21 research outputs found

    Survenue des obstructions tubaires chez les femmes à Cotonou (Bénin) : rôle des bactéries

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    Les trompes utérines jouent un rôle très important dans la reproduction humaine. Elles peuvent être facilement atteintes par diverses pathologies dont l’obstruction tubaire. La présente étude a permis de déterminer le taux d’obstructions tubaires dues aux infections et de relever les bactéries en cause à Cotonou. Pour ce faire, 111 femmes venues pour hystérosalpingographie (HSG) ont été soumises aussi à des prélèvements sanguins et cervicaux (bilans microbiologiques). Au total, 51,3% de femmes souffrent d’obstructions tubaires. La majorité d’entre elles (89,4%) a un âge compris entre 25 et 39 ans. Les germes banaux, les mycoplasmes et Chlamydia trachomatis ont été isolés dans respectivement 28,1%, 38,6% et 36,8% des cas. Les différents germes étudiés se retrouvent aussi bien chez les sujets souffrant d’obstructions  tubaires que chez celles qui n’en souffrent pas. Les infections dues aux germes banaux, aux mycoplasmes et à C. trachomatis pourraient engendrer une obstruction tubaire, d’où l’intérêt d’un traitement correct de ces infections afin d’éviter qu’elles ne deviennent chroniques.Mots clés : Obstructions tubaires, Hystérosalpingographie, Infections

    Etude ethnobotanique des légumes feuilles thérapeutiques utilisés dans le traitement des diarrhées au sud-Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest)

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    Les légumes-feuilles constituent d’excellents apports pour la diversification de l’alimentation humaine. La présente étude a permis d’identifier les légumes-feuilles à propriétés anti-diarrhéiques consommés à Cotonou et Abomey-Calavi (Sud-Bénin). A l’aide d’enquêtes basées sur la méthode d’Interview Semi-Structurée, il a été recensé vingt-sept (27) espèces de légumes feuilles regroupées en vingt-trois genres (23) et appartenant à dix-sept (17) familles botaniques. Les familles les plus représentées, en termes d’espèce, sont les Amaranthaceae et les Lamiaceae. Les espèces les plus consommées pour le traitement des infections diarrhéiques sont : Ocimum gratissimum L. (29,05%), Vernonia amygdalina Delile. (16,80%), Crateva adansonii DC. ssp adansonii (13,49%) et Sesamum radiatum L. (11,41%). Ces légumes-feuilles sont préparés à l’état frais ou séchés (poudres) puis consommés comme légume d’accompagnement (sauce) ou utilisés comme tisane. Ces résultats constituent la base d’études  ultérieures visant à évaluer expérimentalement les potentialités antibactériennes et anti-diarrhéiques de ces légumes-feuilles. Cela  permettra de mettre à la disposition des populations, des Médicaments Traditionnels Améliorés.Mots clés : Ethnobotanique, diarrhées, légumes feuilles, médecine traditionnelle

    Essai d’isolement de Campylobacter dans la viande de volaille en République du Bénin

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    La viande de volaille importée occupe une place importante dans l’alimentation béninoise. Elle est le plus souvent mise en cause dans les cas de toxi-infections alimentaires. De ce fait, elle devrait être sujette à uncontrôle de tous les microorganismes de toxi-infections afin de préserver la santé des consommateurs. Mais il s’avère que Campylobacter, qui de plus en plus est indexé, ne fait pas partie de la gamme des bactériesrecherchées pour la qualification sanitaire des aliments au Bénin. Cette situation serait due aux probables difficultés liées à l’isolement de ce germe. La présente étude a essayé d’isoler par culture cette bactérie afin de prouver que sa recherche en microbiologie alimentaire est possible. Cela pourrait permettre de commencer par l’inclure dans les diagnostics ultérieurs. Pour ce faire, 30 échantillons de viande de volaille importée ont fait l’objet d’analyse au Laboratoire de Microbiologie du Ministère de la Santé. Sur les 30 échantillons, Campylobacter a été isolé dans 6, soit un taux de contamination de 20%. En somme, Campylobacter peut être isolé par culture dans notre contexte.Mots clés : Campylobacter, viande de volaille, maladies alimentaires, Bénin.

    Declines in Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis in the Republic of Benin Following Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine: Epidemiological and Etiological Findings, 2011-2016

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    Background: Pediatric bacterial meningitis (PBM) remains an important cause of disease in children in Africa. We describe findings from sentinel site bacterial meningitis surveillance in children <5 years of age in the Republic of Benin, 2011–2016. Methods: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected from children admitted to Parakou, Natitingou, and Tanguieta sentinel hospitals with suspected meningitis. Identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), Haemophilus influenzae, and Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) was performed by rapid diagnostic tests, microbiological culture, and/or polymerase chain reaction; where possible, serotyping/grouping was performed. Results. A total of 10 919 suspected cases of meningitis were admitted to the sentinel hospitals. Most patients were 0–11 months old (4863 [44.5%]) and there were 542 (5.0%) in-hospital deaths. Overall, 4168 CSF samples were screened for pathogens and a total of 194 (4.7%) PBM cases were confirmed, predominantly caused by pneumococcus (98 [50.5%]). Following pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) introduction in 2011, annual suspected meningitis cases and deaths (case fatality rate) progressively declined from 2534 to 1359 and from 164 (6.5%) to 14 (1.0%) in 2012 and 2016, respectively (P < .001). Additionally, there was a gradual decline in the proportion of meningitis cases caused by pneumococcus, from 77.3% (17/22) in 2011 to 32.4% (11/34) in 2016 (odds ratio, 7.11 [95% confidence interval, 2.08–24.30]). Haemophilus influenzae meningitis fluctuated over the surveillance period and was the predominant pathogen (16/34 [47.1%]) by 2016. Conclusions: The observed decrease in pneumococcal meningitis after PCV introduction may be indicative of changing patterns of PBM etiology in Benin. Maintaining vigilant and effective surveillance is critical for understanding these changes and their wider public health implications

    Identification de Staphylococcus aureus : est-il possible de réduire le volume de plasma de lapin sans influencer la recherche de la staphylocoagulase libre ?

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    Objectif : Le coût élevé du plasma lyophilisé de lapin utilisé dans le cadre de l’identification des souches de Staphylococcus aureus constitue une des raisons d’inadéquation entre les dépenses et les recettes des laboratoires d’analyses biomédicales. Pour contourner cette difficulté, les techniciens de laboratoire ont recours à des méthodes d’identification moins coûteuses. La présente étude a eu pour objectif de déterminer dans un but économique le plus petit volume de plasma de lapin capable de révéler la présence de la staphylocoagulase libre.Méthodologie et résultat : Pour ce faire, 25 souches de Staphylococcus aureus isolées de différents échantillons biologiques et identifiées sur la base de la présence de la staphylocoagulase libre ont été utilisées. Ces souches ont été soumises à la recherche de la staphylocoagulase libre avec des volumes décroissants de 0,4 ml ; 0,3ml ; 0,2ml et 0,1ml de plasma lyophilisé de lapin. Toutes les souches bactériennes ont montré un résultat positif en 24 heures avec 0,2 ml comme plus petit volume. Le coagulum formé présente la même consistance que celui obtenu avec le volume de 0,5 ml indiqué par leprotocole normal.Conclusion et application de résultats: Au total, le volume de plasma de lapin peut-être donc réduit de 0,5 à 0,2 ml sans aucun impact sur la qualité du résultat. Dans le contexte de pays moins avancé comme le Bénin, cela est un premier jet en vue de l’efficience des méthodes de diagnostic au laboratoire d’analyses biomédicales.Mots-clés : staphylocoagulase libre, plasma de lapin, efficience.ABSTRACTObjective: The high cost of lyophilized rabbit’s plasma, which is used for the identification of Staphylococcus aureus, is one of the reasons of inadequacy between income and expenses of biomedical analysis laboratories. To circumvent this difficulty, laboratory technicians resort to less expensive methods of identification. This work was done to determine the lowest volume of rabbit’s plasma that can reveal the presence of free staphylocoagulase.Methodology and results: To do this, 25 strains of Staphylococcus isolated from different biological samples and identified based on the presence of free staphylocoagulase aureus. These strains were subjected to the research of the free staphylocoagulase with decreasing volumes of 0.4 ml , 0.3 ml , 0.2 ml and 0.1 ml of lyophilized rabbit plasma .All the bacterial strains showed a positive result in 24 hours with 0.2 ml as the smallest volume. The coagulum formed has the same consistency as the one obtained with the indicated volume of 0.5 ml by the normal protocol. In total, the volume of rabbit plasma may therefore be reduced from 0.5 to 0.2 ml without any impact on the quality of the result.Conclusion and application of results: Thus, the volume of rabbit plasma can be reducing from 0.5 to 0.2 ml without any impact on the quality of the result. This is very interesting for the African laboratories which could improve the efficiency of techniques.Keywords: Free staphylocoagulase, rabbit plasma, efficiency

    Violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes: identificação, manejo e conhecimento da rede de referência por fonoaudiólogo em serviços públicos de saúde Family violence against children and adolescents: identification, management and knowledge of domestic violence against children and adolescents at public phonoaudiology referral services

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    OBJETIVOS: descrever o perfil e a conduta dos fonoaudiólogos das redes pública, filantrópica e privada conveniada com o SUS da cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, diante dos casos suspeitos e/ou confirmados de violência contra crianças e adolescentes, de agosto a outubro de 2008. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo de corte transversal que envolveu os fonoaudiólogos da rede do SUS com mais de um ano de formação. Constituíram variáveis do estudo as características sociodemográficas, área de atuação profissional, informações sobre o perfil acadêmico dos profissionais e dos casos suspeitos e/ou confirmados de violência por eles relatados, obtidas a partir da utilização de questionário estruturado, analisados posteriormente através de frequências simples e sumarizadas pelo teste de quiquadrado e teste Exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: dos 89 fonoaudiólogos, 43,8% (39)atenderam casos suspeitos e/ou confirmados de violência, sendo a violência física a mais frequente (35%). Dos 70 casos relatados, 2,9% (2) foram denunciados aos órgãos competentes. A maioria encaminhou os casos para atendimento pelo serviço social ou psicológico (34,3%). Cerca de 50% dos casos abandonou o tratamento. CONCLUSÕES: verificou-se um reduzido número de notificações de violência ocasionado, possivelmente, pela pouca informação dos fonoaudiólogos sobre as medidas a serem tomadas, o que sugere a necessidadede capacitação profissional para uma melhor identificação e conduta frente aos casos de violência.<br>OBJECTIVE: to describe the profile and the conduct of public sector, philanthropic, and private phonoaudiologists contracted by the public health authorities in the city of Recife, in the Brazilian State of Pernambuco, with regard to suspected and/orconfirmed cases of domestic violence against children and adolescents between August and October 2008. METHODS: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with phonoaudiologists from the Brazilian public health service with more than one year of work experience following graduation. The study variables included socio-demographic characteristics, area of work, academic profile and suspected and/or confirmed cases of abuse reported by them and were obtained using a structured questionnaire, subsequently analyzed statistically using the chisquare and Fisher's Exact test. RESULTS: of the 89 phonoaudiologists, 43.8% (39)had attended cases of suspected and/or confirmed abuse, with physical abuse being the most frequent kind (35%). Of the 70 cases reported, 2.9% (2) were referred to the appropriate authorities. Most referred the cases to social services or psychologists (34.3%). Around 50% of such patients abandoned treatment. CONCLUSION: the reporting of cases was found to be very low, due, possibility, to lack of information on the part of phonoaudiologists as to the measures to be taken. This suggests that there is a need for professional training to improve the identification of cases of violence and teach phonoaudiologists how to deal with them

    Effect of cow colostrum on the performance and survival rate of local newborn piglets in Benin Republic

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professional, studentThe effect of bovine colostrum, including its thermally labile compounds, on the survival and growth performance of local breed piglets reared by their mother, in Benin, was evaluated over a 49-day trial. Three groups of 16 piglets, stemming from two primiparous sows belonging to a unique traditional farm, were respectively fed for the first 48 h of life with either bovine colostrum heated to 85 °C for 30 min, or thawed bovine colostrum, or colostrum from the mother. Thereafter, the animals that received bovine colostrum turned back to their mother. At day 21, almost all piglets from the group that received heated colostrum died. The highest total weight gain was obtained in the group that received thawed bovine colostrum (P ˂ 0.01), followed by the group left with the mother. Corresponding average daily gains (ADGs) were 56, 34 and 2 g/day, respectively (P ˂ 0.05). At the end of the trial, the treatment effect was highly significant on the survival of piglets (100% in the thawed colostrum group vs. 00 and 50%, respectively, in the heated colostrum group and in the group left with the mother). At day 49, numerically higher weight and ADGs were obtained in the group that received thawed cow colostrum. Thawed bovine colostrum improved the growth performance and piglet survival in the local pig breed in Benin, probably owing to thermally labile components. Bovine colostrum may be used in our farms in order to reduce pre-weaning mortality, improve the profitability of livestock farmers, and ensure survival of traditional farms. The use of bovine colostrum on farms could be facilitated by collaboration between pig farmers and bovine farmers. It could also be facilitated by the creation of a colostrum bank