29 research outputs found

    CathROB: A Highly Compact and Versatile Remote Catheter Navigation System

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    Several remote catheter navigation systems have been developed and are now commercially available. However, these systems typically require specialized catheters or equipment, as well as time-consuming operations for the system set-up. In this paper, we present CathROB, a highly compact and versatile robotic system for remote navigation of standard tip-steerable electrophysiology (EP) catheters. Key features of CathROB include an extremely compact design that minimizes encumbrance and time for system set-up in a standard cath lab, a force-sensing mechanism, an intuitive command interface, and functions for automatic catheter navigation and repositioning. We report in vitro and in vivo animal evaluation of CathROB. In vitro results showed good accuracy in remote catheter navigation and automatic repositioning (1.5\u2009\ub1\u20090.6\u2009mm for the left-side targets, 1.7\u2009\ub1\u20090.4\u2009mm for the right-side targets). Adequate tissue contact was achieved with remote navigation in vivo. There were no adverse events, including absence of cardiac perforation or cardiac damage, indicative of the safety profile of CathROB. Although further preclinical and clinical studies are required, the presented CathROB system seems to be a promising solution for an affordable and easy-to-use remote catheter navigation

    Quantitative Approach for the Analysis of Fusional Convergence Using Eye-Tracking and SacLab Toolbox

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    Fusional vergence is a disjunctive movement of the eyes that is made in order to obtain single vision. (e aim of the study was to provide a quantitative and objective approach for analyzing the fusional convergence response using eye tracking (ET) technology and automatic data analysis provided by the intuitive SacLab toolbox previously developed by our group. We evaluated the proposed approach in a population of 26 subjects with normal binocular vision, who were tested with base-out prisms (magnitudes 4\u394, 6\u394, and 10\u394) in order to elicit fusional convergence response. Eye movements were recorded using the Viewpoint ET and analyzed using SacLab. Parameters describing both the vergence and the version components of the fusional response (convergence duration, CD; peak convergence velocity, PCV; number of intrusive saccades, NS; and mean saccadic amplitude, MSA) were automatically calculated and provided to clinicians for an objective evaluation. Results showed that the number of subjects achieving fusional convergence decreased with prism magnitude. For subjects achieving fusion CD and PCV increased significantly (p < 0.05) when increasing the prism magnitude. For NS and MSA, there were no significant changes when passing to 6\u394, but a significant increase resulted when passing to 10\u394 (p < 0.05). Noninvasive ET associated with the intuitive SacLab toolbox may represent a valid option to objectively characterize the fusional vergence response in clinical setting. (e analysis may be extended to patients with vergence disorders

    3D Virtual Modeling for Morphological Characterization of Pituitary Tumors: Preliminary Results on Its Predictive Role in Tumor Resection Rate

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    Among potential factors affecting the surgical resection in pituitary tumors, the role of tumor three-dimensional (3D) features is still unexplored. The aim of this study is to introduce the use of 3D virtual modeling for geometrical and morphological characterization of pituitary tumors and to evaluate its role as a predictor of total tumor removal. A total of 75 patients operated for a pituitary tumor have been retrospectively reviewed. Starting from patient imaging, a 3D tumor model was reconstructed, and 3D characterization based on tumor volume (Vol), area, sphericity (Spher), and convexity (Conv) was provided. The extent of tumor removal was then evaluated at post-operative imaging. Mean values were obtained for Vol (9117 +/- 8423 mm(3)), area (2352 +/- 1571 mm(2)), Spher (0.86 +/- 0.08), and Conv (0.88 +/- 0.08). Total tumor removal was achieved in 57 (75%) cases. The standard prognostic Knosp grade, Vol, and Conv were found to be independent factors, significantly predicting the extent of tumor removal. Total tumor resection correlated with lower Knosp grades (p = 0.032) and smaller Vol (p = 0.015). Conversely, tumors with a more irregular shape (low Conv) have an increased chance of incomplete tumor removal (p = 0.022). 3D geometrical and morphological features represent significant independent prognostic factors for pituitary tumor resection, and they should be considered in pre-operative planning to allow a more accurate decision-making process

    Assessment of a novel patient-specific 3D printed multi-material simulator for endoscopic sinus surgery

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    Background: Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an emerging tool in the creation of anatomical models for surgical training. Its use in endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) has been limited because of the difficulty in replicating the anatomical details. Aim: To describe the development of a patient-specific 3D printed multi-material simulator for use in ESS, and to validate it as a training tool among a group of residents and experts in ear-nose-throat (ENT) surgery. Methods: Advanced material jetting 3D printing technology was used to produce both soft tissues and bony structures of the simulator to increase anatomical realism and tactile feedback of the model. A total of 3 ENT residents and 9 ENT specialists were recruited to perform both non-destructive tasks and ESS steps on the model. The anatomical fidelity and the usefulness of the simulator in ESS training were evaluated through specific questionnaires. Results: The tasks were accomplished by 100% of participants and the survey showed overall high scores both for anatomy fidelity and usefulness in training. Dacryocystorhinostomy, medial antrostomy, and turbinectomy were rated as accurately replicable on the simulator by 75% of participants. Positive scores were obtained also for ethmoidectomy and DRAF procedures, while the replication of sphenoidotomy received neutral ratings by half of the participants. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that a 3D printed multi-material model of the sino-nasal anatomy can be generated with a high level of anatomical accuracy and haptic response. This technology has the potential to be useful in surgical training as an alternative or complementary tool to cadaveric dissection


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    Augmented reality (AR) technology is increasingly adopted in the surgical field and recently it has been also introduced in robotic-assisted urologic surgery. This work describes the design and development of an AR intraoperative guide system with stereoscopic visualization (SAR, stereoscopic augmented reality) for the Da Vinci surgical robot. As a major novelty, the developed SAR system allows the surgeon to have the virtual 3D model of patient anatomy superimposed on the real field, without losing the stereoscopic view of the operative field. The workflow starts with the 3D model generation of the anatomical district of interest for surgery, from patient diagnostic imaging. Then, the 3D model is uploaded in the developed SAR application, navigated using a 3D space mouse, and superimposed to the operative field using computer vision algorithms. The SAR system was tested during 30 robot-assisted surgeries, including 20 partial nephrectomies, 1 kidney explant, and 9 radical prostatectomies. The SAR guidance system received overall great appreciation from surgeons and helped in localizing hidden structures, such as arteries or tumoral masses, increasing the understanding of surgical anatomy with depth perception, and facilitating intraoperative navigation. Future efforts will be addressed to improve the automatic superimposition of digital 3D models on the intraoperative view

    Improving total body irradiation with a dedicated couch and 3D-printed patient-specific lung blocks: A feasibility study

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    Introduction: Total body irradiation (TBI) is an important component of the conditioning regimen in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplants. TBI is used in very few patients and therefore it is generally delivered with standard linear accelerators (LINACs) and not with dedicated devices. Severe pulmonary toxicity is the most common adverse effect after TBI, and patient-specific lead blocks are used to reduce mean lung dose. In this context, online treatment setup is crucial to achieve precise positioning of the lung blocks. Therefore, in this study we aim to report our experience at generating 3D-printed patient-specific lung blocks and coupling a dedicated couch (with an integrated onboard image device) with a modern LINAC for TBI treatment. Material and methods: TBI was planned and delivered (2Gy/fraction given twice a day, over 3 days) to 15 patients. Online images, to be compared with planned digitally reconstructed radiographies, were acquired with the couch-dedicated Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) panel and imported in the iView software using a homemade Graphical User Interface (GUI). In vivo dosimetry, using Metal-Oxide Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), was used to assess the setup reproducibility in both supine and prone positions. Results: 3D printing of lung blocks was feasible for all planned patients using a stereolithography 3D printer with a build volume of 14.5×14.5×17.5 cm3. The number of required pre-TBI EPID-images generally decreases after the first fraction. In patient-specific quality assurance, the difference between measured and calculated dose was generally<2%. The MOSFET measurements reproducibility along each treatment and patient was 2.7%, in average. Conclusion: The TBI technique was successfully implemented, demonstrating that our approach is feasible, flexible, and cost-effective. The use of 3D-printed patient-specific lung blocks have the potential to personalize TBI treatment and to refine the shape of the blocks before delivery, making them extremely versatile

    Augmented Reality to Guide Selective Clamping and Tumor Dissection During Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: A Preliminary Experience.

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    ABSTRACT Introduction to explore the feasibility of augmented reality (AR) to guide arterial clamping during robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN). Patients and Methods 15 consecutive patients with T1 renal mass underwent RAPN guided by AR. The 3D virtual model derived by computed tomography was superimposed on the actual view provided by the Da Vinci video stream thought AR technology. Preoperative plan of arterial clamping based on 2D conventional imaging, on 3D model and the effective intraoperative surgical approach guided by AR were compared using the McNeamar test. Results The plan of arterial clamping based on 2D preoperative imaging was recorded as follows: no clamping in 3 (20%), clamping of the main artery in 10 (66.7%) and selective clamping in 1 (6.7%) and super-selective clamping in 1 (6.7%) cases. After revision of the 3D model, the plan of clamping was modified as follows: no clamping in 1 (6.7%), clamping of the main artery in 2 (13.3%), selective clamping in 8 (53.3%) and super-selective clamping in 4 (26.7%) cases (p=0.03). The effective intraoperative clamping approach guided by AR-guidance was performed as planned in 13 (86.7%) patients. Conclusion AR for 3D guided renal surgery is useful to increase the adoption of selective clamping during RAPN

    Effectiveness of Radiomic ZOT Features in the Automated Discrimination of Oncocytoma from Clear Cell Renal Cancer

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    Background: Benign renal tumors, such as renal oncocytoma (RO), can be erroneously diagnosed as malignant renal cell carcinomas (RCC), because of their similar imaging features. Computer-aided systems leveraging radiomic features can be used to better discriminate benign renal tumors from the malignant ones. The purpose of this work was to build a machine learning model to distinguish RO from clear cell RCC (ccRCC). Method: We collected CT images of 77 patients, with 30 cases of RO (39%) and 47 cases of ccRCC (61%). Radiomic features were extracted both from the tumor volumes identified by the clinicians and from the tumor’s zone of transition (ZOT). We used a genetic algorithm to perform feature selection, identifying the most descriptive set of features for the tumor classification. We built a decision tree classifier to distinguish between ROs and ccRCCs. We proposed two versions of the pipeline: in the first one, the feature selection was performed before the splitting of the data, while in the second one, the feature selection was performed after, i.e., on the training data only. We evaluated the efficiency of the two pipelines in cancer classification. Results: The ZOT features were found to be the most predictive by the genetic algorithm. The pipeline with the feature selection performed on the whole dataset obtained an average ROC AUC score of 0.87 ± 0.09. The second pipeline, in which the feature selection was performed on the training data only, obtained an average ROC AUC score of 0.62 ± 0.17. Conclusions: The obtained results confirm the efficiency of ZOT radiomic features in capturing the renal tumor characteristics. We showed that there is a significant difference in the performances of the two proposed pipelines, highlighting how some already published radiomic analyses could be too optimistic about the real generalization capabilities of the models

    First Ex Vivo Animal Study of a Biological Heart Valve Prosthesis Sensorized with Intravalvular Impedance

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    IntraValvular Impedance (IVI) sensing is an innovative concept for monitoring heart valve prostheses after implant. We recently demonstrated IVI sensing feasible in vitro for biological heart valves (BHVs). In this study, for the first time, we investigate ex vivo the IVI sensing applied to a BHV when it is surrounded by biological tissue, similar to a real implant condition. A commercial model of BHV was sensorized with three miniaturized electrodes embedded in the commissures of the valve leaflets and connected to an external impedance measurement unit. To perform ex vivo animal tests, the sensorized BHV was implanted in the aortic position of an explanted porcine heart, which was connected to a cardiac BioSimulator platform. The IVI signal was recorded in different dynamic cardiac conditions reproduced with the BioSimulator, varying the cardiac cycle rate and the stroke volume. For each condition, the maximum percent variation in the IVI signal was evaluated and compared. The IVI signal was also processed to calculate its first derivative (dIVI/dt), which should reflect the rate of the valve leaflets opening/closing. The results demonstrated that the IVI signal is well detectable when the sensorized BHV is surrounded by biological tissue, maintaining the similar increasing/decreasing trend that was found during in vitro experiments. The signal can also be informative on the rate of valve opening/closing, as indicated by the changes in dIVI/dt in different dynamic cardiac conditions