9,046 research outputs found

    Longitudinal flying qualities criteria for single-pilot instrument flight operations

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    Modern estimation and control theory, flight testing, and statistical analysis were used to deduce flying qualities criteria for General Aviation Single Pilot Instrument Flight Rule (SPIFR) operations. The principal concern is that unsatisfactory aircraft dynamic response combined with high navigation/communication workload can produce problems of safety and efficiency. To alleviate these problems. The relative importance of these factors must be determined. This objective was achieved by flying SPIFR tasks with different aircraft dynamic configurations and assessing the effects of such variations under these conditions. The experimental results yielded quantitative indicators of pilot's performance and workload, and for each of them, multivariate regression was applied to evaluate several candidate flying qualities criteria

    Minimal parameter solution of the orthogonal matrix differential equation

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    As demonstrated in this work, all orthogonal matrices solve a first order differential equation. The straightforward solution of this equation requires n sup 2 integrations to obtain the element of the nth order matrix. There are, however, only n(n-1)/2 independent parameters which determine an orthogonal matrix. The questions of choosing them, finding their differential equation and expressing the orthogonal matrix in terms of these parameters are considered. Several possibilities which are based on attitude determination in three dimensions are examined. It is shown that not all 3-D methods have useful extensions to higher dimensions. It is also shown why the rate of change of the matrix elements, which are the elements of the angular rate vector in 3-D, are the elements of a tensor of the second rank (dyadic) in spaces other than three dimensional. It is proven that the 3-D Gibbs vector (or Cayley Parameters) are extendable to other dimensions. An algorithm is developed employing the resulting parameters, which are termed Extended Rodrigues Parameters, and numerical results are presented of the application of the algorithm to a fourth order matrix

    Quaternion normalization in additive EKF for spacecraft attitude determination

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    This work introduces, examines, and compares several quaternion normalization algorithms, which are shown to be an effective stage in the application of the additive extended Kalman filter (EKF) to spacecraft attitude determination, which is based on vector measurements. Two new normalization schemes are introduced. They are compared with one another and with the known brute force normalization scheme, and their efficiency is examined. Simulated satellite data are used to demonstrate the performance of all three schemes. A fourth scheme is suggested for future research. Although the schemes were tested for spacecraft attitude determination, the conclusions are general and hold for attitude determination of any three dimensional body when based on vector measurements, and use an additive EKF for estimation, and the quaternion for specifying the attitude

    Quaternion normalization in spacecraft attitude determination

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    Attitude determination of spacecraft usually utilizes vector measurements such as Sun, center of Earth, star, and magnetic field direction to update the quaternion which determines the spacecraft orientation with respect to some reference coordinates in the three dimensional space. These measurements are usually processed by an extended Kalman filter (EKF) which yields an estimate of the attitude quaternion. Two EKF versions for quaternion estimation were presented in the literature; namely, the multiplicative EKF (MEKF) and the additive EKF (AEKF). In the multiplicative EKF, it is assumed that the error between the correct quaternion and its a-priori estimate is, by itself, a quaternion that represents the rotation necessary to bring the attitude which corresponds to the a-priori estimate of the quaternion into coincidence with the correct attitude. The EKF basically estimates this quotient quaternion and then the updated quaternion estimate is obtained by the product of the a-priori quaternion estimate and the estimate of the difference quaternion. In the additive EKF, it is assumed that the error between the a-priori quaternion estimate and the correct one is an algebraic difference between two four-tuple elements and thus the EKF is set to estimate this difference. The updated quaternion is then computed by adding the estimate of the difference to the a-priori quaternion estimate. If the quaternion estimate converges to the correct quaternion, then, naturally, the quaternion estimate has unity norm. This fact was utilized in the past to obtain superior filter performance by applying normalization to the filter measurement update of the quaternion. It was observed for the AEKF that when the attitude changed very slowly between measurements, normalization merely resulted in a faster convergence; however, when the attitude changed considerably between measurements, without filter tuning or normalization, the quaternion estimate diverged. However, when the quaternion estimate was normalized, the estimate converged faster and to a lower error than with tuning only. In last years, symposium we presented three new AEKF normalization techniques and we compared them to the brute force method presented in the literature. The present paper presents the issue of normalization of the MEKF and examines several MEKF normalization techniques

    Fast Structuring of Radio Networks for Multi-Message Communications

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    We introduce collision free layerings as a powerful way to structure radio networks. These layerings can replace hard-to-compute BFS-trees in many contexts while having an efficient randomized distributed construction. We demonstrate their versatility by using them to provide near optimal distributed algorithms for several multi-message communication primitives. Designing efficient communication primitives for radio networks has a rich history that began 25 years ago when Bar-Yehuda et al. introduced fast randomized algorithms for broadcasting and for constructing BFS-trees. Their BFS-tree construction time was O(Dlog2n)O(D \log^2 n) rounds, where DD is the network diameter and nn is the number of nodes. Since then, the complexity of a broadcast has been resolved to be TBC=Θ(DlognD+log2n)T_{BC} = \Theta(D \log \frac{n}{D} + \log^2 n) rounds. On the other hand, BFS-trees have been used as a crucial building block for many communication primitives and their construction time remained a bottleneck for these primitives. We introduce collision free layerings that can be used in place of BFS-trees and we give a randomized construction of these layerings that runs in nearly broadcast time, that is, w.h.p. in TLay=O(DlognD+log2+ϵn)T_{Lay} = O(D \log \frac{n}{D} + \log^{2+\epsilon} n) rounds for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0. We then use these layerings to obtain: (1) A randomized algorithm for gathering kk messages running w.h.p. in O(TLay+k)O(T_{Lay} + k) rounds. (2) A randomized kk-message broadcast algorithm running w.h.p. in O(TLay+klogn)O(T_{Lay} + k \log n) rounds. These algorithms are optimal up to the small difference in the additive poly-logarithmic term between TBCT_{BC} and TLayT_{Lay}. Moreover, they imply the first optimal O(nlogn)O(n \log n) round randomized gossip algorithm

    A study of the Hartree-Fock model space for light deformed nuclei

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    Effects of altering truncated basis space used in Hartree Fock model for light deformed nucle

    Signature of heavy Majorana neutrinos at a linear collider: Enhanced charged Higgs pair production

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    A charged Higgs pair can be produced at an ee collider through a t-channel exchange of a heavy neutrino (N) via e^+ e^- -> H^+ H^- and, if N is a Majorana particle, also via the lepton number violating (LNV) like-sign reaction e^\pm e^\pm \to H^\pm H^\pm. Assuming no a-priori relation between the effective eNH^+ coupling (\xi) and light neutrino masses, we show that this interaction vertex can give a striking enhancement to these charged Higgs pair production processes. In particular, the LNV H^-H^- signal can probe N at the ILC in the mass range 100 GeV < m_N < 10^4 TeV and with the effective mixing angle, \xi, in the range 10^{-4} < \xi^2 < 10^{-8} - well within its perturbative unitarity bound and the neutrinoless double beta decay (\beta\beta_{0\nu}) limit. The lepton number conserving (LNC) e^+ e^- \to H^+ H^- mode can be sensitive to, e.g., an O(10) TeV heavy Majorana neutrino at a 500 GeV International Linear Collider (ILC), if \xi^2 > 0.001.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, 3 figures. V2 as published in PR

    An Introduction to Complex Systems Science and its Applications

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    The standard assumptions that underlie many conceptual and quantitative frameworks do not hold for many complex physical, biological, and social systems. Complex systems science clarifies when and why such assumptions fail and provides alternative frameworks for understanding the properties of complex systems. This review introduces some of the basic principles of complex systems science, including complexity profiles, the tradeoff between efficiency and adaptability, the necessity of matching the complexity of systems to that of their environments, multi-scale analysis, and evolutionary processes. Our focus is on the general properties of systems as opposed to the modeling of specific dynamics; rather than provide a comprehensive review, we pedagogically describe a conceptual and analytic approach for understanding and interacting with the complex systems of our world. With the exception of a few footnotes, this paper assumes only a high school mathematical and scientific background, so that it may be accessible to academics in all fields, decision-makers in industry, government, and philanthropy, and anyone who is interested in systems and society