10 research outputs found


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    Tilapia fish is a freshwater fish commodity that has the potential to be developed for fisheries business. Tilapia fish have many advantages such as easy breeding, fast-growing, and can survive at high salinity. To increase durability at high salinity it is necessary to prepare saline tilapia seeds produced from parentage that is tolerant to high salinity or through the salination process since the size of the seed. The purpose of this study was to determine the survival rate, absolute growth, and water quality during the adaptation period of increasing salinity of tilapia juvenile. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with three replications. The salinity increase treatments used were A (1 ppt salinity), B (2 ppt salinity), C (3 ppt salinity), D (4 ppt salinity), and E (5 ppt salinity). The results showed the survival rate of tilapia seeds each treatment is treatment A (1 ppt) by 100%, treatment B (2 ppt) by 100%, treatment C (3 ppt) by 100%, treatment D (4 ppt) by 99.2%, and treatment E (5 ppt) by 98.6%. The results of each absolute growth of each treatment are treatment A (1 ppt) of 0.002 grams / day, treatment B (2 ppt) of 0.002 grams / day, treatment C (3 ppt) of 0.001 grams / day, treatment D (4 ppt) of 0.0007 grams / day, and treatment E (5 ppt) of 0.001 grams / day. It can be concluded that the adaptation of fish seeds at different salinities (1 ppt, 2 ppt, 3 ppt, 4, ppt, and 5 ppt) still shows a good survival rate, but the absolute growth of tilapia seeds on the adaptation of salinity increases of 4 ppt and 5 ppt has not been optimal.Ikan nila merupakan komoditas ikan air tawar yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan bagi usaha perikanan. Ikan nila memiliki banyak kelebihan seperti mudah berkembangbiak, tumbuh cepat, serta dapat bertahan hidup pada salinitas yang tinggi. Untuk meningkatkan daya tahan pada salinitas tinggi perlu disiapkan benih nila salin yang diproduksi dari indukan yang toleran terhadap salinitas tinggi maupun melalui proses salinasi sejak ukuran benih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan mutlak, dan kualitas air pada masa adaptasi kenaikan salinitas benih ikan nila. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan kenaikan salinitas yang digunakan yaitu A (salinitas 1 ppt), B (salinitas 2 ppt), C (salinitas 3 ppt), D (salinitas 4 ppt), dan E (salinitas 5 ppt). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila setiap perlakuan yaitu perlakuan A (1 ppt) sebesar 100 %, perlakuan B (2 ppt) sebesar 100 %, perlakuan C (3 ppt) sebesar 100 %, perlakuan D (4 ppt) sebesar 99,2 %, dan perlakuan E (5 ppt) sebesar 98,6 %. Hasil masing-masing pertumbuhan mutlak setiap perlakuan yaitu perlakuan A (1 ppt) sebesar 0,002 gram/hari, perlakuan B (2 ppt) sebesar 0,002 gram/hari, perlakuan C (3 ppt) sebesar 0,001 gram/hari, perlakuan D (4 ppt) sebesar 0,0007 gram/hari, dan perlakuan E (5 ppt) sebesar 0,001 gram/hari. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengadaptasian benih ikan pada salinitas yang berbeda (1 ppt, 2 ppt, 3 ppt, 4, ppt, dan 5 ppt) masih menunjukan tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang baik, namun pertumbuhan mutlak benih ikan nila pada adaptasi kenaikan salinitas 4 ppt dan 5 ppt belum optimal

    Evaluasi Biomassa dan Kandungan Nutrisi Magot (Hermetia illucens) Pada Media Budidaya yang Berbeda

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    Feed is a very important factor in the cultivation of fisheries and is the largest component, which is around 50-60% of production. One of the efforts to reduce feed costs is by using maggot as an alternative substitute for fish meal and can be given in the form of fresh to fish. Maggot (Hermetia illucens) is an organism originating from a black soldier egg known as a decaying organism because it consumes organic materials. The advantage of maggot is that it has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, so it does not cary a disease agent. Maggot has a crude protein content of 30-45%, so it is very potential as an alternative feed for fish. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of maggot culture media on biomass and maggot nutrient content. This activity was carried out at the Fisheries Laboratory of the Lampung State Polytechnic. The tools and materials used were maggot eggs, Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), fish waste, coconut cake and bran, digital scales, basins. The research method used was an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 levels and 3 repetitions, with treatment: A = PKM media, B = fish waste media, C =coconut cake media, D = bran media. The parameters observed were maggot biomass, maggot content and also maggot fatty acid. The results showed that the optimal media for biomass and maggot nutrient content were fish waste ( catfish fillet waste), which was maggot biomass of 435.2, with a protein content of 44.58%, 4.89% fat, crude fiber 8.02%, linolenic acid 1.98 and linoleic acid 3.67 Keywords: Biomass, cultivation media, maggot,nutrition conten

    Electroporation and GFP-labelled transplantation of testicular cells in Nile tilapia

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    ABSTRACT Transplantation technology can be applied to generate fish surrogate broodstock. A donor germinal cells that was used in transplantation are labeled to distinguish it with endogenous cells. Donor cells are generally derived from transgenic fish carrying a marker or cells labeled by PKH-26. This study was performed to obtain an alternative method of cell labelling using electroporation. Testicular cells were taken from 4-months old Nile tilapia as a model. Electroporation was performed with testicular cell density of 104 cells/µL, pJfKer-GFP concentration of 50 ng/µL, and a pulse length of 20 ms at 0, 100, 200, and 300 volts. At amount of 5x103 cells/0.5µL electroporated testicular cells were then injected into the intraperitoneal cavity of 3-day-old Nile tilapia larva. The results showed that survival of the electroporated cells of 100 and 200 volt-treatments was similar (P>0.05), and higher than 300 volt (P<0.05). Number of fluorescent cells was not significantly different among treatments. The highest cell colonization in transplanted fish was obtained in 200-volt treatment (66.67%). As conclusion, 200-volt electroporation with was a suitable tool to label testicular cells for transplantation. Keyword: electroporation, GFP, label, Nile tilapia, transplantation  ABSTRAK Teknologi transplantasi merupakan suatu teknologi yang dapat menghasilkan induk pengganti. Sel donor berupa sel germinal yang akan digunakan dalam transplantasi diberi label agar dapat dibedakan dengan sel resipien. Umumnya sel donor diperoleh dari ikan transgenik yang membawa marka atau diwarnai dengan PKH-26. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari metode alternatif dalam pemberian label pada sel dengan elektroporasi. Sel testikular diperoleh dari ikan nila berumur empat bulan sebagai model. Elektroporasi dilakukan dengan kepadatan sel 104 sel/µL, konsentrasi pJfKer-GFP 50 ng/µL, dan panjang kejut 20 ms pada 0, 100, 200, dan 300 volt. Sebanyak 5x103 sel dalam 0,5 µL larutan hasil elektroporasi disuntikkan ke dalam rongga intraperitoneal larva berumur tiga hari setelah menetas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelangsungan hidup sel pada kejut 100 dan 200 volt tidak signifikan (P<0,05), akan tetapi lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan perlakuan 300 volt (P<0,05). Jumlah sel yang berpendar tidak berbeda antara perlakuan. Persentase kolonisasi sel pada ikan hasil transplan tertinggi pada perlakuan 200 volt (66,67%). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian adalah perlakuan elektroporasi dengan kejut listrik 200 volt dapat digunakan untuk memberi label pada sel testikular yang akan ditransplantasikan. Kata kunci : elektroporasi, GFP, label, ikan nila, transplantasi

    Pembinaan Teknis Pembenihan Ikan Lele Secara Intensif Di Kelompok Berkah Mandiri Desa Batang Harjo Kecamatan Batang Hari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    Fisheries activities carried out by members of the Mandiri Blessing Pokdakan group include catfish hatchery activities, catfish enlargement and enlargement of catfish. Catfish hatchery activity is one of the superior activities of group members in addition to enlarging consumption fish. The problems faced by group members in hatching catfish seeds produced each cycle are still low, ranging from 15,000 - 20,000 head. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of catfish hatchery on farmers who are members of the fish breeding group through the technical guidance of intensive catfish hatchery. The activity was carried out through counseling on the management of catfish hatcheries and continued with the practice of spawning catfish fish intensively as well as coaching regularly every two weeks. The results of the technical guidance carried out showed an increase in knowledge and skills in catfish spawning. This is indicated by an increase in catfish production each cycle to reach 30,000 - 35,000 per cycle

    Pendederan Ikan Nila dengan Sistem Mina Padi di Desa Tribudi Sukur Kecamatan Kebun Tebu Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    Tribudi Sukur Village is one of the villages in the Kebun Tebu District, West Lampung. Community fishing activities in Tribudi Syukur Village are accommodated in several Fish Cultivator Groups. Utilizing the potential of the region that is very supportive with the existence of existing water sources continuously throughout the year can be one of the important inputs in tilapia hatchery activities. The use of limited ponds makes the production of seeds produced still unable to meet market demand both from the quality, quantity and continuity of production. The potential that can be exploited from this situation by looking at the condition of natural resources in Tribudi Sukur village, where there are many rice fields with available water sources throughout the year, is to use the rice fields as a medium in the nursery of fish larva. Therefore, community service activities need to be done to provide solutions. The application of integrated technology between rice cultivation in rice fields and fisheries is by applying the Mina Padi cultivation system can be one solution. Methods of community education, consultation and mentoring are the three most effective methods for solving problems in the village. The benefits of the activities that have been carried out are to provide new knowledge and skills regarding the tilapia fish breeding with the Mina Padi syste


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    The success of masculinization in tilapia shows that the use of the hormone 17?-methyltestosterone (MT) is more effective than temperature. However, the use of hormones by feeding through food has not shown better results compared to soaking the larvae. Even though the application through feeding is easier to do. Therefore, in this study, the administration of hormones through feed will be carried out with the experimental time of feeding exceeding the highest critical time, which is for 30 and 50 days. D'Cotta et al. (2007) and Ijiri et al. (2008) states that the critical time for sex change in tilapia is 9-15 days after fertilization/day post-fertilization/dpf. The objective to be achieved in this study is to obtain the optimal duration of 17? Metiltestosterone hormones through a feed to produce male tilapia mono sex. Treatment using 17?-methyltestosterone at a dose of 60 mg/kg with a treatment duration of feeding 0, 30, and 50 days. The influence of the length of time for feeding containing hormones was tested using the ANOVA test at 95% confidence intervals. The results obtained showed that the use of 17?-methyltestosterone in reversal sex with a dose of 60 mg/kg of feed with a duration of 0, 30, and 50 days showed a difference in the number of male tilapia produced. However, there was no noticeable difference in the male sex ratio at 30 and 50 days of feeding. So it can be concluded that feeding 17?-methyltestosterone hormone through the feed for 30-50 days after hatching can increase the male sex ratio in tilapia by more than 80%.Keberhasilan maskulinisasi pada ikan nila menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan hormon 17?-metiltestosteron (MT) lebih efektif dibandingkan suhu. Akan tetapi penggunaan hormon dengan cara pemberian melalui pakan belum menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan perendaman larva. Padahal secara aplikasi melalui pemberian pakan lebih mudah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian kali ini akan dilakukan pemberian hormon melalui pakan dengan waktu percobaan pemberian pakan melebihi waktu kritis tertinggi, yaitu selama 30 dan 50 hari. D'Cotta et al. (2007) dan Ijiri et al. (2008) menyatakan bahwa waktu kritis untuk dilakukannya perubahan jenis kelamin pada ikan tilapia adalah 9-15 hari setelah pembuahan / day post fertilization / dpf. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan periode waktu pemberian hormon 17? Metiltestosteron yang optimal melalui pakan untuk menghasilkan ikan nila monosex  jantan.Perlakuan menggunakan hormon 17?-metiltestoteron dengan dosis 60 mg /kg dengan perlakuan lama pemberian pakan 0, 30 dan 50 hari. Pengaruh lama waktu pemberian pakan mengandung hormon di uji menggunakan uji anova pada selang kepercayaan 95%. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan 17?-metiltestoteron dalam sex reversal dengan dosis 60 mg/kg pakan dengan lamawaktu pemberian 0, 30 dan 50 hari menunjukkan adanya perbedaan jumlah kelamin ikan nila jantan yang dihasilkan. Akan tetapi tidak terlihat adanya perbedaan nyata pada nisbah kelamin jantan pada perlakukan 30 dan 50 hari pemebrian pakan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian pakan hormon 17?-metiltestoteron melalui pakan selama 30- 50 hari setelah penetasan dapat meningkatkan nisbah kelamin jantan pada ikan nila lebih dari 80%

    Budidaya Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) di Keramba Jaring Apung Laut

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    Pacific white shrimp is a brackish water commodity that is the mainstay of the country's foreign exchange. The number of times faced in aquaculture activities in ponds makes alternative cultivation activities that need to be done. The use of the potential of sea waters can be a medium in vaname shrimp cultivation. The use of floating net cages is one of the alternative cultivation media used. This study aims to determine the performance of vaname shrimp production which is cultivated in the floating net cage. This study was carried out by using the research method with the number of cage plots used as many as 6 pieces with a total stock of 2000 juvenile per plot for 90 days. Production performance criteria observed include growth, Survival Rate (SR), Average Daily Gain (ADG), Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) and total biomass. The results showed that the growth of weight 19,3 grams, growth in length 12,3 cm, Survival Rate (SR) 33%, Average Daily Gain (ADG) 0.21 grams/day, Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) 1,9 and total biomass of 76,32 kg. Keywords: Shrimp Culture, Sea Floating Net Cage (FNC) and Productivit

    Penggunaan madu dalam produksi ikan guppy jantan (Poecillia reticulata) [Skripsi] / Epro Barades

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    Bibliografi : 30-32xii, 29 hlm. : ill. ; 28 cm. . -- Lamp. (11 lemba

    Pendederan Ikan Patin Pangasius hypophthalmus di Kolam Terpal

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    Ikan patin merupakan salah satu ikan unggulan budidaya di Indonesia. Produksi ikan patin nasional pada tahun 2019 yaitu sebesar 1.149.400 ton. Pendederan merupakan tahap penting dalam pembenihan. Pada tahap ini sering terjadi kematian akibat perubahan lingkungan yang ekstrim. Pendederan ikan patin pada kolam terpal memiliki beberapa keunggulan yaitu biaya pembuatan murah, mudah dibuat dan dibongkar, serta dapat diterapkan di daerah lahan sempit. Tujuan dari kekeiatan ini adalah mengetahui pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan patin. Benih ditebar dengan ukuran 1 inci dengan jumlah tebar 7.200 ekor, dengan ukuran kolam 2m x 1m, pemberian pakan secara at satiation dengan frekunsi 3 x sehari (pagi, siang dan sore). Dari hasil pemeliharaan selama 21 hari didapat SR benih  ikan patin mencapai 85%, pertumbuhan panjang akhir 2.1  inch (5.25), pertumbuhan bobot akhir 1.09 gram dan rata-rata laju pertumbuhan panjang harian 2.1% dan rata-rata laju pertumbuhan bobot harian mencapai 5.275%