1,519 research outputs found

    Water stress induced changes in antioxidant enzymes, membrane stability and seed protein profile of different wheat accessions

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    Water stress induced changes in antioxidant enzymes membrane stablity index and seed protein profiling of four different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accessions (011251, 011417, 011320 and 011393) were determined in a pot study under natural condition during the wheat-growing season 2005 and 2006. Sampling was done 3, 6 and 9 days after induction of water stress. Recovery was studied at 48 and 72 h of re-watering. Marked increase in leaf antioxidant enzymes associated with a decrease inmembrane stability index occurred under water stress. Accession 320 showed the least increase in catalase and peroxidase activity but maximum decrease in membrane stability index. The inhibitoryeffects of water stress on plants were ameliorated by exogenous application of ABA and this ameliorating effect was found to be more significant at booting stage as compared to grainfilling particularly in the accession 320. The accessions 417 and 320 (which were most dissimilar on the basis of physiology under water stress, one most tolerant and the other most sensitive to water stress) showed least polymorphism among the four accessions on the basis of RAPD (Random AmplifiedPolymorphic DNA) analysis. Seed protein composition was found to be mainly controlled by genetic factors rather than water stress

    Phytochemical screening and evaluation of anti-microbial and anti-oxidant activity of Elettaria cardamom (Cardamom)

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    The present study deals with the phytochemical screening and evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant activities from the crude methanol extract of the seeds of cardamom, Elettaria cardamom. Crude methanol extract was investigated for their antibacterial activity against Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Listeria monocytogenes,Bacillus pumilus and Escherichia coli. The extract showed maximum zone of inhibition (20.3 mm) against EPEC, however, the antibacterial potential of the extract was slightly lesser against normal E. coli (19 mm). It showed moderate anti-bacterial activity against L. monocytogenes and B. pumilus. Dose-dependent increase in antioxidant activity was also noticed in crude extract as measured by DPPH free radical scavenging assay. Thus, our study reports various phytochemicals in the seeds of cardamom with antioxidant and antibacterial potential

    Isolation of phytohormones producing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria from weeds growing in Khewra salt range, Pakistan and their implication in providing salt tolerance to Glycine max L.

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    Present investigation was made to isolate and characterize plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (Rkh1 - Rkh4) from rhizosphere of four weeds: Chrysopogon aucheri, Lactuca dissecta, Solanum surratenseand Sonchus arvensis thriving under high salinity (EC: 2.3 dS/m) of Khewra salt range and the results were compared with strain Rak isolated from rhizosphere (EC: 0.2 dS/m) of Solanum surratense grown in arid area of district Attock. The tolerance of all the strains was checked against the salt present in culture media in the form of rhizospheric soil filtrate of weeds collected from Khewra salt range. The nutrient contents of rhizospheric soil of weeds were measured. All the strains were capable to producephytohormones indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3), trans-zeatin riboside (t-zr) and abscisic acid (ABA) in the culture media. Inoculation of strains on soybean seedlings treated with or without 20 dS/m NaCl resulted in better growth and higher proline contents than control plants. Thestrains isolated from weeds of Khewra salt range particularly Rkh3 appears more promising for potential biofertilizers in saline fields


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    Abstrak - Salah satu sumberdaya perikanan ekonomis penting yang dihasilkan oleh perairan Rainawe adalah ikan cendro (Tylosurus sp) yang dikenal dengan nama lokal sebagai ikan Manuk. Alat tangkap yang umum digunakan untuk menangkap ikan cendro ialah jaring insang permukaan, jaring insang hanyut dan pancing tonda; tetapi pancing layang-layang lebih mudah dioperasikan dan menjadi populer di Kabupaten Malaka. Keberhasilan menangkap ikan dengan pancing layang-layang sangat bergantung pada ketersediaan umpan alami dan umpan buatan. Umpan alami dan umpan buatan hanya digunakan pada bagan saat   musim tertentu, hal ini berarti bahwa pancing layang-layang tidak dapat dioperasikan sepanjang waktu setiap bulan.Penelitian ini menggunakan umpan alami dan umpan buatan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan pancing layang-layang.Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di perairan Kabupaten Malaka, dengan menggunakan metode eksperimental. Dua jenis umpan yang digunakan, yaitu umpan alami ikan tembang (Sardinella sp) dan umpan buatan yang berupa ikan berbahan karet. Analisis data menggunakan uji t. Hasil tangkapan  selama  penelitian  berjumlah  28  individu  ikan  Cendro  yang  terdiri  dari  21  individu  hasil tertangkap dengan umpan alami dan 7 individu hasil tertangkap dengan umpan buatan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan umpan alami tidak berbeda nyata dengan umpan buatan pada pancing layang-layang untuk menangkap ikan cendro di perairan Kabupaten Malaka. Kata Kunci : Pancing Layang-Layang, Umpan Alami, Umpan Buatan, Kabupaten Malaka   Abstract - One of the important economical fisheries resources produced by Rainawe waters is cendro fish (Tylosurus sp), known locally as Manuk fish. Common fishing tools used to catch Cendro fish are surface gill nets, drift gill nets and trolling fishing rods; but kite fishing is easier to operate and has become popular in the district of Malacca.The success of catching fish with kite fishing is very dependent on the availability of natural and artificial baits. Natural bait and artificial bait are only used on charts during certain seasons, which means that kite fishing cannot be operated all the time every month. This study uses natural bait and artificial bait to find out the effect on the catches of kite fishing.This research has been carried out in the waters of Malacca regency, using experimental methods. Two types of bait are used, namely natural bait Tembang fish (Sardinella sp) and artificial bait in the form of fish made from rubber. Data analysis using t test. Catches during the study were 28 Cendro fish consisting of 21 caught by natural bait and 7 caught by artificial bait. The results of the analysis showed that the use of natural bait was not significantly different from the artificial bait on kite fishing to catch cendro fish in the waters of Malacca regency. Keywords : Kite Fishing, Natural Bait, Artificial Bait, Malaka Regenc

    Physiology and productivity of rice crop influenced by drought stress induced at different developmental stages

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    Rice is sensitive to moisture stress and in view of the water scarcity in the coming years, it is imperative to evaluate the performance of rice cultivar under moisture deficit. The present study aimed to evaluate the physiological responses of two rice cultivars under drought stress induced at panicle initiation and soft dough stages. The seeds of BAS-385 and KS-282 were soaked in ABA (10-6 M) prior to sowing. Foliar application of ABA (10-6 M) was made at tillering stage, 40 days after sowing (40 DAS) in both cultivars. Drought stress was induced at panicle initiation (PI) (65 DAS) and soft dough (SD) (105 DAS) stages with re-watering at incipient wilting (12% soil moisture). Drought induced significant decrease in endogenous level of IAA, GA, sugar and protein contents in leaves at SD stage, while ABA and proline contents increased significantly as compared to control. In grains, drought induced decreases in IAA, sugar and protein content were greater at PI stage in both cultivars. Stomatal resistance was significantly increased in flag and penultimate leaves at PI stage. ABA treatments ameliorated the adverse effects of drought stress for most of the physiological parameters but were ineffective to restore the drought-induced decrease in GA content. On-rewatering, the recovery of prestressed plants was significantly enhanced under ABA seed soaking and foliar spray treatments as compared to drought alone. It is inferred that the mechanism of ABA-induced tolerance to drought stress appears to be involved in maintenance of water budget by decreasing GA, increasing stomatal resistance and by osmoregulation as observed by increase in proline accumulation, and enhanced grain filling to bring early maturity in rice over control.Key words: Drought stress, rice cultivars, panicle initiation, soft dough

    Replay Attacks and Defenses Against Cross-shard Consensus in Sharded Distributed Ledgers

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    We present a family of replay attacks against sharded distributed ledgers targeting cross-shard consensus protocols, such as the recently proposed Chainspace and Omniledger. They allow an attacker, with network access only, to double-spend or lock resources with minimal efforts. The attacker can act independently without colluding with any nodes, and succeed even if all nodes are honest; most of the attacks can also exhibit themselves as faults under periods of asynchrony. These attacks are effective against both shard-led and client-led cross-shard consensus approaches. We present Byzcuit-a new cross-shard consensus protocol that is immune to those attacks. We implement a prototype of Byzcuit and evaluate it on a real cloud-based testbed, showing that our defenses impact performance minimally, and overall performance surpasses previous works
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