751 research outputs found

    Faux-Flipping a Supportive Housing Training: Lessons from Pandemic Adaptations

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    Following March 2020 coronavirus closures, the Community Support Services training initiative for supportive housing providers transitioned to fully remote learning. Training remotely, the trainers developed a faux-flipped model of midtraining interactive video lectures alongside videoconferencing with time for active learning through interactions and activities. There were benefits to training remotely using a faux-flipped model, including increased participation, training retention, and self-evaluated knowledge. After improved training results, the faux-flipped recorded video lectures will remain in future training. The coauthors suggest additional research to elaborate the faux-flipped model and assess its impact on learning and engagement

    Computerized visual feedback: an adjunct to robotic-assisted gait training

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Robotic devices for walking rehabilitation allow new possibilities for providing performance-related information to patients during gait training. Based on motor learning principles, augmented feedback during robotic-assisted gait training might improve the rehabilitation process used to regain walking function. This report presents a method to provide visual feedback implemented in a driven gait orthosis (DGO). The purpose of the study was to compare the immediate effect on motor output in subjects during robotic-assisted gait training when they used computerized visual feedback and when they followed verbal instructions of a physical therapist. SUBJECTS: Twelve people with neurological gait disorders due to incomplete spinal cord injury participated. METHODS: Subjects were instructed to walk within the DGO in 2 different conditions. They were asked to increase their motor output by following the instructions of a therapist and by observing visual feedback. In addition, the subjects' opinions about using visual feedback were investigated by a questionnaire. RESULTS: Computerized visual feedback and verbal instructions by the therapist were observed to result in a similar change in motor output in subjects when walking within the DGO. Subjects reported that they were more motivated and concentrated on their movements when using computerized visual feedback compared with when no form of feedback was provided. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Computerized visual feedback is a valuable adjunct to robotic-assisted gait training. It represents a relevant tool to increase patients' motor output, involvement, and motivation during gait training, similar to verbal instructions by a therapist

    Feeding ecology and predatory importance of wolf spiders (Pardosaspp.) (Araneae, Lycosidae) in winter wheat fieldsl

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    Abstract Predation by wolf spiders (Pardosa spp.) was studied for two years in two winter wheat fields in easrern S*it'zerland,'one fieid being inuäsiigated each year. The f'olio*ing wolf spiders predominated in the investigated wheat fields: Pardosa agresrrs (\Westr.), Pardosa am9ntatd (9l9.fk), and Pardosa palustris (L.).-P. agrestis constituted >75"/" of all Pardosa spp. obserued in the field' ' \üolf spiders niust be characterized as generalist predators of small, soft-bodied arrhropods of the classes Insicta and Arachnida. Fourty to 50 % of the spiders' prey items were strongly masticated (chewed down by the spiders'chelicerae to a meat ball) and could therefore not be identified. Diptera, Öollembola, and'aphidi constituted the major components in the spiders' diet (combined ca. 80 % of the identi{ied prey by numbers). Overall, only 4b/o of ca. 250a observed _wolf_ spiders held a prey berween their iheiiceiae. Based on the knowledge of feeding frequency and handling time data, it w-as estimated that an adult female of P. agrestis, not iarrying an egg sac or young, captured an average of a little more than 1 prey per day; aduitJemales carrying an egg sac or youn-g, as_well as adult males of P, a1restis were esriÄaräd ro have killed (1 prey per spider daily. The wolf spiders were obserued to be piedaceous on harmful cereal aphids (Melopolophiirn dirhodum \XtaIk., Rhopalosipbum padi L., and, Sitobion apenae F. constituted än essential poriion in their diet), suggesting that they are beneficial. Our results are compared with data on wolf spiders' feeding ecology and predatory imponance from literature

    Investigation of Different Library Preparation and Tissue of Origin Deconvolution Methods for Urine and Plasma cfDNA Methylome Analysis.

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    Methylation sequencing is a promising approach to infer the tissue of origin of cell-free DNA (cfDNA). In this study, a single- and a double-stranded library preparation approach were evaluated with respect to their technical biases when applied on cfDNA from plasma and urine. Additionally, tissue of origin (TOO) proportions were evaluated using two deconvolution methods. Sequencing cfDNA from urine using the double-stranded method resulted in a substantial within-read methylation bias and a lower global methylation (56.0% vs. 75.8%, p ≤ 0.0001) compared to plasma cfDNA, both of which were not observed with the single-stranded approach. Individual CpG site-based TOO deconvolution resulted in a significantly increased proportion of undetermined TOO with the double-stranded method (urine: 32.3% vs. 1.9%; plasma: 5.9% vs. 0.04%; p ≤ 0.0001), but no major differences in proportions of individual cell types. In contrast, fragment-level deconvolution led to multiple cell types, with significantly different TOO proportions between the two methods. This study thus outlines potential limitations of double-stranded library preparation for methylation analysis of cfDNA especially for urinary cfDNA. While the double-stranded method allows jagged end analysis in addition to TOO analysis, it leads to significant methylation bias in urinary cfDNA, which single-stranded methods can overcome

    Comparison of methods for donor-derived cell-free DNA quantification in plasma and urine from solid organ transplant recipients.

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    In allograft monitoring of solid organ transplant recipients, liquid biopsy has emerged as a novel approach using quantification of donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA) in plasma. Despite early clinical implementation and analytical validation of techniques, direct comparisons of dd-cfDNA quantification methods are lacking. Furthermore, data on dd-cfDNA in urine is scarce and high-throughput sequencing-based methods so far have not leveraged unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) for absolute dd-cfDNA quantification. Different dd-cfDNA quantification approaches were compared in urine and plasma of kidney and liver recipients: A) Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) using allele-specific detection of seven common HLA-DRB1 alleles and the Y chromosome; B) high-throughput sequencing (HTS) using a custom QIAseq DNA panel targeting 121 common polymorphisms; and C) a commercial dd-cfDNA quantification method (AlloSeq® cfDNA, CareDx). Dd-cfDNA was quantified as %dd-cfDNA, and for ddPCR and HTS using UMIs additionally as donor copies. In addition, relative and absolute dd-cfDNA levels in urine and plasma were compared in clinically stable recipients. The HTS method presented here showed a strong correlation of the %dd-cfDNA with ddPCR (R 2 = 0.98) and AlloSeq® cfDNA (R 2 = 0.99) displaying only minimal to no proportional bias. Absolute dd-cfDNA copies also correlated strongly (τ = 0.78) between HTS with UMI and ddPCR albeit with substantial proportional bias (slope: 0.25; 95%-CI: 0.19-0.26). Among 30 stable kidney transplant recipients, the median %dd-cfDNA in urine was 39.5% (interquartile range, IQR: 21.8-58.5%) with 36.6 copies/μmol urinary creatinine (IQR: 18.4-109) and 0.19% (IQR: 0.01-0.43%) with 5.0 copies/ml (IQR: 1.8-12.9) in plasma without any correlation between body fluids. The median %dd-cfDNA in plasma from eight stable liver recipients was 2.2% (IQR: 0.72-4.1%) with 120 copies/ml (IQR: 85.0-138) while the median dd-cfDNA copies/ml was below 0.1 in urine. This first head-to-head comparison of methods for absolute and relative quantification of dd-cfDNA in urine and plasma supports a method-independent %dd-cfDNA cutoff and indicates the suitability of the presented HTS method for absolute dd-cfDNA quantification using UMIs. To evaluate the utility of dd-cfDNA in urine for allograft surveillance, absolute levels instead of relative amounts will most likely be required given the extensive variability of %dd-cfDNA in stable kidney recipients

    Laparoscopic approach in perforated appendicitis: increased incidence of surgical site infection?

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    Background: The role of laparoscopy in the setting of perforated appendicitis remains controversial. A retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the early postoperative outcomes of laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) compared to open appendectomy (OA) in patients with perforated appendicitis. Methods: A total of 1,032 patients required an appendectomy between January 2005 and December 2009. Among these patients, 169 presented with perforated appendicitis. Operation times, length of hospital stay, overall complication rates within 30days, and surgical site infection (SSI) rates were analyzed. Results: Out of the 169 evaluated patients, 106 required LA and 63 OA. Although operation times were similar in both groups (92±31min for LA vs. 98±45 for OA, p=0.338), length of hospital stay was shorter in the LA group (6.9±3.8days vs. 11.5±9.2, p<0.001). Overall complication rates were significantly lower in the LA group (32.1 vs. 52.4%, p<0.001), as were incisional SSI (1.9 vs. 22.2%, p<0.001). Organ/space SSI rates were similar in both groups (23.6% after LA vs. 20.6% after OA, p=0.657). Conclusions: For perforated appendicitis, LA results in a significantly shorter hospital stay, fewer overall postoperative complications, and fewer wound infections compared to OA. Organ/space SSI rates were similar for both procedures. LA provides a safe option for treating patients with perforated appendiciti

    Influence of virtual reality soccer game on walking performance in robotic assisted gait training for children

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    BACKGROUND: Virtual reality (VR) offers powerful therapy options within a functional, purposeful and motivating context. Several studies have shown that patients' motivation plays a crucial role in determining therapy outcome. However, few studies have demonstrated the potential of VR in pediatric rehabilitation. Therefore, we developed a VR-based soccer scenario, which provided interactive elements to engage patients during robotic assisted treadmill training (RAGT). The aim of this study was to compare the immediate effect of different supportive conditions (VR versus non-VR conditions) on motor output in patients and healthy control children during training with the driven gait orthosis Lokomat*. METHODS: A total of 18 children (ten patients with different neurological gait disorders, eight healthy controls) took part in this study. They were instructed to walk on the Lokomat in four different, randomly-presented conditions: (1) walk normally without supporting assistance, (2) with therapists' instructions to promote active participation, (3) with VR as a motivating tool to walk actively and (4) with the VR tool combined with therapists' instructions. The Lokomat gait orthosis is equipped with sensors at hip and knee joint to measure man-machine interaction forces. Additionally, subjects' acceptance of the RAGT with VR was assessed using a questionnaire. RESULTS: The mixed ANOVA revealed significant main effects for the factor CONDITIONS (p < 0.001) and a significant interaction CONDITIONS x GROUP (p = 0.01). Tests of between-subjects effects showed no significant main effect for the GROUP (p = 0.592). Active participation in patients and control children increased significantly when supported and motivated either by therapists' instructions or by a VR scenario compared with the baseline measurement "normal walking" (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The VR scenario used here induces an immediate effect on motor output to a similar degree as the effect resulting from verbal instructions by the therapists. Further research needs to focus on the implementation of interactive design elements, which keep motivation high across and beyond RAGT sessions, especially in pediatric rehabilitation

    LRR-protein RNH1 dampens the inflammasome activation and is associated with COVID-19 severity.

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    Inflammasomes are cytosolic innate immune sensors of pathogen infection and cellular damage that induce caspase-1-mediated inflammation upon activation. Although inflammation is protective, uncontrolled excessive inflammation can cause inflammatory diseases and can be detrimental, such as in coronavirus disease (COVID-19). However, the underlying mechanisms that control inflammasome activation are incompletely understood. Here we report that the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein ribonuclease inhibitor (RNH1), which shares homology with LRRs of NLRP (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine-rich repeat, and pyrin domain containing) proteins, attenuates inflammasome activation. Deletion of RNH1 in macrophages increases interleukin (IL)-1β production and caspase-1 activation in response to inflammasome stimulation. Mechanistically, RNH1 decreases pro-IL-1β expression and induces proteasome-mediated caspase-1 degradation. Corroborating this, mouse models of monosodium urate (MSU)-induced peritonitis and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxemia, which are dependent on caspase-1, respectively, show increased neutrophil infiltration and lethality in Rnh1 &lt;sup&gt;-/-&lt;/sup&gt; mice compared with wild-type mice. Furthermore, RNH1 protein levels were negatively related with disease severity and inflammation in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. We propose that RNH1 is a new inflammasome regulator with relevance to COVID-19 severity