivosti i ulagati u redovito održavanje i obnovu infrastrukture. To će doprinijeti povećanju sigurnosti prometa i produžiti životni vijek cestovnih povrÅ”ina.Traffic load has a significant impact on the rate of pavement construction degradation. Therefore, when designing pavement construction, in addition to data on the number of vehicles, knowledge of their weights or axle loads is necessary. By analyzing the traffic load, the number of equivalent axes expressing the design traffic load is determined. The procedure for analyzing traffic load for asphalt pavements in the Republic of Croatia is conducted according to the standard HRN U.C4.010. Analyzing the impact of vehicle overloading on the lifespan of pavement construction is an important aspect of study to ensure the safety and durability of roads. Vehicle overloading refers to the situation when a vehicle exceeds the permissible road load capacity, which can cause damage to the pavement. Key factors to consider in the analysis of the impact of vehicle overloading on the lifespan of pavement construction include: pavement capacity, materials used in pavement construction, deformations and cracks, routine maintenance, frequency of overloading, and regulations. In order to reduce the impact of vehicle overloading on the lifespan of pavement construction, it is important to systematically monitor the condition of roads, educate drivers about the importance of adhering to load capacity limits, and invest in regular maintenance and infrastructure renewal. This will contribute to increasing traffic safety and extending the lifespan of road surfaces

    The application of the hydrogen-powered trains

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    Vlakovi s pogonom na vodik voze na električni pogon, a energiju dobivaju iz vlastitih vodikovih članaka - oksidacijom vodika u gorivnim člancima. I oni su zapravo alternativa dieselu koja pridonosi očuvanju okoliÅ”a. Vodik i gorivni članci su idealna kombinacija za zaÅ”titu klime jer jedino Å”to vlak ispuÅ”ta prilikom vožnje je vodena para. Nedostatak ovog pogona je taj da proizvodnja vodika zahtijeva troÅ”enje energije koja ne potječe iz nužno obnovljivih izvora. Tehnički gledano ovi vlakovi su zasnovani na diesel vlakovima, ali na krovu imaju spremnike za vodik i gorivne članke, a u dvije teÅ”ke baterije se pohranjuje i električna energija koja nastaje kočenjem kao i viÅ”ak električne energije iz vodikovih gorivnih članaka. I joÅ” važna prednost ovih vlakova je to da su puno tiÅ”i u odnosu na ostale. Ova tehnologija se razvija unazad 15 godina. Japan je 2006. godine prvi testirao hidrolokomotivu, a Kinezi su 2015. godine uveli i prvi hidrotramvaj. Njemačka je 2018. godine prva u svijetu uvela putnički vlak s pogonom na vodik, a do prosinca 2021. godine bi trebalo prometovati 14 takvih vlakova. Očekuje se velika primjena vlakova s pogonom na vodik i u ostalim državama zato Å”to su jeftiniji jer ne zahtijevaju sveobuhvatni remont pruga već je dovoljno preraditi postojeće dieselske vlakove.Hydrogen powered trains use electrical power for traction and it is derived from hydrogen fuel cell. This trains are a true alternative to diesel power trains, which contributes to environmental protection. Hydrogen and fuel cell are perfect combination for environmental protection, with exhaust being only steam and condensed water. This kind of production use lot of energy which cames from non-renewable energy and it is deficiency. Techically this trains are based on traditional diesel trains, except fuel tanks for hydrogen on the roof, and two heavy battery for energy storage resulting from braking.This zero-emission trains emits low levels of noise. Hydrogen techology has been developed in the last 15 years. The first hydrorail has been tested in Japan 2006., and the first hydrotram has been used in China 2015. Germany entered the first passenger train based on hydrogen technology in 2018. And the new 14 trains are expected to be introduced till December 2021. It is expected a large increase this kind of trains in the rest of the world because cheap conversion costs

    The application of the hydrogen-powered trains

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    Vlakovi s pogonom na vodik voze na električni pogon, a energiju dobivaju iz vlastitih vodikovih članaka - oksidacijom vodika u gorivnim člancima. I oni su zapravo alternativa dieselu koja pridonosi očuvanju okoliÅ”a. Vodik i gorivni članci su idealna kombinacija za zaÅ”titu klime jer jedino Å”to vlak ispuÅ”ta prilikom vožnje je vodena para. Nedostatak ovog pogona je taj da proizvodnja vodika zahtijeva troÅ”enje energije koja ne potječe iz nužno obnovljivih izvora. Tehnički gledano ovi vlakovi su zasnovani na diesel vlakovima, ali na krovu imaju spremnike za vodik i gorivne članke, a u dvije teÅ”ke baterije se pohranjuje i električna energija koja nastaje kočenjem kao i viÅ”ak električne energije iz vodikovih gorivnih članaka. I joÅ” važna prednost ovih vlakova je to da su puno tiÅ”i u odnosu na ostale. Ova tehnologija se razvija unazad 15 godina. Japan je 2006. godine prvi testirao hidrolokomotivu, a Kinezi su 2015. godine uveli i prvi hidrotramvaj. Njemačka je 2018. godine prva u svijetu uvela putnički vlak s pogonom na vodik, a do prosinca 2021. godine bi trebalo prometovati 14 takvih vlakova. Očekuje se velika primjena vlakova s pogonom na vodik i u ostalim državama zato Å”to su jeftiniji jer ne zahtijevaju sveobuhvatni remont pruga već je dovoljno preraditi postojeće dieselske vlakove.Hydrogen powered trains use electrical power for traction and it is derived from hydrogen fuel cell. This trains are a true alternative to diesel power trains, which contributes to environmental protection. Hydrogen and fuel cell are perfect combination for environmental protection, with exhaust being only steam and condensed water. This kind of production use lot of energy which cames from non-renewable energy and it is deficiency. Techically this trains are based on traditional diesel trains, except fuel tanks for hydrogen on the roof, and two heavy battery for energy storage resulting from braking.This zero-emission trains emits low levels of noise. Hydrogen techology has been developed in the last 15 years. The first hydrorail has been tested in Japan 2006., and the first hydrotram has been used in China 2015. Germany entered the first passenger train based on hydrogen technology in 2018. And the new 14 trains are expected to be introduced till December 2021. It is expected a large increase this kind of trains in the rest of the world because cheap conversion costs

    Internacionalni nezaÅ”tićeni nazivi farmaceutskih tvari

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) has a constitutional responsibility to develop, establish and promote international standards with respect to biological, pharmaceutical and similar products. The International Nonproprietary Names (INN) Programme is a core activity embedded in the normative functions of WHO and has served the global public health and medicines community for over fifty years. The Programme was established to assign nonproprietary names to pharmaceutical substances so that each substance would be recognized by a unique name. Such, names are needed for the clear identification, safe prescription and dispensing of medicines, and for communication and exchange of information among health professionals. INN s can be used freely because they are in the public domain. In addition to being a basic component of many WHO medicines activities and programmes, INNs are used in regulatory and administrative processes in many countries. T hey are also intended for use in pharmacopoeias, labelling, and product information and to provide standardized terminology for the international exchange of scientific information

    Lijekovi u laktaciji

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    Most drugs used in treatment of breastfeeding mothers are tentatively safe. The exposure of breastfeeding mothers to drug or other xenobiotics will generally result in the transfer of these substances in human milk in low concentrations. The knowledge about medicines and their characteristics (pKa, solubility in water and lipids, the size of the molecule, oral bioavailability, toxicity, effects on milk production, t1/2) helps healthcare professionals in appropriate drug prescribing, in providing an useful information and patient tracking for possible drug effect in infant. The risk of adverse drug reactions is highest in children below 2-3 months, and in breastfeeding mothers who are on psychoactive drugs. According to the FDA classification, drugs used in breastfeeding are classified into five categories of L1 till L5. Drugs in the category L5, like radioactive isotopes, ACE inhibitors, estrogens, bromocriptine are strictly contraindicated in breastfeeding

    Lijekovi za rijetke bolesti

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    There are between 5000 and 7000 rare diseases. These are often chronic, progressive, degenerative, and often life-threatening diseases. Rare diseases are mostly genetic, and are therefore present throughout the patient's life, even if symptoms do not appear immediately. However, many rare diseases appear early in life, and about 30% of children with rare diseases die before reaching their fifth birthday. There is no cure for most of the rare diseases, so the art of living with a rare disease is an ongoing learning experience for patients and families. Ā»Orphan drugsĀ« are medicinal products intended for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of life-threatening or debilitating rare diseases. They are Ā»orphansĀ« because the pharmaceutical industry, under normal market conditions, has little interest in developing and marketing drugs intended for only a small number of patients suffering from very rare conditions

    Primjena živih organizama životinjskog podrijetla kao oblik bioterapije

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    For centuries people have been looking for cures for various diseases in the nature. Living organisms have been used for various types of treatment since ancient times. Special kinds of worms, leeches, bees, earthworms gut, and fish have proven their usefulness in many chronic diseases. Treatment with respective animals or their products have a lot of advantages because they cause minimal side effects, toxic and allergic reactions are rare; contraindication for their use are well-known; and consequently a number of indications is growing. However, there are some problems regarding the cultivation process of the living organisms and the complicated method of their application in humans. Positive results from investigations of the application of living organisms in different chronic diseases lead to an increased application of this form of treatment in all parts of the world