856 research outputs found

    The limiting behavior of some infinitely divisible exponential dispersion models

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    Consider an exponential dispersion model (EDM) generated by a probability μ \mu on [0,)[0,\infty ) which is infinitely divisible with an unbounded L\'{e}vy measure ν\nu . The Jorgensen set (i.e., the dispersion parameter space) is then R+\mathbb{R}^{+}, in which case the EDM is characterized by two parameters: θ0\theta _{0} the natural parameter of the associated natural exponential family and the Jorgensen (or dispersion) parameter tt. Denote by EDM(θ0,t)EDM(\theta _{0},t) the corresponding distribution and let YtY_{t} is a r.v. with distribution EDM(θ0,t)EDM(\theta_0,t). Then if ν((x,))logx\nu ((x,\infty ))\sim -\ell \log x around zero we prove that the limiting law F0F_0 of Ytt Y_{t}^{-t} as t0t\rightarrow 0 is of a Pareto type (not depending on θ0 \theta_0) with the form F0(u)=0F_0(u)=0 for u<1u<1 and 1u1-u^{-\ell } for u1 u\geq 1. Such a result enables an approximation of the distribution of Yt Y_{t} for relatively small values of the dispersion parameter of the corresponding EDM. Illustrative examples are provided.Comment: 8 page

    Monte Carlo Methods for Insurance Risk Computation

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    In this paper we consider the problem of computing tail probabilities of the distribution of a random sum of positive random variables. We assume that the individual variables follow a reproducible natural exponential family (NEF) distribution, and that the random number has a NEF counting distribution with a cubic variance function. This specific modelling is supported by data of the aggregated claim distribution of an insurance company. Large tail probabilities are important as they reflect the risk of large losses, however, analytic or numerical expressions are not available. We propose several simulation algorithms which are based on an asymptotic analysis of the distribution of the counting variable and on the reproducibility property of the claim distribution. The aggregated sum is simulated efficiently by importancesampling using an exponential cahnge of measure. We conclude by numerical experiments of these algorithms.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Slow Dynamics in a Two-Dimensional Anderson-Hubbard Model

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    We study the real-time dynamics of a two-dimensional Anderson--Hubbard model using nonequilibrium self-consistent perturbation theory within the second-Born approximation. When compared with exact diagonalization performed on small clusters, we demonstrate that for strong disorder this technique approaches the exact result on all available timescales, while for intermediate disorder, in the vicinity of the many-body localization transition, it produces quantitatively accurate results up to nontrivial times. Our method allows for the treatment of system sizes inaccessible by any numerically exact method and for the complete elimination of finite size effects for the times considered. We show that for a sufficiently strong disorder the system becomes nonergodic, while for intermediate disorder strengths and for all accessible time scales transport in the system is strictly subdiffusive. We argue that these results are incompatible with a simple percolation picture, but are consistent with the heuristic random resistor network model where subdiffusion may be observed for long times until a crossover to diffusion occurs. The prediction of slow finite-time dynamics in a two-dimensional interacting and disordered system can be directly verified in future cold atoms experimentsComment: Title change and minor changes in the tex

    Time-dependent variational principle in matrix-product state manifolds: pitfalls and potential

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    We study the applicability of the time-dependent variational principle in matrix product state manifolds for the long time description of quantum interacting systems. By studying integrable and nonintegrable systems for which the long time dynamics are known we demonstrate that convergence of long time observables is subtle and needs to be examined carefully. Remarkably, for the disordered nonintegrable system we consider the long time dynamics are in good agreement with the rigorously obtained short time behavior and with previous obtained numerically exact results, suggesting that at least in this case the apparent convergence of this approach is reliable. Our study indicates that while great care must be exercised in establishing the convergence of the method, it may still be asymptotically accurate for a class of disordered nonintegrable quantum systems.Comment: We trade the discussion of a diffusive integrable system in favor of a discussion of diffusive nonintegrable system, which better highlights the outcome of our wor

    On the small-time behavior of subordinators

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    We prove several results on the behavior near t=0 of YttY_t^{-t} for certain (0,)(0,\infty)-valued stochastic processes (Yt)t>0(Y_t)_{t>0}. In particular, we show for L\'{e}vy subordinators that the Pareto law on [1,)[1,\infty) is the only possible weak limit and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence. More generally, we also consider the weak convergence of tL(Yt)tL(Y_t) as t0t\to0 for a decreasing function LL that is slowly varying at zero. Various examples demonstrating the applicability of the results are presented.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/11-BEJ363 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm