697 research outputs found

    Lattice gauge theory in technicolor

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    The methods of lattice gauge theory may be applied to gauge theories besides QCD, in fact to any gauge group and any representation of matter fields (as long as the coupling is not chiral). Such theories are useful for model building beyond the Standard Model, for instance in technicolor models. We have carried out Monte Carlo simulations of the SU(3) gauge theory with color sextet fermions. Our result for its discrete beta function indicate an infrared fixed point that makes the theory conformal rather than confining. The lattice theory's phase diagram shows no separation of chiral and confinement scales, measured when the quark mass is nonzero.Comment: Talk given at PANIC 2008, 9-14 November 2008, Eilat, Israe

    Is vertical disparity used to determine azimuth?

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    AbstractThe azimuth of a stimulus relative to the head can be determined from an extra-retinal, eye-position signal plus an estimate of the retinal eccentricity of the image. Alternatively, azimuth could be determined from retinal-image information alone. Specifically, stimulus azimuth could be estimated from two derivatives of vertical disparity: vertical size ratio (which varies with azimuth), and the horizontal gradient of vertical size ratio (a measure of distance). Here we examine the determinants of perceived azimuth in viewing conditions that, theoretically, should favor the use of vertical disparity. We find no evidence that vertical disparity is used. Perceived azimuth was determined completely by felt eye position and the retinal eccentricity of the image

    Reported frequency of physical activity in a large epidemiological study: relationship to specific activities and repeatability over time

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    BACKGROUND How overall physical activity relates to specific activities and how reported activity changes over time may influence interpretation of observed associations between physical activity and health. We examine the relationships between various physical activities self-reported at different times in a large cohort study of middle-aged UK women. METHODS At recruitment, Million Women Study participants completed a baseline questionnaire including questions on frequency of strenuous and of any physical activity. About 3 years later 589,896 women also completed a follow-up questionnaire reporting the hours they spent on a range of specific activities. Time spent on each activity was used to estimate the associated excess metabolic equivalent hours (MET-hours) and this value was compared across categories of physical activity reported at recruitment. Additionally, 18,655 women completed the baseline questionnaire twice, at intervals of up to 4 years; repeatability over time was assessed using the weighted kappa coefficient (κweighted) and absolute percentage agreement. RESULTS The average number of hours per week women reported doing specific activities was 14.0 for housework, 4.5 for walking, 3.0 for gardening, 0.2 for cycling, and 1.4 for all strenuous activity. Time spent and the estimated excess MET-hours associated with each activity increased with increasing frequency of any or strenuous physical activity reported at baseline (tests for trend, P < 0.003), although the associations for housework were by far the weakest (Spearman correlations, 0.01 and -0.03 respectively for housework, and 0.11-0.37 for all other activities). Repeatability of responses to physical activity questions on the baseline questionnaire declined significantly over time. For strenuous activity, absolute agreement was 64% (κweighted = 0.71) for questionnaires administered less than 6 months apart, and 52% (κweighted = 0.51) for questionnaires more than 2 years apart. Corresponding values for any physical activity were 57% (κweighted = 0.67) and 47% (κweighted = 0.58). CONCLUSIONS In this cohort, responses to simple questions on the frequency of any physical activity and of strenuous activity asked at baseline were associated with hours spent on specific activities and the associated estimated excess MET-hours expended, reported 3 years later. The weakest associations were with housework. Agreement for identical questions asked on two occasions about the frequency of physical activity decreased over time.This work was supported by public funds from Cancer Research UK and the UK Medical Research Council

    Human Resources: The Complexity of the Gender Imbalance

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    This original research investigated and revealed some of the reasons, perceptions, and impact related to the high percentage of women in HR, and the comparatively low percentage of women at the executive and boardroom levels. This study has been conducted to articulate the complexity of the topic by introducing the opinions and experiences of several professionals and students of HR. This research study offers recommendations, and has been designed to motivate healthy dialogue. Timely and relevant literature research from published professionals is included in this study. This study also included both qualitative and quantitative data from convenience interviews with six HR professionals. In addition, a Likert Survey was conducted with twenty-eight members of Cohort 12 and Cohort 13 from the Organizational Learning & Human Resource Development Masters Program at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York

    Linear law for the logarithms of the Riemann periods at simple critical zeta zeros

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    Each simple zero 1/2 + iγn of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line with γn > 0 is a center for the flow s˙ = ξ(s) of the Riemann xi function with an associated period Tn. It is shown that, as γn →∞, log Tn ≥ π/4 γn + O(log γn). Numerical evaluation leads to the conjecture that this inequality can be replaced by an equality. Assuming the Riemann Hypothesis and a zeta zero separation conjecture γn+1 − γn≥ γn-θ for some exponent θ > 0, we obtain the upper bound log Tn ≤ γn2 + θ Assuming a weakened form of a conjecture of Gonek, giving a bound for the reciprocal of the derivative of zeta at each zero, we obtain the expected upper bound for the periods so, conditionally, log Tn = π/ 4 γn +O(log γn). Indeed, this linear relationship is equivalent to the given weakened conjecture, which implies the zero separation conjecture, provided the exponent is sufficiently large. The frequencies corresponding to the periods relate to natural eigenvalues for the Hilbert–Polya conjecture. They may provide a goal for those seeking a self-adjoint operator related to the Riemann hypothesis

    Perceived Visual Direction near an Occluder

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    When an opaque object occludes a more distant object, the two eyes often see different parts of the distant object. Hering s laws of visual direction make an interesting prediction for this situation: the part seen by both eyes should be seen in a different direction than the part seen by one eye. We examined whether this prediction holds by asking observers to align a vertical monocular line segment with a nearby vertical binocular segment. We found it necessary to correct the alignment data for vergence errors, which were measured in a control experiment, and for monocular spatial distortions, which were also measured in a control experiment. Settings were reasonably consistent with Hering's laws when the monocular and binocular targets were separated by 30 arcmin or more. Observers aligned the targets as if they were viewing them from one eye only when they were separated by 2 arcmin; this behavior is consistent with an observation reported by Erkelens and colleagues. The same behavior was observed when the segments were horizontal and when no visible occluder was present. Perceived visual direction when the two eyes see different parts of a distant target is assigned in a fashion that minimizes, but does not eliminate, distortions of the shape of the occluded object

    An analysis of binocular slant contrast

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    When a small frontoparallel surface (a test strip) is surrounded by a larger slanted surface (an inducer), the test strip is perceived as slanted in the direction opposite to the inducer. This has been called the depth-contrast effect, but we call it the slant-contrast effect. In nearly all demonstrations of this effect, the inducers slant is specified by stereoscopic signals, and other signals, such as the texture gradient, specify that it is frontoparallel. We present a theory of slant estimation that determines surface slant via linear combination of various slant estimators; the weight of each estimator is proportional to its reliability. The theory explains slant contrast because the absolute slant of the inducer and the relative slant between test strip and inducer are both estimated with greater reliability than the absolute slant of the test strip. The theory predicts that slant contrast will be eliminated if the signals specifying the inducers slant are consistent with one another. It also predicts reversed slant contrast if the inducers slant is specified by nonstereoscopic signals rather than by stereo signals. These predictions were tested and confirmed in three experiments. The first showed that slant contrast is greatly reduced when the stereo- and nonstereo-specified slants of the inducer are made consistent with one another. The second showed that slant contrast is eliminated altogether when the stimulus consists of real planes rather than images on a display screen. The third showed that slant contrast is reversed when the nonstereo-specified slant of the inducer varies and the stereo-specified slant is zero. We conclude that slant contrast is a byproduct of the visual systems reconciliation of conflicting information while it attempts to determine surface slant