37 research outputs found

    Benchmarking techno-economic performance of greenhouses with different technology levels in a hot humid climate

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    Greenhouse agriculture is expected to play a critical role in sustainable crop production in the coming decades, opening new markets in climate zones that have been traditionally unproductive for agriculture. Extreme hot and humid conditions, prevalent in rapidly growing economies including the Arabian Peninsula, present unique design and operational challenges to effective greenhouse climate control. These challenges are often poorly understood by local operators and inadequately researched in the literature. This study addresses this knowledge gap by presenting, for the first time, a comprehensive set of benchmarks for water and energy usage, CO2 emissions (CO2e) contribution, and economic performance for low-, mid-, and high-tech greenhouse designs in such climates. Utilising a practical and adaptable model-based framework, the analysis reveals the high-tech design generated the best results for economic return, achieving a 4.9-year payback period with superior water efficiency compared to 5.8 years for low-tech and 7.0 years for mid-tech; however, the high-tech design used significantly more energy to operate its mechanical cooling system, corresponding with higher CO2e per unit area (8.3 and 4.0 times higher than the low- and mid-tech, respectively). These benchmarks provide new insights for greenhouse operators, researchers, and other stakeholders, facilitating the development of effective greenhouse design and operational strategies tailored to meet the challenges of hot and humid climates

    Benchmarking techno-economic performance of greenhouses with different technology levels in a hot humid climate

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    Greenhouse agriculture is expected to play a critical role in sustainable crop production in the coming decades, opening new markets in climate zones that have been traditionally unproductive for agriculture. Extreme hot and humid conditions, prevalent in rapidly growing economies including the Arabian Peninsula, present unique design and operational challenges to effective greenhouse climate control. These challenges are often poorly understood by local operators and inadequately researched in the literature. This study addresses this knowledge gap by presenting, for the first time, a comprehensive set of benchmarks for water and energy usage, CO2 emissions (CO2e) contribution, and economic performance for low-, mid-, and high-tech greenhouse designs in such climates. Utilising a practical and adaptable model-based framework, the analysis reveals the high-tech design generated the best results for economic return, achieving a 4.9-year payback period with superior water efficiency compared to 5.8 years for low-tech and 7.0 years for mid-tech; however, the high-tech design used significantly more energy to operate its mechanical cooling system, corresponding with higher CO2e per unit area (8.3 and 4.0 times higher than the low- and mid-tech, respectively). These benchmarks provide new insights for greenhouse operators, researchers, and other stakeholders, facilitating the development of effective greenhouse design and operational strategies tailored to meet the challenges of hot and humid climates

    Theory and Applications of the Unit Gamma/Gompertz Distribution

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    Unit distributions are commonly used in probability and statistics to describe useful quantities with values between 0 and 1, such as proportions, probabilities, and percentages. Some unit distributions are defined in a natural analytical manner, and the others are derived through the transformation of an existing distribution defined in a greater domain. In this article, we introduce the unit gamma/Gompertz distribution, founded on the inverse-exponential scheme and the gamma/Gompertz distribution. The gamma/Gompertz distribution is known to be a very flexible three-parameter lifetime distribution, and we aim to transpose this flexibility to the unit interval. First, we check this aspect with the analytical behavior of the primary functions. It is shown that the probability density function can be increasing, decreasing, “increasing-decreasing” and “decreasing-increasing”, with pliant asymmetric properties. On the other hand, the hazard rate function has monotonically increasing, decreasing, or constant shapes. We complete the theoretical part with some propositions on stochastic ordering, moments, quantiles, and the reliability coefficient. Practically, to estimate the model parameters from unit data, the maximum likelihood method is used. We present some simulation results to evaluate this method. Two applications using real data sets, one on trade shares and the other on flood levels, demonstrate the importance of the new model when compared to other unit models

    Study of a Modified Kumaraswamy Distribution

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    In this article, a structural modification of the Kumaraswamy distribution yields a new two-parameter distribution defined on (0,1), called the modified Kumaraswamy distribution. It has the advantages of being (i) original in its definition, mixing logarithmic, power and ratio functions, (ii) flexible from the modeling viewpoint, with rare functional capabilities for a bounded distribution—in particular, N-shapes are observed for both the probability density and hazard rate functions—and (iii) a solid alternative to its parental Kumaraswamy distribution in the first-order stochastic sense. Some statistical features, such as the moments and quantile function, are represented in closed form. The Lambert function and incomplete beta function are involved in this regard. The distributions of order statistics are also explored. Then, emphasis is put on the practice of the modified Kumaraswamy model in the context of data fitting. The well-known maximum likelihood approach is used to estimate the parameters, and a simulation study is conducted to examine the performance of this approach. In order to demonstrate the applicability of the suggested model, two real data sets are considered. As a notable result, for the considered data sets, statistical benchmarks indicate that the new modeling strategy outperforms the Kumaraswamy model. The transmuted Kumaraswamy, beta, unit Rayleigh, Topp–Leone and power models are also outperformed

    Monitoring the Process Based on Belief Statistic for Neutrosophic Gamma Distributed Product

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    In this paper, we developed a control chart methodology for the monitoring the mean time between two events using the belief estimator under the neutrosophic gamma distribution. The proposed control chart coefficients and the neutrosophic average run length (NARL) have been determined using different process settings. The performance of the proposed chart is compared with the control chart under classical statistics in terms of NARL using the simulation data and real example. From comparisons, it is concluded that the proposed chart is efficient, effective and adequate to be used under uncertainty environment than the chart under classical statistics

    Type II Power Topp-Leone Generated Family of Distributions with Statistical Inference and Applications

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    In this paper, we present and study a new family of continuous distributions, called the type II power Topp-Leone-G family. It provides a natural extension of the so-called type II Topp-Leone-G family, thanks to the use of an additional shape parameter. We determine the main properties of the new family, showing how they depend on the involving parameters. The following points are investigated: shapes and asymptotes of some important functions, quantile function, some mixture representations, moments and derivations, stochastic ordering, reliability and order statistics. Then, a special model of the family based on the inverse exponential distribution is introduced. It is of particular interest because the related probability functions are tractable and possess various kinds of asymmetric shapes. Specially, reverse J, left skewed, near symmetrical and right skewed shapes are observed for the corresponding probability density function. The estimation of the model parameters is performed by the use of three different methods. A complete simulation study is proposed to illustrate their numerical efficiency. The considered model is also applied to analyze two different kinds of data sets. We show that it outperforms other well-known models defined with the same baseline distribution, proving its high level of adaptability in the context of data analysis

    Determination of the Factors Affecting King Abdul Aziz University Published Articles in ISI by Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network

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    Deanship of scientific research established by the King Abdulaziz University provides some research programs for its staff and researchers and encourages them to submit proposals in this regard. Distinct research study (DRS) is one of these programs. It is available all the year and the King Abdulaziz University (KAU) staff can submit more than one proposal at the same time up to three proposals. The rules of the DSR program are simple and easy so it contributes in increasing the international rank of KAU. The authors are offered financial and moral reward after publishing articles from these proposals in Thomson-ISI journals. In this paper, multiplayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network (ANN) is employed to determine the factors that have more effect on the number of ISI published articles. The proposed study used real data of the finished projects from 2011 to April 2019