766 research outputs found

    Maquiladoras in Central America: An Analysis of Workforce Schedule, Productivity and Fatigue.

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    Textile factories or Maquiladoras are very abundant and predominant in Central American economies. However, they all do not have the same standardized work schedule or routines. Most of the Maquiladoras only follow schedules and regulations established by the current labor laws without taking into consideration many variables within their organization that could affect their overall performance. As a result, the purpose of the study is to analyze the current working structure of a textile Maquiladora and determine the most suitable schedule that will abide with the current working structure but also increase production levels, employee morale and decrease employee fatigue. A Maquiladora located in el Salvador, C.A. has been chosen for the study. It currently provides finished goods to one of the leading textile industries in the United States of America. The study will consist of collecting production numbers for two of their manufacturing cells for five consecutive days. In addition, a questionnaire will be administered to measure employee fatigue. Once all data have been collected, the data will be analyzed to determine the best working structure that will benefit the employee and the employer

    Protein multi-scale organization through graph partitioning and robustness analysis: Application to the myosin-myosin light chain interaction

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    Despite the recognized importance of the multi-scale spatio-temporal organization of proteins, most computational tools can only access a limited spectrum of time and spatial scales, thereby ignoring the effects on protein behavior of the intricate coupling between the different scales. Starting from a physico-chemical atomistic network of interactions that encodes the structure of the protein, we introduce a methodology based on multi-scale graph partitioning that can uncover partitions and levels of organization of proteins that span the whole range of scales, revealing biological features occurring at different levels of organization and tracking their effect across scales. Additionally, we introduce a measure of robustness to quantify the relevance of the partitions through the generation of biochemically-motivated surrogate random graph models. We apply the method to four distinct conformations of myosin tail interacting protein, a protein from the molecular motor of the malaria parasite, and study properties that have been experimentally addressed such as the closing mechanism, the presence of conserved clusters, and the identification through computational mutational analysis of key residues for binding.Comment: 13 pages, 7 Postscript figure

    Switchable Genetic Oscillator Operating in Quasi-Stable Mode

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    Ring topologies of repressing genes have qualitatively different long-term dynamics if the number of genes is odd (they oscillate) or even (they exhibit bistability). However, these attractors may not fully explain the observed behavior in transient and stochastic environments such as the cell. We show here that even repressilators possess quasi-stable, travelling-wave periodic solutions that are reachable, long-lived and robust to parameter changes. These solutions underlie the sustained oscillations observed in even rings in the stochastic regime, even if these circuits are expected to behave as switches. The existence of such solutions can also be exploited for control purposes: operation of the system around the quasi-stable orbit allows us to turn on and off the oscillations reliably and on demand. We illustrate these ideas with a simple protocol based on optical interference that can induce oscillations robustly both in the stochastic and deterministic regimes.Comment: 24 pages, 5 main figure

    Low-Temperature Excitations of Dilute Lattice Spin Glasses

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    A new approach to exploring low-temperature excitations in finite-dimensional lattice spin glasses is proposed. By focusing on bond-diluted lattices just above the percolation threshold, large system sizes LL can be obtained which lead to enhanced scaling regimes and more accurate exponents. Furthermore, this method in principle remains practical for any dimension, yielding exponents that so far have been elusive. This approach is demonstrated by determining the stiffness exponent for dimensions d=3d=3, d=6d=6 (the upper critical dimension), and d=7d=7. Key is the application of an exact reduction algorithm, which eliminates a large fraction of spins, so that the reduced lattices never exceed 103\sim10^3 variables for sizes as large as L=30 in d=3d=3, L=9 in d=6d=6, or L=8 in d=7d=7. Finite size scaling analysis gives y3=0.24(1)y_3=0.24(1) for d=3d=3, significantly improving on previous work. The results for d=6d=6 and d=7d=7, y6=1.1(1)y_6=1.1(1) and y7=1.24(5)y_7=1.24(5), are entirely new and are compared with mean-field predictions made for d>=6.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex, 7 ps-figures included, added result for stiffness in d=7, as to appear in Europhysics Letters (see http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher/ for related information

    Lower Critical Dimension of Ising Spin Glasses

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    Exact ground states of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses with Gaussian and bimodal (+- J) distributions of the disorder are calculated using a ``matching'' algorithm, which allows large system sizes of up to N=480^2 spins to be investigated. We study domain walls induced by two rather different types of boundary-condition changes, and, in each case, analyze the system-size dependence of an appropriately defined ``defect energy'', which we denote by DE. For Gaussian disorder, we find a power-law behavior DE ~ L^\theta, with \theta=-0.266(2) and \theta=-0.282(2) for the two types of boundary condition changes. These results are in reasonable agreement with each other, allowing for small systematic effects. They also agree well with earlier work on smaller sizes. The negative value indicates that two dimensions is below the lower critical dimension d_c. For the +-J model, we obtain a different result, namely the domain-wall energy saturates at a nonzero value for L\to \infty, so \theta = 0, indicating that the lower critical dimension for the +-J model exactly d_c=2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, revte

    Flow graphs: interweaving dynamics and structure

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    The behavior of complex systems is determined not only by the topological organization of their interconnections but also by the dynamical processes taking place among their constituents. A faithful modeling of the dynamics is essential because different dynamical processes may be affected very differently by network topology. A full characterization of such systems thus requires a formalization that encompasses both aspects simultaneously, rather than relying only on the topological adjacency matrix. To achieve this, we introduce the concept of flow graphs, namely weighted networks where dynamical flows are embedded into the link weights. Flow graphs provide an integrated representation of the structure and dynamics of the system, which can then be analyzed with standard tools from network theory. Conversely, a structural network feature of our choice can also be used as the basis for the construction of a flow graph that will then encompass a dynamics biased by such a feature. We illustrate the ideas by focusing on the mathematical properties of generic linear processes on complex networks that can be represented as biased random walks and also explore their dual consensus dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Advancements in the Representation of Cloud-Aerosol Microphysics in the GEOS-5 AGCM

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    Despite numerous challenges, the physical parameterization of cloud-aerosol interactions in atmospheric GCMs has become a top priority for advancement because of our need to simulate and understand past, current, and future indirect effects of aerosols on clouds. The challenges stem from the involvement of wide range of cloud-scale dynamics and aerosol activation physical processes. Cloud dynamics modulate cloud areal extent and condensate, while aerosol activation depends on aerosol mass load, size distribution, internal mixing state, and nucleating properties, and ultimately determines cloud optical properties via particle sizes. Both macro- and micro-scale processes are obviously important for cloud-radiation interactions. We will present the main features of cloud microphysical properties in the GEOS- 5 Atmospheric GCM (AGCM) as simulated by the McRAS-AC (Microphysics of Clouds with Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert and Aerosol-Cloud interaction) scheme. McRAS-AC uses Fountoukis and Nenes (2005) aerosol activation for liquid clouds, and has an option for either Liu and Penner (2005) or Barahona and Nenes (2008, 2009) aerosol activation for ice clouds. Aerosol loading (on-line or climatological) comes from GOCART, with an assumed log-normal size distribution. Other features of McRAS-AC are level-by-level cloud-scale thermodynamics, and Seifert-Beheng (2001)-type precipitation microphysics, particularly from moist convection. Results from Single-Column Model simulations will be shown to demonstrate how cloud radiative properties, lifetimes, and precipitation are influenced by different parameterization assumptions. Corresponding fields from year-long simulations of the full AGCM will also be presented with geographical distributions of cloud effective particle sizes compared to satellite retrievals. While the primary emphasis will be on current climate, simulation results with perturbed aerosol loadings will also be shown to expose the radiative sensitivity of the microphysical parameterization

    Kernel-based Joint Independence Tests for Multivariate Stationary and Non-stationary Time Series

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    Multivariate time series data that capture the temporal evolution of interconnected systems are ubiquitous in diverse areas. Understanding the complex relationships and potential dependencies among co-observed variables is crucial for the accurate statistical modelling and analysis of such systems. Here, we introduce kernel-based statistical tests of joint independence in multivariate time series by extending the dd-variable Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion (dHSIC) to encompass both stationary and non-stationary processes, thus allowing broader real-world applications. By leveraging resampling techniques tailored for both single- and multiple-realisation time series, we show how the method robustly uncovers significant higher-order dependencies in synthetic examples, including frequency mixing data and logic gates, as well as real-world climate and socioeconomic data. Our method adds to the mathematical toolbox for the analysis of multivariate time series and can aid in uncovering high-order interactions in data.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure