3 research outputs found

    The Kingdom of God within us, according to Meister Eckhart

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    In this paper, we examine what the German works of Meister Eckhart (c. 1260-1328) say about heaven, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. We explain how he understands the presence of the Kingdom of God in us. In a style that is fresh and original, Eckhart says that the Kingdom of Heaven is now already within us. It is in the deepest part of us, in the ground of the soul, but man does not discover it immediately. In the first place, he has to prepare himself and to be receptive to the Kingdom of God, to God within himself. He has to make himself «heavenly», through humility, detachment, equanimity and so on. Furthermore, God «flows» inside this person and He pronounce His Word in him. That is how the human being becomes the son of God, how he receives a «kiss» from God, and how the Kingdom of God breaks through in the ground of the soul. And that finally means participating now in the joy and the blessedness of heaven

    Las raĂ­ces de la felicidad, segĂşn la mĂ­stica dominicana (el Maestro Eckhart y Enrique Suso)

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    La llamada “mística renana” –designación frecuente en ámbitos francófonos– o “mística alemana”, más propiamente debería designarse como “mística dominicana”; pues se trata de la escuela de pensamiento y de espiritualidad que surge y se desarrolla en la provincia dominicana de Teutonia, en el siglo XIV (provincia religiosa que se extendía por Teutonia, con una extensión mucho mayor que la Alemania actual), y cuyos principales representantes son el Maestro Eckhart, Enrique Suso o Susón y Juan Tauler, todos ellos frailes dominicos.Palabras clave: mística, mística renana, felicidad, Eckhart, Suso