20 research outputs found

    Análisis de la cadena de suministro de la flor de cempasúchil (Tagetes erecta L.); caso de estudio

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    Objetivo: analizar la cadena de suministro de la flor de cempasúchil (Tagetes erecta L.) y la interacción de los actoresque están presentes en dicho proceso para conocer cuál es la problemática dentro de la cadena y ayudar al crecimientoeconómico encontrando nuevos usos y estrategias para la flor. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Para la recopilación de lainformación se realizaron tres tipos de encuestas semiestructuradas a productores, consumidores locales y vendedores. Las encuestas fueron aplicadas durante los meses de octubre a noviembre del 2018. Se entrevistaron a n=73 personas entre productores, consumidores locales y vendedores en Tempoal, Veracruz, México, y sus comunidades. Los datos fueron analizados para obtener el valor de producción eidentificar el esquema de comercialización de flor de cempasúchil para finalmente realizar el diseño de la cadena de valor.Resultados: La flor de cempasúchil tiene mayor demanda en octubre y noviembre durante la festividad de día de muertos, y su valor económico en Tempoal, oscila en MXM$89,500.00, conformado por dos circuitos cortos de comercialización y uno tradicional. La comercialización de la flor dentro de la cadena de suministro está integrada por tres productores, dos intermediarios y un consumidor final.Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: La flor de Cempasúchil en Tempoal, únicamente se utiliza para las festividades de día de muertos y en el resto de los meses restantes su demanda disminuye significativamente, por ausencia de usos.Hallazgos/conclusiones: La flor de cempasúchil, tiene gran potencial y opciones para prosperar dentro de la región tomando en consideración diversas áreas de oportunidad para otros usos como la venta de semilla y elaboración de subproductos derivados de la flor, lo cual beneficiaria la economía local, considerando la preservación de la especie como parte de la cultura del pueblo

    Are There Gender Differences in Social Cognition in First-Episode Psychosis?

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    Altres ajuts: This research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spanish Government, PI11/01347, PI14/00044, and PI18/00212) by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Health Department of Catalonia, PERIS call (SLT006/17/00231), Progress and Health Foundation of the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health, grant PI-0634/2011 and PI-0193/ 2014, Obra Social La Caixa (RecerCaixa call 2013), CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya, Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu (BML) and by FI19/00062 (Ayudas para la contratación de personal predoctoral, Luciana Díaz-Cutraro is a beneficiary of a Predoctoral Training Grant in Health Research).The aim of this study was to explore gender differences in social cognition in a sample of first-episode psychosis (FEP). An observational descriptive study was performed with 191 individuals with FEP. Emotion perception was assessed using the Faces Test, theory of mind was assessed using the Hinting Task, and attributional style was assessed using the Internal, Personal and Situational Attributions Questionnaire. No gender differences were found in any of the social cognitive domains. Our results suggest that men and women with FEP achieve similar performances in social cognition. Therefore, targeting specific needs in social cognition regarding gender may not be required in early interventions for psychosis

    Influence of Menstrual Cycle Length and Age at Menarche on Symptoms, Cognition, Social Cognition, and Metacognition in Patients with First-Episode Psychosis

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    Altres ajuts: PERIS call (grant no. SLT006/17/00231); the Progress and Health Foundation of the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (grant no. PI-0634/2011 and PI-0193/2014); Obra Social La Caixa (RecerCaixa call 2013); CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya; Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu (BML); and FI19/00062 (Ayudas para la Contratación de Personal Predoctoral).A protective effect has traditionally been attributed to estrogen in psychotic disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate cumulative lifetime estrogen by assessing the menstrual cycle length, age at menarche, and years of difference between the onset of psychotic symptoms and the age of menarche, measuring their effects on symptoms, cognition, social cognition, and metacognition. As it was not possible to directly measure cumulative estrogen levels over the lifetime of a patient, the study sample was composed of 42 women with first-episode psychosis; estrogen levels were inferred by the menstrual cycle length, age at menarche, and years of difference between the onset of psychotic symptoms and menarche. All patients were assessed with a battery of questionnaires using the BDI, PSYRATS, PANSS, STROOP, TAVEC, WSCT, IPSAQ, and BCIS questionnaires. The results related to menstrual cycle length showed a relationship with memory; specifically, shorter cycles with semantic strategies (p = 0.046) and longer cycles with serial strategies in the short term (p = 0.005) as well as in the long term (p = 0.031). The results also showed a relationship with perseverative errors (p = 0.035) and self-certainty (p = 0.049). Only personalized bias (p = 0.030) was found to be significant in relation to the age at menarche. When analyzing the differences in years of difference between the age at menarche and the onset of psychotic symptoms, the results indicated lower scores in women with a smaller difference between both events in memory (short-term (p = 0.050), long-term (p = 0.024), intrusions (p = 0.013), and recognition (p = 0.043)) and non-perseverative errors (p = 0.024). No relationship was found between symptoms and menstrual characteristics. The investigatory outcomes seem to indicate a relationship between estrogen cumulative effects and the memory domain. More in-depth investigations in the field are necessary in order to improve personalized treatment in women with psychosis

    Heterogeneity in Response to MCT and Psychoeducation : A Feasibility Study Using Latent Class Mixed Models in First-Episode Psychosis

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    Metacognitive training (MCT) is an effective treatment for psychosis. Longitudinal trajectories of treatment response are unknown but could point to strategies to maximize treatment efficacy during the first episodes. This work aims to explore the possible benefit of using latent class mixed models (LCMMs) to understand how treatment response differs between metacognitive training and psychoeducation. We conducted LCMMs in 28 patients that received MCT and 34 patients that received psychoeducation. We found that MCT is effective in improving cognitive insight in all patients but that these effects wane at follow-up. In contrast, psychoeducation does not improve cognitive insight, and may increase self-certainty in a group of patients. These results suggest that LCMMs are valuable tools that can aid in treatment prescription and in predicting response to specific treatments

    Effectiveness of family metacognitive training in mothers with psychosis and their adolescent children: a multicenter study protocol

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    BackgroundMore than half of women with psychosis take care of their children despite the difficulties caused by the disease. Additionally, these kids have a higher risk of developing a mental health disorder. However, no interventions have been developed to meet these needs. Metacognitive Training (MCT) is a psychological intervention that has demonstrated its efficacy in improving cognitive insight, symptom management and social cognition in people with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Additionally, MCT has shown better results in women than men with FEP. This study aims to adapt and evaluate the efficacy of MCT-F in mothers and adolescent children in an online group context with the main purpose of improving family relationships, cognitive awareness and symptoms in women with psychosis and increase their children’s knowledge of the disease and their functioning. As secondary objectives, it also aims to evaluate improvements in metacognition, social cognition, symptoms, protective factors and self-perception of stigma.Materials and methodsA quasi-experimental design with participants acting as their own control will be carried out. Forty-eight mothers with psychosis and their adolescent children (between 12 and 20 years old) recruited from a total of 11 adult mental health care centers will receive MCT-F. Participants will be evaluated 11 weeks before the intervention (T1), at baseline (T2), and post-intervention (T3) with a cognitive insight scale, as a primary outcome. Measures of metacognitive and social cognition, symptoms, cognitive functioning, family and social functioning, protective factors (self-esteem, resilience, and coping strategies) and self-perceived stigma will be addressed as secondary outcomes. Assessment will also address trauma and attachment in mothers and, lastly, the feasibility and acceptability of MCT-F in both participant groups.DiscussionThis will be the first investigation of the efficacy, acceptability, and viability of the implementation of MCT-F. The results of this study may have clinical implications, contributing to improving mothers’ with psychosis and adolescents’ functioning and better understanding of the disease, in addition to the possible protective and preventive effect in adolescents, who are known to be at higher risk of developing severe mental disorders.Clinical trial registration:https://clinicaltrials.gov/, identifier [NCT05358457]

    Narrativas y realidades de migrantes en contexto de fronteras

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    El presente libro analiza la acentuada migración de venezolanos a Colombia, particularmente notable en la fronteriza ciudad de Cúcuta, capital del Departamento Norte de Santander, colindante con el estado Táchira, Venezuela. Esta investigación define a la frontera como un proceso de construcción propia, producto del intercambio de las personas de ambos lados; subraya, además, que la frontera es una cultura particular vinculada a los dos países; igualmente, califica esa relación fronteriza como positiva y resalta las similitudes en todos los órdenes de la cotidianidad. Hasta años recientes, la movilidad migratoria era protagonizada por colombianos hacia territorio venezolano. No obstante, desde el año 2015, iniciaron los desplazamientos desde Venezuela hacia Colombia, modificándose, así, la usual direccionalidad del flujo, dado que el país tradicionalmente receptor, Venezuela, se convirtió en emisor. Desde que se inició la emigración de venezolanos, muchos analistas de ambos países, e incluso, de otras latitudes, han enlazado la migración venezolana a múltiples situaciones. Mientras, el presente estudio, constituye un aporte importante sobre el tema, remarca con especial énfasis la preocupante reducción del grado de integración y la disgregación de esa mezcla o unidad fronteriza. Edición:Sello Editorial UPEL-IPRGR, mediante la Unidad de Publicaciones de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador - Instituto Pedagógico Rural “Gervasio Rubio”. Coeditor:Fondo Editorial Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Depósito Legal No.: TA2022000049ISBN (digital): 978-980-7947-04-6ISBN (impreso): 978-980-7947-05-3DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6588712 Citación APA (7ma. edición) para el libro:Barajas R., E.A., Sierra de R., O.M., y Ureña V., Y. C. (2022). Narrativas y realidades de migrantes en contexto de fronteras. El desarraigo de una nación, la miseria de un pueblo y el dolor de la familia Venezolana. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador -Instituto Pedagógico Rural “Gervasio Rubio” mediante Unidad de Publicaciones. Rubio, Venezuela.https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.658871

    Early increase in tamoxifen dose in CYP2D6 poor metaboliser breast cancer patients and survival: A propensity score matching analysis

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    Purpose: Tamoxifen is a drug used for hormone receptor-positive breast cancers, primarily metabolised by the CYP2D6 enzyme into active metabolites such as endoxifen. CYP2D6 displays varying degrees of activity depending on its genotype. This study aims to analyse the effect of an early increase in tamoxifen dose in poor metabolisers (PM) on survival. Methods: We enrolled 220 patients diagnosed with breast cancer who were treated with tamoxifen. CYP2D6 polymorphisms were determined, and the phenotype was estimated according to the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium. Disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) were analysed considering the entire patient group, and a subgroup of 110 patients selected by Propensity Score Matching (PSM). All women were treated with 20 mg/day of tamoxifen for 5 years, except PM, who initially received 20 mg/day for 4 months, followed by 40 mg/day for 4 months and 60 mg/day for 4 months before returning to the standard dose of 20 mg/day until completing 5 years of treatment. Results: The analysis of the influence of CYP2D6 polymorphisms in the complete group and in the PSM subgroup revealed no significant differences for DFS or OS. Furthermore, DFS and OS were analysed in relation to various covariates such as age, histological grade, nodal status, tumour size, HER-2, Ki-67, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Only age, histological grade, nodal status, and chemotherapy treatment demonstrated statistical significance. Conclusion: An early increase in tamoxifen dose in PM patients is not associated with survival differences among CYP2D6 phenotypes.Consejería de Salud y Familias-Junta de Andalucía (PECART-0207-2020)Fundación Hospital Provincial de Castell´on, Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI, IDI 20080842

    Family Metacognitive Training (MCT-F) : Adapting MCT to Mothers with Psychosis and Their Adolescent Children

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    Over half of women with psychosis are mothers. Research suggests that mothers with psychosis face unique challenges affecting both their mental health prognosis and their relationship with their children. Moreover, those children have a higher risk of developing a mental disorder. Notwithstanding, interventions specifically tailored to these families remain largely uncovered. Metacognitive Training (MCT) has demonstrated its efficacy in improving cognitive insight, symptom management, and social cognition in people with psychosis. However, there is no evidence of the efficacy of MCT in a family setting (MCT-F). This study describes the first adaptation of MCT for mothers with psychosis and their adolescent children in an online group setting. The phases (assessment, decision, adaptation, production, topical experts' integration) of the ADAPT-ITT model were systematically applied through a participatory approach (n = 22), including a first-person perspective and involving qualitative (e.g., topical expert literature review and consensus groups, interviews, thematic analyses) and quantitative methods. While MCT's core components were retained, participants guided adaptations both in content and delivery. The findings suggest the importance of community engagement and sharing decision-making processes to demonstrate the acceptability and feasibility of the adapted intervention. Employing a structured approach such as the ADAPT-ITT model ensures readiness of the new training for efficacy trials

    Mente sana, cuerpo sano

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    El proyecto surge para responder a la petición formulada por los padres en una encuesta. Los objetivos son ayudar a superar los celos y miedos infantiles; conseguir la integración de todos los niños del aula; mejorar la autoestima de los niños; crear un ambiente favorable para expresar situaciones conflictivas y superarlas; y sensibilizar a las familias ante posibles problemas de ansiedad. Trimestralmente se trabajan los celos y situaciones que los niños viven con ansiedad, los miedos infantiles y la autoestima. Con los niños se realizan salidas al campo; se trabajan los truenos, la oscuridad y los monstruos; se preparan los disfraces de carnaval; se proyectan películas; y se elaboran actividades para que el niño controle el miedo reforzando su seguridad y analizando las causas para aportar soluciones. Para los padres el Centro Municipal de Salud organiza charlas-coloquio. Se evalúa el logro de los objetivos, las dificultades encontradas y la participación de los padres.Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de SanidadMadridNo disponibleES