97 research outputs found

    Eliminating the effects of motion during radiofrequency lesion delivery using a novel contact-force controller.

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    INTRODUCTION: Catheter-tissue contact force is a determinant of radiofrequency (RF) ablation lesion effectiveness. However, ablation on a beating heart is subject to force variability, making it difficult to optimally deliver consistently durable and transmural lesions. This work evaluates improvements in contact force stability and lesion reproducibility by using a catheter contact-force controller (CFC) during lesion delivery in vitro and in vivo. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using a sheath and force-sensing catheter, an experienced operator attempted to maintain a constant force of 20 g at targets within the atria and left ventricle of a pig manually and using the CFC; the average force and contact-force variation (CFV) achieved using each approach were compared. Ablation lesions (20 W, 30 seconds, 17 mL/min irrigation) were created in bovine tissue samples mounted on a platform programmed to reproduce clinically relevant motion. CFC-assisted lesions were delivered to stationary and moving tissue with forces of 5 to 35  g. Mimicking manual intervention, lesions were also delivered to moving tissue while the CFC was disabled. Resultant lesion volumes were compared using two-way analysis of variance. When using the CFC, the average force was within 1 g of the set level, with a CFV less than 5 g, during both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Reproducible and statistically identical (P = .82) lesion volumes proportional to the set force were achieved in both stationary and moving tissue when the CFC was used. CONCLUSIONS: CFC assistance maintains constant force in vivo and removes effect of motion on lesion volume during RF lesion delivery

    Exploring the neurological substrate of emotional and social intelligence.

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    Summary The somatic marker hypothesis posits that de®cits in emotional signalling (somatic states) lead to poor judgment in decision-making, especially in the personal and social realms. Similar to this hypothesis is the concept of emotional intelligence, which has been de®ned as an array of emotional and social abilities, competencies and skills that enable individuals to cope with daily demands and be more effective in their personal and social life. Patients with lesions to the ventromedial (VM) prefrontal cortex have defective somatic markers and tend to exercise poor judgment in decision-making, which is especially manifested in the disadvantageous choices they typically make in their personal lives and in the ways in which they relate with others. Furthermore, lesions to the amygdala or insular cortices, especially on the right side, also compromise somatic state activation and decision-making. This suggests that the VM, amygdala and insular regions are part of a neural system involved in somatic state activation and decision-making. We hypothesized that the severe impairment of these patients in real-life decisionmaking and an inability to cope effectively with environmental and social demands would be re¯ected in an abnormal level of emotional and social intelligence. Twelve patients with focal, stable bilateral lesions of the VM cortex or with right unilateral lesions of the amygdala or the right insular cortices, were tested on the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), a standardized psychometric measure of various aspects of emotional and social intelligence. We also examined these patients with various other procedures designed to measure decision-making (the Gambling Task), social functioning, as well as personality changes and psychopathology; standardized neuropsychological tests were applied to assess their cognitive intelligence, executive functioning, perception and memory as well. Their results were compared with those of 11 patients with focal, stable lesions in structures outside the neural circuitry thought to mediate somatic state activation and decision-making. Only patients with lesions in the somatic marker circuitry revealed signi®cantly low emotional intelligence and poor judgment in decision-making as well as disturbances in social functioning, in spite of normal levels of cognitive intelligence (IQ) and the absence of psychopathology based on DSM-IV criteria. The ®ndings provide preliminary evidence suggesting that emotional and social intelligence is different from cognitive intelligence. We suggest, moreover, that the neural systems supporting somatic state activation and personal judgment in decision-making may overlap with critical components of a neural circuitry subserving emotional and social intelligence, independent of the neural system supporting cognitive intelligence

    The RNA polymerase II subunit Rpb4p mediates decay of a specific class of mRNAs

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    It is commonly appreciated that the mRNA level is determined by the balance between its synthetic and decay kinetics. Yet, little is known about coordination between these distinct processes. A major pathway of the eukaryotic mRNA decay initiates with shortening of the mRNA poly(A) tail (deadenylation), followed by removal of the mRNA 5′ cap structure and its subsequent exonucleolytic degradation. Here we report that a subunit of RNA polymerase II, Rpb4p, is required for the decay of a class of mRNAs whose products are involved in protein synthesis. Cells lacking RPB4 are defective in the deadenylation and post-deadenylation steps of representatives of this class of mRNAs. Moreover, Rpb4p interacts with both the mRNP and with subunits of the mRNA decay complex Pat1/Lsm1–7 that enhances decapping. Consistently, a portion of Rpb4p is localized in P bodies, where mRNA decapping and degradation is executed, and mutations in RPB4 increase the number of P bodies per cell. We propose that Rpb4p has a dual function in mRNA decay. It promotes or enhances the deadenylation process of specific mRNAs and recruits Pat1/Lsm1–7 to these mRNAs, thus stimulating their decapping and further decay. In this way, Rpb4p might link the activity of the basal transcription apparatus with that of the mRNA decay machinery
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