66 research outputs found

    Violin Education and Music Literacy: a Comparative Analysis of Norwegian Violin Method Books.

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    Mastergradsoppgave i kultur- og språkfagenes didaktikk, Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2017.Norsk: Denne avhandlingen er en komparativ analyse av fire fiolinlærebøker for nybegynnere. Tre av disse er skrevet av norske forfattere, og den fjerde er skrevet av en svensk forfatter og oversatt til norsk. Disse er for tiden i bruk ved norske kulturskoler. Den faglige motivasjonen for analysen var å finne ut om hvordan lærebøkene kan forstås ut fra en overgripende music literacy-tenkning. Literacy er et begrep som har sine røtter i engelsk språkforskning og som senere har blitt adaptert innen flere fagfelt, inklusive musikk, der det da blir referert til som music literacy. Dette begrepet, heretter kalt musikalsk litterasitet, anvender jeg som et redskap til å kategorisere og undersøke ulike sentrale aspekter ved en bred musikalsk kompetanse som omfatter evne til både å lese og spille musikk. Undersøkelsen baserer seg på fire analysekategorier. Disse er: notelære, samspill, bruk av kroppen og aktiv lytting. Studien viser signifikante forskjeller mellom hvordan stoffet er organisert og presentert i de fire bøkene. Forskjellene gjelder blant annet både den musikkpedagogiske tilnærmingen til stoffet og den rent praktiske fordelingen av dette i bøkene. Dermed viser studien også tydelige ulikheter i måten de fire fiolinbøkene søker å bygge musikalsk kompetanse.English: This dissertation is a comparative analysis of four violin textbooks for beginners. Three of these are written by Norwegian authors and the fourth is written by a Swedish author and translated into Norwegian. These are currently in use at Norwegian cultural schools. The professional motivation for the analysis was to find out how textbooks can be understood from an overall music literacy thinking. Literacy is a term that has its roots in Englishlanguage scholarship and has later been adopted in several fields of study; including music, which is then referred to as music literacy. This term I use as a tool to categorize and investigate various key aspects of a broad musical competence that compose the ability to read and play music well. The survey is based on four categories of analysis. These are: music reading, ensemble playing, use of body, and active listening. The study shows significant differences between how the contents of the books are organized and presented. These differences include the music-pedagogical approach to the material, and the practical distribution of this material in the books. Thus, the study also demonstrate clear differences in the ways the various violin books aim to build musical competence

    Theoretical Study of Superposition of Macro- and Microscale Mixing and its Influence on Mixing Kinetics and Mixture Quality

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    4th RELPOWFLO Symposium 2008, Tromso, NORWAY, JUN 10-12, 2008International audienceThe objective of this study was to build a model that describes evolution of the state of a mixture where microscale mixing (penetration of particles into the closest neighborhood of its position during a small period of time) is accompanied by macroscale mixing (periodical exchange of large parts of the mixture inside a mixing volume after a certain period of time). The mixing kinetics for segregation and nonsegregation mixtures, agitated by blades placed in a certain sequence inside the mixing volume, was modeled. The case of exchange by the halves of material was examined as well. Two variants of the exchange were examined: the parallel displacement and the symmetric turn. It is shown that there exist optimal parameters of the macroscale transitions providing the highest rate of mixing. The proposed model helps to achieve better understanding of the process and suggests some ideas to improve the design of the mixers

    Influence of crosswise non-homogeneity of particulate flow on residence time distribution in a continuous mixer

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    Symposium on Powder Science and Technology - Powders and Sintered Material, Albi, FRANCE, MAY 23-25, 2007International audienceThe objective of the study is to develop a mathematical model of continuous mixing of granular materials, which takes into account the crosswise non-homogeneity of particulate flow inside a mixer. The target function of modeling is the residence time distribution of a tracer injected into the inflow. The model is built on the basis of the theory of Markov chains. The working space of a mixer is presented as a 2D array of perfectly mixed cells, through which the tracer travels according to the matrix of transition probabilities. The model covers the tendency of the tracer to upward/downward segregation. Finally, for a given flow pattern, the model allows calculating the RTD curves for various throughputs and for various properties of an imperfect tracer

    Markov-chain modelling and experimental investigation of powder-mixing kinetics in static revolving mixers

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    International audienceThis study aims to develop a general model that is able to describe powder flow and mixing in static mixers, regardless of the type of mixer or the mixing configurations. The process model is based oil a homogeneous Markov chain describing the flow of each component through the mixing zone by a series of interconnected cells. It accounts for the number of mixing elements and their disposition in the mixer. as well as particle segregation via different transition probabilities. Some simulations are given to emphasize this particular aspect. Other outcomes of the model include the number of passages to reach a required mixture quality. as well as the asymptotic distribution of components. A laboratory static mixer of revolving type was designed specially for this study. It comprises up to 10 mixing sections, and its high internal voidage favours free flow of the powder. Segregating and non-segregating mixtures have been used to test the model and adjust unknown parameters. The model gives very satisfying results. In particular, it is able to account for the oscillating character of mixing kinetics due to particle segregation. It is also suggested that these parameters could be linked separately to powder flowability and mixing element characterization

    Influence of stirrer type on mixture homogeneity in continuous powder mixing: A model case and a pharmaceutical case

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    International audienceContinuous powder mixers offer a viable alternative to batch processes, but have received very little attention in scientific literature and in the industrial world. Mixer design is still very empirical and is not based on assessed methodologies. In this paper, we report experiments that aimed to compare two very different types of stirrers for a pilot-scale continuous powder mixer, and for two types of mixtures: a model mixture and a real pharmaceutical mixture. The first stirrer A is of the frame type with inclined paddles and internal transporting screw, the other stirrer B is of the shaft type with paddles mounted on it. Results are first presented from the viewpoint of bulk powder flow by hold-up determination and correlation with operating conditions. General relationships are derived which show that the mobile B leads to higher hold-ups, which may be an important drawback. The study of mixture homogeneity globally confirms these findings, especially in a dense phase flow regime. in the fluidised regime, where the stirrer B can be used, attention is drawn to the negative effect of excessive rotational speeds on the quality of the mixtures

    A 2D Markov chain for modelling powder mixing in alternately revolving static mixers of Sysmix (R) type

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    International audienceA two-dimensional model of the flow and mixing of particulate solids has been developed on the basis of the Markov chain theory for an alternately revolving static mixer of Sysmix (R) type. In such a system, mixing occurs in both vertical and horizontal directions. Simulations are presented here to investigate the effect of the initial loading of the components, as well as the effect of the values of the transition probabilities that constitute the main parameters of the model. It is shown that a horizontal arrangement of the components always leads to better mixture quality and improved mixing kinetics. This research is presented for non-segregating mixtures, as well as potentially segregating mixtures. for which the empirically well-known oscillations in variance are represented by the model. Results suggest that there is a rational way of approaching a static-mixing problem with regard to the initial loading of the component and the optimal number of revolutions. Comparison of model results with experimental data published previously for a Sysmix (R) apparatus contributes to validating the viability of the model

    Разработка составов керамогранита с использованием отечественного сырья и отходов производства

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    The results of studies on the selection and evaluation of the use efficiency of natural mineral raw materials and industrial wastes in compositions for porcelain tiles are described. The optimal resource saving compositions for production of porcelain tiles under industrial manufacturing conditions with good physical and chemical properties (water absorption of 0.120.25%, the mechanical strength in bending of 59.5-60.1 MPa, frost resistance - more than 150 cycles) have been found.Приведены результаты исследований по подбору и оценке эффективности использования в сырьевых композициях керамогранита отечественного природного минерального сырья и отходов промышленности. Выявлены оптимальные ресурсосберегающие составы, обеспечивающие получение в производственных условиях изделий с высокими показателями физико-химических свойств (водопоглощение 0,12-0,25 %, механическая прочность при изгибе 59,5-60,1 МПа, морозостойкость - более 150 циклов)