72 research outputs found

    The role of Greek culture representation in socio-economic development of the southern regions of Russia

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    This article researches how the Greek lingvoculture represented in onomasticon of the South of Russia. The South Russian anthroponyms, toponyms and pragmatonyms are considered in this article and how they verbalize the most important values and ideological views. It is proved in the article that the key concepts of the Greek lingvoculture such as: “Peace”, “Faith”, “Love”, “Heroism”, “Knowledge”, “Alphabet”, “Power”, “Charismatic person” and “Craft” are highly concentrated in the onomastic lexis of the researched region. The mentioned above concepts due to their specific pragmatic orientation are represented at different extend.peer-reviewe

    Core Trends in Engineering Education: Five Years of the “Synergy” International Conference

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    This article discusses the topical issues of engineering education, which have become the discussion point at the international network scientific and practical conference titled “Synergy” that has been held since 2016. The organizational basis of the conference is provided by the leading technical universities in Russia under the support of the international societies for engineering education and the largest Russian energy company Gazprom. The article outlines the broad issues of the conference, related to interdisciplinarity, new standards and technologies for engineering education, digital educational environment and online technologies, interaction between engineering education and high-tech business and industry, the models of digital competencies and mechanisms to independently certify them, training of highly qualified personnel, professional education within the school-university-enterprise system, and many other relevant aspects of contemporary engineering education

    The essence and content of state regulation of services development in conditions of increasing autonomy of federal state entities

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the development of services, as a component of balanced socio-economic development of territories in a Federal state. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and content of state regulation of services’ development in conditions of increasing autonomy of federal state’s entities. A leading approach is the institutional one that considers state regulation of service sector’s development in the Federal state as a purposeful system of measures of state control that contributes to maximizing of the assets’ value of the service sector in the process of socio-economic activities and is aimed at ensuring of a balanced socio-economic development of regions. The service sector is one of the most dynamic and growing segments of regional markets, as well as one of the characteristics of effective socio-economic policy in the region. The yield growth from the service sector’s assets while risk diversification will ensure the development of regional services markets, meeting the needs of the population for public goods and improving of the quality of life. The article identifies and scientifically justifies objects, actors, principles, methods and tools of state regulation of services’ development in a Federal state. The paper submissions can be useful for specialists of Federal and regional authorities, local governments, line ministries, scientists interested in issues of regional economy and services’ management

    Pelvic peritoneal adhesions: new aspects of pathogenesis

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    The study showed that neoangiogenesis and proliferation are one of the essential steps in adhesion formation and proved that the degree of proangiogenic switch correlates with adhesions stage according AFS classification. Phenotypic features of patients with pelvic peritoneal adhesions were studied.В проведенном исследовании выявлены новые звенья патогенеза спаечного процесса в малом тазу. Доказано, что спайки малого таза являются активным сосудистым трансплантатом и сочетаются с системными наследственными нарушениями структуры соединительной ткани

    Long-term results of infertility treatment in patients with peritoneal endometriosis based on gene polymorphism of N-acetyltransferase 2

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    It is known that almost every fourth patient combined with endometriosis infertility. Despite numerous studies, the role of the disease in the mechanisms of fertility decline has not yet been established. Polymorphism of detoxification genes, determine the phenotypic characteristics of patients and affects the efficiency of the treatment of infertility. Found that patients with infertility , peritoneal endometriosis and NAT2 gene mutations have a number of clinical and anamnestic features, and that had become pregnant as a result of treatment, patients frequency of allelic polymorphism NAT2 ( S.341T > С, c.481C> T, c.590G> A and c.803A> G) is 3 times lower than nezaberemenevshih. The data obtained are several ideas about expanding the etiopathogenesis of endometriosis and infertility, and will be the basis for improving the efficiency of methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of endometriosis and infertility.Известно, что почти у каждой четвертой пациентки эндометриоз сочетается с бесплодием. Несмотря на многочисленные исследования, роль зтого заболевания в механизмах снижения фертильности до настоящего времени не установлена. Результаты проведенного исследования показали, что полиморфизм системы генов детоксикации (NAT2), определяет фенотипические особенности пациенток и влияет на эффективность лечения бесплодия. Доказано, что у забеременевших в результате лечения пациенток частота встречаемости аллельного полиморфизма гена NAT2 (с.341Т>С, с.481С>Т, c.590G>A и c.803A>G) в 3 раза ниже, чем у незабеременевших. Полученные данные несколько расширяют представления об этиопатогенезе зндометриоза и бесплодия и являются основанием для повышение эффективности методов диагностики, профилактики и лечения

    Изменение стока снегового половодья на южном макросклоне Русской равнины в период 1930–2014 гг

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    In recent decades, in the southern macro-slope (catchment) of Te Russian Plain, mainly within the basins of the Volga and the Don rivers, the spring flood flow decreased due to both anthropogenic and climatic factors. Of anthropogenic factors, the creation of reservoirs played a signifcant role in changing the water regime of the Volga and the Don. Another important factor, affecting the river runoff, is agricultural activities on flat interfluves and slopes. Compared with the conventional-natural period (for the Volga from 1879, and for the Don from 1876 to 1929) to the date (for the period 1930–2014), the flood flow of the Volga has been decreased by more than 4300 km3, and the Don – by almost 900 km3. Te contribution of anthropogenic factors to this decrease in the Volga basin exceeded 70%, and for the Don it was equal to 45%, while the climatic ones contributed 30 and 55%, respectively. During the period of instrumental observations on the rivers of the region, long-lasting phases of high/low water content with duration from 15–20 to 90 years or longer, caused by the climatic changes, were determined. Tese are a characteristic feature of long-term changes in flood flow (and in a runoff of other seasons) on both medium and large rivers of the southern macro-slope of the Russian Plain. Te period since early 2000s was a start of the decreased flood flow everywhere, i.e. on medium and large rivers. It is most clearly (by tens of percent) manifested in the decrease of the spring surface flow due to the following factors: more frequent thaws, reduction of the depth of soil freezing, increase of infltration, especially in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. Increase in flow of the infltration origin does only partially compensate the decrease of the flow in rivers.Рассматриваются сток снегового половодья в пределах бассейнов Волги и Дона и его изменения под влиянием антропогенных и климатических факторов. Изложены методы исследования изменений речного стока, оценены его изменения за последние десятилетия. Общая тенденция – уменьшение стока половодья, что связано с гидротехническим воздействием и климатическими факторами