96 research outputs found


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    Artiklen er et review af international litteratur af forældrenes oplevelser af at få et ekstremt tidligt født barn og en beskrivelse af danske forældres oplevelser af samme situation. Kvalitative data er indhentet ved interviews i forbindelse med en efterundersøgelse af ekstremt tidligt fødte børn i 5-års-alderen og samlet i to vignetter fra tiden på neonatalafdelingen og fra tiden efter udskrivelsen. Resultaterne stemte overens med fund fra udlandet. Temaer fra tiden på neonatalafdelingen var: 1. Fokus på barnets tilstand. 2. Psykiske svingninger. 3. Afhængighed og 4. Gradvis opnåelse af ejerskab af barn. Et særligt fund gældende forældre til ekstremt tidligt fødte børn er, at de foruden belastende oplevelser også oplever at blive knyttet til og afhængige af samværet med personale og øvrige forældre. I tiden efter udskrivelsen var temaerne: 1. Håbet om normaltilstand skuffes. 2. Tab af netværk. 3. Usikkerhed vedr. kompetence som forældre og 4. Forældrenes reaktioner træder frem. Konklusionen er, at forældre til indlagte børn oplever en øget grad af stress, flere psykiske symptomer og ændrede roller som forældre. I perioden efter udskrivelsen og især fra 4. til 5. leveår mindskes graden af bekymring især hos forældre, hvis børn udvikler sig alderssvarende

    The Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5):Development and First Psychometric Evidence of a New Scale for Assessing Anxiety Disorders Symptoms of Children and Adolescents

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    The Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5) is a new self- and parent-report questionnaire to assess anxiety disorder symptoms in children and adolescents in terms of the contemporary classification system. International panels of childhood anxiety researchers and clinicians were used to construct a scale consisting of two parts: part one consists of 28 items and measures the major anxiety disorders including separation anxiety disorder, selective mutism, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder, whereas part two contains 22 items that focus on specific phobias and (given its overlap with situational phobias) agoraphobia. In general, the face validity of the new scale was good; most of its items were successfully linked to the intended anxiety disorders. Notable exceptions were the selective mutism items, which were frequently considered as symptoms of social anxiety disorder, and some specific phobia items especially of the natural environment, situational and other type, that were regularly assigned to an incorrect category. A preliminary investigation of the YAM-5 in non-clinical (N = 132) and clinically referred (N = 64) children and adolescents indicated that the measure was easy to complete by youngsters. In addition, support was found for the psychometric qualities of the measure: that is, the internal consistency was good for both parts, as well as for most of the subscales, the parent-child agreement appeared satisfactory, and there was also evidence for the validity of the scale. The YAM-5 holds promise as a tool for assessing anxiety disorder symptoms in children and adolescents


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