65 research outputs found

    Analisis Aktivitas Dari Jamur Endofit Yang Terdapat Dalam Tumbuhan Bakau Avicennia Marina Di Tasik Ria Minahasa

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    Endofit dapat diartikan sebagai mikroba yang hidup berkoloni dalam jaringan internal tumbuhan tanpa menyebabkan efek yang merugikan secara langsung pada tumbuhan tersebut. Organisme endofitik memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk dieksploitasi dan menghasilkan produk alami baru yang bermanfaat di bidang kedokteran, pertanian, dan industri. Pada sisi yang lain kebutuhan terhadap obat-obatan baru yang membantu umat manusia melawan pelbagai penyakit tidak pernah berhenti, hal ini disebabkan adanya resistensi bakteri, infeksi virus, insidensi infeksi jamur, berbagai jenis tumor, infeksi parasit dan protozoa, di dalam populasi dunia sekarang ini sebagai akibat ketidakmampuan kita untuk mengatasi tidak hanya problematika kesehatan. Indonesia sebagai daerah tropis dengan keanekaragaman hayati yang cukup besar, di lain pihak, perlawanan endofit di ekosistem daerah tropis melawan organisme patogen dan predator cukup besar, sumber daya yang terbatas dan tekanan seleksi alam sangat tinggi. Hal ini menimbulkan kemungkinan besar bahwa endofit di daerah tropis seperti di negara kita merupakan sumber struktur senyawa baru dengan aktivitas biologis yang menarik untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan obat baru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian untuk mencari kandidat obat-obatan baru yang difokuskan pada kandidat bahan obat yang memiliki potensi antibakteri dan antikanker. Tumbuhan bakau Avicennia marina diambil dari Pantai Tasik Ria. Jamur endofit diisolasi hingga diperoleh 2 isolat galur murni Aspergillus sp. dan Acremonium sp. Kedua isolat kemudian diuji aktivitasnya terhadap bakteri patogen Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli dengan menggunakan metode ko-kultivasi. Acremonium sp. memiliki aktivitas antibakteri yang lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan jamur Aspergillus sp. terhadap bakteri S. aureus, sedangkan Aspergillus sp. menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri yang tinggi terhadap bakteri E. coli


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    In general, water conditions surrounding Bunaken Island are not separated from the liquid waste disposal, for example: bathing, washing, latrines, and landfills. Based on this, the research was conducted to determine the content of microorganisms Escherichia coli and coliform derived from liquid waste around Bunaken Island. The result showed the concentrations of E. coli were point (TS) I (<1 MPN / 100 ml), II (<1 MPN / 100 ml), and III (<1 MPN / 100 ml), and at the sampling point (TS) IV (1.0 MPN / 100 ml), V (1.0 MPN / 100 ml), and VI (1.0 MPN / 100 ml). Furthermore, coliform concentration has the similar valueat each sampling points (TS) I, II, III, IV, V, and VI with the amount of 2.0 MPN / 100 ml. The status around the Bunaken island on the comparison table between the this results and the standards of the Sea Quality Standard for Marine Tourism still qualifies or does not exceed the limits which stated in the creed of Minister ofEnviromental Affair Republic of Indonesia number 179 of 2004. Followed by Creed of Minister ofEnviromental Affair number 51 of 2004 on the Quality of Raw Water for Marine Biota, is categorized as the "proper" one of sea water quality for marine biota on the based ofEscherichia coli and coliform ratio.Keywords: Escherichia coli, coliform, air quality, Bunaken Island, North SulawesiPada umumnya, kondisi perairan yang berada di sekitar Pulau Bunaken tidak terlepas dari pembuangan limbah cair, misalnya : mandi, cuci dan kakus, serta tempat pembuangan sampah. Bertolak dari hal tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji keberadaan kualitas limbah cair dalam aspek mikroorganisme di perairan sekitar pulau Bunaken dengan mengukur konsentrasi Escherichia coli dan coliform.Konsentrasi Escherichia coli berturut-turut pada titik sampling (TS) I (<1 MPN/100 ml), II (<1 MPN/100 ml) , dan III (<1 MPN/100 ml), dan pada titik sampling (TS) IV (1,0 MPN/100 ml), V (1,0 MPN/100 ml) , dan VI (1,0 MPN/100 ml). Coliformmemiliki jumlah konsentrasi yang sama, yaitu berturut-turut pada titik sampling (TS) I, II, III, IV, V, dan VI dengan jumlah 2.0 MPN/100 ml.Status perairan sekitar pulau Bunaken pada tabel perbandingan antara hasil pengukuran dan standart Baku Mutu Air Laut Untuk Wisata Bahari, masih memenuhi syarat atau tidak melewati batas yang ditetapkan dalam KEPMEN L.H. No.179 tahun 2004.Sedangkan berdasarkan KEPMEN L.H. No.51 Tahun 2004 tentang Baku Mutu Air Laut Untuk Biota Laut, berada dalam kategori “layak” sebagai peruntukan air laut untuk biota laut, berdasarkan parameter Escherichia coli dan coliform.Kata Kunci :Escherichia coli, coliform, kualitas air, Pulau Bunaken, Sulawesi Utar

    Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Etanol Daun Srikaya (Annona Squamosa) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia Coli Dan Staphylococcus Aureus

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    : Srikaya leaf contains terpenoid, polyphenol, alkaloid, and flavonoid that can potentially be an antibacterial. This study was aimed to obtain the potency of srikaya leaf extract against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC25923) and Escherichia coli (ATCC11229). This was an experimental laboratory study using the Kirby-Bauer modified well diffusion technique in the Phytochemistry and Microbiology Laboratory of MIPA Faculty at Sam Ratulangi University. Srikaya leaf extract was obtained by using ethanol maceration technique. The concentrations of the extract were as follows: 50%, 25%, and 12.5%. Ciprofloxacin was used as the positive control while CMC as the negative one. The results showed that CMC did not have any inhibition zone around the well. Ciprofloxacin showed the largest mean diameters of inhibition zones: 35.78 mm against E.coli and 36.55 mm against S.aureus. The mean diameters of inhibition zones of Srikaya leaf extract 50% were 9.13 mm against E.coli and 13.78 mm against S.aureus. The mean diameters of inhibition zones of Srikaya leaf extract 25% were 7.8 mm against E.coli and 13.55 mm agaisnt S.aureus. Meanwhile, the mean diameters of inhibition zones of srikaya leaf extract 12.5% were 7.05 mm against E.coli and 11.31mm agaimst S.aureus. Conclusion: Srikaya leaf extract could potentially inhibit the growth of S.aureus and E.coli. The srikaya leaf extract could inhibit S.aureus more effectively than E.coli

    Uji Daya Hambat Jamur Endofit Rimpang Lengkuas (Alpinia Galanga L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia Coli Dan Staphylococcus Aureus

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    : Endophytic fungi could be used as an alternative antibiotic because it produced bioactive compounds, which are developed as basic ingredients for medicine such as antibiotic, antioxcide, anticancer. Endophytic fungi can be isolated from Rhizome of Alpinia galanga L. which is abundant in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to find the inhibiting zone of endophytic fungi rhizome of Alpinia galanga L. to the growth of Staphylococcus aueus and Escherichia coli. This was an experimental laboratory study using modified Kirby-Bauer well diffusion technique in Marine Pharmaceutical and Biology Molecular laboratory of FPIK faculty in Sam Ratulangi University. Endophytic fungi were produced by Rhizome of Alpinia galanga L. which are cultured in carbohydrate-rich media. Then, it produced various fungi isolate, which is being used for testing its bioactiy to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The results showed that only 2 isolates of endophytic fungi that have inhibitory and the range of the average value of inhibition zone endophytic fungi rhizome of Alpinia galanga L. against Staphylococcus aureus 19 mm to 21.3 mm, while the Escherichia coli 21.3 mm to 22.3 mm. Conclusion: Endophytic fungi Rhizome of Alpinia galanga L. could inhibit the bacterial growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli


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    Phyllidiella nigra is an organism that is suspected to have secondary metabolites because their ability to develop its self defense system by camouflage and using chemical compounds derived from their nature diet as deterrent against their predators. The purpose of this study was to isolate symbiotic bacterial derived from P. nigra, extracted and followed by, the antibacterial assays against Escherichia coli and Bacillus megaterium as well as the anti-UV assay. The results showed that the five isolates tested had an antibacterial activity with the highest average inhibition zone against E. coli DSM 498 bacteria, isolate 1 (14.67 mm), isolate 5 (14 mm), and against B. Megaterium DSM 32T bacteria, isolate 3 (13.33 mm). The three isolates which had the highest inhibition zone and P. nigra extract were tested for anti-UV assay using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The results obtained isolate 3 has absorption of UV-A with the UV absorbtion maximum at λ 340 nm and P. nigra extract has absorption on UV-B radiation with UV absorption maximum at λ 290 nm. Key words: Nudibranchia, Bacteria, Anti-bacteial, Anti-UV Phyllidiella nigra merupakan organisme yang diduga memiliki metabolit sekunder karena mampu mengembangkan sistem pertahanan dirinya dengan cara kamuflase dan menggunakan senyawa kimia sebagai racun yang didapat dari makanannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan isolat bakteri yang bersimbiosis dengan P. nigra, mendapatkan ekstrak dari baktri simbion, dan menguji antibakteri dan anti-UV ekstrak etil aseta bakteri simbion dengan metode difusi agar terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli dan Bacillus megaterium. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kelima isolat yang diuji memiliki aktivitas antibakteri dengan rerata zona hambat tertinggi terhadap bakteri E. coli DSM 498 yaitu isolat 1 (14,67 mm), isolat 5 (14 mm), dan terhadap baktri B. megaterium DSM 32T yaitu isolat 3 (13,33 mm). Ketiga isolat yang memiliki zona hambat tertinggi dan ekstrak P. nigra diujikan anti-UV menggunakan alat UV-Vis Spektrofotometer. Hasil yang didapat isolat 3 memiliki serapan terhadap radiasi sinar UV-A dengan puncak tertinggi pada λ 340 nm dan ekstrak P. nigra memiliki serapan terhadap radiasi sinar UV-B dengan puncak tertinggi berada pada λ 290 nm. Kata kunci: Nudibranchia, Bacteria, Anti-bacteial, Anti-U

    Analisis Senyawa Antibiotik Dari Jamur Simbion Yang Terdapat Dalam Ascidians Didemnum Molle Di Sekitar Perairan Bunaken-Sulawesi Utara

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    Endosymbiont can be interpreted as microbes that live in colonies in the internal tissues of other higher organisms without causing adverse effects directly on the its host. Endosymbiont organisms have a huge potential to be exploited as a new natural products that are useful in medicine, agriculture, and industry. This research is focused on the antibacterial potential. Ascidians Didemnum moll speciments were collected from Manado waters. The fungal isolates were purified followed by screening their antibacterial activity towards Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this study we isolated 3 fungal specimens Acremonium sp. (ADMB-1, 2 and 3). Three isolates showed potential antibacterial activity. Together with the fungal isolates, we also isolated Bacillus galacosidilyticus from the same host. This bacterial isolate also show antibacterial potency

    Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Melati (Jasminum Sambac) Pada Penyembuhan Luka Insisi Kelinci (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)

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    : Flowers and leaves of jasmine (Jasminum sambac) have chemical substances that contain phytoconstituents such as alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, terpenoids and flavonoids. Flavonoid, an antioxidant, plays some importnat roles in wound healing due to their antibacterial effect. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of jasmine leaf extract on incision wound healing in rabbits. This was an experimental study using three rabbits as test subjects. Wounds of 0.3 cm depth, 5 cm length, and 0.5 cm widened at both ends of the wound were made on the right and left sides of the back. Incised wound on the left side was treated with jasmine leaf extract ointment meanwhile the wound on the right side was untreated and was covered only with sterile gauze. Wounds were observed for two weeks to evaluate the changes of macroscopical length. The results showed that wounds treated with jasmine leaf extract ointment shrank and their edges united with the surrounding tissues faster than the untreated wounds. Conclusion: Jasmine leaf extract ointment accelerated incised wound healing in rabbits

    Acquisition of Tidal Measurement Data in The Waters Around Bitung City For Predictional Purposes: Akuisisi Data Pengukuran Pasang Surut di Perairan Sekitar Kota Bitung Untuk Keperluan Prediksi

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    The existence of the waters around the city of Bitung with all its intensive utilization makes information regarding tidal conditions very important to continue to study. In the waters around Bitung City, there are two tidal measurement stations, the BMKG station, and the IOC station. This research was conducted to analyze the accuracy of tide prediction results based on measurement data at two tide stations located in the waters around Bitung City. The research was conducted by applying the least squares method to calculate the amplitude and phase of the tidal harmonic constants, followed by predicting tidal data. The result was that the most accurate predictions were obtained through a study of tidal data from IOC measurement stations in March–April 2021 with an average deviation of 4.35 cm. However, tide predictions using BMKG measurement station data are more consistent with an average deviation of ± 5 cm, compared to the average deviation of tide predictions from IOC measuring stations which vary from 4.35 – 27.67 cm. Keywords: Tidal prediction, Tidal constants, Tidal amplitude, Mean sea level Abstrak Keberadaan perairan sekitar Kota Bitung dengan semua pemanfaatan intensifnya menyebabkan informasi menyangkut kondisi pasang surut sangat penting untuk terus dikaji.  Di perairan sekitar Kota Bitung terdapat dua stasiun pengukuran pasang surut, yaitu stasiun BMKG dan stasiun IOC.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan menganalisis akurasi hasil prediksi  pasut berdasarkan data hasil pengukuran di dua stasiun pasut yang berlokasi di perairan sekitar Kota Bitung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode kuadrat terkecil untuk menghitung amplitudo dan fase konstanta harmonik pasang surut, dilanjutkan dengan melakukan prediksi data pasut. Hasilnya diperoleh bahwa prediksi yang paling akurat diperoleh melalui kajian data pasut stasiun pengukuran IOC pada bulan Maret–April 2021 dengan deviasi rata-rata sebesar 4,35 cm.  Walaupun demikian prediksi pasut menggunakan data stasiun pengukuran BMKG lebih konsisten dengan deviasi rata-rata ± 5 cm, dibandingkan dengan deviasi rata-rata prediksi pasut stasiun pengukuran IOC yang bervariasi dari 4,35 – 27,67 cm. Kata Kunci : Prediksi pasut, Konstanta pasut, Amplitudo pasut, Duduk tengah muka lau
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