3 research outputs found
Some Aspects of Wood Use in the Architecture of Lithuania in the Soviet Period
<p>The paper analyses wood use in a certain period of time. It is maintained that wood was used only for the smallest dwelling houses in the first decades of the soviet period. It is noted that, though until the end of the 7<sup>th</sup> decade there were many attempts to find coherence with traditional folk architecture, wood as a building material was practically replaced by other materials. However, at the end of the 7<sup>th</sup> decade worldwide ideas of regionalism „genius loci“ and modernism again encouraged the architects of Lithuania to use wood. Since that time the typology of wooden or partly wooden buildings and their geography expanded. <br />Although the soviet wooden architecture is spare, it is exclusive, interesting and important in the history of the Lithuanian architecture and demands more attention of researchers.</p><p>Article in Lithuanian</p
In soviet Lithuania standard single-family housing projects have been actively developed and constantly improved. It was possible to identify about 40 different standard housing projects in Lithuania’s rural areas in the early eighties. However, it was not an easy task for a family to build their own house. The construction was hampered by the lack of permanent materials and priority queues, according to which plots were distributed. Also one must take notice that the construction of single-family homes was totally prohibited in major cities. Before setting in the prohibition in the 60s, one could recognize standard housing exploiting traditional materials – brick, wood, as well as adapting architectural features of interwar housing. Meanwhile, the rural areas started to experiment with the design of industrially prefabricated homes. These attributes of, so far poorly, investigated typology are one of the components forming a standard single- family house in modern day Lithuania. The objective of the paper is to define the peculiarities of standard single-family housing development in the soviet era, with a focus on socio-political factors which determined the direction and attributes of a typical design.
Tipiniai vienbučių gyvenamųjų namų projektai sovietinėje Lietuvoje buvo aktyviai rengiami ir tobulinami. Devintojo dešimtmečio pradžioje Lietuvos kaimo vietovėse buvo galima identifikuoti apie 40 skirtingų tipinių namų projektų. Tačiau ne kiekvienas pilietis galėjo namą pagal tokį projektą pasistatyti. Statybas varžė nuolatinis medžiagų trūkumas, prioritetinės eilės, pagal kurią buvo dalijami sklypai, sudarymo sąlygos, galiausiai draudimas statyti vienbučius namus didžiuosiuose miestuose. Miestuose iki įsigaliojant statybos draudimui vyravo tradicinės statybos namai – mūriniai, mediniai, o jų raiška turėjo tarpukario architektūros bruožų. Tuo tarpu kaimo vietovėse imta eksperimentuoti projektuojant industrinius surenkamus namus. Šios, iki šiol menkai nagrinėtos, tipologijos bruožai yra viena iš dedamųjų, formuojančių šiuolaikinį tipinį gyvenamąjį namą Lietuvoje. Tiriamojo darbo tikslas – nustatyti tipinių vienbučių raidos savitumus sovietmečiu, atkreipiant dėmesį į kertinius socio-politinius veiksnius, nulėmusius tipinio projektavimo kryptis ir bruožus.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: tipinis projektas, vienbutis gyvenamasis namas, greitai surenkamas namas, sovietmečio architektūra