738 research outputs found

    Carbon nanotubes as target for directional detection of light WIMP

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    In this paper I will briefly introduce the idea of using Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) as target for the detection of low mass WIMPs with the additional information of directionality. I will also present the experimental efforts of developing a Time Projection Chamber with a CNT target inside and the results of a test beam at the Beam Test Facility of INFN-LNF.Comment: 3 figures, IFAE2017 poster session proceeding

    Sperimentazione del sistema ministeriale SICaR w/b per la gestione e la consultazione informatizzata dei dati sulla policromia

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    The need for integration and sharing of data on ancient polychromies requires shared working methods and tools. This paper illustrates a first effort in the direction of testing the web-based Information System documentation for the Restoration of Yards (SICaR) of Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (MiBACT). This test activity suggested some changes that have been subsequently implemented in order to record archaeological and scientific information and manage standardized data on ancient polychromy in cultural heritage documentation

    Soft-photon corrections in multi-body meson decays

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    The effects due to soft-photon emission (and the related virtual corrections) in multi-body decays of B, D, and K mesons are analysed. We present analytic expressions for the universal O(alpha) correction factors which can be applied to all multi-body decay modes where a tight soft-photon energy cut in the decaying-particle rest-frame is applied. All-order resummations valid in the limit of small and large velocities of the final-state particles are also discussed. The phenomenological implications of these correction factors in the distortion of Dalitz-plot distributions of K -> 3 pi decays are briefly analysed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures (v2: minor modifications - published version

    MPGD Optical Read Out for Directional Dark Matter Search

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    The Time Projection method is an ideal candidate to track low energy release particles. Large volumes can be readout by means of a moderate number of channels providing a complete 3D reconstruction of the charged tracks within the sensitive volume. It allows the measurement not only of the total released energy but also of the energy release density along the tracks that can be very useful for particle identification and to solve the head-tail ambiguity of the tracks. Moreover, gas represents a very interesting target to study Dark Matter interactions. In gas, nuclear recoils can travel enough to give rise to tracks long enough to be acquired and reconstructed

    Single-hit resolution measurement with MEG II drift chamber prototypes

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    Drift chambers operated with helium-based gas mixtures represent a common solution for tracking charged particles keeping the material budget in the sensitive volume to a minimum. The drawback of this solution is the worsening of the spatial resolution due to primary ionisation fluctuations, which is a limiting factor for high granularity drift chambers like the MEG II tracker. We report on the measurements performed on three different prototypes of the MEG II drift chamber aimed at determining the achievable single-hit resolution. The prototypes were operated with helium/isobutane gas mixtures and exposed to cosmic rays, electron beams and radioactive sources. Direct measurements of the single hit resolution performed with an external tracker returned a value of 110 μ\mum, consistent with the values obtained with indirect measurements performed with the other prototypes.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    Heritability of the dimensions, compliance and distensibility of the human internal jugular vein wall

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    AIMS: The elasticity of the internal jugular vein (IJV) is a major determinant of cerebral venous drainage and right atrium venous return. However, the level of genetic determination of IJV dimensions, compliance and distensibility has not been studied yet. METHODS: 170 adult Caucasian twins (43 monozygotic [MZ] and 42 dizygotic [DZ] pairs) were involved from the Italian twin registry. Anteroposterior and mediolateral diameters of the IJV were measured bilaterally by ultrasonography. Measurements were made both in the sitting and supine positions, with or without Valsalva maneuver. Univariate quantitative genetic modeling was performed. RESULTS: Genetic factors are responsible for 30-70% of the measured properties of IJV at higher venous pressure even after adjustment for age and gender. The highest level of inheritance was found in the supine position regarding compliance (62%) and venous diameter during Valsalva (69%). Environmental and measurement-related factors instead are more important in the sitting position, when the venous pressure is low and the venous lumen is almost collapsed. The range of capacity changes between the lowest and highest intraluminal venous pressure (full distension range) are mainly determined by genetic factors (58%). CONCLUSIONS: Our study has shown substantial heritability of IJV biomechanics at higher venous pressures even after adjustment for age and gender. These findings yield an important insight to what degree the geometric and elastic properties of the vascular wall are formed by genetic and by environmental factors in humans

    EEG Fractal Analysis Reflects Brain Impairment after Stroke

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    Stroke is the commonest cause of disability. Novel treatments require an improved understanding of the underlying mechanisms of recovery. Fractal approaches have demonstrated that a single metric can describe the complexity of seemingly random fluctuations of physiological signals. We hypothesize that fractal algorithms applied to electroencephalographic (EEG) signals may track brain impairment after stroke. Sixteen stroke survivors were studied in the hyperacute (<48 h) and in the acute phase (∼1 week after stroke), and 35 stroke survivors during the early subacute phase (from 8 days to 32 days and after ∼2 months after stroke): We compared resting-state EEG fractal changes using fractal measures (i.e., Higuchi Index, Tortuosity) with 11 healthy controls. Both Higuchi index and Tortuosity values were significantly lower after a stroke throughout the acute and early subacute stage compared to healthy subjects, reflecting a brain activity which is significantly less complex. These indices may be promising metrics to track behavioral changes in the very early stage after stroke. Our findings might contribute to the neurorehabilitation quest in identifying reliable biomarkers for a better tailoring of rehabilitation pathways

    A 1 m3^3 Gas Time Projection Chamber with Optical Readout for Directional Dark Matter Searches: the CYGNO Experiment

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    The aim of the CYGNO project is the construction and operation of a 1~m3^3 gas TPC for directional dark matter searches and coherent neutrino scattering measurements, as a prototype toward the 100-1000~m3^3 (0.15-1.5 tons) CYGNUS network of underground experiments. In such a TPC, electrons produced by dark-matter- or neutrino-induced nuclear recoils will drift toward and will be multiplied by a three-layer GEM structure, and the light produced in the avalanche processes will be readout by a sCMOS camera, providing a 2D image of the event with a resolution of a few hundred micrometers. Photomultipliers will also provide a simultaneous fast readout of the time profile of the light production, giving information about the third coordinate and hence allowing a 3D reconstruction of the event, from which the direction of the nuclear recoil and consequently the direction of the incoming particle can be inferred. Such a detailed reconstruction of the event topology will also allow a pure and efficient signal to background discrimination. These two features are the key to reach and overcome the solar neutrino background that will ultimately limit non-directional dark matter searches.Comment: 5 page, 7 figures, contribution to the Conference Records of 2018 IEEE NSS/MI


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    Directional information in the direct dark matter searches is believed to be able providing a clear discovery of the galactic WIMP dark matter, together with a further potential to investigate the properties of the dark matter. CYGNUS is a concept to detect the galactic WIMP dark matter particles with directionality. In this paper, physics motivation and technological R&D status will be reviewedThis work was supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientic Research, ICRR Joint-Usage, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number, 16H02189, 19H05802, 19H05806, 26104001, 26104005, and JSPS Bilateral Collaborations (Joint Research Projects and Seminars) program. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 818744)
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