2,216 research outputs found

    The Correlation Between Students\u27 Mastery of Grammar and Writing Ability of the Tenth Grade

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    The objective of this research was to find out the correlation between students\u27 mastery of grammar and writing ability of the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Pasangkayu. This research used correlation research design. The research sample was X IPA 1 which consisted of 40 students which selected by using cluster sampling technique. Technique of data collection was questionnaires and tests. In analyzing the data, the researcher applied Pearson\u27s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Significance of Coefficient Correlation formula. The researcher used 0.05 significant level with 38 (40 – 2) degree of freedom (df), the researcher found that t-counted (6.748) was higher than t-table (2.712). The result of this research was categorized substantial. It means that there is a significant correlation between students\u27 mastery of grammar and writing ability of the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Pasangkayu

    A Structural Equation Model-I for Work-Life Balance of IT professionals in Chennai

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    The study developed and tested a model of work life balance of IT professionals employing structural equation modeling (SEM) as the primary statistical technique to analyze the relationship among the constructs used which consisted of work demand, family demand, work interference with personal life (WIPL), personal life interference with work (PLIW), satisfaction with work-life balance and improved effectiveness at work(IEW) on a total of 387 respondents working in IT organizations in Chennai. The model fit the data well and hypotheses are generally supported which leads to the assertion that IT employees experience WIPL more than they do PLIW, since the magnitude of impact of work demand is more on WIPL.  There is a direct positive relationship between satisfaction with work-life balance and improved effectiveness at work indicating that as the satisfaction with WLB increases, so also the effectiveness at work increases. Keywords: Work Life Balance, WLB Measurement, SEM model, IT Professionals

    Rule behind the silk curtain: the Sultanahs of Aceh 1641-1699.

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    PhDThis thesis is about the kingdom of Aceh Dar al-Salam in the latter half of the seventeenth century when four women ruled in succession: Sultanah Tajul Alam Safiatuddin Syah (1641-1675), Sultanah Nur Alam Naqiatuddin Syah (1675-1678), Sultanah Inayat Zakiatuddin Syah (1678-1688) and Sultanah Iamalat Zainatuddin Syah (1688-1699). How and why these queens came to power, and how they exercised it, are problems that have fascinated enquirers, prompting a range of comments and observations, especially the assertion that the queens were mere figureheads, during whose reigns the male elite (orangkaya) captured power. The Sultanahs were held responsible for the erosion of royal power and the kingdom's decline in the seventeenth century. Yet no in-depth study has ever investigated these claims. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the received views on these female sovereigns. The thesis also seeks to examine the origin, nature and impact of these Sultanahs. Female rule seems a curious phenomenon in a Muslim state. Furthermore, in a largely patriarchal kingdom such as Aceh, queens seemed to be strangely out of place. This unique episode in Aceh's history happened when European Companies - the Dutch VOC (Veerinigde Ooost-Indische Compagnie) and the English East India Company - were gradually increasing their commercial hold and flexing their military muscles in the region. Indigenous polities suffered increasing interference and pressure from Westerners. Most Malay and Muslim coastal polities in maritime Southeast Asia fell into European intruders' hands. By exploring the circumstances and arguments surrounding female accession, and examining some key episodes that show how power worked in Aceh at the time, I hope to approach a new understanding of how and why the male elite of Aceh placed the fate of the kingdom in the hands of women, and with what effects

    Edible Biopolymers from Marine Algae used as an Alternate Packaging material: A Review on their characteristics and properties

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    Food packaging is estimated to account for two-thirds of all plastic waste. As a result, it is crucial to discover alternative packaging materials that are both environmentally friendly and safe for human health. Marine algae are becoming more well-known and in demand as cutting-edge resources for producing biopolymers like proteins and polysaccharides. Because of their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and lack of toxicity, biopolymers have been suggested as potential sources for food packaging materials. Numerous research has thoroughly examined the extraction, separation, and use of marine biopolymers in the creation of sustainable packaging. Marine algae are also rich in protein and mineral content, they also have anticancer, anti-obesity, and hypolipidemic properties due to the presence of polyunsaturated conjugated fatty acids. The edible films enhance the shelf life of food by controlling moisture without changing the elements of food. The marine algae are collected either in the intertidal or subtidal areas and they will be dried for further process. The edible films are environmentally friendly. The edible film made from marine algae is a mixture of protein, polysaccharides, lipids, and resins. The factors which affect the properties of the edible film are the source of raw material, surface charge, hydrophobicity, polymer chain length, plasticizer type, proportion, and synthesis method. There are numerous research has been conducted to develop edible film using various matrix constituents. This review provides an overview of Marine algae, its process, and edible films, its characteristics, and factors affecting the film

    A questionnaire based survey on knowledge, attitude and practices of medical practitioners regarding the prescribing of medications during pregnancy

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    Background: Prescribing during pregnancy requires careful estimation of risk/benefit ratio for the mother and her baby. Both, underestimation and overestimation can produce undesirable maternal and fetal outcomes hence the present study was undertaken to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of medical practitioners related to the prescribing of medications during pregnancy.Methods: A preformed structured questionnaire was administered to 41 medical practitioners. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) and yes/no type questions were used to assess their knowledge. Likert type questions studied their attitude and practices. Their perception of teratogenic risk of medications was evaluated using a visual analogue scale. The data so obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics.Results: Completed questionnaires were returned by 76% of the survey participants. Among whom only 24% felt highly confident while others were less confident or unsure regarding their prescribing ability during pregnancy. 90% of the respondents reported that a disease should not be untreated or undertreated due to fear of teratogenicity. 81% exhibited good knowledge of the FDA pregnancy categorization of drugs and more than 80% were aware of the teratogenic risk associated with valproic acid, lithium, isotretinoin, warfarin & thalidomide. The perceived risk of teratogenicity (mean) suggested for them was 33, 52, 52, 43 & 62 percentage respectively.Conclusions: Most respondents exhibited a healthy attitude and a fairly sound knowledge, except for their perception of risk associated with individual drugs which was much higher than what is mentioned in the literature. Educational interventions may help to increase the awareness leading to better and confident prescribing

    CuisineNet: Food Attributes Classification using Multi-scale Convolution Network

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    Diversity of food and its attributes represents the culinary habits of peoples from different countries. Thus, this paper addresses the problem of identifying food culture of people around the world and its flavor by classifying two main food attributes, cuisine and flavor. A deep learning model based on multi-scale convotuional networks is proposed for extracting more accurate features from input images. The aggregation of multi-scale convolution layers with different kernel size is also used for weighting the features results from different scales. In addition, a joint loss function based on Negative Log Likelihood (NLL) is used to fit the model probability to multi labeled classes for multi-modal classification task. Furthermore, this work provides a new dataset for food attributes, so-called Yummly48K, extracted from the popular food website, Yummly. Our model is assessed on the constructed Yummly48K dataset. The experimental results show that our proposed method yields 65% and 62% average F1 score on validation and test set which outperforming the state-of-the-art models.Comment: 8 pages, Submitted in CCIA 201

    Revealing the Underlying Insights on the Use of Social Media by Foreign Students—A Qualitative Approach

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    Student retention’s strategy has been key interest of Universities worldwide in line with its potential benefits in improving the University’s image besides contributing to the improvement in the institution’s financial performance. Recent communication technologies which are known for their ability to reaching the target market have gradually nullified the utilization of the traditional advertising tools. Of these communication technologies, education institutions are gradually embracing the social media in order to leverage its potential benefits. Review on the past studies reveals that there is an abundant of quantitative researches which investigated the use of social media by university’s students where limited focus was on the qualitative approach. This study intended to explore the underlying insights on the use of social media by carrying out semi-structured interviews among foreign students of the private higher education institutions located in Klang Valley, Malaysia. This study found that utilization of social media, quality information, usage influences and students’ engagement are the four important themes pertaining to the use of social media discovered from the interview sessions conducted. This study also provides several implications for both practitioners and academics
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