366 research outputs found

    A nemzet könyvtárosa 1999–2009

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    Az adverbiumok mondattani és jelentéstani kérdései = The syntax and syntax-semantics interface of adverbial modification

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    A határozószók és a határozók alaktani, mondattani és funkcionális kérdéseit vizsgáltuk a generatív nyelvelmélet keretében, főként magyar anyag alapján. Olyan leírásra törekedtünk, melyből a különféle határozófajták mondattani viselkedése, hatóköre, valamint hangsúlyozása egyaránt következik. A különféle határozótípusok PP-ként való elemzésének lehetőségét bizonyítottuk. A határozók mondatbeli elhelyezése tekintetében a specifikálói pozíció (Cinque 1999) ellen és az adjunkciós elemzés (Ernst 2002) mellett érveltünk. Megmutattuk, hogy a határozók szórendjének levezetéséhez bal- és jobboldali adjunkció feltételezése egyaránt szükséges. A különféle határozófajták szórendi helyét mondattani, jelentéstani és prozódiai tényezők összjátékával magyaráztuk. A jelentéstani tényezők között pl. a határozók inkorporálhatóságát korlátozó típusmegszorítást, a negatív határozók kötelező fókuszálását előidéző skaláris megszorítást, egyes határozófajták és igefajták komplex eseményszerkezetének inkompatibilitását vizsgáltuk. Az ige mögötti határozók szórendjét befolyásoló prozódiai tényező például a növekvő összetevők törvénye. Megfigyeltük az intonációskifejezés- újraelemzés kiváltódásának feltételeit és jelentéstani következményeit is. A helyhatározói igekötők egy típusát a mozgatási láncok sajátos fonológiai megvalósulásaként (a fonológiailag redukált kópia inkorporációjaként) elemeztük. A tárgykörben mintegy 60 tanulmányt publikáltunk. Adverbs and Adverbial Adjuncts at the Interfaces (489 old.) c. könyvünket kiadja a Mouton de Gruyter (Berlin). | This project has aimed to clarify (on the basis of mainly Hungarian data) basic issues concerning the category "adverb", the function "adverbial", and the grammar of adverbial modification. We have argued for the PP analysis of adverbials, and have claimed that they enter the derivation via left- and right-adjunction. Their merge-in position is determined by the interplay of syntactic, semantic, and prosodic factors. The semantically motivated constraints discussed also include a type restriction affecting adverbials semantically incorporated into the verbal predicate, an obligatory focus position for scalar adverbs representing negative values of bidirectional scales, cooccurrence restrictions between verbs and adverbials involving incompatible subevents, etc. The order and interpretation of adverbials in the postverbal domain is shown to be affected by such phonologically motivated constraints as the Law of Growing Constituents, and by intonation-phrase restructuring. The shape of the light-headed chain arising in the course of locative PP incorporation is determined by morpho-phonological requirements. The types of adverbs and adverbials analyzed include locatives, temporals, comitatives, epistemic adverbs, adverbs of degree, manner, counting, and frequency, quantificational adverbs, and adverbial participles. We have published about 60 studies; our book Adverbs and Adverbial Adjuncts at the Interfaces (pp. 489) is published in the series Interface Explorations of Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin

    Twitter Chats as a Research Tool: A Study of Young Adult Financial Decisions

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    Many researchers collect online survey data because it is cost-effective and less time-consuming than traditional research methods. This paper describes Twitter chats as a research tool vis-à-vis two other online research methods: providing links to electronic surveys to respondents and use of commercially available survey panels through vendors with readily available respondents. Similar to a face-to-face focus group, Twitter chats provide a synchronous environment for participants to answer a structured series of questions and to respond to both the chat facilitator and each other. This paper also reports representative responses from a Twitter chat that explored financial decisions of young adults. The chat was sponsored by a multi-state group of land-grant university researchers, in cooperation with WiseBread, a personal finance website targeted to millennials, to recruit respondents for a more extensive month-long online survey about the financial decisions of young adults. The Twitter chat responses suggest that student loans were the top concern of participants, and debt and housing rounded out the top three concerns. The internet, both websites and social media, was the most frequently cited source of financial information. The article concludes with a discussion of lessons learned from the Twitter chat experience and suggestions for professional practice

    Affect matters: positive and negative social stimulation influences dogs’ behaviour in a subsequent situation involving an out-of-reach object

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    There is ample evidence to suggest that dogs have highly developed, context-dependent social skills. Recent literature also indicates a human-like susceptibility to social influence in dogs. However, it is still unclear how the affective social context affects the way dogs behave in a situation involving an out-of-reach object. The experimental manipulation served to prime the dogs with positive and negative affect in the form of social in-teractions. Dogs (N = 20) participated in both a negative and a positive social interaction with an unfamiliar male experimenter. Having received pretreatment with different social stimuli, subjects were observed in an instrumental task with an unfamiliar female experimenter requesting an out-of-reach object. The analysis of the dogs? tendency to engage in the task revealed that although the type of pretreatment did not influence whether they retrieved the cued object or not, the social interactions had a facilitatory effect on other, more subtle aspects of their behaviour. The positive interaction resulted in longer duration of looking time at the experimenter; shorter latency of moving upon release and of approaching the experimenter. The priming effects of the negative social interaction manifested in longer duration of looking time at the owner after release while gazing more at the target object during the first trial. These behaviours, together with the finding that dogs were more hesitant to approach the experimenter after the negative social interaction, may indicate that a negative emotional stimulation (involving the owner?s and the experimenter?s unresponsive behaviour, separation and a threatening stranger) causes a temporary disruption in the dog-owner bond, motivating the dog to repair it afterwards. These findings suggest that the valence attributed to the social interaction during pretreatment has differential effects on dogs? subsequent behaviour. Possible parallels with and differences from human behaviour are [email protected]

    Cryopreservation of gander semen in cryovials – Comparative study

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    The aim of the study was to find a practical and inexpensive method for freezing goose semen for use in routine inseminations under farm conditions. Two basic freezing protocols [(1) dynamic, programmable freezing and (2) static, nitrogen vapour method] were evaluated with varying concentrations of dimethylformamide (DMF) plus additional osmoprotectants such as betaine, trehalose, and sucrose, using cryovials as containers. Altogether eight different treatments were compared. sperm viability before freezing and after thawing was examined by in vitro tests and, in the case of the simplest effective method, also by in vivo fertility test. There were no significant differences in sperm survival either in the dynamic (48–50%) or in the static protocol (43–46%), except for the treatment where the lowest DMF concentration was used without any osmoprotectant in the dynamic protocol (42.6%). The addition of osmoprotectants did not improve thawed sperm viability in any case. Fertility with frozen/thawed sperm using the simplest method was 58.5%, while that obtained with fresh, diluted semen was 66.9%. The study proved that the simple freezing of gander semen in nitrogen vapour with 9% DMF in cryovials could produce acceptable fertility. The newly elaborated method can be successfully used for routine inseminations by small- and large-scale goose breeders

    A formatervező felelőssége a környezetvédelemben

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    Napjaink égető és megkerülhetetlen problémája a környezetszennyezés. Bátran kijelenthetjük, hogy az utolsó utáni pillanatban vagyunk: a Föld bioszférája a benne élők számára egyre kevésbé alkalmas élettéré válik. Napi szinten sokkolnak minket azok az audiális és vizuális impulzusok, melyek az interneten és egyéb média alapú forrásokból érnek minket, mint a globális felmelegedés jelenségéből fakadó problémák, például az Északi-sark olvadó gleccserei, az eltűnő állatfajok, a mindent ellepő műanyag telepek, a „Föld tüdejének”, azaz az esőerdők pusztításának eredményeként keletkezett mérgező levegő, és még hosszasan sorolhatnánk a jól ismert katasztrofális helyzeteket. Leendő mérnökként ezeknek a problémáknak a megoldására kutatom a választ a tervezési folyamatokban