55 research outputs found


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    The research analyses the modern period of psychological counseling in Education. The counseling survey appears to be composed ot theoretical analysis and practical part. The most important questions in counseling are treated from the point of view of systemic genesis approach. Such problems as the individual, inner life, activity, abilities underline different sets of questions for the counselor-psychologist, working at school. The issues of the human nature and the content of the dialogue between the subjects of psychological counseling in Education are considered in the research.Дается краткая характеристика современного этапа развития теории и практики психологического консультирования в образовании. С позиций системогенетической парадигмы в исследовании мира внутренней жизни человека, его индивидуальности, деятельности и способностей рассматриваются наиболее важные вопросы в консультативной работе школьного психолога (педагога-психолога). Раскрываются вопросы о психологической сущности человека и предмете диалога субъектов психологического консультирования в образовании

    Кардиоваскулярные аспекты HBV-инфекции

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    The overview presents the data on the cardiovascular system (CVS) conditions adherent to cases with different forms and variants of HBV-infection. The main mechanisms responsible for CVS functional and organic disturbances in cases with acute and chronic hepatitis B have been characterized. The highlighted is the vascular lesion role in the forming of the disease extrahepatic signs. The results of the researches dedicated to reveal the association of HBV-infection with the development of myocarditis, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases have been discussed.В обзоре представлены данные о состоянии сердечно-сосудистой системы при различных формах и вариантах течения HBV-инфекции, охарактеризованы основные механизмы, лежащие в основе функциональных и органических нарушений ее деятельности при остром и хроническом гепатите В; подчеркивается значение сосудистых поражений в формировании внепеченочных проявлений заболевания. Обсуждены результаты исследований, направленных на выяснение связи HBV-инфекции с развитием миокардита, атеросклероза и других сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний

    Information and cognitive technologies in the management of the quality of life through investments in the AIC: formal statement of the problem

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    The article is devoted to cognitive structuring and formal problem statement for creating a system-cognitive model of the impact of investments in the agro-industrial complex on the quality of life. At the same time, the object and purpose of management and controlling factors will be determined, reference books of the future states of an object of modeling and factors affecting it will be developed, the source data will be coded and a training sample will be formed

    Interrelation of ecology and life quality: systemic-cognitive modeling and solution of problems of identification and decision-making

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    Intuitively, on a qualitatively informal level, everyone understands that environmental factors influence the quality of life. But scientific study of this influence is a multidimensional interdisciplinary problem with many different aspects. A series of works of authors is devoted to solving various aspects of this problem. This paper briefly describes solution of identification and decision making problems based on previously created numerical models

    Evaluation of factors influencing stable microbubble test results in preterm neonates at 30–33 gestational weeks

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    Oxana A Teslova1,2, Takehiko Hiroma1, Elena I Baranovskaya2, Tomohiko Nakamura11Division of Neonatology, Nagano Children's Hospital, Azumino City, Nagano, Japan; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gomel State Medical University, BelarusBackground: The stable microbubble test (SMT) is a sensitive and specific means of predicting respiratory distress syndrome in newborns, using quantitative correlations with concentrations of the protein and lipid components of surfactant. We hypothesized that fetal nutrition would affect the synthesis of surfactant components. The objectives of this study were to evaluate aspects of fetal and maternal nutrition influencing SMT results and related to development of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm neonates.Methods: Data from 194 preterm neonates of gestational age 23–36 weeks were analyzed using multivariate regression modeling to identify factors influencing SMT results. After adjusting for gestational age, we compared obstetric, maternal, neonatal, and placental data using analysis of variance in 99 neonates at 30–33 weeks of gestation based on results of the SMT. Receiver-operating-characteristic analysis was performed to characterize factors predictive of respiratory distress syndrome.Results: SMT results were most strongly associated with the concentration of protein in neonatal blood (P < 0.05) and maternal weight gain during pregnancy (P < 0.05). Cutoff values for predicting respiratory distress syndrome were serum protein <4.7 g/L and maternal weight gain <200 g/week.Conclusion: Inadequate maternal weight gain during pregnancy may play a significant role in immaturity of the surfactant system in the lungs and may be a predictor of respiratory distress syndrome in premature babies.Keywords: stable microbubble test, respiratory distress syndrome, protein concentration, gestational weight gai

    Methodological bases of analysis of interaction of agricultural (ae) and processing enterprises (pe) of the aic based on flow models of cost

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    The article reveals the basic concepts and provisions of the theory of economic chains. The structure of commodity-money circulation and the schematic diagram of an economic chain of interacting agricultural and processing enterprises have been proposed. A methodology for the study of interacting agricultural and processing enterprises has been developed

    Cardiovascular aspects of HBV-infection

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    The overview presents the data on the cardiovascular system (CVS) conditions adherent to cases with different forms and variants of HBV-infection. The main mechanisms responsible for CVS functional and organic disturbances in cases with acute and chronic hepatitis B have been characterized. The highlighted is the vascular lesion role in the forming of the disease extrahepatic signs. The results of the researches dedicated to reveal the association of HBV-infection with the development of myocarditis, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases have been discussed

    Analysis of interaction of agricultural (AE) and processing enterprises (PE) of the AIC on the basis of cost flow models in the steady regime

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    In the first article on the topic the basic concepts and statements of the theory of cost flow models were studied and both a scheme of commodity-money circulation and a schematic diagram of the studied economic chain were developed. This article presents the results of a study of the steady regime of the turnover chain of the costs of interacting agricultural and processing enterprises