47 research outputs found

    The regenerative potential of stem cells in acute renal failure.

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    Adult stem cells have been characterized in several tissues as a subpopulation of cells able to maintain, generate, and replace terminally differentiated cells in response to physiological cell turnover or tissue injury. Little is known regarding the presence of stem cells in the adult kidney but it is documented that under certain conditions, such as the recovery from acute injury, the kidney can regenerate itself by increasing the proliferation of some resident cells. The origin of these cells is largely undefined; they are often considered to derive from resident renal stem or progenitor cells. Whether these immature cells are a subpopulation preserved from the early stage of nephrogenesis is still a matter of investigation and represents an attractive possibility. Moreover, the contribution of bone marrow-derived stem cells to renal cell turnover and regeneration has been suggested. In mice and humans, there is evidence that extrarenal cells of bone marrow origin take part in tubular epithelium regeneration. Injury to a target organ can be sensed by bone marrow stem cells that migrate to the site of damage, undergo differentiation, and promote structural and functional repair. Recent studies have demonstrated that hematopoietic stem cells were mobilized following ischemia/reperfusion and engrafted the kidney to differentiate into tubular epithelium in the areas of damage. The evidence that mesenchymal stem cells, by virtue of their renoprotective property, restore renal tubular structure and also ameliorate renal function during experimental acute renal failure provides opportunities for therapeutic intervention

    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy genetic risk variants for pharmacovigilance of immunosuppressant therapies

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    BackgroundProgressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a rare and often lethal brain disorder caused by the common, typically benign polyomavirus 2, also known as JC virus (JCV). In a small percentage of immunosuppressed individuals, JCV is reactivated and infects the brain, causing devastating neurological defects. A wide range of immunosuppressed groups can develop PML, such as patients with: HIV/AIDS, hematological malignancies (e.g., leukemias, lymphomas, and multiple myeloma), autoimmune disorders (e.g., psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus), and organ transplants. In some patients, iatrogenic (i.e., drug-induced) PML occurs as a serious adverse event from exposure to immunosuppressant therapies used to treat their disease (e.g., hematological malignancies and multiple sclerosis). While JCV infection and immunosuppression are necessary, they are not sufficient to cause PML.MethodsWe hypothesized that patients may also have a genetic susceptibility from the presence of rare deleterious genetic variants in immune-relevant genes (e.g., those that cause inborn errors of immunity). In our prior genetic study of 184 PML cases, we discovered 19 candidate PML risk variants. In the current study of another 152 cases, we validated 4 of 19 variants in both population controls (gnomAD 3.1) and matched controls (JCV+ multiple sclerosis patients on a PML-linked drug ≥ 2 years).ResultsThe four variants, found in immune system genes with strong biological links, are: C8B, 1-57409459-C-A, rs139498867; LY9 (alias SLAMF3), 1-160769595-AG-A, rs763811636; FCN2, 9-137779251-G-A, rs76267164; STXBP2, 19-7712287-G-C, rs35490401. Carriers of any one of these variants are shown to be at high risk of PML when drug-exposed PML cases are compared to drug-exposed matched controls: P value = 3.50E-06, OR = 8.7 [3.7–20.6]. Measures of clinical validity and utility compare favorably to other genetic risk tests, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 screening for breast cancer risk and HLA-B*15:02 pharmacogenetic screening for pharmacovigilance of carbamazepine to prevent Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.ConclusionFor the first time, a PML genetic risk test can be implemented for screening patients taking or considering treatment with a PML-linked drug in order to decrease the incidence of PML and enable safer use of highly effective therapies used to treat their underlying disease

    Vascular-targeting activity of ZD6126, a novel tubulin-binding agent

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    The tubulin-binding agent ZD6126 is a novel vascular-targeting agent in clinical development for the treatment of solid tumors. In vivo, ZD6126 is rapidly converted into N-acetylcolchinol (ZD6126 phenol). In this study, we have explored the antivascular property of N-acetylcolchinol in vitro and ZD6126 in vivo. In cell culture, N-acetylcolchinol induced rapid changes in the morphology of human umbilical vein and lung microvessel endothelial cells. Within 40 min, the compound induced endothelial cell contraction, destabilization of the tubulin cytoskeleton, induction of actin stress fibers, and membrane blebbing. These effects occurred at noncytotoxic concentrations and were rapidly reversed on removal of the drug. Nonconfluent endothelial cells were more sensitive than confluent, quiescent cells. Among different cell types, endothelial cells were the most sensitive to the induction of morphological changes, whereas smooth muscle cells were not affected. In vitro, N-acetylcolchinol rapidly disrupted a network of newly formed cords. In vivo, ZD6126 caused shut down of newly formed vessels in the Matrigel plug assay, shortly after injection. This study indicates that rapid alteration of endothelial cell morphology may be responsible for the loss of tumor blood vessel integrity, vessel shut down, and extensive tumor necrosis induced by ZD6126 in experimental tumor models

    Low Nephron Number Induced by Maternal Protein Restriction Is Prevented by Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementation Depending on Sirtuin 3 Activation

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    A reduced nephron number at birth, due to critical gestational conditions, including maternal malnutrition, is associated with the risk of developing hypertension and chronic kidney disease in adulthood. No interventions are currently available to augment nephron number. We have recently shown that sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) has an important role in dictating proper nephron endowment. The present study explored whether SIRT3 stimulation, by means of supplementation with nicotinamide riboside (NR), a precursor of the SIRT3 co-substrate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), was able to improve nephron number in a murine model of a low protein (LP) diet. Our findings show that reduced nephron number in newborn mice (day 1) born to mothers fed a LP diet was associated with impaired renal SIRT3 expression, which was restored through supplementation with NR. Glomerular podocyte density, as well as the rarefaction of renal capillaries, also improved through NR administration. In mechanistic terms, the restoration of SIRT3 expression through NR was mediated by the induction of proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) coactivator-1α (PGC-1α). Moreover, NR restored SIRT3 activity, as shown by the reduction of the acetylation of optic atrophy 1 (OPA1) and superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2), which resulted in improved mitochondrial morphology and protection against oxidative damage in mice born to mothers fed the LP diet. Our results provide evidence that it is feasible to prevent nephron mass shortage at birth through SIRT3 boosting during nephrogenesis, thus providing a therapeutic option to possibly limit the long-term sequelae of reduced nephron number in adulthood