25 research outputs found
Differentiation of Companies’ Environmental Initiatives in the Light of the Research Results
Theoretical background: The deteriorating condition of the natural environment, as a result of human activity, is one of the global problems that contemporary business entities must face. Companies in their attempts to comply with principles of environmental protection undertake activities aimed at better utilization of resources, production materials or improved efficiency. Such endeavours include the elimination of pollution, recycling of materials, reduction of waste generated, reduction of fuels and energy consumption, and limiting water usage. This contributes to improving corporate economic performance, thus, making production more efficient, more economical and safer.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to identify the company’s behavior with regard to environmental protection issues. The study tests the research hypothesis that the companies’ characteristics (i.e. company size, type of activity – production/non production, the scale of activity – local and regional, national, international) are factors that significantly differentiate the involvement of companies in activities for the environmental protection.Research methods: The empirical analysis is based on primary data from 68 companies. It was carried out using the Mann–Whitney U test, chi-square independence test, and the correspondence analysis. The strength of the examined relationships was expressed by the V-Cramer coefficient.Main findings: The research showed that the level of implementation of environmental initiatives depended on both the type of business activity and the size of the company. In the opinion of the surveyed entities, the implementation of pro-environmental activities aims at improving the company’s image and, to a lesser extent, at obtaining specific economic benefits. Large companies were often involved in the implementation of pro-environmental activities more than small and medium-sized entities. Production entities were more involved in it, compared to non-production companies.Theoretical background: The deteriorating condition of the natural environment, as a result of human activity, is one of the global problems that contemporary business entities must face. Companies in their attempts to comply with principles of environmental protection undertake activities aimed at better utilization of resources, production materials or improved efficiency. Such endeavours include the elimination of pollution, recycling of materials, reduction of waste generated, reduction of fuels and energy consumption, and limiting water usage. This contributes to improving corporate economic performance, thus, making production more efficient, more economical and safer.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to identify the company’s behavior with regard to environmental protection issues. The study tests the research hypothesis that the companies’ characteristics (i.e. company size, type of activity – production/non production, the scale of activity – local and regional, national, international) are factors that significantly differentiate the involvement of companies in activities for the environmental protection.Research methods: The empirical analysis is based on primary data from 68 companies. It was carried out using the Mann–Whitney U test, chi-square independence test, and the correspondence analysis. The strength of the examined relationships was expressed by the V-Cramer coefficient.Main findings: The research showed that the level of implementation of environmental initiatives depended on both the type of business activity and the size of the company. In the opinion of the surveyed entities, the implementation of pro-environmental activities aims at improving the company’s image and, to a lesser extent, at obtaining specific economic benefits. Large companies were often involved in the implementation of pro-environmental activities more than small and medium-sized entities. Production entities were more involved in it, compared to non-production companies
Calculation of decision making probability using probit and logit models
The aim of this article is presentation of logit and probit models and their wide application in many different science. Logit and probit regression are used for analyzing the relationship between one or more independent variables with categorical dependent variable. There are a lot of advantages of logit (probit) models over linear multiple regression. These methods imply that the dependent variable is actually the result of a transformation of an underlying variable, which is not restricted in range. For example, the probit model assumes that the actual underlying depedent variable is measured in terms of values for normal curve; if one transforms those values for probabilities then the predictions for the dependent variable will always fall between 0 ond 1. Thus, we are actually predicting probabilities from the independent variables The probit model was used to calculate the probability of admissions in Rzeszów Uniwersity, speciality Handel i spóldzielczosc.logit model, probit model, maximum likelihood
This article aims to analyze the benefits of implementing Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard in Polish manufacturing companies. The study focuses on identifying how the internal characteristics of a company, and its financial situation, influence the variety of benefits obtained from ISO 14001 implementation. The main goal is to understand the role of EMS in the context of the broadly defined Qstrategy of sustainable development (SD) of enterprises. Filling the research gap also involves determining the factors differentiating the scale of benefits, considering both the attributes of enterprises and the parameters of their financial situation. The research methodology uses primary data, collected through a questionnaire survey of enterprises, and secondary data, including financial information. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests are used to analyze and evaluate the differentiation of benefits. The results indicate significant differences in perceptions of the advantages of implementing ISO 14001, depending on factors such as the enterprise’s origin of capital, the geographical scope of its activity, and its financial condition. Among the most significant benefits mentioned are compliance with legal requirements, an improved company image, increased customer numbers, and growth in operational efficiency. The article contributes to the literature on environmental management, emphasizing the importance of diversification of a company’s internal and external factors in the context of the benefits arising from EMS. The implications of this study are significant, both for the theory of environmental management and for business practices; it offers insight into how companies can maximize the benefits of implementing the ISO 14001 standard
Workforce in Poland and European Union Towards Demographic Crisis
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki analizy liczby ludności, zasobów pracy, mierników aktywności
ekonomicznej w kontekście procesy starzenia się populacji krajów rozwiniętych. Ponadto zwrócono
uwagę na kluczowe elementy systemów emerytalnych obowiązujących w wybranych krajach
Na tle międzynarodowym została ukazana sytuacja Polski. W konkluzji stwierdzono, że jednym
z rozwiązań problemu malejących zasobów pracy wynikających z kryzysu demograficznego jest
aktywność zawodowa osób w wieku emerytalnym.The article presents the analysis of number of the population, the workforce availability and measures
of the economic activity in a context of the population aging process observed in developed countries.
In the paper the attention was also paid to the key elements of the pensions systems which are
valid in chosen European countries. The problems of Polish pension system were presented on the
international background. It was affirmed in the conclusion that the professional activity after retirement
is one of the solutions of the aging workforce resulting from the demographic crisis
Celem artykułu jest określenie relacji: ryzyko-dochód na przy¬kładzie spółek Indeksu RESPECT. Zależność tę przedstawiono na mapie ryzyko-dochód, czyli wykresie korelacyjnym stopy zwrotu i odchylenia standardowego. Punktem odniesienia dla badanej relacji jest Warszawski Indeks Giełdowy, indeks RESPECT i WIG-Poland. Dane empiryczne stanowią miesięczne kursy akcji 23. spółek notowanych na GPW w okresie od 19 listopada 2009 r. do 31 maja 2016 roku.The aim of this article is to determine the risk-return relationship on the example of RESPECT Index companies. This relationship is presented on the map risk-returs i.e. correlation graph of the rate of return and the standard deviation. The reference point for the study is Warsaw Stock Exchange Index, RESPECT index and WIG-Poland. Empirical data are monthly rates shares of 23 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange from 19th of November 2009 to 31st of May 2016
Zielone miejsca pracy w krajach Unii Europejskiej – studium empiryczne
The article presents research results on the analysis of green jobs in the European Union countries with respect to selected indicators characterizing the member states. For the empirical analysis a regression model was applied. As a dependent variable a number of jobs in the renewable energy sector in 2012 per million inhabitants of the countries was used. In the linear regression model the explanatory variable was a share of expenditure on RD in GDP [%]. Studies show that the increase in research and development expenditures have a real, measurable impact on the availability of green jobs in the EU countries. Research results were presented on the background of the strategy “Europe 2020”.Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań empirycznych w zakresie analizy liczby zielonych miejsc pracy w krajach Unii Europejskiej w zależności od wybranych wskaźników charakteryzujących kraje członkowskie. Do analizy wykorzystano model regresji liniowej. Za zmienną zależną przyjęto względną liczbę miejsc pracy w sektorze energetyki odnawialnej w 2012 r., tj. liczbę stanowisk w przeliczeniu na mln mieszkańców krajów. Zmienną objaśniającą w skonstruowanym modelu stanowił udział nakładów na B+R w PKB [%]. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że zwiększanie roli badań i rozwoju ma mierzalny wpływ na zmiany w zakresie dostępności zielonych miejsc pracy w krajach UE. Wyniki badań przedstawiono na tle założeń strategii „Europa 2020”
Optimization of consumer preferences – an example
In the article we discuss a standard example of an optimization problem. In our problem we are optimizing the objective function, i.e. a consumer utility function with two variables representing quantities of two commodities denoted by x1 and x2. We consider the standard optimization problem in which we maximize the defined utility function subject to a budget constraint. More precisely, the problem is to choose quantities of two commodities 1st and 2nd, in order to maximize u(x1, x2) function subject to the budget constraint. The aim of the article is to present how we can exemplify and solve this kind of problems in a classroom. In the paper we suggest four methods of finding the solution. The first one is based on the graphical interpretation of the problem. Based on this we can get the approximate solution of the defined optimization problem. Then, we present an algebraic approach to find the optimum solution of the given problem. In the first method we use the budget constraint to transform the utility function of two variables into the function of one variable. The second algebraic method of achieving the solution is based on the second Goosen’s law, which is known as the law of marginal utility theory. In the third algebraic method applied to find the maximum of the utility function, we use the Lagrange multipliers. The text emphasizes the educational aspect of the theory of consumer choice
Information completence towards age management
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań przeprowadzonych drogą ankietową na losowo-kwotowej próbie osób w wieku przedemerytalnym (kobiety – 50–59 lat, mężczyźni –50–64 lata) pracujących w podmiotach gospodarczych prowadzących działalność w sektorze przemysłowym lub usługowym na terenie województwa podkarpackiego. Celem badania było określenie czynników determinujących poziom kompetencji informacyjnych (informatycznych i teleinformatycznych) oraz wskazanie ich roli w paradygmacie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. Uzyskane rezultaty przedstawiono na tle koncepcji zarządzania wiekiem. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o zmienne charakteryzujące: wykorzystanie Internetu, użytkowanie telefonu komórkowego i poziom umiejętności obsługi komputera. Zmienne te posłużyły do charakterystyki kompetencji informacyjnych w zależności od cech społeczno-ekonomicznych respondentów. Do analizy danych empirycznych wykorzystano test niezależności χ2, współczynnik zbieżności V-Cramera oraz analizę korespondencji.The article presents research results conducted by means of questionnaire among quota-random sample of the workers in the age 55–59/64 of the Podkarpackie province. The qualification of factors determining the level of application informative technologies (ICT) was the aim of the research: Internet application, computer and mobile phone application the by working persons in the age 55–59/64 years. These variables were used in order to characterize the information competence of respondents dependent on their social and economic conditions. To analyse the empirical data the test of independence was used. Moreover the strength of stochastic essential dependences was measured by the usage of the coefficient of the V-Cramer coefficient of convergence. The precision pointed out dependences was executed through the analysis of the correspondence. The achieved research results were presented on the background of the new paradigm in management science directed in the application of the older workers’ competences
Differentiation the Level of Sustainable Development of the Polish Regions Through the Use of Multivariate Analysis
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących oceny poziomu rozwoju zrównoważonego województw Polski przeprowadzonej z wykorzystaniem wielowymiarowej analizy danych. Do analizy wykorzystano dane statystyczne w postaci wskaźników dostępne w statystyce publicznej za 2012 r. Wybrane zmienne dotyczyły ekonomicznych, społecznych i środowiskowych aspektów rozwoju zrównoważonego.
Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na sporządzenie rankingu województw według wartości syntetycznego miernika rozwoju oraz pozwoliły na podział województw na grupy o zbliżonym poziomie rozwoju. Wyniki badań wskazały na istnienie zróżnicowania województw względem po-ziomu rozwoju zrównoważonego.The paper presents research results concerning the assessment of the level of sustainable development of Polish regions conducted with the use of multivariate data analysis. For this analysis statistical data in the form of indicators available in the official statistics for 2012 were used. Selected variables was related to economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development.
The study made it possible to draw up a ranking of provinces according to the synthetic indicator of development as well as the distribution of provinces into groups of similar level of development. Research results indicated the existence of a diversity between regions with respect to the level of sustainable development
Przykład oceny efektywności wybranych społecznie odpowiedzialnych organizacji – podejście DEA
The article presents research results on the assessment of an efficiency of selected socially responsible
organizations. The key of selection of entities for the research was Respect index introduced by the Warsaw
Stock Exchange. Of the 25 organizations included in the index for the analysis organizations from the
banking sector were selected.
Efficiency assessment was made using DEA method with an application of input oriented CCR model.
In the research, the input was represented by the level of employment (in persons), and the result was represented
by an amount of loans and advances (in thous. zl).
Apart from the division of banks into efficient and inefficient, for inefficient banks, optimal technologies
were defined. These banks in order to improve their efficiency should decrease the level of employment.
This applies in particular to Bank Handlowy in Warsaw, where the current result in the form of loans and
advances could be reached by about 50% lower input