10 research outputs found

    Influence of Sn and Pb ions substitutions on dielectric properties of barium titanate

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    The results of the microstructural and dielectric measurements of (Ba1-xPbx)(Ti1-xSnx)O3 (BPTSx) (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.30) polycrystalline samples are presented. The samples were obtained by means of a high temperature synthesis and their expected stoichiometry was confirmed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) measurements. The dielectric properties of BPTSx were studied with the use of broadband dielectric spectroscopy. The measurements over a wide range of temperature (from 140 K to 600 K) and frequency (from 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz) were performed. The experimental results indicate an influence of Pb ions in a sublattice A and Sn ions in a sublattice B substitution on paraelectric - ferroelectric phase transition parameters. Diffused phase transitions from a paraelectric to ferroelectric state (for x = 0.10 and x = 0.30) were observed. From the electric modulus measurements in the frequency domain the relaxation times and the activation energy were determined

    AFM-based detection of glycocalyx degradation and endothelial stiffening in the db/db mouse model of diabetes

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    Degradation of the glycocalyx and stiffening of endothelium are important pathophysiological components of endothelial dysfunction. However, to our knowledge, these events have not been investigated in tandem in experimental diabetes. Here, the mechanical properties of the glycocalyx and endothelium in ex vivo mouse aorta were determined simultaneously in indentation experiments with an atomic force microscope (AFM) for diabetic db/db and control db/+ mice at ages of 11–19 weeks. To analyze highly heterogeneous aorta samples, we developed a tailored classification procedure of indentation data based on a bi-layer brush model supplemented with Hertz model for quantification of nanomechanics of endothelial regions with and without the glycocalyx surface. In db/db mice, marked endothelial stiffening and reduced glycocalyx coverage were present already in 11-week-old mice and persisted in older animals. In contrast, reduction of the effective glycocalyx length was progressive and was most pronounced in 19-week-old db/db mice. The reduction of the glycocalyx length correlated with an increasing level of glycated haemoglobin and decreased endothelial NO production. In conclusion, AFM nanoindentation analysis revealed that stiffening of endothelial cells and diminished glycocalyx coverage occurred in early diabetes and were followed by the reduction of the glycocalyx length that correlated with diabetes progression

    Health horizons: Future trends and technologies from the European Medicines Agency’s horizon scanning collaborations

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    In medicines development, the progress in science and technology is accelerating. Awareness of these developments and their associated challenges and opportunities is essential for medicines regulators and others to translate them into benefits for society. In this context, the European Medicines Agency uses horizon scanning to shine a light on early signals of relevant innovation and technological trends with impact on medicinal products. This article provides the results of systematic horizon scanning exercises conducted by the Agency, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre’s (DG JRC). These collaborative exercises aim to inform policy-makers of new trends and increase preparedness in responding to them. A subset of 25 technological trends, divided into three clusters were selected and reviewed from the perspective of medicines regulators. For each of these trends, the expected impact and challenges for their adoption are discussed, along with recommendations for developers, regulators and policy makers

    The Republic of Turkey foreign policy, under the Justice and Development Party rule, towards chosen territories of the former Ottoman Empire

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    Niniejsza praca podejmuje problematykę polityki zagranicznej prowadzonej przez Partię Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju. Opiera się na przykładach dwóch terytoriów byłego Imperium Osmańskiego to jest Bałkanach Zachodnich i Bliskim Wschodzie. Zaczynając od analizy środowiska wewnętrznego i uwarunkowań międzynarodowych w jakich Partia Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju doszła do władzy i zaczęła prowadzić politykę zagraniczną na podstawie „Strategicznej Głębi” Ahmeta Davutoğlu, poprzez analizę wybranych regionów, stara się odpowiedzieć na pytania dotyczące zmian i uwarunkowań w polityce zagranicznej Turcji w XXI w.This work addresses the problems of the foreign policy implemented by the Justice and Development Party. It is based on the examples of two territories of the former Ottoman Empire, namely the Western Balkans and the Middle East. Starting from the analysis of the internal environment and international conditions that the Justice and Development Party came to power and began to conduct foreign policy on the basis of the "Strategic Depth" by Ahmet Davutoğlu through the analysis of selected regions the work tries to answer questions about changes and conditions in Turkey's foreign policy in the 21st century

    Implications of Indirect Biomarkers of Intestinal Permeability in the Stools of Newborns and Infants with Perinatal Risk Factors for Intestinal Colonization Disorders and Infant Feeding Patterns

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    Background: The intestinal microbiota of pregnant women and factors disturbing the microbial balance of their gastrointestinal tract during the perinatal period may be the cause of dysbiosis and thus intestinal permeability syndrome in their children. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implications of intestinal permeability parameters in the stools of newborns and infants with perinatal risk factors for intestinal colonization disorders (the route of delivery, antibiotic therapy in the neonatal period and the abandonment of breastfeeding). Methods: The study included 100 mother–child pairs. All children were born from uncomplicated and term pregnancies (between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation). In order to determine the parameters of dysbiosis and intestinal permeability, we determined the concentrations of zonulin and occludin in stool samples taken from all children at 0 (i.e., at birth), 3, 6 and 12 months of age. Elevated levels of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are associated with metabolic diseases and its presence may be indicative of TJ injury and the onset of leaky gut syndrome. To indirectly determine the presence of endotoxemia, the concentrations of lipopolysaccharide were also measured in stool samples taken from all children at 0, 3, 6 and 12 months of age. We analyzed the relationship between the markers studied and perinatal risk factors for impaired intestinal colonization, including the mode of delivery, the method of feeding, and a family history of allergy. Results: During the first 3 months of infant life, higher concentrations of fecal occludin and zonulin were most often accompanied by higher values of fecal LPS. Similarly, higher concentrations of zonulin were accompanied by higher values of occludin. There were no significant differences in the stool concentrations of the studied markers during the first year of life between children born by caesarean section and those born naturally. In addition, the method of feeding had no significant effect on the changes in the concentrations of the determined fractions. Antibiotic therapy was associated only with an increase in the fecal occludin concentration after birth, without any effect on zonulin, occludin or LPS levels. The use of probiotic therapy in infants resulted in a decrease in only LPS concentrations at 3 months of age, with no effect on zonulin or occludin concentrations at 0, 6 and 12 months. Conclusions: Perinatal factors related to intestinal permeability are important during the first 3 months of infant life. However, we found that the mode of delivery had no influence on the parameters of infant intestinal leakage during the first year of life. In addition, the mode of infant feeding—breast or exclusively formula—did not significantly affect the changes in the concentrations of LPS, zonulin or occludin in the stools of children. A short-term increase in occludin concentrations after delivery in the stools of children from mothers undergoing antibiotic therapy indicates a negative but reversible influence of intrapartum antibiotics on the intestinal integrity of children in the perinatal period. Probiotic therapy seems to have a positive effect on reducing endotoxemia in children during the first 3 months of life. The presence of LPS at 3 months did not affect intestinal tightness at any of the later measured periods of the infants’ lives

    Health horizons:Future trends and technologies from the European Medicines Agency's horizon scanning collaborations

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    In medicines development, the progress in science and technology is accelerating. Awareness of these developments and their associated challenges and opportunities is essential for medicines regulators and others to translate them into benefits for society. In this context, the European Medicines Agency uses horizon scanning to shine a light on early signals of relevant innovation and technological trends with impact on medicinal products. This article provides the results of systematic horizon scanning exercises conducted by the Agency, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre's (DG JRC). These collaborative exercises aim to inform policy-makers of new trends and increase preparedness in responding to them. A subset of 25 technological trends, divided into three clusters were selected and reviewed from the perspective of medicines regulators. For each of these trends, the expected impact and challenges for their adoption are discussed, along with recommendations for developers, regulators and policy makers

    Porównanie pośrednie wyników leczenia chorych na zaawansowane/przerzutowe czerniaki za pomocą niwolumabu lub pembrolizumabu — analiza wieloośrodkowa

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    Wstęp. Rozwój nowej klasy leków — inhibitorów punktów kontrolnych — zmienił rokowanie u chorych na nowotwory. Szczególną klasę leków stanowią przeciwciała przeciwko receptorowi programowanej śmierci komórki typu 1/ligandowi programowanej śmierci komórki typu 1 (niwolumab i pembrolizumab). Nie ma jednak badań z losowym doborem chorych, które porównywałyby bezpośrednio niwolumab i pembrolizumab. Ze względu na rozwój immunoterapii i wiele nowych rejestracji dla anty-PD-1 wskazane jest określenie, czy istnieją różnice w zakresie skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa w stosowaniu niwolumabu i pembrolizumabu. Materiał i metoda. Do badania włączono 499 chorych na nieoperacyjnego lub przerzutowego czerniaka, leczonych w latach 2016–2019 w pięciu referencyjnych ośrodkach onkologicznych w Polsce (Kraków, Gliwice, Lublin, Poznań, Wrocław). Kryterium włączenia do badania było leczenie w pierwszej linii za pomocą przeciwciał anty-PD-1 (niwolumab lub pembrolizumab). Wyniki. Mediany czasu przeżycia całkowitego (OS) i czasu przeżycia wolnego od progresji choroby (PFS) w całej badanej grupie wyniosły odpowiednio 19,9 i 7,9 miesiąca. Estymowane mediany OS i PFS wyniosły dla niwolumabu i pembrolizumabu odpowiednio 20,1 i 18,1 miesiąca oraz 8,5 i 6,0 miesięcy. Nie wykazano znamiennie statystycznej różnicy w zakresie median OS i PFS w grupach chorych otrzymujących niwolumab i pembrolizumab [odpowiednio p = 0,6291 (HR = 1,06; Cl 95% 0,8–1,4) i p = 0,0956 (HR = 1,20; Cl 95% 0,97–1,48)]. Odsetek działań niepożądanych związanych z układem immunologicznym (irAEs) w stopniu G3 i/lub G4 był podobny w grupach leczonych niwolumabem lub pembrolizumabem (odpowiednio 5,8 i 5,2%). Wnioski. Nie znaleziono różnic w zakresie OS, PFS oraz wskaźników obiektywnej odpowiedzi na leczenie (ORR) pomiędzy terapią niwolumabem a pembrolizumabem u wcześniej nieleczonych chorych na zaawansowanego/ rozsianego czerniaka. Nie wykazano różnic w zakresie częstości irAEs w stopniu G3 lub G4. Wybór leczenia określonym preparatem powinien się opierać na preferencjach chorego oraz klinicysty

    Porównanie pośrednie wyników leczenia chorych na zaawansowane/przerzutowe czerniaki za pomocą niwolumabu lub pembrolizumabu – analiza wieloośrodkowa

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    Introduction. The development of a new class of drug — checkpoint inhibitors has changed the prognosis of cancer patients. A particular class of drugs are antibodies against the programmed cell death type 1 receptor/ligand of the programmed cell death type 1 receptor (nivolumab and pembrolizumab). There are, however, no trials with a random selection of the patients which directly compare nivolumab and pembrolizumab. Because of the development of immunotherapy and many new drugs registered as anti-PD-1, it is important to determine whether there are differences in respect to effectiveness and safety in using nivolumab and pembrolizumab. Material and method. 499 patients with non-resectable or metastatic melanoma treated in the years 2016–2019 in five oncological reference centers in Poland (Cracow, Gliwice, Lublin, Poznań, Wrocław) were included in the analysis. The criterion for inclusion in the analysis was first-line treatment with anti-PD-1 (nivolumab or pembrolizumab). Results. Median OS and PFS in the whole analyzed group were 19.9 and 7.9 months, respectively. Estimated median OS and PFS were 20.1 and 18.1 months and 8.5 and 6.0 months for nivolumab and pembrolizumab, respectively. No statistically significant difference was observed in median OS and PFS in the group of patients receiving nivolumab and pembrolizumab (respectively P = 0.6291 [HR = 1.06; Cl 95% 0.8–1.4] and P = 0.0956 [HR = 1.20; Cl 95% 0.97–1.48]). The percentage of grade G3 or/and G4 irAEs was similar in both groups treated with nivolumab or pembrolizumab, 5.8 and 5.2%, respectively. Conclusions. No differences in the range of OS, PFS and ORR was observed between therapy with nivolumab and pembrolizumab in previously untreated patients with advanced/metastatic melanoma. No differences were found in the frequency of irAEs of grade G3 or G4. The treatment with a specific preparation should be based on the preferences of the patient and the clinician.Wstęp: Rozwój nowej klasy leków - inhibitorów punktów kontrolnych zmienił rokowanie u chorych na nowotwory. Szczególną klasa leków są przeciwciał przeciwko receptorowi programowanej śmierci komórki typu 1/ligandowi programowanej śmierci komórki typu 1 ( niwolumab i pembrolizumab). Nie ma jednak badań z losowym doborem chorych, które porównywałyby bezpośrednio niwolumab i pembrolizumab. Z uwagi na rozwój immunoterapii i wiele nowych rejestracji dla anty-PD-1 wskazane jest określenie czy istnieją różnice w zakresie skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa w stosowaniu niwolumabu i pembrolizumab. Materiał  i metoda: Do badania włączono 499 chorych na nieoperacyjnego lub przerzutowego czerniaka leczonych w latach 2016-2019 w pięciu referencyjnych ośrodkach onkologicznych w Polsce (Kraków, Gliwice, Lublin, Poznań, Wrocław). Kryterium włączenia do badania było leczenie w pierwszej linii za pomocą przeciwciał anty-PD-1 (niwolumab lub pembrolizumab). Wyniki: Mediana OS i PFS w całej badanej grupie wyniosła odpowiednio 19.9 i 7.9 miesiąca. Estymowana mediana OS i PFS wyniosła odpowiednio dla niwolumabu i pembrolizumabu  20,1 i 18,1 miesiąca oraz 8,5 i 6,0  miesiąca. Nie wykazano znamiennie statystycznej różnicy w zakresie median OS i PFS  w grupie chorych otrzymujących niwolumab i pembrolizumab (odpowiednio p=0,6291 [HR=1,06; Cl 95% 0,8-1,4] i p= 0,0956 [HR=1,20; Cl 95% 0,97-1,48]). Odsetek irAEs w stopniu G3 lub/i G4 był podobny w obu grupach leczonych niwolumabem lub pembrolizumabem, odpowiednio 5,8 i 5,2%. Wnioski: Nie znaleziono różnic w zakresie OS, PFS oraz ORR pomiędzy terapią niwolumabem a pembrolizumabem u wcześniej nieleczonych chorych z powodu zaawansowanego/rozsianego czerniaka. Nie wykazano różnic w zakresie częstości irAEs w stopniu G3 lub G4. Wybór leczenia określonym preparatem powinien opierać się na preferencjach chorego oraz klinicysty

    Development of immunity-related adverse events correlates with baseline clinical factors, survival and response to anti-PD-1 treatment in patients with inoperable or metastatic melanoma

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    Background The relationship between immune related adverse events (irAEs) and efficacy is not definitively proven, and data on the relationship between irAE and treatment efficacy are contradictory. Material and methods Five hundred ninety-three consecutive patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma treated in the first line with anti-PD-1 (nivolumab or pembrolizumab) between January 2016 and December 2019 were enrolled in the study. Results Statistically significant differences were demonstrated between the group of patients without and with irAE in median OS and PFS (p < .0001 both) and also in OS between the group of patients without irAE and patients with irAE within 3, 6, and 9 months from the start of anti-PD-1 therapy (p = .0121, p = .0014, p < .0001; respectively) and PFS (p = .0369, p = .0052, p = .0001; respectively). A statistically significant relationship was demonstrated between the occurrence of irAE and the location of the primary tumor (skin vs. mucosa vs. unknown; p = .0183), brain metastasis (present vs. absent; p = .0032), other locations (present vs. absent, p = .0032), LDH (normal vs. elevated; p = .0046) and stage according to TNM (p = .0093). Conclusion The occurrence of irAE was associated with longer OS, PFS, and more frequent response to treatment. IrAE occurred statistically significantly more often in patients with mucosa primary tumor, with normal LDH levels, without brain metastases, stages III, M1a, and M1b