42 research outputs found

    Co chromosomy mówią o ewolucji roślin?

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    Plants vary enonnously in their genome size, structure, organization and the chromosome number and shape as a consequence of millions years of evolution. Comparative cytogenetic analysis of different karyotypes indicated significant contribution ofchromosomal rearrangements to plant evolution. Chromosomal rearrangements such as inversion, translocation and duplication are common. They range from the part of a gene to chromosomal fragment and very often they are difficull for detection with traditional cytogenetic methods. Recent development of molecular cytogenetic techniques opened new possibilities for ana lysis of chromosome structure. Locali­zation of various DNA sequences, especially repetitive sequences, and recently BAC clones, enabled identification of particular chromosomes or whole genomes in nucleus of many plant species. These investigations have provided new data on chromosomal rearrangements and on great importance ofpolyploidization and diploidization processes in plant evolution. Molecular and cytological technologies have revealed many novel paleopolyploids, which have been traditionally considered as diploids. The most of angiospenns have experienced polyploidiza­tion in their evolutionary bistory. On the other hand, genetic and epigenetic modifications are leading factors promoting genetic diploidization. Five processes: polyploidization, transposon amplification, chromosome breakage, unequal homologous recombination, and illegitimate recombination are considered as the major mechanisms generating chromosomal variation during evolution. Polish cytogenetics has significant contribution to plant genome investigation. Karyotyping and genome size analyses have been developed in many laboratories. Chromosome engineering techniques were introduced to basie studies and plant breeding programs. Nowadays the newest techniques of molecular cytogenetics are widely applied to phylogenetic investigations

    Assessment of recurrence of non-small cell lung cancer after therapy using CT and Integrated PET/CT

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    WSTĘP: Niedrobnokomórkowy rak płuca (NDRP) jest wiodącą przyczyną zgonów spowodowanych chorobami nowotworowymi w Polsce. Kontrola pacjentów po leczeniu raka płuca ma na celu wczesne wykrycie wznowy miejscowej, rozsiewu procesu nowotworowego, powikłań po leczeniu. Istotne jest też wczesne wykrycie kolejnego nowotworu.W pracy badano przydatność metody PET-CT w ocenie nawrotu NDRP po leczeniu.MATERIAŁ I METODY: Do badania włączono retrospektywnie 72 pacjentów (19 kobiet, 56 mężczyzn) z NDRP w stopniu zaawansowania I–IV poddanych leczeniu operacyjnemu i/lub radioterapii. Niektórzy z nich byli poddani chemioterapii. Radiogram klatki piersiowej i/lub badanie TK lokalizowały zmiany podejrzane o wznowę przed badaniem PET-CT. Wszyscy pacjenci mieli wykonane badanie TK i PET-CT pomiędzy styczniem 2008 roku a styczniem 2012 roku. Badania PET-CT interpretowano w zestawieniu z badaniami TK. Następnie wyniki zestawiono z badaniem histopatologicznym.WYNIKI: Wśród badanych pacjentów u 45 potwierdzono nawrót raka płuca, u 3 obecność drugiego raka płuca. Wznowa występowała częściej u mężczyzn niż u kobiet oraz u chorych, u których stwierdzono zatory z komórek nowotworowych w naczyniach guza. U 4 chorych rozpoznanie wznowy na podstawie PET-CT nie zostało potwierdzone podczas dalszej diagnostyki. Dotyczyło to przede wszystkim chorych, u których ostatecznie rozpoznano zmiany o etiologii zapalnej. Dokładność badania PET-CT u pacjentów badanych pod kątem nawrotu raka płuca wyniosła 94,4% (95% CI 91; 100).WNIOSKI: FDG PET-CT pozwoliło u większości pacjentów odróżnić zmiany nowotworowe od zmian zapalnych po przebytym leczeniu. W pracy wykazano, że PET-CT jest bardziej dokładne od metody TK w ocenie nawrotu raka płuca. Badanie PET-CT ma istotne znaczenie w postępowaniu klinicznym i planowaniu leczenia.INTRODUCTION: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has become the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Poland. Follow-up of patients with NSCLC is aimed at early detection of local recurrence, metastatic process, treatment-related complications or second primary lung cancer. We investigated the diagnostic accuracy of FDG-PET-CT in the detection of recurrence of NSCLC after treatment.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seventy-two NSCLC patients (19 females, 56 males), stage I to IV, who had undergone surgery and/ /or radiation therapy, occasionally associated with chemotherapy, were retrospectively included in our study. Chest radiographs and thoracic computed tomography (CT) were performed to localize the abnormality prior to PET-CT. All the patients underwent CT and PET-CT in the period from January 2008 until January 2012. All PET images were interpreted in conjunction with thoracic CT. PET-CT and CT diagnoses were correlated with pathological diagnoses.RESULTS: Forty-five patients had recurrent tumour. Tumour recurrence was observed more often in men than in women and also in case of neoplastic cell emboli in lymphatic or blood vessels. In three patients second primary lung cancer was diagnosed. False positive diagnosis of relapse based on PET-CT was obtained in 4 patients, mainly due to inflammatory lesions. The accuracy of PET-CT for diagnosis of recurrence was 94.4% (95% CI 91; 100).CONCLUSIONS: FDG PET-CT was the best method to differentiate recurrent bronchogenic carcinoma from inflammatory lesions, especially at post-therapeutic sites. It has been shown that PET-CT is more accurate method than CT in recurrent NSCLC. PET-CT results had a further impact on the clinical management and treatment planning

    Evidence-based medicine, a case report of adenocarcinoma of the lung

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    Powszechna dostępność charakteryzujących się wysoką jakością badań wielorzędowych aparatów do tomografii komputerowej przyniosła znaczący wzrost wykrywania pojedynczych guzków płuca. Zważywszy na wysoką zapadalność na raka płuca i stale niezadowalające wyniki leczenia, możliwość wykrywania zmian mało zaawansowanych, poddających się doszczętnej resekcji, budziły duże nadzieje. Wykorzystywana w badaniach przesiewowych nisko­dawkowa tomografia komputerowa klatki piersiowej wskazuje na obecność pojedynczych guzków płuca nawet u 50% palących papierosy osób powyżej 50 roku życia. Biorąc pod uwagę istotność problemu klinicznego, kluczowe jest ustalenie optymalnego sposobu diagnostyki pojedynczych guzków płuca. Pomocne w tym zakresie mogą być wytyczne American College of Chest Physcians. Wskazują one, iż w dokładnym oszacowaniu prawdopodobieństwa złośliwości zmiany należy oprzeć się na doświadczeniu klinicznym bądź też użyć jednego ze zweryfikowanych modeli typu Bayesian analysis. W poniższej pracy przedstawiamy przypadek chorego z pojedynczym guzkiem płuca, wskazując na rozbieżności decyzji diagnostycznych i terapeutycznych opartych na doświadczeniu diagnostów i klinicystów oraz wytycznych opartych na badaniach „kohortowych”.Common access to high resolution computed tomography has increased the early detection of solitary lung nodules. The incidence of lung cancer is high with poor outcomes in the advanced stages of the disease. The best prognosis is achieved with complete surgical resection of a solitary small lung nodule. Low-dose computed tomography used as the screening test reveals solitary nodule in up to 50% of cigarettes smokers above 50 years of age. The guidelines of American College of Chest Physicians can be a helpful method to assess the potential malignancy of a nodule. Clinical experience and Bayesian analysis should be considered in a case of a suspected lung nodule on CT scans. We present the case of a patient with a solitary lung nodule, and emphasise discrepancies between diagnostic and clinical assessment based on the evidence-based medicine guidelines

    P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptor cross-talk in calcium signalling: Evidence from nonstarved and long-term serum-deprived glioma C6 cells

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    The current work presents results of experiments on the calcium response evoked by the stimulation by extracellular nucleotides occurring in control, nonstarved glioma C6 cells and in cells after long-term (96 h) serum starvation. Three nucleotide receptors were studied: P2Y1, P2Y2 and P2Y12. Two of them, P2Y1 and P2Y2, directly stimulate calcium response. The protein level of the P2Y2 receptor did not change during the serum starvation, while P2Y1 protein level fell dramatically. Observed changes in the calcium response generated by P2Y1 are directly correlated with the receptor protein level as well as with the amount of calcium present in the intracellular calcium stores, partially depleted during starvation process. The third receptor, P2Y12, did not directly evoke calcium response, however it is activated by the same ligand as P2Y1. The experiments with AR-C69941MX, the P2Y12-specific antagonist, indicated that in control and serum-starved cells, calcium response evoked by P2Y1 receptor is potentiated by the activity of P2Y12-dependent signaling pathways. This potentiation may be mediated by P2Y12 inhibitory effect on the plasma membrane calcium pump. The calcium influx enhanced by the cooperation of P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptor activity directly depends on the capacitative calcium entrance mechanism

    Role of Donor Activating KIR–HLA Ligand–Mediated NK Cell Education Status in Control of Malignancy in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients

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    AbstractSome cancers treated with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) are sensitive to natural killer cell (NK) reactivity. NK function depends on activating and inhibitory receptors and is modified by NK education/licensing effect and mediated by coexpression of inhibitory killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) and its corresponding HLA I ligand. We assessed activating KIR (aKIR)-based HLA I–dependent education capacity in donor NKs in 285 patients with hematological malignancies after HSCT from unrelated donors. We found significantly adverse progression-free survival (PFS) and time to progression (TTP) in patients who received transplant from donors with NKs educated by C1:KIR2DS2/3, C2:KIR2DS1, or Bw4:KIR3DS1 pairs (for PFS: hazard ratio [HR], 1.70; P = .0020, Pcorr = .0039; HR, 1.54; P = .020, Pcorr = .039; HR, 1.51; P = .020, Pcorr = .040; and for TTP: HR, 1.82; P = .049, Pcorr = .096; HR, 1.72; P = .096, Pcorr = .18; and HR, 1.65; P = .11, Pcorr = .20, respectively). Reduced PFS and TTP were significantly dependent on the number of aKIR-based education systems in donors (HR, 1.36; P = .00031, Pcorr = .00062; and HR, 1.43; P = .019, Pcorr = .038). Furthermore, the PFS and TTP were strongly adverse in patients with missing HLA ligand cognate with educating aKIR-HLA pair in donor (HR, 3.25; P = .00022, Pcorr = .00045; and HR, 3.82; P = .027, Pcorr = .054). Together, these data suggest important qualitative and quantitative role of donor NK education via aKIR-cognate HLA ligand pairs in the outcome of HSCT. Avoiding the selection of transplant donors with high numbers of aKIR-HLA-based education systems, especially for recipients with missing cognate ligand, is advisable

    P2 nucleotide receptors on C2C12 satellite cells

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    In developing muscle cells environmental stimuli transmitted by purines binding to the specific receptors are crucial proliferation regulators. C2C12 myoblasts express numerous purinergic receptors representing both main classes: P2X and P2Y. Among P2Y receptors we have found the expression of P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6 and P2Y12 family members while among P2X receptors P2X4, P2X5 and P2X7 were discovered. We have been able to show that activation of those receptors is responsible for ERK class kinase activity, responsible for regulation of cell proliferation pathway. We have also demonstrated that this activity is calcium dependent suggesting Ca2+ ions as secondary messenger between receptor and kinase regulatory system. More specifically, we do suspect that in C2C12 myoblasts calcium channels of P2X receptors, particularly P2X5 play the main role in proliferation regulation. In further development of myoblasts into myotubes, when proliferation is gradually inhibited, the pattern of P2 receptors is changed. This phenomenon is followed by diminishing of the P2Y2-dependent Ca2+ signaling, while the mRNA expression of P2Y2 receptor reminds still on the high level. Moreover, P2X2 receptor mRNA, absent in myoblasts appears in myotubes. These data show that differentiation of C2C12 cell line satellite myoblasts is accompanied by changes in P2 receptors expression pattern

    A new approach to ticagrelor-based de-escalation of antiplatelet therapy after acute coronary syndrome. A rationale for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, investigator-initiated, multicenter clinical study

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    © 2021 Via Medica. This article is available in open access under Creative Common Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/The risk of ischemic events gradually decreases after acute coronary syndrome (ACS), reaching a stable level after 1 month, while the risk of bleeding remains steady during the whole period of dual antiplatelet treatment (DAPT). Several de-escalation strategies of antiplatelet treatment aiming to enhance safety of DAPT without depriving it of its efficacy have been evaluated so far. We hypothesized that reduction of the ticagrelor maintenance dose 1 month after ACS and its continuation until 12 months after ACS may improve adherence to antiplatelet treatment due to better tolerability compared with the standard dose of ticagrelor. Moreover, improved safety of treatment and preserved anti-ischemic benefit may also be expected with additional acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) withdrawal. To evaluate these hypotheses, we designed the Evaluating Safety and Efficacy of Two Ticagrelor-based De-escalation Antiplatelet Strategies in Acute Coronary Syndrome — a randomized clinical trial (ELECTRA-SIRIO 2), to assess the influence of ticagrelor dose reduction with or without continuation of ASA versus DAPT with standard dose ticagrelor in reducing clinically relevant bleeding and main-taining anti-ischemic efficacy in ACS patients. The study was designed as a phase III, randomized, multicenter, double-blind, investigator-initiated clinical study with a 12-month follow-up.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Lipids and signal transduction in the nucleus.

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    During the last few years a growing amount of data has accumulated showing phospholipid participation in nuclear signal transduction. Very recent data strongly support the hypothesis that signal transduction in the nucleus is autonomic. Local production of inositol polyphosphates, beginning with the activation of phospholipase C is required for their specific function in the nucleus. Enzymes which modify polyphosphoinositols may control gene expression. Much less information is available about the role of other lipids in nuclear signal transduction. The aim of this minireview is to stress what is currently known about nuclear lipids with respect to nuclear signal transduction