11 research outputs found

    Anerkennung und Anrechnung non-formal und informell erworbener Kompetenzen. Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung von Anerkennungs- und Anrechnungsverfahren. Dezember 2016

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    Anerkennung und Anrechnung von Kompetenzen müssen qualitätsgesichert erfolgen. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße für die Anerkennung und Anrechnung non-formal und informell erworbener Kompetenzen. Eine Projektgruppe von elf österreichischen Hochschulen hat gemeinsam mit der AQ Austria Empfehlungen für Instrumente und die Gestaltung von Verfahren zur Anerkennung und Anrechnung erarbeitet. Sie sollen dazu beitragen, qualitätsgesicherte Verfahren zu entwickeln und dadurch das Vertrauen in Anerkennungs- und Anrechnungsverfahren zu stärken. (DIPF/Orig.

    Qualitätskultur. Ein Blick in die gelebte Praxis der Hochschulen. Beiträge zur 4. AQ Austria Jahrestagung 2016

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    Die Publikation zur AQ Austria Jahrestagung 2016 präsentiert in den einzelnen Beiträgen vielfältige Perspektiven, Ansätze, Beispiele und Erfahrungen mit Qualitätskultur und ermöglicht somit einen Blick in die gelebte Praxis der Qualitätskultur an Hochschulen. Die Frage, ob wir eine Qualitätskultur brauchen und was dafür oder dagegen spricht, [wird] in einleitenden Thesen [bearbeitet]. In fünf Foren wurden Kernfragen in Zusammenhang mit Zweck, Bedingungen und Ausgestaltung der Qualitätskultur diskutiert. Es geht u. a. um das Verständnis und den Stellenwert von Qualitätskultur ,das Wechselspiel mit internen und externen Rahmenbedingungen und um die Frage, wie Einstellungen und Werthaltungen der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Sinne einer Qualitätskultur gefördert werden können. Weitere Beiträge befassen sich mit dem Verhältnis von Qualitätskultur und externer Qualitätssicherung und damit, wie wirkungsvoll oder auch wirkungslos Qualitätskultur von Hochschulen eingeschätzt wird. (Autor

    Work package 2: Mapping and Assessing Existing Multilingual Resources in Mental Healthcare

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    The objective of WP2 is to create a validated resource repository for healthcare providers and LLP TCNs of qualityassessed language resources in healthcare, among which guidelines/policies/regulation, translation and interpreting services, and multilingual treatment possibilities. Each partner will make an inventory of language support resources available in different mental healthcare settings in liaison with relevant organisations during the first 6 months of the action. The resources will be classified and assessed in terms of their availability in different languages, their nature and purpose, their addressees, usability and their overall quality through an Estimate-Talk- Estimate (ETE) Delphi technique, a validated method to ensure good quality decision-making (Moher et al., 2010). The database resulting from this study can be found here: https://mentalhealth4all.eu

    Mhealth4All Project

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    During a three-year multidisciplinary trajectory, leading academics and non-academics (e.g. linguists, clinical and social psychologists, communication scientists, migrant and healthcare provider organisations, public service interpreters), will develop, implement and evaluate an evidence-based multilingual culturally-sensitive sustainable digital information and communication platform to enhance access to mental healthcare for third-country nationals (TCNs) with low language proficiency (LLP) in the host country’s language across various European countries. The following target groups will be included: refugees, asylum seekers, other migrant patient groups suffering from mental health issues, healthcare providers, interpreters and cultural mediators, policy makers and NGOs

    Work package 3: Barriers, needs and communication strategies

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    The first objective of this WP is to identify the most severe barriers to accessing mental healthcare services for LLP TCNs and to conduct an analysis of the communication, educational/training and practical needs arising for LLP TCNs and healthcare providers to promote this access. Building on this analysis, the second objective is to identify different communication strategies that can potentially mitigate the identified barriers and fulfil the identified needs effectively. Consideration will be given to (1) strategies addressing LLP TCNs’ and providers’ educational needs; (2) macro-strategies enabling access (e.g. use of a second language or lingua franca, individuals providing language support, translation tools); and (3) micro-strategies supporting effective communication and interaction within the afore-mentioned macro-options, in different communicative events and at different stages in the clinical care process. Given the increasing use of technology in healthcare settings as an emerging macro-strategy to access language support, especially automated translation such as Google Translate, our work on the second objective will include a small-scale simulated examination of the use of this technology in supporting access to mental healthcare services for LLP TCNs

    Work package 5: Co-creation of educational videos for healthcare providers

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    The objective of this WP is to co-create - in close collaboration with stakeholders (e.g. healthcare providers, interpreters/intercultural mediators, migrant organisations) - online educational videos for healthcare professionals to enhance their intercultural and communicative competencies, thereby promoting access to mental healthcare for LLP TCNs. As training in this field is often limited to providing narrow knowledge without actual clinical work with the migrant patient community or a link to broader patient management (Chiarenza et al. 2019), we will develop and present our educational videos as a tool to solve problems healthcare providers encounter in everyday clinical practice, based on the outcomes of WP3 (i.e. salient needs, severest barriers, and recommended communication strategies). Furthermore, we will base the content of the videos on the concept of storytelling and address real-life issues through providers’ personal testimonies, because these techniques have shown to be effective in generating changes in knowledge, skills and behaviour (Singhal et al., 2004)

    Work package 4: Co-creation of patient educational narratives

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    The objective of this WP is to co-create a minimum of four multilingual culturally-sensitive patient educational narrative videos in liaison with migrant healthcare organisations in order to educate and support LLP TCNs’ access to mental healthcare services. The rationale for including audiovisual educational material is twofold. First, a relatively high proportion of LLP TCNs has low literacy skills and will not be able to comprehend written materials and are thus in need of audio materials. In addition, audiovisual information is often better understood and recalled than written information, also among literate populations. Second, videos are more easily disseminated through online media channels beyond country borders than written materials and can therefore reach more LLP TCNs in Europe